
Playstation 4 naujienos

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Nera rinkoje padoraus hdtv su hdr ir mazu latency. Zmogus matyt nusipirko tai reikia kazkaip pateisint:)

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Kiek teko sekti NeoGAF forumą, tai 6klasės Samsungai techniškai nepajėgūs palaikyti HDR su game mode, tai firmaware updeit'as nepadės.

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Kiek teko sekti NeoGAF forumą, tai 6klasės Samsungai techniškai nepajėgūs palaikyti HDR su game mode, tai firmaware updeit'as nepadės.


Na tai viskas aišku. Pasaulis nepasiruošęs ;)

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Prieš keletą dienų gavau FW 1140 versija 
Dabar pabandžiau 
Game ir HDR mode ON
Galiu tik HDR off padaryti o game mode iškart ON pasidaro ir negaliu OFF padaryti, aišku konsolės neturiu tai bandžiau per stream game app 


kur parašyta Not available ten iš žaidimo tas užrašas

Maniškis input lag turi maža apie 21

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Valve prideda native supporta PS4 pulteliui Steame taip apeinant Windows'us kurie nepilnai support'ina DS4 pultelį :) Sakyčiau puikus žingsnis.

ds4 windows ir taip veikia pilnai,nebloga programele

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ds4 windows ir taip veikia pilnai,nebloga programele

Na, kol dar turėjau PS4 tai veikė tik paviršutiniškai DS4 ant Windows'u, nei touchpadas nei gyro neveikė.

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Na, kol dar turėjau PS4 tai veikė tik paviršutiniškai DS4 ant Windows'u, nei touchpadas nei gyro neveikė.

uztenka ir to,isnaudoju pc zaidimams,kuriu nebuna ant ps4,bei emuliatoriu versijas

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uztenka ir to,isnaudoju pc zaidimams,kuriu nebuna ant ps4,bei emuliatoriu versijas

Na man to kaip tik trūko, plius nevisi žaidimai veikia su DS4, nes palaiko tik xbox pulteli. Tai džiugu dėl to jog steam pramuš ledus.

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PS4 Pro tures 1gb papildomo letesnio DDR RAM , tam kad atlaisvint esamus 8gb ram.
The extra ram will be used for app switching and non gaming use. This frees up the 8gb of GDDR5 ram that the PS4Pro has for gaming purposes. So faster app switching and more ram for gaming.

"We felt games needed a little more memory, about 10 percent more, so we added about 1GB of slow, conventional DRAM to the console," Cerny explained.


With PS4 Pro, that application is moved to the extra 1GB of RAM when swapping to a game, freeing up nearly an entire gigabyte of the console's remaining 8GB of GDDR5 RAM.



The tech session with Mark Cerny was signposted as far back as the PlayStation Meeting at the beginning of September, and it didn't fail to deliver a treasure trove of new information on the hardware make-up of the new machine and the ethos behind it. The highlights are as follows.

Additional 1GB of DDR3 RAM - used to swap out non-games apps (eg Netflix) from the 8GB of GDDR5

512MB available to developers for 4K render targets and framebuffers

Another 512MB utilised for handling a 4K version of the dynamic menu front-end

New ID buffer for tracking triangles and objects, opening the door to advanced spatial and temporal anti-aliasing

4K framebuffers either created from simpler geometry-only rendering or more advanced checkerboarding

Some developers - eg the developers of Spider-Man and For Honor - producing their own 4K techniques based on four million pixel framebuffers

Double the compute units, laid out like a mirror of the original PS4's GPU. Half the CUs deactivate when running in base PS4 mode

2.13GHz CPU and 911MHz GPU in Pro mode, running at 1.6GHz and 800MHz respectively in base PS4 mode in order to lock back-compat with the standard model

AMD Polaris energy efficiency improvements enabling more power in a console form factor

Delta colour compression technology arrives in PS4 Pro, maximising memory bandwidth. Not seen in PS4

Primitive discard accelerator culls triangles from the scene that aren't visible

Enhanced 16-bit half-float support

Improvements for running multiple wavefronts on the compute units - more work per CU

New features from AMD roadmap - the ability to run two FP16 operations concurrently instead of one FP32, plus the integration of a work scheduler for increased efficiency

Advanced multi-resolution support for increased performance in VR titles


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PlayStation 4 Pro made its big debut yesterday, and Sony is selling it as a 4K gaming box. But most of the games the company showed were not rendering a native 4K image. Instead, you were probably seeing something closer to 1440p or 1800p. That’s quite a lot less detail than 2160p — although, for the Sony’s new supersystem, it doesn’t matter.

The PS4 Pro does not have the horsepower to render native 4K. Developers are already admitting that. Guerrilla Games confirmed that it isn’t rendering Horizon: Zero Dawn, its open-world sci-fi adventure, at the 3,840 x 2160 resolution that is standard for 4K. Sony itself plainly stated yesterday during its event in Manhattan that it didn’t want to make a machine that could fill all 8 million pixels of a 4K television set.

“Brute-force rendering techniques can of course be used to support [4K] displays,” PlayStation technical chief Mark Cerny said during the PlayStation presentation on Wednesday. “But they have unfortunate consequences for console cost and form factor.”

So if PS4 isn’t rendering native 4K images, then what is it doing? Magic!

Redagavo paseles

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kas is to 4k kai zaidimu normaliu nera, jie galvoja, kad geresniu grafiku zaidejams reikia,o ne zaidimu nors konsole niekad jos geros netures del savo kainos.

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If you’re curious as to how PlayStation 4 Pro can produce better graphics, provide extra features and still play current games in the process, Mark Cerny has the answer.



Speaking at conference at Sony’s San Mateo HQ attended by Digital Foundry and other outlets, PlayStation architect Cerny explained that in order to achieve this, the hardware has been doubled.

The console will sport two chips and the system uses one to play existing tiles, and then when a Pro game is popped in, both chips work in tangent.

“We doubled the GPU size by essentially placing it next to a mirrored version of itself, sort of like the wings of a butterfly,” he explained.

“That gives us an extremely clean way to support the existing 700 titles. We just turn off half the GPU and run it at something quite close to the original GPU.”

Cerny said he and his team also felt games needed “about 10% more memory,” which is why they added a gigabyte of slow, conventional DRAM to the console making it “DDR3 in nature.”

“On a PS4 standard model, if you’re switching between an application, such as Netflix, and a game, Netflix is still in system memory even when you’re playing the game. We use that architecture because it allows for a very quick swap between applications,” he said. “Nothing needs to be loaded, it’s already in memory.

“On PS4 Pro, we do things differently, when you stop using Netflix, we move it to the slow, conventional gigabyte of DRAM. Using that strategy frees up almost one gigabyte of the eight gigabytes of GDDR5. We use 512MB of that freed up space for games, which is to say that games can use 5.5GB instead of the five and we use most of the rest to make the PS4 Pro interface – meaning what you see when you hit the PS button – at 4K rather than the 1080p it is today.”

During the meeting, Cerny reiterated PS4 Pro isn’t the start of a new generation, perGamasutra.

“We don’t believe that generations are going away,” he said. “They are truly healthy for the industry, and for the gaming community. It’s just that the objectives for PS4 Pro are quite different.”

Cerny goes into even more technical aspects of the console in the Digital Foundry write up, and you can read it in its entirety over on Eurogamer.

As previously reported, PS4 Pro owners will be able to swap the console’s 1TB HDD for a larger one, and the consoles is also running SATA 3.0. which was previously confirmed by Sony Japan.

PS4 Pro will be released on November 10 and will run you $399/€399/£349.

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Du nauji pultai stilius kaip Xbox One pultai

Razer Raiju

The Razer team’s extensive knowledge in developing eSports peripherals made them an ideal partner to create a tournament-grade controller for PS4.


Designed for conquering professional eSports tournaments, the Razer Raiju is equipped with advanced controller customisation and ergonomics. Its features include:

  • Two extra bumpers and two extra detachable triggers
  • Built-in control panel on the front of the controller
  • Trigger-stop switches and hair trigger mode for ultra-fast trigger responses
  • Two custom profiles which you can instantly switch between and modify
  • 3.5mm headset jack and dedicated headset volume and mic mute controls
  • Detachable analog stick rubber caps which provide extra grip during intense gaming sessions
  • Compatibility with all PS4 systems via the braided 3m-long USB cable – detachable for easy storage

The Razer Raiju will launch this holiday season and you can sign up to receive more information about it here.


Nacon Revolution

Developed with the eSport player in mind, the Nacon team of industrial designers and engineers collaborated with pro-gamers to develop the Revolution Pro Controller to meet a wide range of their gameplay needs.


Thanks to this collaboration, the Revolution Pro Controller features include:

  • 46° amplitude dual analogue sticks, enhanced with innovative firmware for advanced eSports accuracy and reach
  • Four extra shortcut buttons
  • Eight-way directional pad
  • Four custom profiles – all configurable via the companion PC application, enabling players to: re-map buttons, assign macros to the four shortcut controls and adjust analog and trigger sensitivity
  • Two internal compartments with six additional weights – for a tailored balance and feel
  • Compatibility with all PS4 systems via the 3m-long secure connection USB cable – detachable for easy storage

The Revolution Pro Controller will also be available this holiday season and you can visit the Nacon website here for more information.


Leave us your thoughts in the comments below about both controllers and visit the Razer and Nacon websites to find out more.

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Nezinau kodel sitas video toks populiarus ir plinta, nes man kazkaip ziurint geda, bet reikia ir cia jam duoti sava vieta. 80 metu stiliaus reklama - Pro.


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