Rekomenduojami pranešimai

na kaip norejo kurejai tap ir padare, cia ne karai, cia scifi taip kaip jie ji isivaizduoja ir kaip as isivaizduoju siaip bent jau pagal tas knygas skaitytas. exploration pagrindas, bet saugu nebus ir draugu planetose tarp gyvu butybiu tikrai nerasi, taigi veikt manau bus ka. bent jau mano ideja tai kuo daugiau planetu aplankyt ir jose palikt savo pedsakus, savo varda irasyt  :acc:  . bet tai tures but kazkas globaliais svarbaus kad tavo vardas isirasytu, kaip sake kurejas jei tu planetoj pauksti nusausi tai to tikrai niekas nesuzinos  :trl:  

laukiam daugiau gameplay nes viskas idomiai skamba. tik nelabai viskas aisku, kaip ir vienas zmogus interviu klause kaip tos planetos susikurs, ar tik tada kai ten nuskrisi ar kai zaidimas bus isleistas ir jis sukurs planetas visas kaip ten bus idomu. :working:

atrodo ka turesi nuo pat zaidimo pradzios tai laiva. na dar kostiuma turbut. ginklu rankose kaip ir nesimate ar ranku paciu per treilerius. idomus AI bus tik gyvunai ar pvz engine sukurs ir kokia mastancia gyvybes forma..butu idomu kokie ateiviai..

zaidimas e3 2014 pasieme 3 apdovanojimus . neblogai

kaip ir kur zmones kuria
























z206-23_1542vs_verge_super_wide.jpgdev kit  :)






E3 bardzos kai nera tai kitas zmogus visai 












z206-23_1552vs_verge_super_wide.jpgmegsta xbox 360 pultelius  :D
















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kai kas naujo is sito interviu, kad is tikro galesi rinkt isteklius planetu ir juo parduot iskeist ar atiduot kazkam, galesi is to ir uzsidirbt aisku. dar ginklas bus tikras scifi ginklas , ir jis bus tobulinamas, jokiu kulkom saudanciu ginklu nebus. 

ispudingiausias jo sakinys visdel to buvo tas kad: jeigu milijona zmoniu ismestume vienoj planetoj , jie vistiek butu gana toli vienas nuo kito ... milijona vienoj planetoj ...  :god:  :flip:

del planetos masto kazkaip as nelabai tikiu bet matyt planetu bus skirtingo dydzio. jis dar sake kad kad net viena planeta gali buti iki galo galbut niekad neistirta. nepanasu kad planetos bus 15 min perejimo dydzio  :poker: as nusileidau vienoj dideles planetoj ir po savaites klajojimu joje as apejau tik nedidele jos dali ..ka jau kalbet apie visata ..

AI bus visur , jie prekiaus , jie skraidys , jie kovos, vieni bus draugiski kiti nores tave nuzudyt. velgi prekyba atrodo bus gan stiprus dalykas uzsikalt pinigu ir galbut reputacija. pagal kuria tu busi kazkaip ivertintas, nes zaidime bus visokiu apdovanojimu uz kazka. uz ivairius veiksmus.

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"If you were to visit one virtual planet every second, then our own sun will have died before you’d have seen them all," Murray said. "We are attempting to do things that haven’t been done before."

"No game has made it possible to fly down to a planet, and for it to be planet-sized, and feature life, ecology, lakes, caves, waterfalls, and canyons, then seamlessly fly up through the stratosphere and take to space again. It’s a tremendous challenge."



...our own sun will have died before you’d have seen them all  :gasp: ..laaaaabai ilgas zaidimas.. :spit: 

Redagavo scalman

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biciukas rode apie valandos demo per gamescom uz uzdaru duru todel mes nieko ir nezinojom apie tai jis nori pasidalint kai kuriais ispudziais is to ka ten rode ir apie zaidima...

Hello PlayStation.Blog! I’m Sean Murray, and I work at a little indie studio in the UK, making a game called No Man’s Sky on PS4. I’m writing this on a plane back from Gamescom, where we showed some press the game behind closed doors.

We’ve only done three days where we’ve talked to press about the game so far (two at E3 and one at the VGXs last year), but for an indie game we’ve had lots of interest and excitement. Something I’m still struggling to get my head around. So much so that I didn’t actually want to go to Gamescom! We’ve never actually shown any European press the game though, and we felt bad about that.

PlayStation provided a room and I gave a hundred press a demo of the game for an hour, together with a really rambling presentation… where I apparently never looked up at the crowd once.

I can’t really remember what I said, but I guess I wanted to share some stories from development, and I thought maybe you’d find them interesting, too.

We tell people No Man’s Sky is a science-fiction game, set in an infinite procedural universe. When I read sci-fi growing up, though, the thing I always wanted to experience was the feeling of touching down on a planet that no one had ever been to. To walk over the crest of an alien landscape and not know what I might find.

My favorite moment so far from making No Man’s Sky happened a few months back. David was adding four-legged creatures to the game (he insists on calling them ungulates), Hazel was adding a weather system, and Ryan was adding collision to all the trees (which is really hard when you have a whole forest full of them).

I hadn’t seen any of this, and I was flying around the universe, trying to take some screenshots. I neared the surface of a planet and suddenly it started to rain. As I was touching down I scared some deer who broke through the woods, dodging in and out of trees. Now this was jaw-dropping to me, because I’ve never seen any of these systems before, but also it felt like this was a real place I’d discovered. No one had been there before, and I didn’t know whether to shout excitedly, or just keep it to myself.

In a nutshell, moments like that are No Man’s Sky for me. Sure there is trading, combat, weapons, ships, and a core game, but really for me the quiet moments of discovery are what it’s all about.

The cool thing is that every planet has a single number, a random seed, that defines everything about that planet. A single random seed generates every blade of grass, tree, flower, creature. So as the developer I can note down the planet seed, and then just go back there any time I want. We demoed this at Gamescom, just jumping round the universe to different planets. There are no load times, because nothing needs to load, as the planets are entirely computer-generated.

Really this seed defines how many planets you can discover before things start to go a bit crazy and undefined. For us we choose a big number. We’re working to a 64-bit system, which is 2 to the power of 64… or 18,446,744,073,709,551,616 possible planets. Even if a planet is discovered every second, it’ll take 585 billion years to find them all!

Being a coder, I really enjoy the tech side of things, but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is how interesting, varied, and exciting we can make this universe of ours. That’s what developing No Man’s Sky really is. It’s about filling the universe.

The procedural technology does lots of that for us, but we have to provide it with the sparks, like the patterns of spaceship design that we think look great, and different types of creature and the way they vary. We have to build the systems, the rules. We’ve shown so far creatures that you’ll be familiar with, but we’re thinking now about creatures that look far more alien, and they’re slowly changing the way even we’re perceiving the universe. It’s getting weirder, maybe not so friendly, and surprising us at every turn.

It’s been a joy to see the game boot every day as No Man’s Sky becomes richer and more varied and we see more surprising things, but it’s also sort of frustrating, because it’s so hard to share our excitement at what we’ve been creating. It has never felt right to just go and show off lots of a game that’s about discovery. It’s like that should be up to you when you finally get to play. I can’t wait for that, and it just makes me want to finish the game as soon as we can.

And my plane has just landed! Thanks again for everything, and we’ll talk again soon.


...There are no load times, because nothing needs to load, as the planets are entirely computer-generated.  :gusta:

gal kada veliau paleakins ta demo ka ten rode nes butu visiem idomu tikrai ..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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siek tiek info bendros surinkta apie viska kas zinoma 



The list is massive and gives general information about No Man's Sky, Universe, Planets, Ships, Gameplay and many more things. You can check out the full list below.


  • It's a science fiction game
  • Coming to PC, but will be a timed exclusive for the PS4
  • Almost everything is Procedurally Generated. Ships, Plants, Animals, Planets etc, meaning there are going to be a very large number of variations of each of those things. All the variations will come from a base model though, and there will most likely be a lot of base models in each category.
  • No saved games. The game will be saved all the time as you go along, but you can’t save and load games. If you die, then you will have to rebuild from where you are in the universe. You’ll never have to go back to the start and try again
  • Uses an alternative periodic table to help create environmental diversity
  • There will be a narrative, with a reason for the player’s presence and their activities, and details of various races that preceded you. You won’t be told the narrative, it’s up to you to explore and piece it all together and come up with your own interpretations
  • The Atlas will be an important part of the lore
  • There will be an antagonist of sorts - the Malevolent Force
  • Don’t expect cutscenes, dialogues or much text within the game.
  • More extensive terrain deformation, ground vehicles and a more traditional multiplayer will come later
  • The only release date hint has been that it is “Coming Soon-ish” (as of E3). There have been no confirmations as to what year it will be released, so 2015 that most websites mention is just speculation right now. So they know what their release date is, but they don’t want to announce it until they are sure they can meet it


  • Can be affiliated with different factions, however you’ll never have indications of this. It’ll simply be that if you destroy ships of one faction, then it won’t like you, or you could help it and it will
  • If you have a good status and affiliation, then you will be able to call on AI wingmen (Using D-pad)
  • The alternative periodic table ties directly into the game’s use of resources, which are used to improve your avatar’s suit and your weapon, and can be traded at space stations to earn money to upgrade your craft, or buy a new one
  • Resources can be combined
  • There won’t be any quests or missions to go on. It’ll be up to you to decide what you want to do. The hope is that your natural curiosity and the richness of the worlds presented will be enough to keep you interested - this is a game about exploration
  • Fun is put above scientific accuracy. Flying between planets won’t be long and monotonous, and neither will flying out of an atmosphere
  • There is an in-game encyclopedia where you can view all the rare creatures you’ve scanned once uploaded
  • It’s basically up to you how you play. The universe is a living breathing place that just works. Shipping lanes, trade routes, freighters, space stations. Planets have ecologies.
  • Not an MMO. Everyone will be very far away from each other. But you will feel the impact of other players
  • It’s been mentioned that you can run into other players, but it’ll be very rare, and the details are very unclear right now. For example “there is the ability to communicate and work with other people” is something Sean said. He also mentions that he is inspired by how Journey and Dark Souls do it. So if you run into another player, you won’t know who they are.
  • It’ll always be first person
  • This isn’t a game about staying on one planet and setting up shop, this isn’t core to the game. You can stay on one planet if you want though, it’s up to you
  • There will be a compelling reason to head towards the centre of the galaxy, as well as an ending that will provide you with a sense of closure. But there will be a reason to continue playing after that ending
  • You don't have an inventory, but you do have a sort of bank account.
  • Any employment in the game will net you money and you can use this to buy equipment
  • There will be ancient artefacts for you to find which could reveal the secrets of the universe.


  • Same universe for everyone
  • Everyone starts in their own solar system, so people will be very far away from one another to begin with.
  • Only significant events are shared between people. So for example, killing a single animal won’t be shared. It’ll always be dead for you though. But if you wipe out an entire species, then that would be shared with everyone else
  • There is an offline mode, which would mean that you wouldn’t see anyone else’s discoveries
  • Made up of multiple galaxies
  • The planets within the universe will have a 10% chance of having life on them, with 90% of them having no life on at all. Of the 10% that does have life, 90% of that will be primitive and boring. So the lush garden worlds with more evolved life forms on will be rare
  • There will be lots of barren planets, but they can still have valuable resources on
  • Planets will generally only have one type of resource on them
  • "In every solar system there is one core thing that you can do which is of great significance to that solar system. And that is shared among everyone, and fundamentally changes that solar system, and people can choose whether or not to do that. And there are a number of mechanisms like that, which create emergent gameplay."


  • You start with a lifepod ship, without a hyperdrive. So you’ll have to get money to buy a better ship before you can really begin exploring the universe
  • Can enter a ship almost instantly, without any laborious animations. (using Triangle)
  • You don’t get massive ships - you will stay in quite small ships
  • You can only buy ships that are docked at space stations
  • There are three main classes of ships: Fighter, Trader and Explorer
  • Each class has multiple prototypes
  • Fighters are light and symmetrical
  • Trader craft tend to be bulkier and slower, but with heavier weapons
  • Explorer ships will have much better hyperdrives and stealth capabilities, allowing pacifists to run from every fight
  • Each ship will have between one and three different armaments attached, and you’ll be able to upgrade them.
  • Enhancements are hinted to be more interesting than simply more power or a faster rate of fire
  • They are not defined in the game as a specific class, but it should be obvious by the visible hints what a craft is designed for
  • A certain type of ship doesn’t restrict you to a certain path, but there are of course some ships more suited to certain tasks than other. But you’ll always be able to change to a different type of ship
  • The cockpit of the ship will be the lifepod, so if the ship is destroyed then you go back to a lifepod and you’ve lost that ship.
  • You will have the equivalent of a whistle to call your ship over, so long as it’s close by
  • After a while, the wear and tear on your craft is clearly visible, helping you to form an emotional attachment to your beaten-up old ships
  • There’s a generous targeting system that only requires you to point your nose near a bogey to loose off a missile or two - you don’t need to be really accurate
  • Can “pull low above the surface and climb out in mid-air, before returning to the cockpit and flying around some more”
  • Landing will be simple and straightforward
  • Space combat will be arcadey
  • Better ships will be found further into the galaxy, where combat will also be harder
  • Fuel will be really expensive, and is used to travel from one solar system to the next, like a hyper jump.
  • A quick and cheap way to get fuel is to go down to a planet and do some mining, but you can also make money other ways and use that buy fuel.


  • Planet sized planets
  • On the ground you can have a jetpack, which will need to be earned. (Controlled with the X button)
  • You’ll have a minimap which will show points of interest, such as resource rich areas and landmarks that you or others have uploaded. Won’t know what it is until you get there though
  • Other points of interest include crashed ships, beacons, something to discover like mountain ranges, a vast lake, new species of creature.
  • Can name things that you discover first, such as plants, planets, creatures etc. But they will all have latin names by default, which will appear larger than the player names
  • Suits and weapons can only be upgraded at trading posts on planets
  • Upgrades include allowing you to breathe underwater for longer, or survive in toxic environments etc
  • You will have a multi-tool, which will act as a scanner, weapon and mining tool. (Square to use scanner)
  • There are grenade like plasma balls
  • You can blow holes in things
  • There will be combat situations on planets
  • You have a compass (the heart in the middle of the screen at the top)
  • There are procedurally generated rooms
  • The suit nullifies gravity. 



Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Graziai zaidimas susiziurejo. ypac patiko laisves jausmas kazkoks.. Sedi i lektuva/erdvelaivi savo ir skrendi kur akis mato. Taip realiame gyvenime nera. :)


Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Pati pradžia video tai tikrai gerai atrodė naktį (primena Avatara), arba kai skrido šviesos greičiu :) pradžiai nelabai manę domino šis žaidimas bet dabar kai jau daugiau info yra tai tikrai sudomino 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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pagaliau nauju video apie zaidima. vienas laukiamiausiu mano. kartu su dabar losiamu elite dangerous, bei dar kuriamu limit theory,sitas bus dar kazkuo kitoks.

laukia dar daugiau gameplay streamo  :yes:

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Tikios bus ir tu ginklu kur saudys kulkom. As megstu ant fatastiniu saudykliu, kai ginklote dar primena zemiskus resursus.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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pasak kurejo jam patinka ir nori visiskai priesingo, kad sci fi butu tikras scifi kaip kad knygose kurias jis skaite ir skaito ,o ne kaip dabartiniuose fantastiniuose video zaidimuose. siaip saudymas nebus net butinas tenai nei koks svarbus dalykas tai ginklas gal bus vienas kuris gerinsis ar kazkas panasaus, kazkur tokia ju minti lyg skaiciau.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Man kol kas jo koncepcija skamba nuobodziai. Na ir kas, kad pasauliu daugybe, bet jei gameplay vienodas bus su mazai galimybiu tai labai greit gali pabosti tuo paciu budu atrasti 139pasauli, pasitrinti pora minuciu ir keliauti toliau. Arba kazka is gameplay galimybiu as praleidau.

Redagavo Thetruth

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tiesiog kam tokia ideja nepatinka tai ir nemegins zaisti sito zaidimo.sutikti gali bet ka bet kur. galesi pekiauti , kazka rasti - parduoti. arba kazka rast ir pasidalinti su kitais, arba ne. kazka sunaikinti arba neliesi. tobulint laiva, kostiuma. idomi jau vien ideja nuskristi iki planetos ir nusileisti i ja ir visa istyrineti. kam neidomi tai manau neverta zaist, kaip sake kurejas geriau tada mass effect tipo scifi zaisti tokiem kurie zemelapi nori rasti 3 pasirinkimus. pvz elite dangerous losiu ir ten tik keliavimas , saudymasis ir prekyba kol kas, ir tai yra idomu . jokiu questu , jokiu uzduociu nera,niekas tau nesako kur keliaut ar ka daryt, tai tokia ideja kazkam gali atrodyt betiksle, nes story nera. bet jos ir nereikia.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Na tai keliavimas saudymas ir tyrinejimas ir turi buti idomiai padaryti,nes kai tu ta pati veiksma kartoji ir kartoji jis turi buti kazkuo idomus, kad nepabostu. Dabar ten apart random generated pasauliu, kurie irgi gali greitai pabost nelabai ka jie tikslaus parodo. Kad ir prekyba. Na ir parduosi kazka ir kas is to? Prie ko cia mass effect jei tokiu open world sandbox zaidimu ir taip yra su kuo lyginti. Nes kol kas atrodo kaip spore koks, ideja yra bet jau taip viskas realiai sudejus elementus pavirsutiniskai padaryta, kad nors popieriuje skamba, kad zaisti gali begale, istirko pabosta poaa keliu valandu. Bet pagyvensim, pamatysim, tikiuosi, kad visgi bus idomus ir smagus reikalas cia. :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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tai aisku kad jei nebus idomu tai visa galaktika nesudomins kad ja tyrinet, todel kaip sake padare mazesnius atstumus tarp planetu negu realybej yra ir pan. nzn man visa gameplay ka rode iki siol kol kas atrodo idomiai, ir cia jie rodo tik labai maza dali toks dalykas kaip exploraton ne visiem idomus, man pvz idomus is tai kas ten vyksta man idomu pvz.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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    • Kaip tik šiai diskusijai ^^    
    • Kad šiek tiek pagyvinti forumą, norėčiau padiskutuoti su forumečiais ką manote apie XBox apskritai kaip gaming platformos ir pačių konsolių kaip tokių ateitį. Asmeniškai manau kad tą ateitis yra gan niūri ir kad ji tokia būtu nenuilstamai visos šios konsolių kartos laiką padirbėjo XBox vadovybė. Kodėl taip galvoju. Jeigu dar net XBox One (PS4) laiku, Boxas labai didėliai daliai žmonių (XBox nuo 360 laiku tikrai turėjo visą stiprią fan auditoriją) buvo geidžiama konsole, ne ką mažiau negu Playstation, tai dabar laikai pasikeitė kardinaliai. Xbox praktiškai neleidžia exclusive žaidimų, nemaža dalis žaidimų atsiduria GamePase Day1, GamePass yra tiek stumiamas per visus galus ir nori būti visur, kad žmonės realai neperka Microsoft žaidimu išvis - jų nereikia. Kam pvz. pirkti STALKER 2 , jeigu gali atrasti pati pigiausią GamePass  1 mėn.  (ar net gauti nemokamai) pereiti ir pamiršt. Žmonės visiškai nėra prisirišę prie XBox ekosistemos, nes ji sugriauta pačios XBox vadovybės dėka. Jie neturi nupirktų žaidimų bibliotekos, neturi sėkmingai bėga į Sony stovyklą. Aišku jus argumentuosit kad panašiau daro ir Sony. Taip, bet ne visai. Sony pradėjo leisti tam tikrus savo žaidimus Windows platformoje, bet ne XBox, nes iki šiol nori ir norės, kad žmonės būtu jų fanai, pirktų jų konsoles, jų geležį, įskaitant ir PS5 Pro už ~ 1000e ir liktu su Sony. Bet ne Microsoft. Manau net jeigu Microsoft ir išleis kitą konsolių kartą, jų niekam nereikės. Pats GamePass kažkaip tai gyvos, bet jau dabar kaip servisas yra pasikęs piką ir nesiplės. O reziumė būtu paprastas. Manau kad Microsoft tikrąją tą žodžio prasmę išdavė ir metė savo žaidėjus.           
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