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Thrustmaster’s forthcoming T-GT high-end racing that will be available when Gran Turismo Sport hits later this fall. It will be expensive.

According to 4Gamer, GT Planet and TjrSim, the wheel is priced at US$799.99 plus tax.




You get the wheel set up, a three-pedal set, and the power supply that looks like a turbo charger.




It is not, however, an actual turbo charger.




The wheel has a new motor, an integrated cooling system, sensors to accurately detect handle position, and a new direct feedback feature. The wheel is outfitted with knobs, a dpad, and face buttons so players can easily toggle through menus.




On paper, the T-GT sure sounds impressive, with Thrustmaster spending 16,000 engineer hours trying faithfully reproduce the most realistic driving experience possible. That doesn’t come cheap!


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GT Sport’s Livery Editor is ‘Far More In-Depth’ Than Expected


The news comes care of IGN, as part of the same series that recently brought us footage of Bathurst in-game. During a tour of Yamauchi’s office in Japan, IGN received a first-hand demonstration. By the sounds of it, it came away impressed:


“It’s far, far more in-depth than I’d actually expected. It’s a fully-featured editor – you can choose from pre-made decals and shapes, or you can make and share your own, from scratch. GT fans who’ve been lusting for a livery editor capable of keeping up with the one available in the Forza Motorsport series for many years (and, more recently, the wrap editor in Need for Speed) are about to have their patience rewarded.”


vis gerina dadeda visko . zodziu duoda viska ...tik ne karjera ar kazkokius eventus padorius pries AI

cia turetu but is paskutinio buildo kuris buvo viesai rodytas


pasak Yamauchi'o tokie zaidimai neturetu but sunkus valdyt, nes vairuoti realia masina nera sunku, tai kodel zaidime turi but taip viskas apsunkinta. siaip as sutinku su tuo pilnai. 



Kazunori Yamauchi: Driving Simulators Shouldn’t be Difficult


With the announcement of a fall release window, Polyphony Digital has revved up the GT SportPR machine and set it into action. As part of this, CEO Kazunori Yamauchi recently appeared in a new IGN video looking at how GT Sport aims to re-capture that Gran Turismo magic.



Yamauchi’s Influence on Sound Design

It’s a topic that always generates discussion for the GT series, but we’ve never known just how much Yamauchi has influenced sound design. As it turns out, the series creator contributed heavily to the sound of the series in the first three titles.

Kazunori has taken on a larger role for GT Sport, focusing on the noises of each individual car and the technology involved to make the game sound real. The video specifically uses an example of how a car sounds when passing by the in-game camera. The engine sound transfers from the left through to the right speaker, replicating what you would experience in real life.

“I always wanted to be part of the sound creation process — actually I was pretty involved until Gran Turismo 3. However, I had a lesser role in episodes four, five and six.”

GT Sport aims to bring a more realistic-sounding experience to the players.

Driving a Car is Not Difficult. Why Should a Driving Simulation Be?

Turning his focus from sound design, Yamauchi brings up an interesting point of discussion: how should a driving simulator feel?

Gran Turismo was one of the first to popularize the genre, but there are more options now than ever before. The sim community has broadened, each faction with its own idea on how a simulation should drive. Yamauchi weighs in on this topic during the video.

This is certainly a controversial view. Yamauchi believes the ease of driving in reality should transfer directly with Gran Turismo. There should be no huge barrier in entering the series.

“A common misunderstanding when making a racing simulator, is thinking the real physics are difficult. I run in races, both in real life and virtually, but in the end driving a car is not that difficult.

So, if a driving simulator is difficult, it means that something went wrong in the process.”

As the genre has expanded, GT has had its fair share of critics throughout the years. As far as simulation goes, many consider titles like iRacingAssetto Corsa, and Project CARS to nail simulation more accurately. These games are generally seen as more difficult to become truly good at — especially with a controller.

Since GT Sport was announced, Polyphony’s general messaging has pushed the idea that everyone can play regardless of age and experience. It is a stark contrast to the “hardcore” sims found elsewhere. Titles like the ones listed above pride themselves on the unforgiving nature of the driving. The question is, should new players be able to tame supercar beasts with minimal effort?


interviu su paciu Yumauchi ir jo nuomone apie racing zaidimus aplamai ir apie GT Sport

paklausai kaip zmogus kalba ir tokia nostalgija prie pirmu GT gryzta , po to GT4 ant kiek revoliucinis buvo.  ir kam cia dabar i ta e-sport grynai lyst i online lenktynes jam reikejo. 

bent jau garsu si karta uzsieme rimtai jau des tai is peties.

tikra garso   evoliucija nuo GT6 

zaidimas jau uzbaigtas ks liecia contenta tai skaiciai jau buvo paskelbti :


15 lokaciju 

27 trasu variantai

140 super premium masinu


devas zada tikra HDR palaikyma kur jie viska realiai capturino HDR . tai bus zaidimas i ateiti kas liecia spalvas. devas minejo kad pirma karta aplamai bus galima pamatyt su HDR kaip realiai atrodo atskiros masinu spalvos real life atitikmenys.


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kazkaip primena prolgue versija, kol zmones sita zais, gal kurs modelius, trasas ir isleis normalu GT. 


Yamauchi sneka, kad supaprastins valdyma? skamba pieviskai, kai kasdienini vairavima prilygina lenktyninio auto valdymui, ypac, kai sioj dalyje beveik nebeliks kasdieniniu auto  :dwn: visa lenktyniu zaidimo smagumo dalis yra valdymas, GT ir taip visa laika buvo adaptuotu valdymu, jei padarys kai forzoj laivu fizika, tai isvis viska praras, NFS fanus gales privilioti.


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vien pagal gifus galima galvot kad tokios fizikos GT dar nera turejas.





pakabos darbas..

ziurint i tai kad ir ko neturetu ten naujas GT na bent jau ismegint trasas su skirtingom masinom tai noretusi.



:god:  :god:  :god:  :god:

tire flex


koks apsvietimas masinu ir trasos ... :dribble:



kazkaip cia Forzos 7 smeliu ant trasos nesenai stebejausi, pasirodo kad GT Sport smeli galima uznesti ant trasos irgi dinamiskai ...



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scena is fast and furious ... o jei rimtai ispudinga kad gali rast ir kur uz trasos ribu pavazinet 


GT S masinu modeliai tokie detalus ir visa info ten tokia detali kad tai bus naudojama ir ateinantiems GT zaidimams , sekancios kartos konsolems pasak devo.


Regarding the car models used in GT Sport, Yamauchi had this to say:

“The models that we use for Gran Turismo Sport now, these models will probably support generations of consoles beyond the PlayStation 4 and the PlayStation 4 Pro. 

This level of data will probably carry us for the next 10 years or so, I think, because the level of precision of these models is unmatched anywhere in the world right now. 

The only models that are higher in quality to what we have here would be the CAD models coming straight from the manufacturers, which cannot be rendered in real-time, obviously. 

For models that can be rendered in real-time, this really is the best data that you’ll find anywhere in the world.”

“The things you can do for sound are limitless. I mean, there’s no end to the amount of work that it can take. 

And there are still more things that we want to make better, but having made a number of different discoveries in doing our development – and having been able to implement that now – is actually very satisfying. In terms of graphics, even with the PS4 and PS4 Pro generation, we could always use more power. 

But in terms of audio, there is actually a higher degree of freedom with what we can do now. In terms of just audio, I think the environment that’s available to us now is very rich, relatively speaking, compared to graphics.”




Gran Turismo Sport Update Information (1.08) Main Features Implemented
  • Time penalties will now be incurred if collisions between cars take place under certain conditions.
  • The issue that caused camera settings to be reset when restarting a race has been fixed.
Other Improvements and Adjustments
  • Various issues have been addressed.
  • Furthermore, after this patch has been applied, we are planning to hold races that feature tyre wear, fuel depletion, and car damage. Be sure to give them a try!


padangu devejimasis ir damage modelis , kiek zmoniu jau ismegino sako kad tai labiau mechaniniai gedimai su daliniai vizualiniais isoriniais pabraizymais

GTS 1.08 mechaninio damage bandymai. kol kas apgailetina siaip, ypac atsitrenkimas i kazka. o toki ale damage masinos dalim kiek pamenu turejo ir praeiti GT senai jau


Forza 6 vs GT Sport Beta 1.08 vs Project CARS damage testas

forzoj apexe man patinka kai uzraso kuri dalis tau parejo ir tada vaziuoji toliau su pasekmemis jau. aisku Project cars turejo nulekencius ratus ir kitas dalis tai cia nieks nesilygina su tuo. 

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na ka jau isleidimo data Spalio 17 -18 d. 





Hello GT Fans!

I’m extremely excited to confirm that Gran Turismo Sport will be launching on October 18th across Europe this year. Following the successful completion of our Closed BETA phase, as announced earlier this week, we are now entering the final stages of polishing as we prepare for launch.

Between now and launch you can expect to hear a lot more from the GT team, as we unveil more information on the many features included in Gran Turismo Sport, including the campaign mode, various creative tools, as well as a full reveal on all the cars and tracks you can look forward to racing on launch day!

In the meantime though, I’d like to take this opportunity on behalf of myself and PDI, to express my gratitude for the continued support of GT fans and PlayStation supporters around the world during this BETA period. We’re as keen as all of you to get the game into player’s hands, and can’t wait to hear what everyone thinks of the game when it launches in October.

We’ve strived to create something that delivers an unprecedented experience in terms of the graphics, sound and physics simulation;an experience that can only be enjoyed on PlayStation.

Gran Turismo Sport is available to pre-order now from both PlayStation Store and retailers across Europe. We’ve plenty of choices available to GT fans to help select the right edition for them…

On top of the Standard Edition full game, we’ve also got:

- Gran Turismo Sport Collector’s Edition

- Gran Turismo Sport Steel Book Edition

- Gran Turismo Sport Day 1 Edition

- Gran Turismo Sport Digital Deluxe Edition

- Gran Turismo Sport Digital Edition








zaidimas palaikys true wide color i ateiti kai jau visi TV pilnai palaikys HDR10 . 







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galutinis info apie tuos SP eventus / issukius kurie bus prieinami lost 


This is the official info from the GT Sport website of each section-- (All mission counts are taken from a screenshot they released during this E3)

Beginner’s School (50 events)
From basic skills such as hitting the brakes and how to turn into a corner, fundamentals can be learned from the bottom up, which will prove invaluable for newcomers to driving games.

Mission Challenge (50 events)
As you work your way through short missions, you will automatically pick up fundamental driving skills without even realising it. In the end, you will have a level of skill that will allow you to participate in major race events.

Circuit Experience (21 events)
Through actual experience on a race track, you will step into the true world of high-performance driving. Use the knowledge of track layouts learned in the mission challenges to pick up the basics of how to conquer a race track.

Race Etiquette (24 events)
In online, as well as real races, etiquette on the track is as important as performance. Learn the rules of etiquette and sportsmanship that’s required in all player-vs-player races. Even if you’re not a top driver with lots of confidence in your skills, you will still have plenty of fun because each player will be matched fairly with people of their own level for fair and equal online racing.


From the descriptions alone, it seems like Circuit Experience is the only thing that could hold actual races in it, but then there's these slides they showed last year which indicate that even circuit experience may not be comprised of just straight up races. So yeah, I'd say it's a safe assumption to think that the campaign mode is basically a bunch of glorified license tests designed to prepare you for online. Or at the very least, the vast majority (124/145 missions) of it is.










tai visai nera tai ko noreciau ...cia kaip tos teises kur buvo senesniuose GT. ir ko as ten visai nemegau siaip bet reikejo ka darysi.


taigi si karta zaidime jokiu integru, jokiu type R , jokiu civicu, jokiu 350Z , jokiu JDM. turbut maziausia japoniskas GT koks tik yra buves. 


kas prisimena kai GT keitem senus tepalus ir plaudavom senas masinas ?


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kazkoks online racingas.gaila.teks praleisti.zmones lauke visa PS4 karta normalaus GT zaidimo taip ir nesulauks :/ teks laukti jiems ant PS5 :/

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kad ir kaip bebutu gaila bet kas turi gera PC tai Forza 7 manau duos viska ko reikia. 

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Vienas linksmas video. Kodel neverta zaidime rinktis Buggati :D








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