
Fallout 4

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Ko cia visi spekuliuojat, treileri parode vargana ir ka? Kas antras postas apie grafikas. Jei jau butu zaidimas isleistas tada ok bet dabar kiek dar laiko iki F4 isleidimo? Seip nori pahypint zmones bethesda. Todel nieko wow ir nedare.

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neaisku kiek ja tiket cia reiktu. Kitur taip par raso kad cia bus visai naujas engine skirtas next genam. Tai kokia dar old gen versija galI but cia. Arba tada bus labai lieva old gen versija visom platformom.

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neaisku kiek ja tiket cia reiktu. Kitur taip par raso kad cia bus visai naujas engine skirtas next genam. Tai kokia dar old gen versija galI but cia. Arba tada bus labai lieva old gen versija visom platformom.

Na apie pati zaidima kiek bilojo kol kas viskas tiesa, tad bent kalbomis susietomis apie zaidima linkes tiketi, nes ir tad akomentaruose visi melage isvadino del igarsinto pagrindinio personazo ir, kad lyties nebus galima keisti. O treileryje ka pamateme? 

Kas del old gen, tai galejo tiesiog nukilinti projekta ir viskas, nepamirsk, kad kai pradejo daryti nebuvo net nauju platformu, tai galejo bandyti pradzioj ir ta versija kurti.

Bet siaip tai pagiezinga moteris, ne tik, kad nuleakino info del ko buvo ismesta, bet paskui ir viska ka zinojo surase, del ko darba jai rasti bus dar lengviau. :)

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Na apie pati zaidima kiek bilojo kol kas viskas tiesa, tad bent kalbomis susietomis apie zaidima linkes tiketi, nes ir tad akomentaruose visi melage isvadino del igarsinto pagrindinio personazo ir, kad lyties nebus galima keisti. O treileryje ka pamateme? 

Kas del old gen, tai galejo tiesiog nukilinti projekta ir viskas, nepamirsk, kad kai pradejo daryti nebuvo net nauju platformu, tai galejo bandyti pradzioj ir ta versija kurti.

Bet siaip tai pagiezinga moteris, ne tik, kad nuleakino info del ko buvo ismesta, bet paskui ir viska ka zinojo surase, del ko darba jai rasti bus dar lengviau. :)


Plius dar Bostonas, daug sutapimu. Dabar belieka laukti e3, ką ten pasakys.

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Tai čia skiedallai turbūt dėl to reddit pranešimo.



Fallout 4 is finally official, but the fake rumors won’t stop popping up. As Ron Perlman might say: Bullshit. Bullshit never changes.

Redagavo cookeris

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senas nesamones papilde nauja info kuria suzinojo tada kai visi ir tipo ten buvo senai zinoma ...siaip koks skirtumas. palauksim real info 

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Bethesda On Fallout 4’s Graphics: ‘Game Looks Amazing’, Will Never Work On PS3 And Xbox 360



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devai sako kad fallout 4 treileri rodyta grafika yra AMAZING ir jiem nerupi kas ka galvoja. jie zino geriau kad grafika nereali ten... :trl:


Bethesda's Pete Hines has finally commented on these recent speculation on Fallout 4's graphics and visuals. Hines made it pretty clear that he is not wasting his time caring about what people think about Fallout 4's graphics. He further assured Fallout series fans that Fallout 4 looks AMAZING



nzn nevadinciau jos amazing tikrai. devai sake dar kad mes turbut ziurejom ne i ta treileri jei mum prasta grafika.  :yao:

cia yra amazing ..



man tai tiks ir tokia grafika. na siek tiek plastikine bet ka darysi. svarbu butu idomu ten . bet kad ir kaip suksi , laiko praejo ir na siai dienai mes turim jau kitokius standartus nuo f3 laiku vistik.

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isleidzia 11 10 15 :)

siaip treileris vargiskai atrode,bet parode gameplay,pasauli,tai labai graziai atrode,bet animacijos tos tai vistiek tokios medines :D greiciausiai tai bus mano pirmas Fallout zaidimas.

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As expected, Bethesda’s entire E3 press conference led up to the Fallout 4 gameplay demo right at the very end. It was a very exhaustive and extensive gameplay demo, and it showed us that, in a first for the series, the game will begin before the launch of the nuclear bomb, which ties into the reveal trailer that we were shown off recently, which alternated between the world pre Fallout and the world post Fallout.
We were also shown a new, highly powerful, and flexible character creation system, which has you just move a cursor to any part of your character’s face, and change it to your liking. Todd Howard confirmed that the game will let you play as a female as well as a male, contrary to recent rumors that claimed the character would only be male. Both characters were also voiced.
They also confirmed that the game is running on a next generation version of the Creation Engine, featuring full physical rendering, and volumetric lighting.



Fallout 4 Features Base Building, Weapons Customization And Crafting


Bethesda really are going all out with Fallout 4. The newest title in the cult favorite series will feature base building, allowing players to salvage scrap and materials from all over the world, and use it to build an entirely new base for yourself and your dog, however, you want, wherever you want. As your base grows and begins to thrive, you will begin to get more and more people show up, such as weapons traders.
That’s not all, though- this level of customization is also available elsewhere, as Fallout 4 will also feature weapons customization, both for yourself, and for your base. You can even modify your armor and equipment, and as with everything else, this is done via an amazingly easy to use and accessible UI.
Fallout 4 will feature ‘great combat,’ Todd Howard promised, that works in first person, in third person, and lets you use a new and much more improved VATS.



Sitas daikciukas man visai patiko. :) Idomu ar @narkata toki pirktu ir ar traukia aki.. hm hm hm..



Bethesda Details The New Pipboy in Fallout 4, Announces Accompanying App and Collectible


As expected, Fallout 4 will have the Pipboy, and we got a very good look at Fallout 4’s interpretation of it. It looks absolutely amazing, fun to navigate, and alongside delivering players with a nice, fun to use UI in game, also features loads of neat, world building distractions, such as minigames based on classic arcade games such as Donkey Kong.
Bethesda’s Todd Howard confirmed that they have also made a real life Pipboy, that will be included in the game’s collector’s edition; the watch will also dock into your smartphone.
That’s not all, either- Bethesda also announced that the Pipboy will be available as a smartphone app for your Android or iOS phone, and it will give you a ‘second screen experience,’ synching with your copy of the game. ‘Second screen experiences are gimmicky,’ Howard said, ‘but our gimmick is the best fucking one,’ he said unapologetically, to general laughter.


Ir galiausiai buvo pristatytas zaidimas tabletams ir ismaniesiems. Ios savininkai gales ji atsisiusti nemokamai DABAR. Android kazkodel tures laukti..


Bethesda Announces Fallout Shelter for iPhone, Available Now


The Elder Scrolls: Legends isn’t the only mobile game that Bethesda announced today. They also announced Fallout: Shelter for iPhone, a new, iPhone specific free simulation game that places you completely in charge of a vault, letting you influence and control all the dwellers, Sims style.
The game has been inspired by other titles such as Costume Quest, SimCity, FTL: Faster Than Light, XCOM, and obviously, The Sims. It actually looks great, and Bethesda has confirmed the game will be free- and that it won’t have any microtransactions whatsoever. You can play it offline, and there will be no paywalls or cooldown timers.
The best part? It is available now. It is rolling out for iPhone via the App Store worldwide as soon as this show ends. Ladies and gentlemen, this is how you do a mobile game.

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@Magnitas atrodo toks klasikinis įdomus, bet nežaidęs aš Fallout tai man jis nelabai ir limpa šaudyklės RPG stiliumi (dar keista kad išvis žaidžiu tokį kaip The Witcher 3 nes jis irgi kaip ir RPG bet ne šaudyklė kaip Fallout)

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gameplay tai labai gera parode. gal grafiskai ir neblizga . viduje patalpose truksta to daiktu tikroviskumo su seseliais , bet ..tai juk fallout ir si karta vel gausim visiskai laisve. ko daugiau reikia. siaip atrodo viskas kaip f3 nekazka pasikeites gameplay, saudymai ten. tikiuosi tik kad nevaiksciosi visada su tuo melynu kostiumu.o gal moteris tures geresniu rubu . wow. super . butinai losiu sita. tikiuosi simtu valandu gameplay.

plius nama statysim kaip simsuose kokiuose. super

kazkaip butent taip as isivaizduoju taip realiai reiktu elgtis jeigu is tiesu tu tenai butum. power generatoriam tikesimes reikes kuro. tai velgi nebus nesibaigianti energija.

o geriausia dalis kad zaidime busi vienisas vilkas ir zaisi tokiu budu taciau si karta turesi zmogaus geriausia drauga. super. ko dar gali reiket, kad nebutum visiskai vienas. craftinimas tikrai atims valandas ir valandas is zaidimo. ieskojimas daiktu , knisimasis po siukslynus ir po to deliojimas. viskas tures prasme dabar. thats my game

o geriausia dalis tai isleidimo data, jau November 10  :grt:

Pip-boy edition  119USD




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Na jei pasaulis bus 3x didesnis uz skyrim,kaip ganduose buvo minima,tai pateisina ta grafika. Niekad open world zaidimai grafikoj dideliu pagiru nesusilaukia.

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na taip tekturos tai low res atrodo. bet dazniausia grafika rupi iki zaidima pasileidziant. po to jei isitrauki i visa ta pasauli viskas buna pakankamai grazu kaip yra. na kazkas po gameplay treilerio sako ..ahh low res teksturos... as sakau : wow. give me 


"Well clearly you have the next gen consoles. The PC can do a lot more now. For the kind of things we do, it's the memory actually. Having consoles a lot more memory allows us to do big dynamic things and that's important to us."


"One of the things we do, particularly given the success of Skyrim you get a lot more date on how people experience an open game, so we don't want to give that up. We will sacrifice certain things to make it completely open and whereas in other games you can be on a quest or something, on our game we can be on every quest at once. I don't want to spoil anything but one of the things we have spent time on is how does someone experience an open world while doing all these things and how do we tell a really strong story along with that."


"If you take a look at how stories are being told and a lot of them have a voiced character so if you weren't looking at our games before, you would expect the character to be voiced. Our main anxiety with doing a voiced character is finding the right voices. We have two great voice actors doing the male and female and they have been fabulous and also how much time they had since we did not wanted to hold back any of our writing. They have been been recording stuff for the last two years. They have each recorded over 13,000 lines of dialogue. It has come out great and it allows us to do storytelling and emotional moments that we could not quite hit before."


kaip kad ir sako devas kad del open worldo kazkas turejo but paaukota. treileri ziurint irgi buvo vietu kur atrode vizualai wow o buvo vietu kur taip ploksciai labiau. vistiek bendras vaizdas uztenkamas.







man tai idomu del tu namu savo. tai ka galesi bet kur nuejas is lauzo pasistatyt sau nama. tai kiek ten tu namu turesi viso? kazkaip noretusi viena turet ir ji normaliai isirengt ir pastoviai gryzt i ji. o jei taip is lauzo pastatysi nauja per keliolika minuciu bet kuriam mapo kampe tai ka tipo visa miesta sugriuvusi atstatysi ...  :god:

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