
The Walking Dead: Season Two

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In Clem’s Shoes: Telltale Talks Season Two Of The Walking Dead


Over a year ago, Clementine quickly catapulted to fame as one of the most beloved characters in gaming. Players tensely advanced in Telltale’s The Walking Dead fearing for her safety, trying everything in their power to make sure this magnetic little girl could survive the harrowing zombie apocalypse. Through Telltale’s five-episode first season, Clementine grows up quickly, holding a gun for the first time, watching the most important people in her life perish, and most importantly, finally having to face the zombie-infested world alone. The experience was more than just sad, it was unsettling, but that made it such a memorable experience.

The Walking Dead has no boundaries, and cruel outcomes lurk around every corner. The biggest and scariest question players now have to face is a simple one: Can Clementine survive on her own? Telltale is boldly placing you in her shoes, allowing control of her every move for the second season. So what exactly does that mean? Telltale recently gave us some insight into this transition and what to expect for season two.

Note: Some spoilers are present regarding the end of season one.

All the staples that we’ve come to expect from The Walking Dead return in season two: relationship building, decision making, and living with the consequences. However, playing as Clementine is going to be a much different experience than controlling season one’s Lee Everett. Clementine faces a grim, vicious world without Lee as her safety net. “The stakes feel way higher,” says director Dennis Lenart. “[You feel like] she’s in danger all the time. It’s a lot more dark and stressful experience than season one.”

She doesn’t have the strength to fight zombies with her fists, and because of her age, she can’t just convince people to rally behind her. Lee might have taught Clementine the basics, but she can’t confront situations the same exact way he did. “Clementine has to be a lot more evasive,” Lenart says. “You feel a lot more helpless, which is actually one of the coolest things about the game. It forces you to work harder in action scenes and find other ways besides just punching [someone] or chopping [their] head off.”

Some of the biggest trials revolve around getting others to trust Clementine and her to trust them. “It’s going to be about how Clementine deals with the people in her world,” says writer and designer Mark Darin. “It is about you as a little girl just trying to survive and trying to keep those relationships, and what those relationships mean to you. That’s still the core of what these stories and games are about.”

Season one ended with Clementine alone in the world, but Lee’s impact and your other choices are hardly forgotten. Season two makes callbacks to season one and the bridging episode, 400 Days. This especially extends to Clementine dealing with the aftermath of losing Lee. “Lee is definitely a huge part of her life and the way that you played as Lee is going to leave an impact on her,” Darin says. “That’s definitely going to be something she carries with her all of the time.”



Telltale is also adamant that just because Clementine is a child and fan-favorite doesn’t mean she gets a free pass from the cruel occurrences of The Walking Dead world. “The thing that we repeat around the office is the world doesn’t give a s--- if you’re a little girl,” Lenart says. Clementine isn’t off the hook in the danger department, nor is she shielded from the realities of her world. Her age also can’t be ignored when it comes to creating an authentic experience. Telltale had to consider it in every decision regarding the storyline, asking what responsibilities would be realistic for others to trust with a young kid and what she can do. “She definitely has a different set of strengths to get her in and out of situations,” Darin says. 

Clementine’s age allows you to manipulate situations in ways you never could as Lee; consequently, it also means people won’t exactly be handing you guns without some serious convincing. Part of the battle is getting people to listen to you. After all, would you trust a girl off the street with life decisions? “Because she’s a little girl, and in this world with zombies and adults in it, it’s so much harder to be heard, but you can also get away with so much more,” Darin says. “It’s fun to push on those boundaries like Lee never could when dealing with people.”

Telltale is looking forward to finally putting players in Clementine’s shoes, but most importantly, the writers aren’t making this a journey merely about zombies and survival. The story is also about Clementine growing up, and the player having a hand in how she does by shaping her with choices and decisions. That means making sacrifices; constantly choosing between survival, keeping alliances happy, and trying to do “the right thing.”

While Telltale wants to keep the majority of the second season a surprise (teasing only that she will interact with some familiar faces along with new names), one aspect speaks loud already: just how different taking on the role of Clementine will be. “How dramatic and tumultuous of a time is it growing up, learning who you are, what your place is in the world, who your family is, and what that means?” Darin asks. “Everybody goes through growing up, [but] you’re doing this as Clementine in this world that is just horrible.” Lenart sums it up simply: “A coming-of-age story in a zombie apocalypse is awesome.”


Daug informacijos. Visgi visas reikalas su Clem gali visai neblogai išeiti. Gausis kažkiek survival, nes kovos, kaip suprantu, nebebus pagrindinis būdas nugalėti zombius. 

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Tikiuos, nes man tas šunsnūkis jau per antrą epizodą pradėjo įkyrinėti :D

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Jėga. Galėtų taip pat The Wolf Among Us jau antrąjį epizodą paleisti.

How Will Clementine Survive The Walking Dead Season 2?
Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2 is almost upon us. We know we'll get to play as an older Clementine this time around, and that there will be some sort of link between Season 2 and the 400 Days DLC, but as a whole, very little is known about this new adventure. Lucky for you, we got to chat with Dennis Lenart, director of The Walking Dead Season 2 Premiere, the episode's writer Mark Darin, and Telltale Games president and co-founder Kevin Bruner. Our conversation ranged from how Clementine has grown, what she'll need to do to survive, and what possible evils she'll have to face along the way.

The Story of a Girl

The first obvious change between the two seasons is that we're no longer controlling Lee, a strong and able-bodied adult. Instead, we have to step into the shoes of a young, vulnerable girl as she attempts to stand tall against the horrors of this world. I asked the team if they felt like they needed to pull any punches when having players control a young girl, or if it made them uncomfortable at all. They simply responded, "No." Of course they laughed, elaborating, "Yes it makes us uncomfortable, but in the best way possible. Uncomfortable, yes. Hesitation, no."

"You play as this little girl, but the world doesn't care. At this stage in The Walking Dead universe, the fact that you're without Lee and that you're not a very physical, super-powered person doesn't mean that the world is going to be any nicer or kinder. The other survivors and zombies in general do not care that you're a little makes you have to consider things from a different perspective."

Controlling Clementine

So obviously Clementine is very different than Lee, but how will this translate to the gameplay? Well, as they put it, "The way you deal with [the world] from Lee's perspective is very different than the way you deal with it from Clementine's perspective." There's another level of fear with clementine. Lee was a physically empowered human being, where Clem is vulnerable. If adventure games are made up of a set vocabulary, Clementine has a very different array of verbs available to her In such, she'll be interacting with people and the world around her in a very different way.

People might ignore your opinion because you're a little girl, but at the same time, they may dismiss you as a non-threat. This really opens up the possibility for a wealth of intriguing scenarios. Playing as Clem has to be different than playing as Lee, because as they put it, "It was important to not make it feel like the average story of a superhuman male protagonist with the skin of a little girl on it."

Clementine doesn't have superpowers. She isn't special, isn't a lynchpin...she's just as survivor. A typical kid. That's what they want to offer people. "Just surviving when you don't have anything special to you is challenging enough, and that's what's important to Clementine's story."

Lessons From The Wolf Among Us

It's no question that The Walking Dead Season 1 is an incredible experience, but the one area where it slipped up was whenever the gameplay relied a bit too heavily on action. Having to aim and fire a gun at an oncoming group of walkers wasn't tense so much as frustrating. But while the game may have fumbled its quick action moments, Telltale seemed to have learn its lesson with The Wolf Among Us. The fight scene between Bigby and The Woodsman is a tense, cinematic, and entertaining moment that felt akin to choreographing a stage fight in the best possible way.

TWD Season 2 takes the mechanics and setup of this scene, but utilizes it in almost the opposite way as Wolf. Bigby is a hulking beast, and Clem obviously won't be tossing any adults out two-story windows anytime soon. Clementine is much more evasive and scrappy. The action is much more centered around trying to find a way to survive, as opposed to the coolest way to beat someone up. Making these moments feel like they're a more organic part of the story is one of Telltale's goals with the new season.

Who is Season 2's Villain?

There was no single major villain in Season 1 of Telltale's game. Despite The Stranger's scene in the final chapter, the main antagonist seemed to be humanity itself. This is quite a departure from the comics, which give long arcs to iconic villains like The Governor and Negan. So I asked the team if they had any interest in exploring a single, classic villain in Season 2.

"Season 1 happened right at the beginning of the outbreak, so the way that power is created and what happens to people was still really fresh...Season 2 happens afterwards, and there's more opportunity for that." They continued, "As new camps and power struggles emerge, people find new opportunity and pressures to become The Governor or people like that."

"Season 1 took place freshly after the world went to hell. Now people have had a million chances to lose their humanity and go down that vortex."

The New Season in One Word..

Trust. That's the word the team uses to summarize what we'll be dealing with over the next five episodes of The Walking Dead. Trust. Who you can trust, who trusts you, and what it even means to trust at all in the zombie apocalypse.






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Mano Save failas randasi C:\Users\ASUS\Documents\Telltale Games\The Walking Dead


Ir volia importuoja Save iš pirmo sezono :)

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The Walking Dead Season 2: Episode 1 ($4.99, Cross-Buy)

EDIT: Nevermind, čia buvo klaida PS Bloge. Užknisa  :mad2:  :cenzura: You had one job...  :flip:

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Perėjau ir aš neiškentėjęs. Kalbant apie PC versija, tai nepatiko WSAD valdymas, su analogu vaikščiojimas daug geresnis, nėra tokių greitų pasisukimų 90 laipsniu (matyt atpratęs nuo valdymo klava). Tačiau pelė tikrai geriau nei analogas, ypač stresinėse situacijose. Užtikau daug bug'ų, pvz. įeinant į kambarį stovi personažo modelis, kurio ten neturi būti (Clem pereina juos skersai ir tiesiog vienas į kitą nereaguoja, nors pagal kontekstą turėtų). Labai daug nematomų sienų, kas pirmame epizode tikrai buvo mažiau pastebima. Istorija, kaip pradžiai, puiki. Kaip ir priklauso pagrinde susikaupta ties personažų pažinimu. Ypač gerai parodo kaip pasikeitė Clementine. Pabaiga pasirodė pritempta, kad tik būtų kažkoks sunkus pasirinkimas, bet kai parodė, kas laukia kitam epizode, labai suintrigavo. Visumoj - puiki pradžia, ko ir galima buvo tikėtis.




Man kažkodėl atrodo, kad antram epizode bus Lilly, kuria palikome arba kuri pabėgo. Nes Kennis būtų per paprasta. Kennio ir Clem santykiai buvo labai geri. Lilly jau kitas reikalas, būtų daug priekaištų, kad jie ją paliko, ir jos būdas toks nepastovus.


Biški juokinga, kad Clementine gali atsakinėti į klausimus labai nuoširdžiai, kaip ir priklauso, taip, kaip tai visada būdavo pirmam epizode, kai už ją "žaidė" AI. Bet kartais atsakymų variantai padaro ją tikra bitch :D Nenatūraliai kažkaip, mano nuomone. Nors gerai, kad yra pasirinkimas.



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Neaišku kada pasirodys, tikriausiai tik kitais metais :( Jei tuo pat metu būtų išleidę, manau imčiau Vitos versiją, nes touch valdymas labai patiko pirmam sezone.

Wow, Telltale pasiekė "rekordą" - pirmą epizodą pabaigiau per 1h ir 12min...  :poker: Tikiuos kiti bus ilgesni.

Dėmesio PIRMO sezono spoileriai:

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