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Wasteland 2

Wasteland 2

  • Platformos

    • Mac
    • PC
    • Xbox One
    • PlayStation 4
    • +2
  • Kūrėjas

    • Obsidian Entertainment
    • inXile Entertainment, Inc.
  • Leidėjas

    • inXile Entertainment, Inc.
    • Deep Silver
  • Temos

    • Post-Apocalyptic
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    Brian Fargo, Alan Pavlish, Mike Stackpole and others reunite for a sequel to their hit 1988, post-apocalyptic CRPG Wasteland. Wasteland 2 is fan-funded from a successful Kickstarter campaign.

Wasteland 2

Apie žaidimą

Brian Fargo, Alan Pavlish, Mike Stackpole and others reunite for a sequel to their hit 1988, post-apocalyptic CRPG Wasteland. Wasteland 2 is fan-funded from a successful Kickstarter campaign.



Wasteland 2 is a sequel to the 1988 cult classic, Wasteland; it is being developed by inXile Entertainment with a team that includes many figures responsible for the original game. Wasteland 2 is a top-down, turn-based, squad-based RPG in which the player controls a group of Desert Rangers.

The game was released for PC, Mac, and Linux on September 19, 2014. Announced for a console release on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. A Nintendo Switch version was officially teased in December 2017 with a picture of a dev kit running the game.


Wasteland 2 takes place in post-apocalyptic America. The first game focused on the faction known as Desert Rangers, who modeled themselves after the pre-war rangers of Texas and Arizona. The first Desert Rangers were U.S. Army engineers, who in hopes of surviving nuclear holocaust and it's aftermath took over a newly built federal prison. They released the prisoners into the wastes to make space, and renamed the prison to Ranger Center.

In time several survivalist communities were invited to join the Rangers and the Center. By 2087 the Ranger Center became one of the most powerful and prosperous communities in the wastes. Wasteland 2 will be set somewhere in southwestern US, not long after the events of the first game.



The game was being developed with the aid of crowdfunding through The drive began on March 13, 2012. Their target amount for the campaign was $900,000, and if the campaign did not exceed one million dollars, Brian Fargo was going to pledge an additional hundred thousand himself. However, like the Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter campaign, the drive for funds proved successful and their goal was surpassed within days.

By the end, the project more than tripled on the planed $900.000, amassing $2,993,252 on the Kickstarter alone. Wasteland 2's development has already been mapped out based on the amount of funds received, and if certain targets beyond the required goal can be met, more content will be added to to the game and release on additional platforms. Both fans and newcomers to the series shared their ideas and things they'd like/wouldn't like to see in the game with InXile Entertainment on the official Wasteland 2 forum.


Many people that worked on the previous Wasteland game were hired by Brian Fargo to work on the sequel. These include Alan Pavlish (programmer, producer and designer), Michael Stackpole (designer), Ken St. Andre (designer), Liz Danforth (scenario designer), Jason D. Anderson (Fallout, Fallout 2 artist and game designer) was supposed to work on the development of Wasteland 2, but left InXile before completion. Mark Morgan (composer of Fallout and Fallout 2 soundtrack) was hired to compose the soundtrack of Wasteland 2, a sample of his work on the game was released on August 15th. Chris Avellone (who worked on Fallout 2 and Fallout: New Vegas) will also work on Wasteland 2.


A pre-alpha video was released during Unity Unite 2012 conference in Amsterdam. The video showcased the isometric view of the game, and different angles the player could use. The environment used in the video was the same one seen in the first official screenshot.

In February of 2013, inExile released a lengthy gameplay video of the game which focused on many of its core elements; such as the turn based combat, NPC dialogue and skill system.


  • Official website


Kūrėjas: inXile Entertainment
Leidėjas: Deep Silver
Žaidimo variklis: Unity
Žanras: Role-playing
Režimai: Single player
Išleidimo data: PC 2014.09.19; OSx, Linux, PS4, Xone - 2015.10.13-16
Reitingas: 8-9/10; 4/5
Metacritic įvertinimas: 81/7.3




Wasteland 2 - Welcome

Wasteland 2 is the direct sequel to 1988’s Wasteland, the first-ever post-apocalyptic computer RPG and the inspiration behind the Fallout series.

Until Wasteland, no other CRPG had ever allowed players to control and command individual party members for tactical purposes or given them the chance to make moral choices that would directly affect the world around them.

Wasteland was a pioneer in multi-path problem solving, dripping in choice and consequence and eschewing the typical one-key-per-lock puzzle solving methods of its peers, in favor of putting the power into players’ hands to advance based on their own particular play style.

The Wasteland series impressive and innovative lineage has been preserved at its very core, but modernized for the fans of today with Wasteland 2. Immerse yourself in turn-based tactical combat that will test the very limits of your strategy skills as you fight to survive a desolate world where brute strength alone isn’t enough to save you.

Deck out your Ranger squad with the most devastating weaponry this side of the fallout zone and get ready for maximum destruction with the RPG-style character advancement and customization that made the first Wasteland so brutal. Save an ally from certain death or let them perish... the choice is yours, but so are the consequences.




























Trumpai iš savo pusės. Perdirbinys/tęsinys 1988 metu Wasteland žaidimo. Veiksmas vyksta post apokalypsinės Amerikos aplinkoje. Kūrėjai pasistengė iš peties, jaučiasi ta tikra ~1990+ metų RPG atsmosfera. Daug įvairių skilų, nuo kurių gali priklausyti net misijos, dialogai ir pan., taip pat juos galima įvairiai kombinuoti formuojant savo komandą. Forumuose rašo, kad yra net keletas žaidimo pabaigų nors pačiame pereiti dar neteko. Daug galimų komandos variacijų, daug NPC, kurie vėliau jungiasi prie komandos. NPC net pabėga iš komandos, jei darai "nusikaltimus". Įdomi istorija, dialogai, kiekvienas charakteris specifinis, kai kurie net turi savo manieras, specifinius monologus/dialogus. Daug įvairių specifinių daiktų, kai kuriuos net neaišku kam reikia atiduoti. Pagrinde vadovaujamasi misijos žurnalu. Viską turi susirasti pats, be jokių žymėjimų mapuose apart nuorodų į gyvenvietes didžiajame žemėlapyje.

   Pradėjęs žaisti ir pasirinkęs siūlomus herojus bei pasidaręs ant sunkesnio lygmens, pamačiau, kad š.. gaunasi. Buvau jau "numetęs" žaidimą ir nebenorėjęs žaisti, bet pasianalizavęs informaciją forumuose bei susikūręs savo herojus ir jų skilus - supratau koks įspūdingas šis žaidimas.

   Nežinau ką dar pridurti. Prisiminiau tuos laikus, kai tikrai pasinerdavai į žaidimą ir giliai jį kapstydavai.

Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Man idomu kaip tai persikels i konsoles. Zinant skurdzia inxile patirti su konsolemis ir siaip bugu skaiciu pradzioje net ir pc, idomu kas gausis ir kaip valdysis seno tipo taktinis crpg konsolese. Jei viskas ok,gal tada sulauksim ir planscape kai isleis.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Man idomu kaip tai persikels i konsoles. Zinant skurdzia inxile patirti su konsolemis ir siaip bugu skaiciu pradzioje net ir pc, idomu kas gausis ir kaip valdysis seno tipo taktinis crpg konsolese. Jei viskas ok,gal tada sulauksim ir planscape kai isleis.

iš Steam forumo:
sear  [developer] 7 May @ 6:11pm 
Yes, our plan is to try to get controller support in for the PC version. We're already doing the work on consoles so it's more or less "free" to allow controller mode on PC.
Aš pats pagalvoju, kad būtų patogu su gamepadu, nes monitorius taip patogiai padėtas prieš sofkę ir taip norisi pakrist į ją :D O valdymas nėra sudėtingas, nelabai daug ten visokių funkcinių klavišų. Jau dabar mąstau pasidaryt konfigą su pinacle game profiler, bet įtariu pelę bus nepatogu valdyti su gamepad.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

iš Steam forumo:

sear [developer] 7 May @ 6:11pm

Yes, our plan is to try to get controller support in for the PC version. We're already doing the work on consoles so it's more or less "free" to allow controller mode on PC.


Aš pats pagalvoju, kad būtų patogu su gamepadu, nes monitorius taip patogiai padėtas prieš sofkę ir taip norisi pakrist į ją :D O valdymas nėra sudėtingas, nelabai daug ten visokių funkcinių klavišų. Jau dabar mąstau pasidaryt konfigą su pinacle game profiler, bet įtariu pelę bus nepatogu valdyti su gamepad.

Na kaip, as ji kai zaidziau tai ten visas interface darytas pc. Ikonos mazos, inventorius irgi, nezinau kaip ta sekmingai iseis perkelti. Bet tikiuosi iseis. Ant pc timgejau ji zaisti, nes siaip su pc nemegstu,tai bus proga su konsole pereiti.:]

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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