Rekomenduojami pranešimai



  • Platformos

    • PC
    • PlayStation 4
  • Kūrėjas

    • Team Ninja
  • Leidėjas

    • Koei Tecmo
    • Sony Interactive Entertainment
  • Temos

    • Alternate Historical
    • Martial Arts
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    A historical action game loosely based on the story of English samurai William Adams, as he helps slay the yokai that infest Sengoku-era Japan while hunting down a malicious alchemist.


Apie žaidimą

A historical action game loosely based on the story of English samurai William Adams, as he helps slay the yokai that infest Sengoku-era Japan while hunting down a malicious alchemist.



Nioh is an action RPG game with players taking the role of William Adams, a rare foreigner samurai who works for Hattori Hanzo under Tokugawa Ieyasu. As William, the player must fight their way through both human warriors and demonic yokai to bring peace to Sengoku-era Japan.

Nioh features hack-and-slash survival action similar to that of Dark Souls, as players must use careful positioning and stamina (ki) management in order to survive the many enemies that William faces. Even the most basic enemy is capable of killing William in a few hits. However, William has many tools at his disposal, and can even pick up additional weapons or armor from fallen enemies on occasion.

The game had been in development since October 2004 and went through several iterations before finally being released in February 2017.


In the year 1600, after being betrayed and left to rot in the Tower of London, William Adams manages to break out with the help of a guardian spirit. However, his spirit is soon captured by the English alchemist Edward Kelley, who plans to journey to Japan to steal the magical "Amrita" stones in order to strengthen the rule of Queen Elizabeth.

William journeys to the land of "Zipangu" (Japan) to find Kelley and take back his spirit. While there, he notices that strange beasts called yokai have ravaged the countryside, and fights his way through them. His skill attracts the attention of master ninja Hattori Hanzo, who offers to help William track down Kelley in exchange for slaying the yokai.

Main Characters

William Adams

The player character of Nioh. A rare foreign samurai from England, he has traveled to the mystical land of Zipangu (Japan) in order to hunt down the alchemist Edward Kelley, who stole his guardian spirit. Upon arrival, he quickly finds himself embroiled in the machinations of Tokugawa Ieyasu, who seeks to unify Japan under his rule.

Edward Kelley

A powerful alchemist working under John Dee in the service of Queen Elizabeth, he stole William's guardian spirit in order to navigate to Japan. His ultimate goal is to collect the Amrita stones, which are in abundance in Japan, and use their energy to strengthen the English crown as well as his own power.

Hattori Hanzo

A master ninja serving Tokugawa Ieyasu, who teaches William how to use a variety of weapons and ninja techniques.


The development of Nioh from the initial reveal to release took just under 13 years since originally being announced in October 2004 (as Oni).

Oni Feature Film

Along with the announcement of Oni the game, came the announcement of a feature film with the same name. Both were originally planned to be released in 2006. The film would be inspired by an unfinished script from legendary Japanese filmmaker Akira Kurosawa (before he died in September 1998) and directed by his son Hisao Kurosawa. However, the movie production was cancelled in 2005 for unspecified reasons.

At the 2005 Tokyo Game Show, Koei announced that the film was canceled, but that production of the game was still underway. Following this announcement, no new information about the game was released until a year later with the debut of a new trailer at TGS 2006.

Oni Video Game

Oni the game was originally conceived in 2004 as a Japanese role-playing game (JRPG). However, co-producer Kou Shibusawa did not feel a JRPG would fit with the script. Production then shifted to Omega Force, where Oni would be reimagined as a Dynasty Warriors-style musou game. However, Shibusawa again was dissatisfied with the production, and scrapped the idea later.

Following TGS 2006, after changing the title to Ni-Oh, Koei remained silent on the game's status until the April 2009 issue of Famitsu revealed that Nioh was still in development.


At TGS 2010, it was revealed that development of the game had been handed off to Team Ninja, the development studio under Koei's new partner Tecmo, responsible for the Dead or Alive and Ninja Gaiden series. News on the game died down significantly after 2010, except for occasional statements from Koei Tecmo to say that it was still "under development."

Both Team Ninja and the remaining staff from Koei that worked on Oni had the basic concepts in mind, but were unsure of how to use them. Oni co-director Fumihiko Yasuda tried to use the unfinished Kurosawa movie script, but in the end couldn't make it work within the game and cut most of it out. The only things that remained were the Sengoku-era Japan setting and the protagonist being a blonde-haired foreigner.

Yasuda and the surviving Koei team decided to create an original story loosely based on William Adams, a real-life English navigator from around the early 17th century who became a rare Western Samurai and trusted advisor to the future shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. Combining his story with the James Clavell novel Shogun (also loosely based on Adams history), the team finally had a base for the story and the main character of the game. On top of that, fictional stories of Japanese yokai were mixed in liberally to add supernatural elements to the game.

Meanwhile, Team Ninja was hard at work on designing the gameplay for Nioh, as they noticed the increasing popularity of brutally hard action-adventure games such as Dark Souls, and started creating Nioh's gameplay with that series as a big inspiration, along with other video game series like Onimusha and Diablo. Some members of the team even credited the popularity of the Souls series for keeping Nioh from being outright cancelled.

The End of Development

Eventually Nioh was revealed at the 2015 TGS as a Playstation 4 exclusive, and would be released worldwide in October 2016. However, the release date was pushed back to February 2017 in order to give the development team time to make adjustments based on player feedback from the demo and polish the localization for markets outside Japan.


Though Team Ninja developed an internal alpha build in 2012, the build that incorporated the new ideas of Koei staff and Team Ninja into Nioh was never seen until April 26, 2016. The alpha test was released exclusively through the Playstation Network, and about 850,000 people downloaded it. Among the feedback provided was that the high difficulty, missing tutorial, and awkward controls made Nioh hard to play.

Team Ninja made adjustments and released a second, "beta" demo between late August and early September of 2016, and received more feedback to make further changes to the game.

The third demo, titled "Last Chance Trial," was released on January 20–23 2017, offering free DLC for the full game to those who beat it, and showing off the improvements that the development team had made.



Kūrėjas: Team Ninja
Leidėjas: Koei-Tecmo
Žanras: Action
Išleidimo data: 2017 -- --
Puslapis: Gamecity





NIOH (仁王), originally titled Oni (鬼) and formerly spelled Ni-Oh, is an upcoming action game first announced in 2004 as a PlayStation 3 exclusive. It has been stuck in development limbo for over a decade; its finalized form was presented at the SCEJA Press Conference 2015. The main goal of the project is to present an original "difficult and dark samurai action game" from Koei. Kou Shibusawa started as the project's producer before being made the general producer. Hisashi Koinuma is the current producer. Team NINJA started as backup before becoming the lead development team for this title. Yosuke Hayashi and Fumihiko Yasuda are the directors. The first model of the project released to the public stated that the game's story would be based on one of Akira Kurosawa's unfinished works. A future film of the same name was set to be directed by his son, Hisao, but both mediums experienced delays. After many years of silence, Shibusawa presented the title again with Yousuke Hayashi at Tokyo Game Show 2010. Shibusawa revealed that they had a prototype role-playing version of the game in 2006 that allowed players to direct generals in battle. He felt it was too rigid to be presented as a revitalizing game for the company. To remedy the problem, he decided to hand it to Team NINJA to bring new life into it. While he knows that Koei is famous for historical simulations, Shibusawa responded that he doesn't want the same experience with NIOH as he is striving purely for historical entertainment with this title. He feels the newer results from Team NINJA has made a complete revival for the better and is pleased with what has been presented to him. Hayashi responded that it was a pleasure collaborating with Shibusawa on a product, stating he hopes players experience the definition of a samurai within the current age. He later commented that their original prototype was rejected because it was deemed too similar to NINJA GAIDEN. Development was delayed again when Shibusawa wanted a graphical update to the PS4, lengthening the development for the action model to seven years. Koinuma remarks the game shaped into something that satisfied everyone in 2015.


Oficialus Žaidimo Pristatymas



Daugelis jau spėjo žaidimą sulyginti su populiaria "Dark Souls" serija, tačiau šis žaidimas žada būti daugiau orientuotas į mūšius. Prikeltas iš miego, Ni-Oh pagaliau kūrimas įgavo pagreitį, tai ko neleido PS3 pajėgumai, PS4 atsiskleidžia visu gražumu. Daugelis šį žaidimą pavadino geriausiu Tokyo Game Show 2015 žaidimu. Pagrindinis personažas iš akies luptas Witcher sagos herojus Geralt.





Shuhei Yoshida said that Ni-Oh shot straight to the top of his most favourite third party game list for 2016 when he found out what the game was about and how it was like onimusha but much more like Dark Souls where it is easy to die and impossible to complete first time.


Laukiame dar vienos "bombos" iš rytų, nes neabejoju, kad šis žaidimas pasieks Vakarus.

Redagavo Magnitas

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

   Žiurėjau ankščiau gameplay. Laukiu nuolato kokio geimo su Samurajais, tik retas turi neblogą ar bent kiek įdomesnė kardo valdymo techniką. O šitas, tai kaip tikras samurajus dar ir Yari (japoniška tradicinę ietis) nešiojasi... Jau žadėjau dėl kelių geimų pirkt PS4, bet prieš išleidimą, papildė dar ir PC tais geimais. Gal vis dėl to ir bus proga keisti PS3 į PS4 :D

   For Honor dar turi samurajų :D Įdomu kaip ten žaistųsi...

   Labai patiktų geimas su samurajais turintis panašią į Ryse Son of Rome kovų techniką... Būtų awesome...

Redagavo HesAlwaysNearUs

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Grafika ar animacijos nėr ypatingos bet gameplay primena dark souls medieval japonijoj, taip kad, sudomino. :D

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Pažėjau gameplay truputį youtube tai blem atrodo lyg ir kažkas gero, lyg ir toks neblogas mix tarp Ninja Gaiden ir Dark Souls, bet tuo pačiu ir kažkoks atrodo nedadirbtas combat'as, animacijos kampuotokos ir tokios ką žinau, aštrios, clunky vnz, bet šiaip visai patiko, gal nebus taip, kad viskas kas geriausia - iš Dark Souls ar kitų geimų pasiskolinta, viskas kas originalu - prastai įgyvendinta. :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Pažėjau gameplay truputį youtube tai blem atrodo lyg ir kažkas gero, lyg ir toks neblogas mix tarp Ninja Gaiden ir Dark Souls, bet tuo pačiu ir kažkoks atrodo nedadirbtas combat'as, animacijos kampuotokos ir tokios ką žinau, aštrios, clunky vnz, bet šiaip visai patiko, gal nebus taip, kad viskas kas geriausia - iš Dark Souls ar kitų geimų pasiskolinta, viskas kas originalu - prastai įgyvendinta. :D


Aš jau antrą dieną žaidžiu alpha demo, tai combat'as gerai padarytas, aišku dar vietomis trūksta šiek smoothness. Stamina šauniai sugalvota, kad gali visiškai "uždusti" ir net negalėsi judėti, todėl nepavyks joks mygtukų spamas. Žaidimas tikrai sunkus nuo pačių pačių pradžių kas yra labai puiku ir tikiuosi kūrėjai po feedback'o nesumažins sunkumo. Skirtingų ginklų/armour lvl įvairovė su savo privalumais ir trūkumais, priešai taip pat turi stamina ir gali pavargti, o tada galima padaryti ir finisherį. :) Taip pat patiko, jok kiekvienas ginklas turi 3 skirtingas ginklo laikimo pozicijas (high/medium/low stance) ir nuo kiekvienos skiriasi atakos/daroma žalas/greitis/sunaudojamas staminos kiekis, kurias dar galima tobulinti ir išmokti atidarant naujus skill'us. Taip pat yra shortcut'ų, visur prislėptų itemų. Galima prisėlinti prie priešų iš nugaros ir kirsti, kas padaro daugiau žalos negu kirtis iš priekio, žinoma, tai galioja ir pagrindiniam veikėjui kai priešai atakuoja. Yra ir parry, tik dar nespėjau į tai įsigilinti.


Nepatiko, kad ginklai ir armourai per greitai lūžta ir kartais kamera per arti pritraukia kai nesupranti kas vyksta, ne viską matai.


Trūksta iššūkių žaidime? Išsitrauki raudoną kardą ir prašom galingas NPC (priklausomai nuo lvl) pasiruošęs tave nužudyti.  :)


Kadangi tai "Ninja Gaiden" kūrėjai, tai maniau, jog tikriausiai man turėtų patikti, bet po alpha demo (liko final bosas) aš tiesiog sužavėtas. Žaisiu nuo pirmos dienos kai tik išleis.


Patariu pačiam atsisiųsti ir pabandyti demo, o ne spręsti iš youtube video.





toj ismeginsim demo , ivertinsim :)


Patarimas pasikeisti žaidime "Game Mode Settings" iš "Movie" (1080p/30fps) į "Action" (60fps). 

Redagavo neilazz

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Patariu pačiam atsisiųsti ir pabandyti demo, o ne spręsti iš youtube video.

Nėr kaip. :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose



Koei Tecmo and Team Ninja will release a second downloadable demo for Nioh in August following the success of the Alpha Demo in April, which was downloaded by more than 850,000 players, the publisher announced.

Daugiau info:



Redagavo neilazz

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bene laukiamiausias žaidimas. jei netyčia nebus porto PC, kitais metais būsiu priverstas įsigyti PS4. 

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