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praleisti toje pacioje arenoje ir saudyt tuos pacius zmones kaip kokiam CS tai idomu ir veiksmai nesikartoja :D kaip ir visuose Moba zaidimuose,tas pats per ta pati,bet tai netrugdo milijonams zaideju zaisti tu zaidimu.visuose zaidimuose yra tu paciu veiksmu kartojimasis,tai apie ka tu cia sneki? realiai imant galima pasakyti kad jeigu taves nesudomins,tai nesudomins niekas,todel reiktu maziau sneket apie kazka pasikartojancio,nes realybeje nedominantys dalykai egzeminuojami tai pat.kam neidomus krepsinis sako kad bega meta,kam neidomus futbolas sako kad bega spiria is vieno galo i kita ir t.t. ir t.t..jeigu nesudomino tai taip ir sakyk :)

pvz mane tai labai sudomino,ir cia tik zaidimo pradzia,cia nerodo high end technikos,cia rodo pacia pirma kuria gauni.paskui galesi nusipirkti nauju laivu,gerinti kostiuma,pasauliai taps vis pavojingesni,galesi saudyt,tradint ir t.t. ir t.t..

siaip butu idomu pamatyt kokia ir pavojinga planeta :)

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Tavo minetuose zaidimuose tie veiksmai padaryti fun. Plius jie yra konkurenciniai ir zaidziami su kitais. Taipat bus ir su siuo zaidimu, bet realiai del per placiu uzmoju ir per mazod komandos daug nesitikiu ir viskas.

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kartais mažos komandos geriau padaro negu garsus kūrėjai su didele komandą 

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Aš taipogi nededu daug vilčių į šį projektą, nes kolkas žinom tik tiek, kad atrodo gražiai.

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Tavo minetuose zaidimuose tie veiksmai padaryti fun. Plius jie yra konkurenciniai ir zaidziami su kitais. Taipat bus ir su siuo zaidimu, bet realiai del per placiu uzmoju ir per mazod komandos daug nesitikiu ir viskas.

man tai jie neatrodo visiskai fun,man jie nuobodus totaliai.esu bandes,tai ta grind fiesta betiksle tai tokia nuobodi kad cia tik man,todel nelendu i tas temas ir nesakau kad jie totaliai nuobodus grajai :) bet kokiu atveju,tai juose net nera ka rodyt,kai tuo tarpu cia vos ne tik mazyte dalis to kas bus.todel as palauksiu daugiau video su didesniu progresu,nes ant popieriaus tai skamba labai gerai,paziuresim kaip bus igyvendinta.

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nuobodus grajai kolidoriniai kur begi ir duris atidarineji .. tai jau losem nuo ..doom 1 laiku ir niekas nepasikeite apart grafika. far cry tai bent jau keicia , jame jau apie 60 val praloses su apie 70% . va ten idomu. bet man labai idomu ir ta pati elite dangerous lost . bet cia tik scifi fanam tokio tipo zaidimu gali tai patikt. tikrai nepatiks ir nebus idomu "duru atidarinejimo" zaidimu fanam. kas ir gerai , nes visgi tai online bus ir kuo maziau nezinanciu ka ten veikia bus zmoniu tuo idomiau kitiem lost.

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kaip visados isreklamuoja,o kai pats isbandai,gauni nusivilima


kad jie nieko nereklamavo ir nereklamuoja ko zaidime nera ar nebus. ka is pradziu rode apie zaidima tas ir toliau jame lieka.


You won’t be exploring together with your mates, and most of the time, you won’t even know other people are playing.


“We’re not trying to make an MMO where you can play with literally 60,000 people on screen. We handle the case like where other people can fly past in your game or that you can bump into other players in the game.”


yra kruvos kitu zaidimu kur labai paprastai ten su visais gali maltis kiek nori, o sitas toks nebus. tu realiai net nesutiksi gal kitu playeriu savo keli dienom ar menesiais losdamas. o kodel turetum? 

Murray compared the game to Journey or Dark Souls, where the multiplayer isn’t the heart of the experience, but additive. Hello Games is even looking to implement some sort of messaging system where players can leave notes for each other, apparently


man tai viskas aisku apie zaidima is visu jo interviu ir kitos info. nusivils nebent tie kurie iesko kazko kito ten kur to nera ir nebus.

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Paskaiciau pirmus zodzius apie kitus zaidejus, galvoju oba kaip Journey ir Dark souls. Skaitau toliau, ziuriu patys kurejai ta raso. :) jo sitas feature skamba idomiai. As tiesiog nekeliu labai vilciu, kad paskui nusivilt labai nereiketu, bet kaip bus smagu jei viskas bus ok ir nuraus stoga zaidimas. :)

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Susidariau įspūdį jog žaidimo esmė tiesiog valdyt arkadinį laivą (visuose video atrodo lyg žaislinis modeliukas tas laivas būtų), skraidyt po random generuotas planetas ir gerėtis vaizdais. Daugiau kaip ir nieko. 

Na kaip minėjo, visi, apart "explorer'ių" šuo žaidimu nusivils. Teks išbandyti, bet daug nesitikiu.

Atmosfera visai įdomi





Redagavo MiimisMaks

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nzn gal kazka praleidot, upgreidint laiva, tradint irgi bus galima ir matyt butina kad gaut pinigu,kad upgreidint kazka. planetos kaip sake nebus draugiskos kad nusileisi ir jas ten explorinsi, jei nebusi pasiruoses tai ir mirsi greit.dar ko daug nerode bet kalbejo apie laivu musius irgi jie bus. jei noresi saudysies uz tai gausi arba rep gera ar nelabai , ziurint kaip elgsies. ten visko daugiau nei parodo treileriuose, kaip sake velgi kurejai, jie rode pvz dinozaurus ir mums visiem daug maz zinomus gyvunus ir laivus , kad per daug neisgasint musu. greiciausia dinozaura rasi mutavusi su 6 kojom ir keliom galvom o laivai bus visai kitokie nei rode treileri, nes ju bus begalinies variacijos ... 

nematau zaidimo kaip kokio tai explorinimo nuotykio ir gerejimosi vaizdais tikrai.

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We’ve just come back from Vegas, where the whole team went to Playstation Experience, The Game Awards (and then the Grand Canyon for biome research).

This has been a very different kind of year for us. This time last year I was worried that no one would watch our reveal trailer, and now I just worry if we can live up to some people’s excitement. So many people have been so lovely and supportive. Personally I’m going to disappear in 2015, probably until the game is out. I just want to focus on programming, which I definitely prefer to talking to press, which I’ve done a lot this month.



No Man's Sky info from Game Informer


Game starts with trippy space trip like end of 2001. You just appear on a random planet, everyone will start on a different one. It could be very difficult with tough monsters, or have rare items or be boring. It will be different for everyone.

A beacon on your mini map leads you to your ship, you can leave at any time. Map shows the entire galaxy, different zoom level lets you see stars up close. Stars have a color that indicate the kind of resources they may have. You can scan their solar systems to see if there is a space station or a planet with points of interest, if it is previously explored you will see exactly what is on the planet.

At first you need a new hyperdrive and fuel so you cant go far. you need money to buy upgrades and fuel, basically everything you do deposits currency into your account. So you can blow up rocks to gather resources, blow up other ships, discovering new areas ect all give currency. 

Every solar systems has a trading post or space station where you can cash this stuff in. The trading post is on the planet so you don't have to jump to space every time you want to cash in. Each post will have ships coming in and generally active. You can view ships you would like to buy, see upgrades ect. 

You can attack incoming ships and steal their cargo as well, doing so will get the local police on you. If you escape they will put a bounty on you so that you can't go around the base without being attacked.

Each solar system has a space station, depending on how big it is shows the level of items in it. Large stations have much better ships and upgrades to buy. You can attack the station, can't blow it up but you can lower its ranking. You get nothing for it, they simply allow you to be an ass if you want.

Combat is standard FPS stuff. Every planet has robots (bipedal ones shown, mini at-st's) they want to keep nature untouched. So the more you get resources or kill alien animals the more these things will come at you. They will come in teams, flank, etc. tougher ones will appear close to the center of the galaxy.

Space combat is arcadey pick up and play style. They describe the combat like halo, you will need to determine which enemy to attack first. The smaller easy to kill ships or the bigger ones with shields which they describe as elites. Some ships will give shields to other smaller ones. Some you won't be able to stand up against until you upgrade.

Traveling to the center is the main goal but devs don't care if you don't care to go there. They say they want it to take 40-100 hours to reach there depending on how much you focus on getting to the center. Some planets have temples with portals that will randomly transport you closer to the center, you never know what you will find on the other side.

If you lose your ship, you will escape in a pod and land in the closest planet. You lose what items you had on the ship but keep your personal upgrades and your bank account. Your goal is to buy another ship. If you die on land you get taken back to the pod site and lose everything you gathered since leaving the pod. Dieing closer to the center of the galaxy is far tougher as planets could be brutal to escape.

With multiplayer they don't want people to meet up, no voice chat. They talk about how you don't know what you look like so someone else seeing you will be the one way to see what you look like. I'm hazy on that section, I'll read it again later.

They have a chart of possible upgrades for your suit, your ship and your multitool. Standard stuff like shields, jet pack, armor, power, fuel capacity, hyperdrive, etc.


Few extra stuff:

  • Devs decided against a galaxy completion percentage meter because it would remain hopelessly small.
  • The map has multiple zoom levels, the furthest one shows the entire galaxy. Next one allows you to fly through the stars and choose ones to scan. Scanning a star shows info on the solar system like if you may find special resources, how many planets. If this system has been discovered you see extra info like what class the space station is and which planets have been explored. You can zoom to planetary level next and if the planet was discovered you will see the marks of interest that were found.
  • Sean Murray, a dev, talks multiplayer. The map will show where your friends are and there maybe an in game messaging system but that is all for now. The first time you see another player is the first time you will realize what your character looks like "I think we will surprise people in terms of how they look." He says you only see them in a suit so you still don't know what is inside, "it still won't answer for people whether you are an alien or whether you are human or what you look like."
  • Hauling resources from one system to another can be profitable but you need to calculate how much fuel you are wasting to see if it is worth it.
  • No building of ships you can only buy what you see. So if you see a ship you like you can follow it and buy it at a trading post/station.
  • Various factions in the galaxy keep track of your actions and may respond with love or aggression depending on those actions.
  • Some trading posts have specific upgrades. Some stock lower level items, other high quality ones. So to upgrade something you need to locate the correct kind of trading post. Data from other players will help identify these. Otherwise you need to look around the points of interest and hope you find one.
  • Upgrades to three categories are available, suit, weapon and ships. Suit and weapons can be permanently upgraded. Ships cannot, you have to buy ships with whatever upgrades you want. Upgrades come in a scale of quality from 1 to 5.
  • Here is a partial list of upgrades:

    Ships - Shields, laser beams, plasma shot, rapid fire shots, energy torpedo, wing (maneuverability), hull (additional stats shows if it allows ships to land in toxic areas, etc.), engine, hyperdrive, cargo space (also fuel), cloaking

    Suit - shields, resource capacity, jetpack, air hazard, liquid hazard (defense against toxic, radioactive, etc)

    Weapon - laser beam, energy shot, plasma grenade, scan distance, scan type (some stuff cant be scanned until upgraded)
  • There is a shared common player database showing all animals and planet life discovered.
  • The malevolent force robots are on SOME PLANETS. Sorry about that guys. 
  • The are ancient robots left behind by who knows what. They are a constant, they will be different types but they will act the same way, you can use tactics you learn to defeat them. They describe it like Halo and its main types of enemies. "we discovered we needed something like that in the game. We're still experimenting with this quite a bit."
  • No early access or betas, they want it to be "finished" when it comes out.
  • Ship combat weapons have different uses. Lasers eat shields, plasmas melt hulls, torpedoes are super powerful but slow. You have to manage cooldowns, no ammo.
  • The portals need special weapon types to open, like a door in metroid. No clue what is on the other side, you cant take your ship. The goal is to explore as far as you can before needed to run back through the portal to safety. 
  • The center of the galaxy according to the dev "in some ways its like a beginning. I am hoping it is a nice moment for them that they actually feel like not sharing...



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70 greitu klausimu / atsakymu 





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vienam is nauju interviu kurejas prasitare nedaug apie tai kad planetu pavirsius bus deformuojamas, naikinamas ir kitaip keiciamas musu deka ir ne tik musu tikriausia. bet kurejas nenori kad visi dabar pradetu sneket kad tai minecraft kosmose.


No Man's Sky Sean Murray Interview - Destructible Terrain


As Sean scans the environment, cubes of collectible materials are outlined against the terrain. He then fires projectiles towards them, destroying great chunks of the scenery with a shimmery sci-fi sound effect.

"You can see the terrain is destructible, which is something we haven't shown people before..."

So you can terraform?

"We're not sure how much we want to say because I don't want it to become the thing. Even showing this I'm nervous, because people will think, 'Oh, right - it's like Minecraft', and then it becomes that. 'It's the Minecraft in space game!'

Resource gathering in every game is normally super boring, and people purposely make it like a chore. And we want it to be fun. It's something we're still playing about with. It's quite fun to be able to do it from a distance, and we also have this grenade thing. Now this isn't how it will look - it will be like plasma ball - you'll just have to trust me. And that blows holes in the terrain. And if you're really good... [sean expertly levels the surrounding scenery]

"I find myself just doing this, being on a mountain and scanning and then just destroying everything around me. Doing the usual stupid things of drilling a hole and having an animal fall into it. Stuff like that keeps me amused. And when people are like, 'What do you do [in No Man's Sky]?', the reality is, for some people just that, and that's fine.

"For some people this might be a thing they're doing all the time, it might be something they're doing occasionally, or it might be the whole game mode for them," explains Sean. "Going between different space stations, gathering different kinds of resources - you can combine resources and they become more valuable - and just basically being a trader. You would be attacked quite often as a trader because when your ship is destroyed, you will drop the cargo that you have, and whoever attacked you can get it.



siaip minecraft kosmose tai greiciau koks space engineers sakyciau. nors visi jie lenkia MC galimybem aisku ir pasirinkimu.siaip koks skirtumas i ka kas panasu. jei idomu tai idomu, jei neidomu tai ne.

tiesiog kurejai neturi jokiu atstovu spaudai ar kazkokio plano kaip pristatyt zaidima aplamai. tai jie jo ir nepristato , tiesiog kazka parodo ir kazka pasneka. is to gaunasi zmoniu reakcijos i vienas ar kitas zinias. pats kurejas sake neskaito visai atsiliepimu apie zaidima nei pan dalyku nete. 

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    • Kaip tik šiai diskusijai ^^    
    • Kad šiek tiek pagyvinti forumą, norėčiau padiskutuoti su forumečiais ką manote apie XBox apskritai kaip gaming platformos ir pačių konsolių kaip tokių ateitį. Asmeniškai manau kad tą ateitis yra gan niūri ir kad ji tokia būtu nenuilstamai visos šios konsolių kartos laiką padirbėjo XBox vadovybė. Kodėl taip galvoju. Jeigu dar net XBox One (PS4) laiku, Boxas labai didėliai daliai žmonių (XBox nuo 360 laiku tikrai turėjo visą stiprią fan auditoriją) buvo geidžiama konsole, ne ką mažiau negu Playstation, tai dabar laikai pasikeitė kardinaliai. Xbox praktiškai neleidžia exclusive žaidimų, nemaža dalis žaidimų atsiduria GamePase Day1, GamePass yra tiek stumiamas per visus galus ir nori būti visur, kad žmonės realai neperka Microsoft žaidimu išvis - jų nereikia. Kam pvz. pirkti STALKER 2 , jeigu gali atrasti pati pigiausią GamePass  1 mėn.  (ar net gauti nemokamai) pereiti ir pamiršt. Žmonės visiškai nėra prisirišę prie XBox ekosistemos, nes ji sugriauta pačios XBox vadovybės dėka. Jie neturi nupirktų žaidimų bibliotekos, neturi sėkmingai bėga į Sony stovyklą. Aišku jus argumentuosit kad panašiau daro ir Sony. Taip, bet ne visai. Sony pradėjo leisti tam tikrus savo žaidimus Windows platformoje, bet ne XBox, nes iki šiol nori ir norės, kad žmonės būtu jų fanai, pirktų jų konsoles, jų geležį, įskaitant ir PS5 Pro už ~ 1000e ir liktu su Sony. Bet ne Microsoft. Manau net jeigu Microsoft ir išleis kitą konsolių kartą, jų niekam nereikės. Pats GamePass kažkaip tai gyvos, bet jau dabar kaip servisas yra pasikęs piką ir nesiplės. O reziumė būtu paprastas. Manau kad Microsoft tikrąją tą žodžio prasmę išdavė ir metė savo žaidėjus.           
  • 32 Dizainas

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    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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