
Resident Evil 2 Remake

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efektai kai kurie labai panasus i resident evil 7,kai su peiliu atidarai dezute,ir visus matos tas x daiktu,biski erzindavo ant re7 paemus faila likdavo vistiek x :D


tai taip :D re7 enginge naudoja

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Iš pradžių, kai paaiškėjo, jog vietoi L1 L2 ir C1 C2 scenarijų bus tik vienas Leon vienas Claire scenarijus buvo liūdna, bet faktas tas, jog tai bus visiškai dvi skirtingos kampanijos, tai čia dar vienas superinis dalykas.

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daugiau gameplay


Yoshiaki Hirabayashi keliavimas i E3

Redagavo ReiKaz

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^^ na štio gameplay demo aš jau nebežiūrėsiu, gana ką pamačiau, daugiau spoilinimo nereikia :D, palauksiu iki išleidimo. Vieninteliai dalykai kas domina tai techninės specifikacijos Xbox One X ir PS4 Pro versijoms.

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is gameplay tikrai galima sakyti, kad cia tas senas geras RE kurio taip norejo visi, bet kurejai dave RE5 ir RE6. Nelabai istikro suprantu kodel negalejo kurti butent toki RE. Suprantu, kad reikia naujo vaizdo, bet kodel neislaikyti senuju saknu? As kazkaip blankiai pamenu originala. Sita tikrai noresis isbandyti.


Tik su valdimu neaisku. Ar zaidejo kazkiek rankos buvo kreivos ar sunku i tuos zombius pataikyti? Uzkliuvo ir momentu kamera besiblaskanti. Kaikuriais momentais judesiai kampuoti. Na, bet cia turbut smulkmenos.

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Taip atrodo, kad norėjo visi, bet RE5 ir RE6 gan komerciškai sėkmingi žaidimai, ypač RE5, visad nenuspėsi ko norės rinka o sprendimus reikia primti išanksto. O Capcom davė visko, tiek perleidinėjo senenius žaidimus naujom konsolėm, kūrė naujas pagrindines dalis, kaip RE 5 ir RE6, kūrė labiau seniesiems fanams patikusią RE Revalations seriją. Man, kaip fanui visad norėjosi tokio žaidimo, bet vertinant Capcom sprendimus komerciškai, manau elgėsi pagal situaciją. Aplamai turbūt tai viena iš nedaugelio žaidimų serijų, kuri yra taip palaikoma daugiau nei 20 metų.

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full demo su capcom paaiskinimais, ziurim..



Ne tik re7 ikonos, inventoriur ir visas re7 UI nepatinka, bet ir garsai paimant daigta, iventoriui vaikstant. Galejo RE2 panasius padaryt. Blem reiks modu :D

Redagavo ReiKaz

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Taip atrodo, kad norėjo visi, bet RE5 ir RE6 gan komerciškai sėkmingi žaidimai, ypač RE5, visad nenuspėsi ko norės rinka o sprendimus reikia primti išanksto. O Capcom davė visko, tiek perleidinėjo senenius žaidimus naujom konsolėm, kūrė naujas pagrindines dalis, kaip RE 5 ir RE6, kūrė labiau seniesiems fanams patikusią RE Revalations seriją. Man, kaip fanui visad norėjosi tokio žaidimo, bet vertinant Capcom sprendimus komerciškai, manau elgėsi pagal situaciją. Aplamai turbūt tai viena iš nedaugelio žaidimų serijų, kuri yra taip palaikoma daugiau nei 20 metų.

nu tas 20 metu palaikymas nezinau ar cia tinka, kai visiskai skirtingus zaidimus tiesiog vadina vienodai :)

aisku finansiskai tai naudinga, bet asmeniskai man RE = zombiai (nu dar ten mutanteliai visokie) zodziu labai liudna man tos serijos, bet gal RE2 reanimuos :) 

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Na tai visos serijos keitėsi, evolucianavo ir t.t. Metal Gear Solid V neatrodo taip pat, kaip Metal Gear Solid išleistas NES... Pats viską pasakei "finansiškai tai naudinga", žaidimų industrija yra verslas, kaip ir visi kiti verslai kur vykdomi įsipareigojimai akcininkams, siekiama maksimalaus pelno ir nieko daugiau.

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arba butume gave toki remeika kaip re1 arba ant re6 variklio

Redagavo Lonsdale

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@paseles @Lonsdale jauciu butu dirbe su tuo paciu MT Framework kurio pagrindu yra daug RE padarytu.
Interviu is relyonhorror su "WE DO IT" Yoshiaki Hirabayashi ir Tsuyoshi Kanda:
1. Resident Evil 2 is not only arguably the most popular game in the series, but one of the most beloved games for the original PlayStation. Was there any apprehension in remaking it just based on how revered it is and the expectations that come with that fan adoration?

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: We spent a lot of time talking about how we as RE2 fans ourselves on the team could take our memories of playing the game 20 years ago and we think we have that same perspective a lot of veteran fans do too. We really love this game, and our job is to respect the original whilst also bringing a sort of freshness to the reimagined version that lets not only veteran fans enjoy it but new players as well. But there certainly was a lot of pressure involved, lots of long debates and discussions with the team.

 2. How about the response to the reveal trailer, has the reception been pretty positive for you?

Tsuyoshi Kanda: We were pleasantly surprised with how great and positive the reaction was. You mentioned the trailer opening with the first person perspective of a rat crawling around. This opening was a bit of strategic misdirection on our part, we wanted people watching the Sony conference to have some doubt as to what they were actually seeing. ‘What game could this possibly be?’ and then the hints begin to pile up ‘is this Resident Evil? Could it be?!’ then to have that moment where Leon appears and hear gasps and cheers from the audience as the trailer went on was really great for us.

 3. Are there any members of the development team that actually worked on the original Resident Evil 2? If so, do they offer any special input on the remake since they were there for the original game’s development?

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: Yes we have two artists on the team that worked on the original game, and in fact one of them even worked on the very first Resident Evil and has worked on multiple titles in the series. So they’re quite specialized and experienced, and they’ve been very valuable team members. Also, from a top down direction, our boss Jun Takeuchi is an old school Resident Evil 2 project manager. So we get a lot of advice/instruction from him.
Tsuyoshi Kanda: Also on the sound team, Shusaku Uchiyama is working on the new title and he was there for the original game as well.

 4. Since Resident Evil 2‘s release, Resident Evil has had several action-heavy focused entries such as Resident Evil 4. From what I played of the demo this remake is a faithful and pure survival horror game. Was there any point in development where you considered making the remake more action focused?

Tsuyoshi Kanda: I’m very pleased you got that impression from the demo, ’cause right from the start our goal was respecting the original’s horror atmosphere and gameplay. Resident Evil 4 and that sort of middle series of games had a more of an action/set piece focus where you’re always moving forward almost like a roller-coaster ride. That’s not what this title is, always from the start we wanted to keep it about exploration, backtracking, metroidvania style of gameplay with stages you can come and go in. You can of course use the latest technology to update that experience in lots of ways, but we never considered that this project would become an action game.

 5. The original game had 4 different scenarios with Leon A/Claire B and Claire A/Leon B. Will Leon and Claire’s scenarios mesh more into one overarching story this time around?

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: One of the great things about the original was this sort of two character system where you could get a different perspective on events. Either as Leon the rookie cop, or Claire as a student—the ‘zapping’ system as it was known where there was A parts and B parts to each character. We still want to replicate that feeling of seeing two sides to the same story through both character’s perspective in their own way. So for that reason we have a Leon campaign and a Claire campaign, they’re separate and you can choose which one you want to play first. We did simplify it a bit and make it more elegant by eliminating the A/B distinction and sort of meshing together what happens to the character’s A and B scenarios into one story. I think players today, they want these sort of deep/intense experiences with the story, and by stretching it across 4 scenarios the story gets spread a little thin and create a sense of repetition by going through the game multiple times to see everything. So for that reason we went with two campaigns that still show all the events of each character’s story rather than have it all split up.

 6. Will there be other camera angles/modes with an ability to switch between them? Follow up: were tank controls and fixed camera angles considered at all?

Tsuyoshi Kanda: We’re really focused on our new over the shoulder camera, so we’re not really thinking about alternative camera options. It’s not going to be a ‘shooter’ over the shoulder game, it’s going to be a tense claustrophobic camera that still really brings the horror experience even though it’s a new style for Resident Evil 2.
Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: Looking at the series history so far as a sort of options on the table for what we could’ve done for a new game: we have the classic fixed camera, a third person camera, and even a first person camera with Resident Evil 7. So all of those are the sort of things we could’ve considered and they all have their pros and cons, none is a sort of clear winner for any particular game. But our concept was these up close and personal claustrophobic encounters with more terrifying than ever zombies, and I wanted to see the ‘biter’ and the ‘bitee’ on screen at the same time [Laughs]. With a first person camera, you see the zombie but not yourself; and with a fixed camera you see both but it’s more zoomed out and not as intense. For me the over the shoulder camera gives you that intense struggle between both the character and the enemy.

 7. Resident Evil 2 has a lot of iconic enemies like Mr. X, William Birkin, and the Lickers. Did you have to update enemy mechanics to suit the OTS playstyle and combat?

Tsuyoshi Kanda: Yes, we had to reconsider the space that the characters are in with the new camera angles. Taking the Licker for example, you first meet it in the ‘Licker corridor’ and while the CG movie plays it’s on the ceiling, then when it goes back to gameplay the Licker immediately drops down to the floor so you can aim down and shoot it. With that sort of camera the Licker can’t really jump around from different angles, but with the new over the shoulder perspective the Licker can move around a 3D environment and introduce 360 degree action. So the Licker will be much more able to utilize the entire space around you because you can see the entire corridor from any angle. It allows for much more elaborate and interesting enemy AI and behavior.

 8. How did they consider the fact that the game takes place in the ’90s and did they intentionally try to keep that aesthetic?

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: We’ve re-imagined the game but we aren’t rebooting it in the modern era, it’s still set in the same 1998ish period that the original came out in. So there needed to be care taken that objects in the game make sense for that time period. So even the music you might hear on the radio, we want to make sure none of it sounds modern or not of the era. Just before I left for E3 I was driving in my car and Nirvana came on, grunge was obviously very popular in the 90s and I was reminded how important it is to use objects or sounds to help establish a certain period of time.

 9. You have an Elza Walker costume. Are there other ideas from Resident Evil 1.5 making it in?

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: The digital deluxe edition does include an Elza Walker costume for Claire, which was a fun little touch to do because some fans might’ve seen Resident Evil 1.5 and wanted to experience bit of that. In general though, apart from that we haven’t included 1.5 stuff just because people don’t have memories of that or nostalgia for it.

10. Resident Evil 2 is very special to a lot of people, myself included, do you have anything you’d like to say to all the fans that’ve been waiting many years to get their hands on this remake?

Tsuyoshi Kanda: I really think that your readers and all the fans that’ve waited so long for Resident Evil 2 to be remade will love this reimagined version. Playing this beautiful looking new game whilst having your memories of the original flash back to you as you’re playing is quite special. We are fans too, and we’ve been really excited to bring this to you. It’s been a long time coming, so look forward to our updates between now and January and I really hope you all enjoy the game.
Yoshiaki Hirabayashi: So we’ve kept you waiting, huh? Yes, I’m speaking as a producer right now, but my first game on PS1 was Resident Evil 2 as well. I know how much everyone loves it because I love it as well, and I’m also confident this is what you’ve been waiting for and you’re going to enjoy this new reimagined version.



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