
Steam / Origin refund

Rekomenduojami pranešimai




Origin Great Game Guarantee Policy
Last Updated: March 16, 2015

Refunding Full Game Digital Downloads Purchased from the Origin Store

● You may be eligible for a refund of purchases made on the Origin Store ( and purchases within the Origin gaming application) of full game digital downloads (PC/Mac) published by “Electronic Arts” (collectively Electronic Arts Inc. if you reside in the United States, Canada or Japan and EA Swiss Sàrl if you reside in any other country) or participating third party titles designated as Great Game Guarantee eligible. Refund requests can be made within twenty-four (24) hours after you first launch the game, within seven (7) days from your date of purchase, or within seven (7) days from the game’s release date if you pre-ordered, whichever comes first. And if you purchase a new EA game within the first thirty (30) days of its release date and can’t play it due to technical reasons within EA’s control, you can request a refund within seventy-two (72) hours after you first launch the game instead of twenty-four (24). The applicable Great Game Guarantee refund period for full game digital downloads that are part of a bundle begins as soon as one game within the bundle is launched. Once a refund is issued, you will no longer have access to the game. To request a refund, visit your Order History and select the “Request a Refund” link next to any eligible product. Complete and submit the Refund Request Form. You will get a response within forty-eight (48) hours after your request is submitted and your refund within seven (7) to ten (10) days if you meet the Great Game Guarantee refund requirements.

● If you request a refund for a product that is part of a bundle or a product that comes with bonus content, your refund under this policy may include the entire bundle of products/content, and your access to all included products/content will be revoked.  Please note that dual platform products (such as one product that, when purchased, is playable on both PC and Mac platforms) will be treated as bundled content.  Before you submit your refund request for bundled products/content, you will be able to see an itemized list of content that must be canceled/refunded together. You may then complete the refund request and cancel all the associated content or you may withdraw your request. 

● In rare instances, refunds may not be supported for products purchased during special Origin promotions. The promotional details will explicitly state if refunds are unsupported. 

● Refunds may not be supported where Electronic Arts detects fraud or abuse of the refund process. 

● Electronic Arts reserves the right to revise the Great Game Guarantee Policy at any time in its sole discretion. Any revisions to the Policy will be effective immediately for all subsequent purchases. 

Return and Refund Policy for Third-party Games, Packaged Goods and Game Expansions/DLC/Add-Ons

● Purchases from the Origin Store for participating third party titles with an express Great Game Guarantee designation are eligible for a return/refund subject to the requirements set forth above.
● Purchases from the Origin Store for all other third-party content, as well as packaged goods, game expansions, downloadable content, time cards, virtual currency and add-ons are not subject to the Great Game Guarantee. Please see the Terms of Sale and theReturns and Cancellations FAQ for further information regarding any potential returns and/or refunds for these items.  

Returns and Refunds for Full Game Downloads Purchased from a Third-party Retail Store

● If you would like to return and/or request a refund for a full game download published by Electronic Arts but purchased from a third-party retail store, contact the retailer where you made the purchase to inquire about the retailer’s return or refund policies.  

About Your Refund Under the Great Game Guarantee Refund Policy

● When we have received and processed your request for a refund, Electronic Arts will request the appropriate refund to the payment method used for the original order. All refunds are subject to the Terms of Sale and the Returns and Cancellations policy. View completed refunds by visiting My Cases. If your refund doesn’t appear on My Cases and the processing time for your payment method has passed, contact Origin Help.

● Please note that nonrefundable payment methods such as Boleto and SOFORT are not eligible for the Great Game Guarantee. We will inform you if your payment method is nonrefundable during checkout.

Other Refund Rights and Remedies

● The Great Game Guarantee is in addition to any rights you have regarding returns or refunds, including any right to a refund or other remedy to which you may be entitled under applicable law. Please see the Returns and Cancellations FAQ and the Terms of Salefor further information regarding your refund rights and remedies. 



How To Request A Refund


Valve will, upon request via, issue a refund for any title that is requested within 14 days of purchase and has been played for less than 2 hours. Even if you fall outside of the refund rules we've described, you can submit a request and we'll take a look at it.

Additional information and troubleshooting instructions for existing refund requests can be found in our Common Refund Questions FAQ.

Step-By-Step Instructions










  1. Navigate to Steam Help ( and log in with your Steam account.
  2. After you have logged in, click on A Purchase.


  3. Find the purchase you would like to refund and click on it. If your purchase is not listed, it falls too far outside of our refund window and is ineligible for a refund.
  4. Select the problem you are having with the product.


  5. Next, click I'd like to request a refund.


  6. Fill out and submit the request form.

    Please click on the drop-down menu icon to select the Steam Wallet or the original payment method.
  7. You should receive a confirmation email that your request was successfully submitted.

Aišku neveiks gražinimas jums jei pirkote žaidimo kodus pvz iš kitu puslapiu G2A ir kiti
Gražinimas būna tik jei viska pirkote iš Steam arba Origin 

Jei ką nors daugiau žinote prašom rašykite čia kad visi žinotu
Aš dar neturėjau jokiu problemų kad prireiktu gražinti jiems žaidimą 

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • @Mldc Bus tikrai gerai. Aš irgi to nesuprantu jeigu veikėja moteris viskas jau woke ar juodaodis žmogus-voras (Miles Morales) nu tai b** pasidomėkit prieš rašant, pasiskaitytų knygas raganiaus atžvilgiu o juoduko voro komiksus tegul paskaito kuriems irgi n metų. Anksčiau nifiga niekam nerūpėjo, o dabar jau verkia nat kiekvieno kampo kaip ir dėl naujo Naughty dog žaidimo. Man kaip tik smagiau žaisti už moterį protagoniste visur kur tik galima imu moteris tiek AC tiek CP2077 ir pan.  
    • Dar kas keisčiausia, jog yra žmonių, kurie skundžiasi, jog The Witcher 4 pagrindinis personažas bus moteris ir dar netradicinės ji tokia knygose  šiaip aš toks esu labiau anti woke pažiūrų ir už žodžio laisvę, bet kartais, kai kurie anti woke žmonės nusivažiuoja ir žiauriai. Apskritai moterys kaip main personažai niekam netrukdė kaip Portal žaidimuose, trukdyti tik dabar pradeda, kai woke studijos užkrauna žaidimus ar filmus woke mintimis, vietoje stipraus personažo ir istorijos, ir kai dirbtinai kūrėjai savo pažiūras bando įpiršti, ko niekam nereikia, tada tai problema, o čia bet čia knygose taip, kurioms gal 30 metų...čia kaip tik respectina OG material. Tad kiek nesuprantu interneto liaudies, nes kai perspaudžia kur nereikia yra irgi blogai, nesvarbu kurioje pusėje woke ar anti woke. Dėl knygų tai gimtadienio proga gavau visas 8 knygas dovanu, tai kai rasiu laiko per pusmetį ketinu visas perskaityti būtinai. Dabar kaip tik The Wicher 3 per naujo pradėjau žaisti, nu tai ką...šedevras. Manau ir šita dalis neatsiliks, nesugadins kaip serialas visko, kur tik pasityčiojo iš knygų, žaidimų, vis tiek lenkai kuria, manau bus gerai.
    • @Mldc Tai niekas nesako, kad vyresnės Ciri išvaizda bloga, kaip tik labai gerai, juk subrendus dabar ji tikiu, kad bus masterpiece ši dalis. W3 n kartų perėjęs ir visus kartus gavęs pabaiga kaip ji tampa ragane, tad mano pabaiga canon gaunasi  bet pereit reiks dar sykį prieš W4, o kad Ciri bus main veikėja čia aiškiau nebūna, visa istorija sukasi aplink ją tiek knygose tiek žaidymuose. Buvau pradėjęs skaityti jau penktą knygą, bet teko daryti gan ilgą pauzę ~3m., tad mastau knygas pradėti skaityti iš naujo.
    • Kad normali ta išvaizda ir tikrai trailerio Ciri geriau atrodo, negu čia kažkokia aktorė su kuria lyginama ji internete, su kuria panašumų išvis nerandu. O dėl Witcher 4 kokybės, visi žinom, jog CD Project turi gabumų vis dar sukurti šedevrą, Cyberpunk gi sutvarkė ir jo expansionas žiauriai geras. Tikrai nedarys tokio disaster koks buvo su Cyberpunku, tad manau galim būti ramūs. O, kad Ciri bus pagrindinis personažas buvo aišku jau 2015 metais, nes visas Witcher 3 taip pastatytas su Ciri žaidybiniais intarpais, kad ji perims main protagonist rolę kitame žaidime. Ir knygose (kurias dabar visas skaitau po truputi) visa esmė kaip suprantu ir sukasi aplink Ciri, tad čia buvo tik laiko klausimas.
    • Nenustebčiau, kad čia ji ir yra, tik balsas kitos aktorės, kaip tą darė su Indy žaidimu, Indy - Fordas, balsas - Trojus
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos