
Playstation VR (Project Morpheus)

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Esmė tos kuprinės tokia jog žaidimas generuoja kambarius taip kad tu iš savo patalpos niekur neišeini bet žaidime būni jau kokius 100 skirtingų kambarių aplankęs. Ir į sieną neatsitrenksi, nebent žaidime pulsi į sieną, tada jo. Aišku ne kiekvienam žaidimui tą pritaikysi, bet tai kur kas realistiškesnis VR experience nei begimo takeliai. O kaip Magnitas apie judesį mintimis tai manau mūsų karta iki to nedagyvens tai aš asmeniškai tenkinsiuos tuom kas yra čia ir dabar, kas bandė tas sakė jog verta ir tai kur kas daugiau nei šuolis nuo šilelio TV iki dabartinių telikų.

Turejau, isbandziau ir tikrai verta :) Paskubejau parduoti issigandes, kad toj iseis galutine versija ir kaina smarkiai dk2 nukris :)

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Designed collaboratively by Sony and Impulse Gear, originally for their game 'Farpoint'. No price or release date announced yet, but it's safe to say it'll release with the game and can range from $50-$100. Seems like PS Move and Navigation controller is built-in, so no extra accessories required when playing VR Shooters.


Impulse Gear is a small independent developer based in downtown San Francisco. We founded Impulse Gear with one very important mission: to create virtual reality games that would live up to the expectations of you, the gamer. To do that, we worked closely with SIE to develop an entirely new way to play games with the PS VR Aim Controller.

The PS VR Aim Controller offers the most realistic and precise way to control our game. With direct 1 to 1 tracking, you aim in Farpoint just as you would in real life. How you hold and where you point the controller are directly matched in the game. This allows you to do things in Farpoint that just are not possible in a standard FPS game. It also provides an unbelievable sense of presence in the virtual world.







naudota sitam zaidimui


keli nauji PSVR zaidimu treileriai..








tuo metu zmones su HTC vive ..




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realus PSVR nauju zaidimu gameplay. as pats dar galvojau kad gerai VR grafikai reikia gero pc ir brangaus VR, bet vien kaip Robinson atrodo  :god: . kaip VR uz 400 tai labai ispudinga


XING: The Land Beyond




Psychonauts in the Rhombus of Ruin

Here They Lie

Star Wars Battlefront: X-Wing VR Mission

Resident Evil 7

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Best Buy shopai duoda ismegint. matosi visas komplektas . 


rodomos demo:

EVE Valkyrie
Battle Zone
Super Hyper Cube
PS Worlds (Deep-Sea Dive or Heist)
Some Head game








megine EVE valkyrie sako kad na aisku grafika neprilygsta pc oculus / HTC vive versijos, bet tai kokie ten specai ir kokie cia. 

siaip atsiliepimai sako kad labai patogus daiktas ir tikriausia patogiausias is triju VR tiem kas devi akinius.

aplamai tik PSVR dare dizaina toki kad dali svorio yra ir galvos gale ir taip gauni balansa, priesingai nei kitu VR viskas kabo tau is priekio . 

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kaip atrodys PSVR zaidimu dezutes


1468021678-ps-vr-worlds.jpg 1468021678-rigs.jpg


1468021678-until-dawn-rush-of-blood.jpg 1468021678-hustle-kings-vr.jpg


labai gerai kad iskart parodo ko reikia o kas nebutina kad zaisti.kur reikia move , kur nereikia.

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O oficialiai patvirtinta jog VR bus galima naudoti tiesiog kaip ekraną ir žaisti visus žaidimus?

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O oficialiai patvirtinta jog VR bus galima naudoti tiesiog kaip ekraną ir žaisti visus žaidimus?

jo bus galima. bus toks cinematic mode kur tu pries akis matysi virtualu ekrana o jame jau viskas eis normaliai kaip per tv.

 The system also has a cinematic mode, which "lets users enjoy a variety of content in a large virtual screen while wearing the headset," the press release stated. "Supported content for the Cinematic mode includes standard PS4 games and videos as well as variety of PS4 features including Share Play and Live from PlayStation. Users will also be able to enjoy 360 degrees photos and videos that are captured by devices such as omnidirectional cameras on PS VR via PS4 Media Player, which will let them feel as if they are physically inside the captured scene."

How big will the screen look? That's up to you, but Sony gives some idea. "Users can enjoy content on a virtual screen up to 225 inches (5 meters in width) at a distance of 2.5 meters," the release explains. "The size of the screen will feel different depending on individual users."

The cinematic mode will allow you to play existing PS4 games and use video features, and the player will be able to select small, medium or large sizes for the virtual screen. We were able to try the feature during Sony's event, and the software places the viewer in a black space watching a floating screen; there is no surrounding environment. Nearly all UI elements of the PlayStation 4 will function in this mode, although Sony didn't detail which features wouldn't be available.


bicui farpoint padare didziausia ispudi, na siaip is matyto farpoint gameplay irgi tam greiciausia pritarciau. 


naujas PSVR zaidimas

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PSVR reikes 2x3 metru erdves



Sony’s upcoming PlayStation VR headset will require about 60-square-feet of cleared space to use and asks that players remain seated whenever possible while playing, according to new documentation released by the company.

The PlayStation Camera, which is required to use the VR headset, needs a cleared play area of about 9.8 feet by 6.2 feet, according to a sales brochure for the device.

"Limit your use of PS VR to within the Play Area," according to the brochure. "Clear an area larger than the Play Area of all obstacles before using PS VR and remain seated whenever possible. If the application requires you to stand while wearing the VR headset, follow the application instructions carefully, and maintain awareness of your surroundings."

The height of the play area will be dependent on how high up the camera is set, according to the official PlayStation Asia site.

The site also urges potential customers to try the PS VR at a store or a trial event before purchasing one.

"PS VR uses 3D vision technology," according to the site. "As there are individual difference in viewing 3D graphics and feeling of wearing VR headset, please try PS VR at shops or trial events before purchase."


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Man kaip tik yra tiek vietos, gal tik lovos kampas maišytu, o taip tai matmenys tiktų man

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Visiems linksma ir saunu tie VR ir t.t... Bet ar kas susimaste apie savo akis ir smegenys ? Ar su VR bus galima zaisti tik 10 ar 20 minuciu ? Nes po valandos turbut sony zenkliukai akyse issiraizys. Technologijoms p... zmogaus sveikata. Svarbu tik iskist viska kad viskas atsipirktu.

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niekam nera p* ant sveikatos. jie daro taip kad butu galima kuo patogiau ir geriau geimint . na ant tiek kiek siai dienai galima su dydziais svoriais padaryt. aisku tai nera multivalandinis dalykas , kaip ir paprastai losiant reikia daryt pertraukas. del smegenu tai vieniem viskas ok kitiem nelabai. cia jau kaip kam . smegenim pakenkt tai nepakenks tik kad susisuks galvele tai jau tikrai .cia bent jau is pirmo toki naudojant. o veliau prisiderinsim . 

labiausia p* musu akys buvo lempiniam telikam. va ten tai sprogo akys konkreciai.  :trl:

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