Rekomenduojami pranešimai

Star Citizen

Star Citizen

  • Platformos

    • PC
    • Linux
  • Kūrėjas

    • Cloud Imperium Games Corporation
  • Leidėjas

    • Cloud Imperium Games Corporation
  • Temos

    • Sci-Fi
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    A first-person space combat & flight simulation MMO inspired by the Wing Commander series of games.

Star Citizen

Apie žaidimą

A first-person space combat & flight simulation MMO inspired by the Wing Commander series of games.



If I was making Wing Commander today, Star Citizen is what I would do.
Chris Roberts

Star Citizen was announced by Chris Roberts at GDC on the 10th of October, 2012 after he previously spent an extended period working in the film industry. Players take on various roles and duties within a vast space-faring empire. Those roles could include becoming a freelance merchant, a pirate or signing up for military duty as part of Squadron 42 - the single-player story component of the project. Star Citizen is described as a first-person action game where player skill is the primary means of achieving outcomes.

The game is being developed by Cloud Imperium Games (CIG) and is using a heavily modified version of CryEngine 3 as part of an integration with Amazon's Lumberyard engine. CIG consists of four main studios located in Austin TX, Los Angeles CA, Manchester UK and Frankfurt, Germany.

Crowd Funding Initiative

Star Citizen / Squadron 42 was a successful Kickstarter campaign and now holds the Guinness World Record for being the highest crowd-funded project of any kind. It is currently being further funded directly from the Roberts Space Industries website via the sale of Ship/Game Packages. These pledge packages offer a selection of ships to fly, ranging from small trading vessels and fighter craft up to large multi-crew freighters and capital ships. These ships are not exclusive to the funding period and are being offered as an incentive for early backing and to support ongoing development costs. The minimum cost package offers the same access to the game as any other package.


The game is divided into two main components. Star Citizen is the online persistent universe and Squadron 42 is the single-player story component.

  • Squadron 42 is more akin to the Wing Commander series of military campaigns. The player joins the navy and is recruited by the titular Squadron 42. It will have cinematic events and an engaging story as the main attraction with many high-profile actors including Mark Hamill and John Rhys-Davies.
  • Star Citizen's open world promises a Freelancer/Privateer-like experience where players are free to choose their own path. Everything has to be earned via practical skills, and reputation will play a very important part in a large empire spanning dozens of star systems.

Any combination of controller input such as joystick, HOTAS, gamepad, etc are supported for character and ship control. The game will also support VR and head-tracking systems.

Online persistence

The universe, and all the characters and events within it will be managed by a central "Galaxy" server. Player statistics will be tracked and preserved throughout the game. A virtual economy system will play an important part of the universe, and will reward a multitude of achievements such as the discovery of rare uncharted jump points in space.

A dynamic 'server mesh' instancing system will allow for a large amount of players to interact in a single area. Unlike conventional forms of instancing, the game will dynamically adjust layers of multiple instances in a specific location according to player density. This will allow players to interact with friends without having to connect to specific instances.

Regional servers will be connected through the galaxy server. Later on, tools will be available to provide private servers akin to Freelancer's multiplayer servers. These private servers will not be linked to the public persistent universe.

First-Person Combat & Interaction

Throughout the entire game players are able to interact with the game world in first person as their player avatar aboard ships, orbiting stations, and in planet-side cities. Ship boarding, zero-G combat, first-person shooter (FPS) combat, trade, and other social interaction can all occur separate to the piloting of ships and vehicles.


Players can purchase a variety of ships and ship modifications as they progress in the game to develop their chosen career and play style. Control of ships is primarily from the cockpit, with a restricted 3rd person camera view. The cockpits feature detailed, customizable instrument panels and holographic HUDs, intended to reflect different ship manufacturer styles.

The larger capital ships allow players to operate specific tasks such as Co-Pilot, Radar Operations, Torpedo/Missile Reloading Stations, Science Station, Electronic Warfare Operator, Engineering Station, and a Power & Shield Station.

The game features a semi-realistic physics simulation that handles the operation of ship thrusters based on the player's input called Intelligent Flight Control System, or IFCS. Players can switch between IFCS functions on-the-fly depending on whether they wish to fly in a linear atmospheric style or a free-floating style. G-forces will affect the player's body and the IFCS will assist with managing this.

Ships feature accurate location damage modelling which allows for individual components to be damaged or disabled. Visual damage effects will appear on the hull based on the location of damage and also the longer the ships are used the greater wear and tear effects will appear on the hull.

A future set of modding tools will allow players to submit their own mods and ship designs for potential inclusion in the game universe by the developers.


Star Citizen features over 100 star systems to explore with each consisting of multiple planets and orbiting moons as well as asteroid belts and space stations. CIG in conjunction with web development company Turbulent have created an award-winning interactive star map for players to chart their journeys.

Development Progress

Hangar Module (Released August 29, 2013)

Intended both as an early reward for backers as well as a preliminary testbed for the game's systems, the Hangar Module let players preview a small selection of ships they purchased in their own personal hangar. There were three aesthetic 'tiers' of hangar based on the size of ship purchased; Discount for the Aurora and 300i, Business for the Hornet and Freelancer ships, and Deluxe for the Constellation.

Arena Commander (Released June 6, 2014)

Formerly known as the Dogfighting Module, Arena Commander is an in-fiction virtual simulator which allows players to fly and compete without the risk of loss in the persistent universe.

Arena Commander offers various gameplay modes such as Free Flight and Vanduul Swarm. Free Flight lets players fly their ships around maps with no combat, while Vanduul Swarm is a wave-based fight against enemy Vanduul pilots. More single and multiplayer modes have subsequently been added such as Murray Cup Racing, Pirate Swarm, and Battle Royale.

Social / Planetside Module (Released August 29, 2015)

This module allowed players to experience the walkable outdoor environments such as trade shops, bars / clubs and city streets. The original module featured ArcCorp Area 18 in the Stanton System.

Alpha v2.0 (Released October 29, 2015)

The culmination of all previous release modules. This is where the Star Citizen MMOG began to take shape. Players could jump between various locations seamlessly and perform basic missions.

Alpha v2.4 "Persistence" (Released June 10, 2016)

A significant step towards the Star Citizen MMOG vision when information that was previously stored client-side via XML files became synced with a server to achieve persistence in ship equipment/weapons, player character clothing, and FPS weapons.

Star Marine (Released December 23, 2016)

Much like Arena Commander, Star Marine functions as a simulator within the game to test equipment builds and play traditional competitive FPS matches without in-universe consequences. The module launched with a team-based conquest mode called Last Stand and a free-for-all deathmatch mode known as Elimination. Two maps were launched with this module; OP Station Demien and Echo 11.

Planetary Travel - Alpha v3.0 (Released December 23, 2017)

The first culmination of the procedural generation technology for the game, this patch opened up several large moons for players to interact with including the ability to seamlessly descend to the surface from space along with a swathe of new gameplay features such as item interaction, cargo purchasing, transporting, and selling.

Squadron 42 (TBA)

The first episode in the single player story campaign developed primarily by CIG's UK studio.

After the release of v3.0, CIG took on a development schedule with quarterly release targets. Further information on the development roadmap for Star Citizen and Squadron 42 can be found here.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Windows 7 (64 bit) – Service Pack 1, Windows 8 (64 bit), Windows 10 Anniversary Update (64 bit)
  • DirectX 11 graphics card with 2GB Video RAM (4 GB+ recommended)
  • Quad core CPU
  • 16GB Memory (additional RAM recommended)
  • SSD install recommended

Game Peripherals

Cloud Imperium Games entered into a hardware partnership with Saitek to build a suite of Star Citizen themed controllers. These included 2 different styles of HOTAS joysticks - a high-end joystick with integrated touch screen, and a more basic model with a segmented keyboard for various configurations. After Saitek's parent company Mad Catz filed for bankruptcy, Saitek was purchased by Logitech and progress on the Star Citizen peripherals has stalled.

At Gamescom 2017, CIG announced a partnership with Faceware Technologies to provide facial tracking technology to allow players to self-animate their character's faces in real time. In conjunction with this feature they will release a Star Citizen themed camera for the game.

Since 3.12 alpha patch there is supported head & eye tracking with Tobii Eye Tracker 4 & 5 controllers.

Since version 3.15.1 alpha patch the first phase of the Easy Anti-Cheat (EAC) deployment for there.





Kūrėjas: Cloud Imperium Games Corporation
Leidėjas: Cloud Imperium Games Corporation
Žaidimo variklis: Modified CryEngine (4th generation)
Žanras: Space trading and combat simulatorfirst-person shooter
Režimai: singleplayer, online
Išleidimo data: 2021 -- --
Metacritic įvertinimas:




Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft WindowsStar Citizen will consist of two main components: first person space combat and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe andcustomizable private servers (known as Star Citizen), and a branching single-player and drop-in co-operative multiplayer[6] campaign (known as Squadron 42). The game will feature Oculus Rift support.

Both Star Citizen and Squadron 42 are set in a 30th-century Milky Way centered around the fictional UEE (United Empire of Earth), an analogue of the late Roman Empire. A central theme of the game is citizenship (or lack thereof) in the UEE, which must be earned through player actions (such as completing a period of military service). It is anticipated that Citizens will enjoy certain in-game benefits, for example paying a reduced tax rate or having easier access to interspecies trade,[7] but the exact details are yet to be determined.

A strong focus will be placed on player interaction, with player behaviour influencing and being influenced by a dynamic economy system.[8][9]

Star Citizen is currently being developed by Chris RobertsCloud Imperium Games, founded in 2011.[10] Roberts' previous works include games such as Wing Commander,[11] Wing Commander: Privateer,[12] Starlancer andFreelancer.



Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Jo... Gryna arkada. Paziurejau video ir iskart, kai tik pradejo skristi, isgirdau variklio garsa... Pagalvojau, na gerai jau, paziuresim kaip toliau bus. Pradejo saudyti, tai iskart isjungiau. Jei jie jau sugalvojo kurti SIMULIATORIU, tai reikejo nepatingeti pasidometi, jog kosmose nieko nesigirdi, nes nera oro, nera kaip garsui persiduoti. Na nebent tik per laivo korpusa persiduotu i kabina, nes joje oras yra, bet ir tokiu atveju girdetusi labai tyliai ir dusliai.

P.S. dabar prisiminiau, kas zaides Dead Space, tai ten isejus i kosmosa yra butent taip, kaip apibudinau auksciau. Tai nera simuliatorius, bet kurejai padare viska labai realistiskai.

Redagavo Libra27

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Isivaizduok. Laikui begant pradejau manyti kad space citizen tik ir liks vaizduotes vaisius. Didelis hype'as, bet zinome kaip gali tokie traukinukai nusivaziuoti. Surinke virs 50 mln bet tam kokius tikslus jie uzsibrezia si situ projektu, tai tie 50mln tik centai.

Chriss Robertas pats industrijoje turi reputacija kail sakant, daug pazadu, daugiau uzsibreztu siekiu su laiku, o pabaigoje snipstas. Pompastiskos reklamos niekuo neparemtos, bei ''digital'' modeliuku pardavinejimas po kelis simtus euru ar tukstanciu pasitikejimo man nekelia.

Koki maciau laivo modeliu judejima, manes nesuzavejo. Kaip minejo... arkada. Skaickau jog zaidimo variklis baisiai netikes laivo simuliatoriui, bet tik tiek, nesidomejau detaliu kad galeciau kazka daugiau pasakyt.

Ir nuo kada kosminiam zaidimui taip rupi poligonu skaicius. Matai tik taskiuka taikinyje, tad bereikalingas darbas kelia pc reikalavimus ir nustumia potencialia rinka sali , nes reikalavimai bus per ne lyg dideli jog nors ant puses potencialiu zaideju pc padoriai zaidimas veiktu.

Bendrai noretus kad jiems pavyktu, bet kazkaip ju veikla skaitoma is nuotruolu ivairiuose gaming websituose man pasitimejimo nebekelia. Rodos labiau rupi daryt reklama, nei zaidima. Tiek laiko praejo, kuriamos atskiros dalys, fps visoks, o normalaus ''flight'' modelio kiek paskutini karta domejaus, dar nera. Skaitos zaidimas apie kosmosa.

Redagavo MiimisMaks

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na pirma jie naudojo jau esama engine, tai is jo nepadarysi nei procedural nei nieko kito. tik teksturas deliok ir gamink holivudini projekta , kas ir matosi. mane tai viena nesamone pagr ir atbaide ..tai kainos uz papildomus laivus ka jie dabar siulo. ne nu kokiu reikia buti kad uz metalo lauza viena ten tiek moket  :genius:  na taip uz dazus ir elite reikia moket , bet palyginus kapeikas. ir kam rupi tie dazai kai isorines kameros net nera kad pasiziuret. o cia tai . na grazu paziuret. skraidymo modelis ir garsai nera tokie geri , o tai pagr dalykas zaidime. ir kai yra keli zaidimai tai visada pasirenki kas labiau tinka.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na kiek aš mačiau, žadama buvo bomba, bet kiek atlikto darbo - tai šudeliakas....

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Šaip nurietusi kažko panašaus, tik ta mechanika atrodė man per daug medine... Gal galietu tos animacijos, ir būti gražesnios judėjimo ir pnš..

Redagavo CerberusLT

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Na kurejai pirma tai jqu maudosi piniguose kiek surinke turi. O antra daro visko misini. O kai nori apimt viska tai ne viena dalis is to visko negali but maximaliai gera. Nesigailiu uz elite sumokejas viena karta ir pamirses. Dabar lieka tik lost ir megautis. Sito kiek paziuriu tai racingas po miesta shipu arba vienoj erdvej pasisaudymas. Laivu variacijos juokingos, to pacio modelio daro 3,4 versijas kuriu ten skirtumai ginkluose buna ir isvaizdoj. Ir uz toki crapa reikia moket dar? Lol nusipirkt laiva kad buguotoj erdvej pasisaudyt ar palenktyniaut. Gal nereikia.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tai nieko, laivas 100-500 doleriu kainuoja. Ir tikrai nera taip jog jokios itakos nedaro pries kita zmogu su pigesniu laiveliu. Imk kad lentynes, greitesnis, manevringesnis ir tuo paciu brangesniais laivas uz tuos pacius dolerius laimet turi daugiau sansu uz pigesni. Pay 2 win. Ir tas labiausiai nepatinka. Todel ir palaidojas visa susidomejima is kart.

Keisciausiai kaip zmones leidzia tukstancius kai to pacio zaidimo ten nelabai yra, tik svajones ir pazadai siuo metu. Ar tik po metu ar pns nebus internetas pilnas nuoskaudos sia tema?

Redagavo MiimisMaks

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tu skaitai kad čia geras damage, jei net kiaurai nepraeina, kiek šaudė į ta pačia vieta tik viršus keičiasi ir viskas :) aišku gražiai atrodo , bet tikrai neišgeriausiu damage 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • Sveiki, gl kas turit senų, neveikiančių VITA 1000 originalių USB/krovimo laidų neišmetę? Nupirkčiau. Ieškau gana didelio kiekio. Svarbu, kad pati jungtis nebūtų sulūžusi. Pernaudosiu jas gaminant USB-C pakrovimo stovus. Kinietiškos jungtys labai jau standžiai laiko. Nupirkčiau ir veikiančius, bet ne po 10eur. Prisegu gaminio foto.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds 3PRO. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - Apple AirPods 4 ANC. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.
    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

  • Naujausios viktorinos