
Uncharted 4: A Thief‘s End / The Lost Legacy

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Kad cia graziau uz uncharted3, the last of us, tai taip, juk  PS3, skaicuoja jau 8 ar 9 metus.. Bet noriu priminti, kad sitos konsoles nera pajegios atvaizduoti, to kas buvo current gen pries 1-3 metus, tai net nera logiska sakyti, kad dabar prileis kazkokiu next gen zaidimu, kai konsoles HW  jau 2+ metu atsilikus nuo laiko..

Buta tu pasaku apie optimizavimus, bet patys matot, kad cia sony/ms eilinis scenarijus,pirma parodo kazkokiu i nextgen panasiu screenu, filmuku, pasako pazadu, o poto realiai matai, kad visai tai buvo tik melas. O tos atmazges kaip AI, tai ir is tos pacios sony/ms ir ju papirktu kureju demagogiju serijos, mazdaug rinkis, ar tu nori idomaus AI ar geros grafikos. 


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konsoles nuo ko atsiliko ? nuo pc turi omeni? na paminek koki pc zaidima nuo kurio atsiliko jos? neskaitant keliu isskirtiniu pc efektu ir didesnes rezos, kurios nemato didesne dalis zaidzianciu, nieko ten kito nera. velgi next gen tai tikrai ne teksturu detalumas, o tokie zaidimai kurie "gereja" tik tokiu budu tai atsilike isvis yra visom prasmem. 

U4 yra siu kureju next gen zaidimas , kuri jie daro po LOU , kuris ant tos pacios konsole buvo didelis zingsnis nuo U3 jau . man asmeniskai svarbiau AI ir ju saveika su tavim , ir nepriklausomas elgesys o ne scriptai kurie akis bado losiant ir respawnas.nauji judesiai , animacijos ir dinaminiai oru efektai bei galbut paros. butu gerai kad viskas pageretu, bet svarbiasia tokiam zaidime vistik yra story ir igarsinimas, kuria papildo muzika ir grafinis apipavidalinimas. viskame tame viename ir gavom toki sedevra kaip Last Of Us. po kurio pasiemus ir pameginus zaist U3 pvz tai jauciasi kaip vaiku darzeli ten judesiai ir visa kita. 

ir jei lygint tai na tikrai nelabai randu kita 3rd person tokio tipo zaidima su kuriuo cia galetume kazka palygint. man tik su tomb raider cia lyginasi , daugiau tikrai su nieku. AC ne tai, o daugiau trecio asmens...splinteris paskutinis ne tam lygi manau. daugiau nieko ir nebuvo sukurta. ir artimiausiu metu nelabai kas kurs nauju trecio asmens nuotykiu atrodo be situ keliu seriju.

cia ziurint video galima ten prie ko nori prisikaint jei nori. norint ir prie akmens prisikabint galima :trl:  as irgi is pirmo ispudzis buvo toks nelabai nes matyt nuotaika buvo ne tokia kai ziurejau ji pirma karta. po to devu konfa paziurejau ir ka jie daro ir kodel ir viskas susideliojo i vietas. vistik Uncharted netaps open worldu ir jis kaip buvo tai pir bus story paremtas linijinis zaidimas , cia jau manau su tuo nieko kurejai nekeis. o va del LOU2 cia jau idomiau gali jie sugalvot .

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konsoles nuo ko atsiliko ? nuo pc turi omeni? na paminek koki pc zaidima nuo kurio atsiliko jos? neskaitant keliu isskirtiniu pc efektu ir didesnes rezos, kurios nemato didesne dalis zaidzianciu, nieko ten kito nera. velgi next gen tai tikrai ne teksturu detalumas, o tokie zaidimai kurie "gereja" tik tokiu budu tai atsilike isvis yra visom prasmem. 

U4 yra siu kureju next gen zaidimas , kuri jie daro po LOU , kuris ant tos pacios konsole buvo didelis zingsnis nuo U3 jau . man asmeniskai svarbiau AI ir ju saveika su tavim , ir nepriklausomas elgesys o ne scriptai kurie akis bado losiant ir respawnas.nauji judesiai , animacijos ir dinaminiai oru efektai bei galbut paros. butu gerai kad viskas pageretu, bet svarbiasia tokiam zaidime vistik yra story ir igarsinimas, kuria papildo muzika ir grafinis apipavidalinimas. viskame tame viename ir gavom toki sedevra kaip Last Of Us. po kurio pasiemus ir pameginus zaist U3 pvz tai jauciasi kaip vaiku darzeli ten judesiai ir visa kita. 

ir jei lygint tai na tikrai nelabai randu kita 3rd person tokio tipo zaidima su kuriuo cia galetume kazka palygint. man tik su tomb raider cia lyginasi , daugiau tikrai su nieku. AC ne tai, o daugiau trecio asmens...splinteris paskutinis ne tam lygi manau. daugiau nieko ir nebuvo sukurta. ir artimiausiu metu nelabai kas kurs nauju trecio asmens nuotykiu atrodo be situ keliu seriju.

cia ziurint video galima ten prie ko nori prisikaint jei nori. norint ir prie akmens prisikabint galima :trl:  as irgi is pirmo ispudzis buvo toks nelabai nes matyt nuotaika buvo ne tokia kai ziurejau ji pirma karta. po to devu konfa paziurejau ir ka jie daro ir kodel ir viskas susideliojo i vietas. vistik Uncharted netaps open worldu ir jis kaip buvo tai pir bus story paremtas linijinis zaidimas , cia jau manau su tuo nieko kurejai nekeis. o va del LOU2 cia jau idomiau gali jie sugalvot .

Jei jau prisikabinti tai prisikabinsiu prie to jog kelnės sušlapo ne tame pačiame lygyje su vandens gyliu :lol: Sušlapo iki kiaušių, o įbridęs buvo iki juosmens beveik :D

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na juk ne visa medziaga iskart ir permirksta siaip. kuri pavirsiui dar nespejo kiaurai permirkt.  :trl:  daug idomiau bliuzonas kai nuo vandens kuris ant jo bego suslapo, ten tik dalinai taip permirko kai kur, plius plaukai suslampa ir tampa sunkesni todel ir sukuosena pasikeicia..  :spiderp:

man patinka del to demesio detalem. na kiti zaidimai nesivargina toikiu smulkmenu daryt kuriu na realiai jei nepasakysi tai mazai kas ir pastebetu ar kreiptu demesi labai.

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bet kas daro tas detales,tas laimi,paziurek i GTA,Uncharted.visas efektas susideda ir buna ispudinga :)

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Kaip jūs nesuprantat, kad jei jau atsirado next-gen - tai nereiškia, jog ir grafika, ir visas žaidimas turi keltis į kitą lygį? Pažiūrėkit kaip X360 ar PS3 žaidimai evoliucionavo... Prisiminkite juk neiškart, kai išleido šias konsoles atsirado žaidimų su tokiu detalumu, kurį matome dabar (GTAV, The Last of Us ar kiti). Tad, leiskite ir šiam next-gen šiek tiek patobulėti. Manau dar net kūrėjai nėra pripratę prie šios kartos konsolių ir jų galimybių. Galu, gale juk jei kūrėjai viską dabar išspaus ką gali šį next-gen konsolių hardware paskui galėsite verkti, kad "niekuo nepatobulėjo.. kai išleido šias konsolės, žaidimų spec. vienodi"...

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visais amziais tie kurejai snekejo kad viska isspaudzia.GT5 kada kure,tai sake 100% viska isspaude,tada sukure dar geresni GT6.tiesiog viskas slenkasi tolyn,viskas tampa daugiau optimizuota,visokiu programiniu dalyku isleidzia kas ir leidzia einant metams viskam geret.dabar gal isspaudzia 100% ir taip atrodo,po poros metu isejus daugiau visokiu pataisu,programoms,kurejai sugebes daugiau padaryt su maziau resursu,tada vel viskas geres.dabar tokie laikai kad tobulejama didziuliais tempais.beto kiek teko kureju matyt ir klausyt,tai jiems next gen yra geresnis AI,geresne pasaulio fizika.nes grafika jau pasieke tikrai gana auksta lygi ir nemazai zaidimu atrodo labai patraukliai.U4 neisimtis,pajudejo,pajudejo jie i prieki tikrai nemazai.o ir atrodo TLoU 2 jau kuriamas pasak gandu  :)

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slenkasi ir slinksis visada. esme ne gelezi, o kurejuose, ka jie gali is to padaryt, kaip gali suprogramuot ir kokias gudrybes panaudot. juk tai ka zino dabar , tai po 2 metu zinos daugiau ir bus surade kaip naujus efektus padaryt ir naujus fintus grafinius ir ne tik. visda taip buvo. pc zaidimai evoliucionuoja labiau deka nauju gpu ir ju siulomais fintais, o su konsolem kitaip, niekas jau neides naujo gpu i konsole ,taciau tai nesutrukdo turet tokius skirtumus kaip kad Uncharted 1 ir Last Of Us zaidimai. tikrai nepanasu kad abu eitu ant tos pacios konsoles juk. ;)

pvz kaip GT6 gavo tesselation tai tikrai niekas nezino , ir niekur to nebuvo naudota,ir nebus daugiau ant ps3, bet viskas galima tik eikia sugalvot kaip.

arba kaip GTA 5 su tokiu groziu isvis vaziavo ant senu konsoliu, na bet vaziavo ir puikiausiai. sakyciau vienas graziausiu aplamai praeitos kartos konsoliu zaidimu.

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Aš į diskusijas nesivelsiu, nes žinau, kad kūrėjai yra Naughty Dog, ir gausime tikrai aukštos kokybės žaidimą.

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Uncharted 4 Game Informer preview details


- Porting TLOU to PS4 helped Uncharted 4 development

- Small team working on it since U3 development ended, half the team moved to U4 after TLOU and the rest after Left Behind

- Takes places 3 years after U3

- At the start of U4 Drake is living an happy life with Elena, then Sam appears

- Drake thought Sam was dead

- Sam life depends on him finding an artifact from Henry Avery

- Drake feels indebted of his brother and he can't resist getting back on treasure hunting

- Story takes Drake and Sam to Libertalia "a mythic Madagascar colony purportedly founded by pirates"

- Says you're not going to spend the whole game on the island, teases snowy and urban enviroments

- Two rival hunters, Rafe and Nadine

- Rafe is a very different treasure hunter than Drake, with different morale and approach

- Nadine owns a private military company in South Africa

- Villains will play a bigger role this time

- "The lack of Sam being in Nathan life for so long is what's driven him in the last games"

- Sam is five years older than Drake

- Teases Elena and Sully

- Sam is even more reckless than Drake

- Sam is jealous of Drake, sees him as the 'better at everything little brother'

- Lots of rivalry between them

- ND didn't want to talk about Drake and Sam past

- Artifacts (collectibles) may contain notes poiting to more treasures/artifacts

- Enemies can grab your leg if you try to push them over ledges

- More tools besides Rope and Piton (metal spike)

- They're not ready to talk about them yet

- Wants to incorporate the tools into puzzles

- GI saw an extended demo with a new scene. Drake is beaten down while Sam is rested, they start arguing the existance of Avery secret, then something catches Drake's eye, he moves forward, pull some foliage, revealing a gray monument with a carving.

- Focusing on navigational freedom for this entry

- Showed multiple paths, one finding an extra cave, other bypassing a group of enemies

- Plenty of side stories if you're looking for them

- In the demo they showed Drake taking a more riskier climbing route, that almost makes him fall in the sea

- All paths have consequences, there's no "Golden path"

- Rehauled A.I system

- Compared Sam A.I to Ellie, but says Sam is a grown up treasure hunter, so he's much stronger than Ellie

- Trying to "explore what it's like to be with somebody as capable of Nathan Drake"

- Not giving a straight answer if this is Drake last adventure

- Still plenty of humour in the game

- Concept of set piece is "What's something impactful that we can do to switch expectations and how can we have it emotionally charged?"



  • There are 60 different animations just of Drake picking up objects.
  • Talk a lot about how weight distribution plays a big role in the animations
  • You can attack enemies from all sides with unique animations to them, you wont magically warp in front of them if you punch.
  • Lots of talk from Druckman on the cost of adventuring on Drake's life, it will be a major focus of the story. Compares his addiction to treasure hunting to a drug addict.
  • All the new items they added were chosen cause it can help keep the pacing and gives you a better sense of exploration and adventure.
  • Cutscenes are now all real time
  • Tools will be used to enhance traversal and puzzle solving
  • They said the large puzzle rooms from Uncharted 3 will still be there, they say U3 had the best puzzles of the series and they want to build on that.
  • TLOU moments where the characters react to what they see or read will happen in this game.
  • Lots of talk about brotherly banter and building a bond between the NPC and the player, "there are some nice cooperative moments between Nate and his brother."
  • On the gigantic setpieces, this is exactly what they say "So now our concept of a set piece is 'what's something impactful we can do to switch expectations and how can we have it emotionally charged?' We want to constantly surprise the player, so it can be really intimate, or really big and bombastic."








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  • They tried to get clarification about the Amy Hennig thing but that was thrown right out the window
  • Animation system from PS3 games was scrapped and rebuilt to allow full analogue movement through 360 degress using real body physics
  • Slip Events (like when he used to grab on handhelds and they break or come out of place) they are not mapped to scenery like in older games but instead are dependent on the angle and distance of the jump also less stable ones will break easier if they do you need to take another route
  • Drakes Piton which is similar to Lara's Pickaxe from Tomb Raider differs from the latter because its designed to empower freedom
  • The grapple points are fixed but allow Drake to swing, rappel, climb or run along and around cliff faces
  • They say Uncharted's most linear system has become freeform and instead of pushing up on the stick and following a preditermined path path your making your own. They also compared it to solving a puzzle.
  • The enemies have a similar traversal set to drakes and can clamber up ledges and leap gaps in pursuit of the player.
  • Breaking the line of sight by using the foliage or by other means and the enemy will not return to normal patrol patterns and instead seek you out or stay in place while staying in constant communication with each other
  • The combat is a mix of stealth, traversal, melee, and gunplay which is an evolution of what they began building from UC2
  • Tremendous amount of The Last of Us blueprint in UC4 in regards to the combat alternating between stealth and combat is fluid
  • Learned a lesson from Jak II where they designed a level where you Daxter rides a rocket, was kind of upset about how they spent so much time on something you only seen once in the entire game. Came to appreciate adding systems that flow throughout the entire game more
  • Part of ND's evolution is getting comfortable with systematic approaches, wider layouts and the intergration of Story, Gameplay, music etc
  • Edge thinks its the prettiest game the new gen has produced
  • ND is pleased with the added memory and are taking advantage of it
  • Texture resolution at least quadrupled from UC3
  • Drake wakes to an island shore off the coast of Madagascar waking to a backdrop of procedurally tessalated water, Dynamic wind that moves trees, bushes, Drakes hair (Head and Chest)
  • Up close a system developed by ND and Sony's Advanced Technology Group offers a more efficient way of making highly detailed surfaces without using performance adaptive tessellation while farther away the studio is relying more on background LOD algorithms more than ever before
  • A physically based shader two years in the making makes materials look like their real world counterparts
  • They were showed a wireframe wall with 100 handholds showing the shape of his body adapting to the shape of the wall as he climbed
  • On PS3 Drake had 250 bones in his model on PS4 800 in his face alone
  • They are over 30 but have locked at 30 for the demo they are gonna try to hit 60 but won't compromise if they have to lose something that can impact the player experience
  • Druckmann says the adventure has to stand on its own with hints to Drakes character in the older games for people who haven't played if you have then you understand more of the nuances of Drake and his relationships
  • UC3 ending gave them a clean slate dealt with all his present problems so that they could delve into his past
  • 4 years after he's settled down and retired when he is lured back into the life by his brother sam who he last saw 15 years ago during that time they were bosessed with finding a treasure plundered by Henry Every who ammassed the largest haul over the space of two years in the 17th century its worth half a billion dollars by todays standards
  • Drake moved on but Sam continued looking and came back into his bro's life with incentive for both of them he has a new lead on Libertalia, Every's pirate Utopia
  • When they add new characters it has to reflect a facet of the protagonist in a unique way
  • A brother allows them to ask who is Nathan Drake and how has he evolved into the person we see today
  • Sam's arrival makes it seem as if there is no female foil, Elena is seemingly at home and not really happy with him coming out of retirement and Chloe and Drake when their seperate ways in UC3 third act
  • The only known female in the game at this point is Nadine Ross the leader of the South African Private Military army that patrols the island she was hired by Rafe Adler, another treasure hunter in which Nate and his Bro have history with
  • They're the enemy but ND doesn't like to think of them like that, when they are writing these characters they don't want to write them as cliches so they they just write it as if it were from their POV because those character's don't necessarily see themselves as the antagonist
  • They are trying to look at all moments even between cutscenes as a scene; they are thinking in filmic terms but what's important is how much they can put on the "stick"

  • Climbing mechanics overhauled
  • A.I has been improved with similar traversal movies to Drake's (they can now jump gaps, climb ledges, enemies don't return to their preset routes they'll seek you out)
  • Edge says it feels more like a sandbox style game
  • Says the ledges are too obvious
  • Lots of new (small) screenshots
  • Shows where the demo began. He's passed out following a shipwreck and lost all his gear
  • Druckmann says story will stand on it's own with hints and reveals to help newcomers understand who Drake was in previous adventures
  • Edge says the game is 4 years later
  • ND's engine was extremely specialized for the PS3 and they never had a PC version


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Nelabai tikiu, kad kas buvo žadėta bus ištesėta, nes kiek skaičiau, net Planetside 2 susiduria su problemom, dėl procerosiaus silpnumo, nes neišveža stabilaus 60fps

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cia nesenai kalbejo kurejai apie 60 fps ir kad jie to nesiekia. turi stabilu 30 fps gal kazkiek daugiau. o trecio asmens nuotykiu zaidimui reikia 60 fps ? cia ne fps. geriau efektai bus , grafika ir visa kita ka kurejai nori jame igyvendint. 60 fps greiciausia nebus.  :grt:

iskart atsisijos "geimeriai" kurie zaidimus jau pradejo vertint pagal fps kieki  :yao:

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