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In what now looks like Jeremy Clarkson's final appearance on Top Gear, the trio travels to Panau in South-East Asia for a race. Things quickly get out of hand. This is my first go at machinima - making video inside a game engine - and about the closest thing to comedy I've ever done. All the audio and music is credited at the end. My thanks to the BBC for creating Top Gear (even though its future is currently uncertain) and to Square Enix for making Just Cause 2. I'm very much looking forward to the sequel!




Zaidimo Just Cause ir Laidos Top Gear bendras patrolinimo projektas. :D xa xa.. uzskaitau.

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Just Cause 3's Collector's Edition Includes a Grappling Hook

Introducing a whole new kind of pointless tat is Just Cause 3's recently announced collector's edition, which comes with a replica grappling hook. The device has played a big part in the franchise, with hero Rico Rodriguez using it to cause all kinds of chaos, whether it's hanging from the underside of a jet to closing the distance between himself and armed soldiers. We can understand posing figurines on your shelf or next to your TV, but a replica grappling hook? What's more, the relatively useless lump of plastic was actually voted to be in the collector's edition by fans. We'll never know why.

Fortunately, the rest of the package is decent enough. You'll get a slew of exclusive downloadable content, a 24" by 24" map of the game world, and a 32 page, hardcover artbook. Not bad, but you'll need to slap down a rather hefty $110 to nab it all.


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Minimum System Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista SP2, Win 7 SP1, Win 8.1 (64-bit operating system)
CPU: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8GHz 2.93GHz or AMD Phenom II X6 1055T 2.8GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 660 (2GB) or AMD Radeon HD 7870 (2GB)
DX: DirectX 11

Recommended System Requirements:
OS: Windows Vista SP2, Win 7 SP1, Win 8.1 (64-bit operating system)
CPU: Intel Core i7-3770 3.4 GHz or AMD FX-8350 4.0 GHz
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX 760 (3GB) or AMD Radeon R9 280X (3GB)
DX: DirectX 11


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nusimato labai grazus grafiskai zaidimas . ir tai net ne pc screenai

Square Enix and Avalanche Studios today shared three direct-feed 1080p Just Cause 3 PS4 Screenshots featuring some of the other graphical features.









ankstyva versija bandziusio pirmi ispudziai :



Reddit user "sol47" also provided a lot of details about Just Cause 3 gameplay, which we can sum up in the list below:

  • Loading times are long
  • Performance is solid, as frame rate drops don't happen quite often
  • Car controls are decent, definitely better this time around, although there's a weird car physics
  • It's a lot bigger ("map is huge") and "better" than Just Cause 2. Some areas pulsing with life
  • Voice acting is still "awful, laughable"
  • Cut scenes slow the game a bit
  • Enemies die in slow mo mode
  • There's a 2.6GB patch. You can start the game offline.
  • The touch pad opens the menu in pause screen
  • Everything can be destroyed, even massive bridges
  • New gadgets are incredibly fun to use


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gana gera zinia pc turetojam. atrodo kad 1080p ant high lost uztenka ir paprastos gtx 950, o 960 isvis palaiko beveik 60 fps




very high jau daugiau kerta




bet velgi cia testuoja tik default nustatymus visko bendrai high ar very high. o mes visada galim susikombinuot ultra/high/medium nustatymus su padoriais fps.

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