
Nintendo Switch naujienos

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Atrodytų Contra fanų nostalgijai patenkinti, nors... matosi, kad naujai kartai skirtas žaidimas. Kas dėl Zelda Link's Awakening perkūrimo, tai puikios žinios. Mielai perkurtą dar sužaisčiau, nes originalą esu perėjęs su Gameboy.

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Jeigu ne Fake News tai vienam hakeriui pavyko paleisti xbox emuliatoriu Switch konsoleje.



Game development hobbyist and self-described Xbox fan Voxel9 recently shared a YouTube video in which he boots up the XQEMU Xbox emulator on a Switch and manages to load and play some games, including the first Halo.

The video begins with the code for the emulator being compiled, followed by the intro animation for Microsoft’s 2001 debut console and a quick tour of the home menu. From there he locates Halo: Combat Evolved on the harddrive, creates a new save file, and starts up the game, getting through the beginning cinematic and briefly walking around the Pillar of Autumn spaceship. The emulation is far from smooth and the frame rate is low, but it doesn’t crash.

Voxel9 also shows off 2002’s JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future running on the Switch this way. It was a console exclusive and has never been ported. Even the Xbox One backwards compatibility program doesn’t include it. While the image looks crisps, it runs so slowly Voxel9 has the video play at four times speed to simulate what the frame rate should actually look like.

We didn’t get to test things for ourselves but the video shows the emulator running. Starting with it being compiled in the Linux command prompt up to showing the Xbox one dashboard and individual games. It also runs about as rough as you would expect the notoriously finicky Xbox emulation software to run on lower-end device like the Switch. We reached out to Voxel9 for more information but have not heard back yet.

Voxel9 used a version of XQEMU, an open source Xbox emulation project that is still being developed and currently only runs smoothly on top-end PCs. It tries to emulate what would be happening on the original Xbox GPU bit by bit, and as a result takes a lot more time and work to optimize.

In the description of the video, Voxel9 writes that the emulator was running on Linux, which he installed on his hacked Switch, rather than the device’s proprietary Horizon operating system to improve performance. You also don’t see his hands in the video because he’s operating the Switch using a PS4 controller rather than the Joy-Con since the emulator in its current form can’t detect them.

“So you’re playing Xbox games with a PlayStation controller on a portable Nintendo console?” wrote one person on Reddit. “What the actual fuck is this world?”

Ever since a hardware-based exploit discovered last year blew the Switch homebrew scene wide open, hackers have been working on getting all different types of programs up and running on the Nintendo device. Last October, the developers behind the front-end dashboard for various emulators, RetroArch, announced it was finally working on hacked Switches, bringing with it support for NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, and other retro gaming emulators.

Emulation for many more modern consoles is still a work in progress, especially on a less powerful device like the Switch. RetroArch is still working on support for N64 emulators for the Switch, for example. Meanwhile Xbox emulators are far from optimized, even when running on standard PCs, due in part to the complexity of how the original hardware was designed and laid out. It’s impressive to see Xbox games running on the Switch at all.


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Nintendo Switch Lite  $199






Nintendo says there’s no performance difference between the two models, and you can still use the same accessories with the Lite, including Joy-Con controllers, the Switch Pro Controller, and the Poké Ball Plus. The Switch Lite still supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and NFC, and has built-in gyro controls.


The new device has a 5.5-inch touch display, compared to 6.2-inch for its predecessor. If you take a single Joy-Con off of an original Switch, you’ll have a good idea of the size of the new version. There are some other nice touches as well, like bezels and an air vent that match the color of the hardware, so they blend in better. Overall it’s a solid device, and exactly what you’d expect from this kind of refresh


ekranas sumazejo iki 5.5' , liko 720p , performance sako toks pat liko irgi. 





ekranas laisvai galejo but ir didesnis toks kaip tas remelis apie ekrana 

ir jis jau neisides i docka iseitu... ?  :chan:


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nesamone, geriau butu buve kazkas panasaus i ps tv.

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na kaina gerokai numuse tai gerai manau jau daug kas galvoja va dabar uz tokia kaina jau bus galima pirkt. taip jis jau nesiswitchina taip nesideda i docka taip nesijungia prie tv , bet uztai ir kaina $199 . siai dienai atrodo tai pigiausia nesiojama konsole. 

aisku LT jo kaina bus greiciau apie 250

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Nintendo pagerins ir orginalaus Switch baterija su naujais modeliai kad ji laikytu irgi kaip naujo Lite modelio 


Last week, Nintendo announced the Switch Lite. The original Switch system is also getting some love, with the company today revealing an updated model.

Model number HAC-001(-01) will soon begin production. When it’s released, battery life will last approximately 4.5 – 9 hours. Nintendo says that Zelda: Breath of the Wild will last roughly 5.5 hours on a single charge.


pasirodys nauji modeliai rugpjuti-rugseji


This updated Switch model is expected to go on sale during the middle of August. Europe will have to wait a bit longer for an early September launch.


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A little into the event, it was revealed that a large catalog of SNES games will be headed to Nintendo Online.

Here is the full list of games that are headed to the system:

  • Brawl Brothers
  • Demon’s Cross
  • Joe & Mac 2: Lost in the Tropics
  • Kirby’s Dream Land 3
  • Star Fox
  • Super E.D.F. Earth Defense Force
  • Super Mario Kart
  • Super Mario World 2: Yoshi’s Island
  • Super Puyo Puyo 2
  • Super Tennis
  • Breath of Fire
  • F-Zero
  • Kirby’s Dream Course
  • Pilotwings
  • Stunt Race FX
  • Super Ghouls’n Ghosts
  • Super Mario World
  • Super Metroid
  • Super Soccer
  • The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past




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    • XIV a. Europa Kruvini konfliktai užgriūva kraštus, o išgyvenusiuosius užklumpa Juodoji mirtis. Po tūkstančius gyvybių nusinešusių nelaimių išnaikinta žmonių populiacija kovoja dėl išlikimo. Tai silpnumo akimirka - ir tai viskas, ko jiems reikėjo. Vampyrai naudojasi savo galimybe Jie išeina iš šešėlių ir reikalauja to, kas iš jų buvo atimta šimtmečius: laisvės ir su ja susijusios galios. Kitos nakties būtybės seka jų pavyzdžiu. Legendos virsta tikrove, o istorija, kokią ją pažįstame, niekada nebebus tokia pati. Jūs valdysite jaunuolį vardu Coen'as Jaunuolis, tapęs Aušros vaikinu ir amžinai besiblaškantis tarp dienos ir nakties pasaulio. Kovokite už savo žmogiškumą arba pasinaudokite prakeiktomis galiomis, kad išgelbėtumėte savo šeimą. Kad ir ką pasirinktumėte, klausimas lieka atviras: ar jūsų siela verta tų, kuriuos mylite, gyvybių? Suderinkite vampyrišką jėgą ir žmogišką ryžtą Susidurkite su savo priešais - žmonėmis ar pabaisomis. Tačiau nepamirškite - tikrasis blogis gali šildytis saulės šviesoje, o ištikimiausi sąjungininkai gali slėptis po nakties skraiste.  
    • Nice, man patinka daiktus isgrezti iki galo  Pirmus 2.5 metu laikiau ijungta krovimo limitavima nustatymuose, kur max iki 80-85proc krauna, bet dabar pumpinu iki 100proc ir nebeciedyju
    • Aišku darom Naudoju po šiai dienai, neseniai įsidėjau 1TB microSD kortelę (didesnio jau nebepalaiko), tai telpa visa muzika kokią, tik turiu ir dar vietos video visokiems sočiai liko. Tiek baterija tiek performance'as tebėra toks pats geras. Aš irgi vis pamėtau jį, tačiau turiu grūdintą stiklą visada uždėjęs, tai apsaugo. Jau trečias stiklas pradėjo byrėti.  
    • Nu tai darom update ir po treju metu, kodel ne Viskas same, baterija <15-20proc elgiasi taip pat, niekas nepasikeite. At this point,varysiu iki galo kol veiks. Teisybes delei jau yra nulekes nuo motociklo laikiklio lekiant misku apie 80kmh, bet nenutiko visiskai nieko
    • Taip, tačiau iš jo galėsi žaisti tik Xbox One, Xbox 360 ir originalaus Xbox žaidimus. XSX žaidimai nepalaikomi ir juos reikia žaisti iš vidinio SSD.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos