
Ratchet & Clank The Movie

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Daug informacijos. :D (juokauju) Jeigu rimciau, pagaliau sugalvojo sukurti filma apie Ratchet'a. Tik ko nesinoretu, kas dabar visuose geruose multikuose buna, kitaip sakant, tas pats per ta pati.

Buna viskas normalu, atsiranda problema, pagrindinis herojus pasijaucia kaltas puse filmo, tada jam ateina kazkas i pagalba ir jis istaiso ta klaida. Zodziu tipiskas geros kokybes multiko scenarijus.


Noretusi, kad kazka padarytu tokio nuo ko neatsibostu ziureti. O tada jau plosiu. :)


If you ever wondered why Hollywood never tapped the rich tapestry of video games to make animated films, you're not alone. And now you won't have to wait long: The vibrant world of Insomniac's Ratchet and Clank is set to come to the silver screen in early 2015. The movie's being made by Rainmaker Entertainment, the animation studio behind Escape From Planet Earth, and Blockade Entertainment. Primary production is already underway on the film, which will feature voice cast members from the game franchise, including James A. Taylor as Ratchet, David Kaye as Clank and Jim Ward as Qwark.   


According to the press release, "Ratchet and Clank tells the story of two unlikely heroes as they struggle to stop a vile alien named Chairman Drek from destroying every planet in the Solana Galaxy. Ratchet is the last of his kind – a foolhardy 'lombax' who has grown up alone on a backwater planet with no family of his own. Clank is a pint-sized robot with more brains than brawn. When the two stumble upon a dangerous weapon capable of destroying entire planets, they must join forces with a team of colorful heroes called The Galactic Rangers in order to save the galaxy. Along the way they’ll learn about heroism, friendship, and the importance of discovering one’s own identity. "

Screenwriter and Senior Writer for Insomniac Games, TJ Fixman, will handle the script. The movie will be directed by Jericca Cleland and produced by Blockade’s CEO Brad Foxhoven and VP of Development David Wohl, with Rainmaker President Michael Hefferon serving as Executive Producer and Rainmaker’s Kim Dent Wilder and Kylie Ellis serving as Supervising Producer and Producer, respectively.


“We’ve always thought Ratchet and Clank would be a fantastic all-ages movie and are thrilled our intergalactic heroes will finally get their chance to shine on the big screen,” said Ted Price, founder and CEO of Insomniac Games. “Insomniac is especially honored to play a hands-on role with the film’s production, including the screenplay, consulting on character development and animation, and adding support to the film's marketing.”


Redagavo Magnitas

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o man nereikia info jei losei zaidimus tau irgi nereiktu info.paziuri treileri ..story pamatysi beziuredamas filma. nes info apie filma tai tiesioginis spoilas ir nieko daugiau.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na, jei išlaikys humorą ir visą žaidimų dvąsią, tai turėtų visai neblogas filmas nusimatyti. Reiks būtinai pažiūrėt kai išeis. :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

o man nereikia info jei losei zaidimus tau irgi nereiktu info.paziuri treileri ..story pamatysi beziuredamas filma. nes info apie filma tai tiesioginis spoilas ir nieko daugiau.

Praleidai mano trecia zodi. O taip tai aisku, kad nereikia dometis filmu, nebent jis butu painus ir noretum suprasti apie ka jis. Cia svarbiausia isleidimo data ir viskas.

As irgi tikiuosi, kad atkurs kazka panasaus i pati zaidima. Varstu rinkimas, ginklu tobulinimas, skirtingos planetos ir smagus story.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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