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Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation

  • Platformos

    • Mac
    • Xbox 360
    • PlayStation 3
    • Xbox 360 Games Store
    • +10
  • Kūrėjas

    • The Creative Assembly
  • Leidėjas

    • Sega
  • Temos

    • Horror
    • Sci-Fi
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    A survival horror game set fifteen years after the original Alien film. It stars Amanda Ripley, the daughter of the film's protagonist, Ellen Ripley.

Alien: Isolation

Apie žaidimą

A survival horror game set fifteen years after the original Alien film. It stars Amanda Ripley, the daughter of the film's protagonist, Ellen Ripley.



Alien: Isolation is a first-person survival horror game by The Creative Assembly. It takes place in the year 2137, fifteen years after the original 1979 Alien film in the Alien series. Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley, learns that the flight computer of the starfreighter USCSS Nostromo may have been found on the trade space station Sevastopol. Ripley immediately departs for the space station with a crew hoping to find some answers regarding the disappearance of her mother, only to discover a xenomorph drone has wiped out the Sevastopol.


Amanda Ripley

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Daughter of Ellen Ripley, the protagonist of the Alien film series, and the main character of Alien: Isolation. She is approximately twenty-five years old.

The Creative Assembly characterise Amanda as slightly more impulsive than the cool-headed Ellen, but also more lonely due to the trauma of losing her mother.


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An employee of Weyland-Yutani. Samuels informs Amanda that she may find answers regarding her mother's disappearance aboard Sevastopol.


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Taylor is a legal executive with Weyland-Yutani. Though she has little experience of (and is nervous about) space travel, she sees the discovery of the Nostromo's black box as a chance to forward her career within the company.


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Verlaine was conceived of as the answer to the question, "If Ellen Ripley hadn't been caught by the Alien, what would have happened to her?" Verlaine captains the USCSS Torrens, and has ceded some of her independence as a ship captain to survive in a universe run by megacorporations.


Alien: Isolation tasks the player with navigating the Sevastopol space station while being stalked by the titular alien. Bands of hostile humans and synthetic androids called Working Joes are also encountered.

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The survival horror aspect of Alien: Isolation manifests in the available tools and the player's interactions with the environment. Blueprints are collected throughout the game that allow the player to craft improvised weapons, including pipe bombs, noisemakers, and EMP traps. These devices are created using the various components found in the environment.

The player gains access to a few firearms, but open combat is generally discouraged. Health and ammo are limited, and the alien is attracted to loud noises. Players can evade enemies with the help of ventilation shafts, allowing passage through the station's walls or underneath the floors.

The player is able to interact with the systems in place on the station. Rewire stations are dual-screen wall devices that allow for the enabling or disabling of systems in the area through the redirection of power, up to a specified limit. These systems include security cameras, air purification, door access, and alarms. The player also has tools for removing hydraulic door jams and electronic locks.

One of the player's most vital tools is a motion tracker. The device emits an audible beep when in use, which can be heard by enemies that are very close.


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The alien is the primary foe of Alien: Isolation. Introduced early on, the alien stalks the player throughout the game. It has no scripted AI routine, aside from "shadowing" the player as they move from one area to the next, as so to guarantee that it is always nearby. When and where the alien descends from the ventilation shafts in the ceiling is completely random, unless attracted by a noise. On the ground, the alien will search for the player before retreating into the ceiling. The player is killed immediately if the alien catches up to them. This, along with the inability to kill the alien, necessitates stealth to survive.

Working Joes

The synthetic android workers called Working Joes have taken over management of the Sevastopol's facilities. Not all of the androids are hostile to the player. The ones that are will attempt to grapple the player and eliminate them. The androids are able to withstand several gunshots and are particularly resistant to fire, making them difficult to disable through conventional means.


Survivors are scarce aboard the Sevastopol. Many of those still remaining have armed themselves and organized into groups for safety. Upon detecting the player, they will draw their weapons and often give the player a chance to escape unharmed. Any further provocation results in a gunfight.


Alien: Isolation draws from the aesthetic and pacing of the original Alien film. Gary Napper, the lead designer for the game, has cited Dead Space, Limbo, and the classic Resident Evil games as inspiration.


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The 'Alien' cast as they appear in the game.

Sega announced pre-order DLC featuring the original cast of the original Ridley Scott film. Two items of DLC are offered through various retailers.

The "Nostromo Edition" of the game includes Crew Expendable, in which the player can choose to play as Ellen, Dallas, or Parker as they try to lure the xenomorph into the airlock.

The "Ripley Edition" offers both Crew Expendable and Last Survivor, which features Ripley activating the self-destruct on the Nostromo before escaping on the Narcissus. Certain retailers also offered Last Survivor as bonus pre-order content without Crew Expendable.

PC System Requirements


OS: Windows 7 (32bit)

Windows 7 (64bit)

Processor: 3.16Ghz Intel Core 2 Duo E8500

AMD: Phenom II X4 955 - 4 Core, 3.2 GHz or Intel: Core 2 Quad Q9650 - 4 Core, 3.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB RAM8 GB RAM
Graphics: 1GB (AMD Radeon HD 5550 or Nvidia GeForce GT 430)2GB (AMD GPU: AMD Radeon R9 200 Series or Nvidia GPU: Nvidia GeForce GTX660)
DirectX: Version 11Version 11
Network: Broadband Internet connectionBroadband Internet connection

Hard Drive: 35 GB available space

35 GB available space

Useful Links

  • Official Website
  • Facebook Page
  • Twitter account
  • YouTube channel
  • Steam store page


Panašūs žaidimai



Alien: Isolation will be available in late 2014 for Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 
and PC.


Discover the true meaning of fear in Alien: Isolation, a survival horror set in an atmosphere of constant dread and mortal danger. Fifteen years after the events of Alien™, Ellen Ripley’s daughter, Amanda enters a desperate battle for survival, on a mission to unravel the truth behind her mother's disappearance.

As Amanda, you will navigate through an increasingly volatile world as you find yourself confronted on all sides by a panicked, desperate population and an unpredictable, ruthless Alien.

Underpowered and underprepared, you must scavenge resources, improvise solutions and use your wits, not just to succeed in your mission, but to simply stay alive.

Overcome an ever-present deadly threat – Experience persistent fear as a truly dynamic and reactive Alien uses its senses to hunt you down and respond to your every move.

Improvise to survive – Hack systems, scavenge for vital resources and craft items to deal with each situation. Will you evade your enemies, distract them or face them head on?

Explore a world of mystery and betrayal – Immerse yourself in the detailed setting of Sevastopol, a decommissioned trading station on the fringes of space. Encounter a rich cast of inhabitants in a world scarred by fear and mistrust.

When she left Earth, Ellen Ripley promised her daughter Amanda she would return home for her 11th birthday. Amanda never saw her again.

Fifteen years later, Amanda, now a Weyland-Yutani employee, hears that the flight recorder of her mother’s ship, the Nostromo, has been recovered at the remote trading station Sevastopol. The temptation for her to finally understand what happened is too much to resist. When the crew arrive at Sevastopol, they find something is desperately wrong. It all seems to be connected to an unknown menace, stalking and killing deep in the shadows.

In order to uncover the truth about her mother, Amanda is forced to confront the same terrifying thing that separated them.

Created using the CATHODE™ engine.





Atrodo bus baisus žaidimas


Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Kūrėjas: Creative Assembly
Leidėjas: SEGA
Išleidimo data: LATE 2014
Platformos: PS4, PS3, XONE, X360, PC



It's an Alien game, not an Aliens game

The key's in the name. Creative Assembly claim to have ignored every development in the franchise that followed Ridley Scott's movie. That means no pulse rifles, no jarheads, no queens, Praetorians, predaliens, and so on. It's an Alien game, and as such it's in competition pretty much exclusively with the (surprisingly excellent) Spectrum RPG from 1984.
You play as Ellen Ripley's daughter, Amanda, fifteen years after her mother blew up the Nostromo and vanished. In Aliens, Ripley wakes up from cryosleep to find that eighty years have passed and Amanda has died of old age; Isolation posits that her daughter spent at least some of that time being chased around a space station by a xenomorph of her own. Creative Assembly have tapped veteran comic book writer Dan Abnett for the story, who you may know from the Warhammer 40,000 novels or his work for Marvel.

Pilnas preview: PCGamer

Bent jau mane užkabino, norėčiau išbandyti šį žaidimą. O kaip jums?

Redagavo Magnitas

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nusimano puikus siaubo zaidimas. Matosi keletas svarbiu detaliu paimtu is Aliens Colonial Marines zaidimo. Prides gera grafika, puiki zaidimo eiga, istorija ir beliks tik megautis.

Beje, idomu ar PS4 ir PS3 versijos kazkuom bus skirtingos? Grafikos klausimu. Gal PS4 versija tures kazko daugiau?

Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Nusimano puikus siaubo zaidimas. Matosi keletas svarbiu detaliu paimtu is Aliens Colonial Marines zaidimo. Prides gera grafika, puiki zaidimo eiga, istorija ir beliks tik megautis.

Beje, idomu ar PS4 ir PS3 versijos kazkuom bus skirtingos? Grafikos klausimu. Gal PS4 versija tures kazko daugiau?

Abejoju ar bus kazkoks ryskus skirtumas,galbut siek tiek vizualiai atrodys graziau,kokiu efektu dades,bet kazko ypatingo tai tikrai nebus...

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Yess! Laukiau sito, na dziaugiuosi, kad kurejai nenustojo ir nori istaisyti visas siurkscias Alien: CM klaidas. Kas Alien: CM labai patiko, tai muzika is Alien filmu ir be abejo visos tos vietoves matytos filmuose, buvo labai smagu apsilankyti. Net ir is Prometheus buvo (kai pamaciau, pamaniau - aisku ko atidejo isleidima  :D ). Alien: CM bendrai paemus man patiko, bet pats svarbiausias dalykas ko nebuvo - itampos, sunkumo susidurus su svetimais. Tai buvo didziule problema, tai sugadino zaidima ir gavosi tiesiok saudykle - taskykle.

Be tos tamsios atmosferos, itampos ir baimes, kad is bet kur gali uzpulti sunkiai nugalimas priesas zaidimas praranda visa dvasia. P.S. o dar ir tas radaro garsas  :gasp:

Laukiu ir tikiuosi, kad kaip ir sake, jog nori viska istaisyti tai ir istaisys ir mes gausime pilnaverti Alien zaidima. O dabar einu uzsitaisinet ugniasvaidzio..

Redagavo ReiKaz

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

ten kartais ant žemės ne Bishop per puse perkastas ?

Redagavo narkata

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Su pristatymais jie moka. Praeitas alien irgi buvo labai graziai ir kinematografiskai pristatinejamas, o kas gavos... O daug nereikia. Paimi kad it dead space tik padarai ji su alien priesais. Done;)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose


Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

idomiai atrodo is tokiu video...kol kas

Alien: Isolation may be set in the future but it’s very much baked in the past..


idomus efektas senu videku ekrano triukdziu efektai tie visi ..

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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    • Sveiki, gl kas turit senų, neveikiančių VITA 1000 originalių USB/krovimo laidų neišmetę? Nupirkčiau. Ieškau gana didelio kiekio. Svarbu, kad pati jungtis nebūtų sulūžusi. Pernaudosiu jas gaminant USB-C pakrovimo stovus. Kinietiškos jungtys labai jau standžiai laiko. Nupirkčiau ir veikiančius, bet ne po 10eur. Prisegu gaminio foto.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds 3PRO. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - Apple AirPods 4 ANC. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.
    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
  • 32 Dizainas

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      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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