
Kingsglaive : Final Fantasy XV

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naujas CGI filmu levelis.. pamenu kai pirma karta ziurejau issiziojas i FInal Fantasy Spirits Within.


 It will be released in Japanese cinemas on July 9, 2016 by Aniplex,with the English release to be available via stream and download.



Nyx Ulric

The protagonist of this film and a member of the “Kingsglaive” guard under the direct control of the King. When he was a boy, he was saved by King Regis during the war, and feels indebted to him for it. He excels in battle and has a high affinity for the magical power of the royal family.

Lunafrena Nox Fleuret

An Oracle able to communicate directly with the gods, who bears the the burden of using that power for the purification of the world. Even now, she considers the moments she spent with Noctis during her childhood as important. She was supposed to go to Altissia to be married to Noctis, but she is headed towards the capital, Insomnia, to make an agreement with King Lucis.


The general in charge of the Kingsglaive guard. Although extremely tough on both himself and on others, he values those who force themselves to great efforts. He is Nyx’s master when it comes to fighting.





Libertus Ostium

Nyx’s close friend from his hometown. He has a bright personality and strong sense of responsibility, and can also be both emotional and stubborn.

Luche Lazarus

Nyx’s close friend from his hometown. He has a bright personality and strong sense of responsibility, and can also be both emotional and stubborn.

Luche Lazarus

A great magic user who has a few special abilities. A native of the Lucis frontier, she grew up an orphan. She considers the members of the Kingsglaive guard her family.








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Gaila kad EN versija gausim Stream arba dowload 
Gal bus veliau BR diskas (man į kolekcija)

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direct feed . per daug realistiska ?  :fedup:




Ravus Nox Fleuret is Luna’s brother and an officer of the Niflheim army. He’s present during the attack on Lucis.

General Glauca is a mysterious and important member of the imperial army. He’s fully covered in armor.

Pelna Khara is a young member of the Kingsglaive, very clever and gifted with excellent insight.

Tredd Furia is a top-class Glaive, highly trained and professional.

Axis Arra is also a Glaive but he’s not very talkative.

Sonitus Bellum is a master of arms, placing high value on discipline.


















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wow , va cia tai filmukas buvo . kokia story . tas Nyx galetu turet savo zaidima atskira , toks kietas charas. tikras badass. efektai tai be zodziu, grafika, plaukai, detalumas visko. Audi .  :omg:

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  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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