
Alone in the Dark: Illumination

Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Kūrėjas: Pure
Leidėjas: Atari
Žaidimo variklis:
Išleidimo data:
 2014 Q4
Metacritic įvertinimas:
Atari paskelbė, jog dirba prie "reimagined Alone in the Dark version" skirta tik PC (tikiuosi persigalvos).
Daugiau detaliu bus jau si rudeni.
Dar karta rebootina Alone in the Dark serija.

Redagavo ReiKaz

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bet kadangi labai tyliai ir tik pc tai kazi kas ten bus . tie patys sita daro ir house of dead dar plius. del pc nepersigalvos jei taip pareiske. paleis i koki steam ir viska . nereiks jokiu disku kept , jokiu islaidu tam nereikes.

del pc dar pagalvojus nuo ko prasidejo alone serija..pirma dali losiau dar su 386dx - 33mhz cpu . be garso kortos ir su nespalvotu moniku. :acc:

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Tikrai liudnoka strategija del zaidimo isleidimo PC platformai. Ar mineta taupymo sistema arba zaidimas bus nelabai vertas demesio. Du klaustukai. Nors galbut ir nera taip blogai. PC versija irgi tinka, jeigu pats zaidimas bus traukiantis aki. Svarbu, kad reikalavimai nebutu kosminiai AK.


Geri prisiminimai apie zaidima. Dar su PS1 konsole "kankinau" Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare dali. Zaidimas is dvieju kompaktu. Tiek baimes atmosferos, galvosukiu. Tikrai turejo savo stiliu. Dabar net pagalvojus nezinau ar galima butu vadinti mineta dali panasia i RE ar SH zaidimus. Gaila, kad nieko panasaus taip ir nesukure.

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opapa turetu but grazus, ant Unreal Engine 4 eis


Story Background

Alone in the Dark brings you to the abandoned town of Lorwich, Virginia. Located near Virginia’s southern border, Lorwich was a flourishing industrial town with a bustling business generated by the local mines. These prosperous days came to an end when a flood devastated the mining facility, leaving behind nothing but destruction in its wake. The disaster forced an immediate evacuation, leaving the town desolate. It has been years since the accident, and the town has long been forgotten.

But the cause of the accident is still a mystery, and years later, nobody dares step foot in the town for fear of what lies there. There have been numerous reports of strange creatures and a dark, brooding fog within the town. Some locals who believe in the supernatural say that there lurks an ever-present force known as The Darkness. The Darkness can reveal itself in many ways, such as fog, apparitions, and creatures. It has cast its spell over Lorwich, enveloping everything in its path. It is up to you to help defend the town by fighting back the Forces of Darkness.


• Four Heroes - The Hunter, the Witch, the Priest and the Engineer each offer unique gameplay experiences with distinctive weapons, skills and powers.

• Multiplayer - Cooperative multiplayer modes let you battle The Darkness with all four characters, or build smaller teams for a greater challenge.

• Diverse environments - Four “campaigns” with multiple levels take players through the blasted landscape of Lorwich, and deep below to unearth the mysteries of this forsaken township.

• The power of Illumination - Light up maps to create safe zones and damage your foes.

• Inspired By H.P. Lovecraft - Inspired by HP Lovecraft, Alone in the Dark: Illumination puts you in constant danger by coming face to face with demons of the underworld. As a player, you must survive the relentless onslaught of the Forces of Darkness, and the evil that lurks in its path.

• Dynamic Environments - Interact with a dynamic environment to change the structure of the map and advance your quest.

• Achievements and Bonuses - Track your progress and stats with Steam Achievements and Trading Cards

• Powered by Unreal engine 4 - Unprecedented Visual Fidelity using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4), delivers a unique layer of intrigue and story within the game’s environments.



• The Hunter - As a direct descendant of Edward Carnby, a hero of the original Alone in the Dark, the Hunter grew up enthralled by the adventures of the “Supernatural Private Eye.” He knew every detail of every case, including the notes of the strange creatures encountered. His grandfather was his mentor and as such the Hunter vowed that he too would help rid the world of the evil Darkness.

Primary Weapons and Abilities: AK47, M4, P90, Flamethrower.

• The Witch - The Witch is the great-granddaughter of Emily Hartwood, the heroine of the original Alone in the Dark. After her various other-worldly encounters with Edward Carnby, Emily Hartwood began to dabble in the supernatural world. But unlike other occult practitioners she met, Emily learned only what she needed to protect herself. Her great-granddaughter, the Witch, followed in her footsteps and also studied the supernatural arts. From a young age, the Witch had a natural gift for magic, and her abilities far surpassed those of her other family members. The Witch swore to use her abilities to help others, and help protect the world from evil forces, such as those that terrorized her family.

Primary Weapons and Abilities: Colt, Lightning Strike, Creature Control, Lightning Crawler.

• The Engineer - The daughter of the Chief Engineer of the world’s leading computer hardware manufacturer, the Engineer was born to work with electronics. While other children played with plastic blocks, she was making remote-controlled robots from parts she found in her father’s work shed. Making gadgets filled up the Engineer’s free time. Her goal is to create mechanical items which could rival her father’s groundbreaking work.

Primary Weapons and Abilities: Beretta, Pump Shotgun, The Tesla, Comet

• The Priest - The son of the nation’s most influential religious leaders, the Priest trained from a young age to combat the forces of darkness. With his enhanced abilities to heal and purify even the most extreme cases, the Priest has become a leading warrior in the never-ending battle against the darkness.

Primary Weapons and Abilities: Heaven and Hell, The Lord’s Blinding Light, Cleansing of the Sinners, The Binding Word.





4 skirtingi charai su skirtingais ginklais, galiom ir galimybem ..kazkas naujo  :huh:, tik del multiplayer .. :poker:



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Kazkaip tie charakteriai man visai nesamone AITD zaidime... Juk cia ne Diablo.

O is screenu tai irgi blizgesio neduoda, kaip is kazkokio vaikisko zaidimo. Nezinau, lauksim toliau kas cia gausis, ojjoj, kazkaip nepanasu i AITD..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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kad screenai tik conceptas ir ankstyvas tikriausia , tai cia tas nieko nesako. na Alone turejo charu pasirinkima jau nuo pirmu daliu juk bent is dvieju


pirmi gameplay screenai




pirmas suvis is ginklo 



antras suvis ...




nu matosi kad bus tamsu , ir bus realistiskos aplinkos,ginklai bei patys veikejai...atrodo kietai. ir RE remeikas jau nustojo but idomus kai tokie dalykai cia pasirode. 

Alone in the Dark: Illumination is developed by PureFPS, will be a third-person game, and will feature destructible environments via which players will be able to change the structure of the map and advance their quest. The game is planned for a Fall 2014 release on the PC


jau greitai ir pasirodyt turetu. isskirtinai ant pc. 

Redagavo scalman

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Atari today announced the beta period for its latest PC title, Alone in the Dark: Illumination, beginning on January29th. According to its press release, the game will feature several campaigns with multiple levels that take players through the blasted landscape of Lorwich, Virginia, and deep below ground to unearth the mysteries of the forsaken township.

Players will fight off hordes of eldritch nightmares while using the power of illumination to light up maps and create safe zones to damage foes.

This latest installment of the Alone in the Dark franchise will also include a cooperative multiplayer option that allows gamers to battle The Darkness together with four distinct heroes – the Hunter, the Witch, the Priest and the Engineer, each of them leveling up their different skills.

As part of the pre-order package on Steam, the private beta launch grants fans early access to the survival-action-horror game on January 29, 2015, with a chance to explore and provide feedback on the first campaign in single-player mode. One additional beta period will be announced in the weeks leading up to launch.

Fred Chesnais, Chief Executive Officer at Atari, said:

“Alone in the Dark has a passionate following of players who have kept up with the series since the original 1992 release. By introducing cooperative multiplayer, this new game engages the nostalgic fan-base and introduces a new generation of PC gamers to the franchise. We have a long-term plan for Alone in the Dark and there will be much more to come.”

Peter Banks, Senior Product Lead at Atari, added:

“With the introduction of a single-player mode with the merciless Hunter, within the first environment, the menacing Coal Mine, we are laying the foundation of Alone in the Dark: Illumination. Subsequent updates will introduce new, compelling elements building on this first beta period. The multiplayer mode will also enhance the strategic light-based gameplay, complement the diverse character capabilities, and ensure ongoing fun.”

The full release of Alone in the Dark: Illumination is set to debut on Steam for $29.99 in Spring 2015.


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kazkada buvo isskirtinis ir vienas toks siaubo zaidimas. tamsa, prozektorius ir baisus kolidoriai... aplamai tai buvo pirmas lostas tokio tipo 3d zaidimas. jei kas nors pamena Alone in The Dark 1.  ;)


tikrai ne toks zaidimas kokio galvojau. bet pirmas zaidimas kur ant unreal 4 eina nors pamaciau kaip atrodo. nors cia aisku jie per daug nesistenge i grafikos puse . juk cia online shooteris pagrinde. o single player tai pirma tai galvojau kad zaidimas pastrigo nes loadino juodas ekranas ilgokai kol uzkrove menu ...  :kid:  po to pamaciau kad visi video nustatymai ant epic . na ok  meginam. vaizdas toks per peti gavosi . keistas . bet ok ziurim ka cia reikia daryt. reikia begiot uzsidegt sviesas kad butu lengviau saudyt tuos monstrus ir po to juos saudyt ...air ir rinkt laidus. bet tik po viena laida. paemei laida begi kita mapo gala i pajungt tada begi atgal vel kito laido ieskot ir vel begi ji pajungt ir t.t galvojau po laidu bus kazkas kito bet ne ..vel laidai... :herp:  cmon. tik tiek sugalvojo? 

bet ko noret cia ne vienam offline skirta lost . jau labai turetu nebut ka zaist daugiau kad kas nors imtu lost sito zaidimo single player rezima.  :trl:

nzn kodel mano lapas paveze viska cia ant max. bet perdaug graziai ir neatrode siaip. bet bendrai neblogai aisku. seseliai geri , sviesa visur uzsidega nieko taip . 

jei stovesi vienam kambari tai monstrai spawnins non stop pas tave ir eis po viena ar kelis. tai begioji ir renki laidukus . kad pajungt elektra . :trl:

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • Sveiki, gl kas turit senų, neveikiančių VITA 1000 originalių USB/krovimo laidų neišmetę? Nupirkčiau. Ieškau gana didelio kiekio. Svarbu, kad pati jungtis nebūtų sulūžusi. Pernaudosiu jas gaminant USB-C pakrovimo stovus. Kinietiškos jungtys labai jau standžiai laiko. Nupirkčiau ir veikiančius, bet ne po 10eur. Prisegu gaminio foto.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds 3PRO. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - Apple AirPods 4 ANC. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.
    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos