
Nintendo Switch naujienos

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ant $10 brangesnis del korteles kainos, taciau jie nenaudoja 32gb korteles zaidimui , vietoj to naudoja tokia kur niekas netelpa . sukiso 29gb zaidima i 16gb kortele . o kita dali kaip ir kur desi jau tavo bedos  :chan:  :yao:

Doom Switch versijai reikes atsisiust dar 23gb .  :trl:

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ant $10 brangesnis del korteles kainos, taciau jie nenaudoja 32gb korteles zaidimui , vietoj to naudoja tokia kur niekas netelpa . sukiso 29gb zaidima i 16gb kortele . o kita dali kaip ir kur desi jau tavo bedos  :chan:  :yao:

Doom Switch versijai reikes atsisiust dar 23gb .  :trl:


doom tik 9 gb ir tik mp jeigu žaisi.

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:D  Toks jausmas Nintendo spaudžia leidėjus, kad jie laikytusi išankstiniu grafiku žaidimų leidime. Kad turėtu vartotojai ką žaisti. Todėl gaunasi absurdas. 40$ žaidimas.



Ubisoft released Monopoly for Nintendo Switch this week, and players have discovered it has pretty horrendous loading times.

Players have reported loading times of between five and 10 minutes for everything as simple as loading the main menu to loading a game.

Monopoly, which costs £29.99 from the eShop, is developed by Asobo Studio, a developer that's had a hand in the likes of The Crew 2, Quantum Break and ReCore.

UPDATE: Asobo Studio got in touch to say it's not the developer of Monopoly on Switch. While Asobo did develop Monopoly for PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 back in 2014, Ubisoft had a studio named EngineSoftware handle the Switch port.

Ubisoft has said it's working on a patch for the game, and suggested a workaround. The advice boils down to turning your Switch off and on again.

Here's the statement Ubisoft sent over to Eurogamer today:

"We are aware of a loading time issue with Monopoly for Nintendo Switch and our teams are working on a patch to resolve the issue as soon as possible. In the meantime, players should restart their Nintendo Switch prior to starting Monopoly for Nintendo Switch. We will share an update when the issue has been resolved."



Puse video rekomenduoju pažiūrėti, pasijuoksite smagiai.

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Mazas leakas kuriame galima iziureti galbut pasirodysiancius zaidimus Switch'ui. Tarp ju aisku ir Fortnite.



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This Nintendo Switch accessory lets you play classic arcade games vertically


There have been a handful of excellent, classic arcade games released on the Nintendo Switch that are best played vertically, as was originally intended. Titles like Ikaruga, Pac-Man, and most recently the first proper port of Donkey Kong’s arcade iteration. There’s only one problem: playing vertical games on the Switch is a nightmare, since the tablet’s kickstand and controller slots don’t support the format. But a new crowdfunded accessory could solve that problem.


It’s called the Flip Grip, and it’s essentially a grip that holds the Switch vertically, while the Joy-Con controllers slot in on the side. It’s made of a single piece of ABS plastic and features rails on either side designed to work the same as the rails on the Switch tablet. The accessory will sell for $15 if it ships, which will happen if the Kickstarter campaign is fully funded. Currently the creators are looking to raise a fairly modest $42,500 for the project.


The Flip Grip is billed as a collaboration between longtime classic games journalist Jeremy Parish, industrial designer and engineer Mike Choi, and gaming shop Fangamer. Parish came up with the idea, Fangamer connected him with Choi, and now the three are partnering to make it a reality. “There’s no risk here — the Flip Grip is prototyped, tested, and has been approved by manufacturers,” Parish writes. “We just need to round up the money to have them strike the molds and start injecting plastics. As soon as the campaign closes (assuming it’s successful), these go into production.”


If it does get funded, the Flip Grip is expected to start shipping in November.




Jeigu trumpai, si funkcija leis tam tikrus zaidimus zaisti vertikaliai. Kaikurie is ju prasyti prasesi to.

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Nice, man tai tikrai labai patinka šis vertikalus išdėstymas. kartais pats įsivaizduodavau PSP su vertikaliu ekranu ir panašiai, kadangi itin mėgstu shmup tipo žaidimus, o tokie žaidimai tikrai nuostabiai eitų ant nešiojamos konsolės. :) O ir kaina stebėtinai padori.

Redagavo Haze

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pamirsai paminet kad cia tik tiem kas uzsissakys nauja Switch Online ir tik viena pakuote pulteliu vienam zmogui , kuris pasileidzia jau  Rugsejo 18d. kainuos $29.95 12 men. tai tikrai niekas pulteliu neprisipirks ir neperpardavines veliau. cia jei jau pasistenge, kad imtum Online. 


Nintendo today announced the full details regarding Nintendo Switch Online. The paid online subscription service will go live on September 18, 2018.

The service will cost AU$29.95 for 12 months and gives subscribers access to 5 main features detailed below. Families with more than 2 Nintendo Accounts can take advantage of a Family Membership which costs AU$54.95 for 12 months and can include up to 8 Nintendo Accounts.

The five main features of Nintendo Switch Online are:

  • Online Play: players can compete against others over the internet in supported multiplayer Nintendo Switch games. Since the launch of the console, Nintendo has offered this for free on a “trial” basis. A Nintendo Switch Online membership will be required to play games online from September 18. Nintendo is offering a 7 day free trial from launch date.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System Nintendo Switch Online: Members will have access to a constantly growing list of classic NES games on Nintendo Switch. Multiplayer is also enabled and games will also have online access, allowing players to upload scores to leader boards and compete over the internet. Games that aren’t featured in the NES Classic Mini will appear on the Nintendo Switch.
  • Save Data Cloud: Nintendo Switch game save files will automatically backup to the cloud. The feature isn’t available with all software (games such as Splatoon 2 and Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu!/Eevee! would enable players to cheat if they could access older save files, for example). The feature is intended to store a backup of user data should something happen to their console.
  • Dedicated Smartphone App: The Nintendo Switch Online smartphone/tablet app enables players to voice chat while playing games online. Games can also enhance gameplay with the app.
  • Exclusive offers for members: Nintendo promised more details in the future regarding special offers for members. In the past, the company has mentioned these will be in the form of exclusive discounts on games in the eShop.

Nintendo is also launching a wireless NES gamepad set for Switch. The gamepads will work with the NES titles offered with the Nintendo Switch Online service and can be charged by connecting them to the Nintendo Switch console, as one would a Joy-Con. The set includes 2 gamepads and is only avalible to those with a Nintendo Switch Online account, and then limited to one pack per customer. In the US, the set is being sold for US$59.99. Local pricing is being sought.

NES games launching with the online service are as follows:

  • Soccer
  • Tennis
  • Donkey Kong
  • Mario Bros.
  • Super Mario Bros.
  • Balloon Fight
  • Ice Climber
  • Dr. Mario
  • The Legend of Zelda
  • Super Mario Bros. 3
  • Double Dragon
  • River City Ransom
  • Ghosts’n Goblins
  • Tecmo Bowl
  • Gradius
  • Pro Wrestling
  • Excitebike
  • Yoshi
  • Ice Hockey
  • Baseball

The following games will be added in October:

  • Solomon’s Key
  • NES Open Tournament Golf
  • Super Dodge Ball

The following games will be added in November:

  • Metroid
  • Mighty Bomb Jack
  • TwinBee

The following games will be added in December:

  • Wario’s Woods
  • Ninja Gaiden
  • Adventures of Lolo


hmm voice chatas vyks per telefono appsa.  :god:

Switch gaus senesnius FF zaidimus ... bet ne VIII kazkodel .. 





tie pulteliai uzsides logiska aisku



atrodo didesni pulteliai nei orginalus switcho tai turetu but patogesni. 

aisku japonai gaus dar kietesnius famicom pultelius , nors gal cia skonio reikalas






AC Odyssey veiks tik japonijoj prie ju vietiniu cloud serveriu


ir Cloud Save palaikys ne visi zaidimai.


Nintendo of America offered an explanation for why some Switch games won't support Switch Online's cloud-save feature: "In certain games, this feature would make it possible to, for example, regain items that had been traded to other players, or revert to a higher online multiplayer ranking that had been lost." The company added a specific answer to why its own Splatoon 2 would skip the feature: "to ensure that Save Data Cloud backups cannot be used to unfairly affect online multiplayer rankings." This statement does not clarify why other first-party games with online leaderboards and rankings, particularly Arms, are somehow immune to this issue.





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palyginus su dideliu konsoliu online tai nintendo online nera jau toks brangus ir gausi NES zaidimu ten kazkiek ir leidima isigyt pakuote NES pulteliu. bet aisku galetu but ir daugiau funkciju i ta online jau idiegta. 

aisku del patogumo tai jau seniau buvo isleista nintendo stiliaus pulteliu kurie tinka prie Switch. nieko cia naujo kaip ir. 


plius kad jie blututiniai ir veikia tiek su pc tiek su switch. 

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Nintendo , WTF ????!!!

Please note: Nintendo Entertainment System Controllers can only be used while detached from the Nintendo Switch system, and only to play NES – Nintendo Switch Online games. Nintendo Entertainment System Controllers can be charged by attaching to the Nintendo Switch system.



kas ji pirks uz $60 jei jis neveiks su switch be NES zaidimu ... rimtai nintendo ???  :chan:

eilini karta nintendo online bandymas failins bent jau situose krastuose kur jie megina ji paleist.... 

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Nintendo Switch Online was hacked a few hours after launch


 Yesterday Nintendo launched a game subscription for Nintendo Switch Online, which could offer its subscribers access to 20 classic games with NES. In less than a day, the service was hacked. Users can now add games , not officially added by Nintnedo.


Users found that the emulation used in the Switch is a direct port of the software with the NES Classic Edition. This allowed you to easily access the standard selection of NES in Nintendo Switch Online and upload your own Roma to the service.


According to one of the users, the process of adding is not that complicated, but he would not recommend doing it. Nintendo is unpredictable when it comes to things like hacking its services.



Reikia jiems kazkaip su apsaugos specialistais padirbeti nes dabar viskas kiaura.

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nauja Super Mario Bros U Deluxe versija spec skirta Switch. Unocked atrodo taip pat kaip Wii U


    • 1080p docked, 720p undocked on Switch vs 720p on Wii U
    • Improved anisotropic filtering on Switch docked
    • No anti-aliasing
    • Altered character models
    • Higher shadow resolution
    • Undocked looks identical to Wii U version
    • Locked 60 fps docked and undocked



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    • XIV a. Europa Kruvini konfliktai užgriūva kraštus, o išgyvenusiuosius užklumpa Juodoji mirtis. Po tūkstančius gyvybių nusinešusių nelaimių išnaikinta žmonių populiacija kovoja dėl išlikimo. Tai silpnumo akimirka - ir tai viskas, ko jiems reikėjo. Vampyrai naudojasi savo galimybe Jie išeina iš šešėlių ir reikalauja to, kas iš jų buvo atimta šimtmečius: laisvės ir su ja susijusios galios. Kitos nakties būtybės seka jų pavyzdžiu. Legendos virsta tikrove, o istorija, kokią ją pažįstame, niekada nebebus tokia pati. Jūs valdysite jaunuolį vardu Coen'as Jaunuolis, tapęs Aušros vaikinu ir amžinai besiblaškantis tarp dienos ir nakties pasaulio. Kovokite už savo žmogiškumą arba pasinaudokite prakeiktomis galiomis, kad išgelbėtumėte savo šeimą. Kad ir ką pasirinktumėte, klausimas lieka atviras: ar jūsų siela verta tų, kuriuos mylite, gyvybių? Suderinkite vampyrišką jėgą ir žmogišką ryžtą Susidurkite su savo priešais - žmonėmis ar pabaisomis. Tačiau nepamirškite - tikrasis blogis gali šildytis saulės šviesoje, o ištikimiausi sąjungininkai gali slėptis po nakties skraiste.  
    • Nice, man patinka daiktus isgrezti iki galo  Pirmus 2.5 metu laikiau ijungta krovimo limitavima nustatymuose, kur max iki 80-85proc krauna, bet dabar pumpinu iki 100proc ir nebeciedyju
    • Aišku darom Naudoju po šiai dienai, neseniai įsidėjau 1TB microSD kortelę (didesnio jau nebepalaiko), tai telpa visa muzika kokią, tik turiu ir dar vietos video visokiems sočiai liko. Tiek baterija tiek performance'as tebėra toks pats geras. Aš irgi vis pamėtau jį, tačiau turiu grūdintą stiklą visada uždėjęs, tai apsaugo. Jau trečias stiklas pradėjo byrėti.  
    • Nu tai darom update ir po treju metu, kodel ne Viskas same, baterija <15-20proc elgiasi taip pat, niekas nepasikeite. At this point,varysiu iki galo kol veiks. Teisybes delei jau yra nulekes nuo motociklo laikiklio lekiant misku apie 80kmh, bet nenutiko visiskai nieko
    • Taip, tačiau iš jo galėsi žaisti tik Xbox One, Xbox 360 ir originalaus Xbox žaidimus. XSX žaidimai nepalaikomi ir juos reikia žaisti iš vidinio SSD.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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