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   Laukiu šito geimo. Per daug neskaičiau apie jį, tik gameplay žiūrėjau. Tikiuosi, kad bus multiplayeris prieš kitus žaidėjus. Iš to ką mačiau tai geimas panašus į Last of Us multiplayer nuo kurio neina atsiplėšt man. Tikiuosi bus išdirbtas kaip reikiant ir priklausys nuo teamo charakterių ir jų skilų... Jei visi galės imti/kelti bet ką, pasrinkti viską vienodą ir viską pyškint iš eilės, tai nelabai bus įdomu...

   Viliuosi balansas bus kaip reikiant. O teamas dominuos tik nuo skirtingų charakterių ir jų skilų ar kaip ten bebūtų.

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Nesulauksi manau tu švenčių, čia būtų didelia klaida jei išeis ant senų konsolių, nes kentės tada naujos konsolės grafiškai

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Nesulauksi manau tu švenčių, čia būtų didelia klaida jei išeis ant senų konsolių, nes kentės tada naujos konsolės grafiškai

Aš turėjau omeny, kad gal PS4 bus nuolaidėlė :D

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pagaliau kazkas naujo


epic. tokie open worldai parodo kas is tikro yra next gen zaidimuose... kaip sitam ar kad ir mgs5.


Redagavo Magnitas

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tai RPG


“It’s a proper RPG. We don’t have dragons or weird spell effects, we have technology and we have weaponry.”


Matt Martin talks to The Division’s Rodrigo Cortes about loot, grinding and levelling up in real-world New York.


RPGs are everywhere, and they’re cool again. But “MMORPG” is still a bit of a dirty word.

Look at Destiny. It’s clearly a massively multiplayer online role-playing game, but you won’t find Bungie and Activision dropping the M-word around it.

And then there’s Dead Island 2, an online four-player first-person shooter dragging RPG elements behind it like a zombie drags a blunt axe.

Or Ubisoft’s The Crew, an online multiplayer racer where you customise your vehicle not your driver. Someone in marketing would get paid millions to label it a “CaRPG”.

But when most games say they have RPG elements what they mean is there are some stats that you can upgrade over time. They don’t have loot chests and levelling and character builds and loadouts and skill trees and all that stuff we associate with wizards and goblins.

Tom Clancy’s The Division does. It’s an honest-to-goodness old-fashioned MMORPG.

“The biggest thing is it’s a Tom Clancy RPG,” says Rodrigo Cortes, senior brand art director for The Division. “It’s mixing realistic, tactical, possible scenarios with online play and RPG mechanics.”

Cortes agrees that more games are throwing RPG elements into the mix, but points out that The Division started out as an RPG from the ground on up.

“You’re starting to see similar mixing of genres in other games. Before a game was either a shooter, or a third-person game, or a driving game. But now more and more there’s a blend of genres into a bigger game. It can make the game hard to define – it has shooter elements, RPG mechanics, it’s cover-based, online and a seamless open-world.

“It has all of that, yes. But we took it to heart. It’s a proper RPG.”

It’s refreshing to hear a developer proudly admit what a game is, rather than float around the subject throwing in marketing phrases (“shared-world shooter” – urgh) and talk of the “experience”. It’s an RPG, but instead of swords and shields it’s loaded with grenades and sniper rifles. There is character levelling and upgrading for weapons, gear, skills and other stats.

There’s few, if any, role-playing games set in a modern war setting. It’s a genre that’s obsessed with fantasy and sci-fi. But what initially seems an odd choice for a brand famously associated with cold war thrillers and future tech espionage, may actually turn out to be the most refreshing take on the Clancy brand in years.

“It was our biggest challenge from the very beginning,” admits Cortes. “We weren’t sure if it was even possible but after a couple of years to get things running it became the game’s strength.

“There’s nothing like it out there so we can do things surprisingly well that nobody has done before. We don’t have dragons or weird spell effects, we have technology and we have weaponry.”

First revealed during E3 2013, The Division casts the player as an ordinary Joe, forced to take back New York after the U.S. is devastated by the release of a deadly virus. Society collapses in five days, and those left alive must team up to combat the disease, those that unleashed it, and a country turned hostile by its own 

It’s trying to be more down to earth than future war and sci-fi gadgets, but it has roots in Clancy’s Jack Ryan tales. This basis is developer Massive’s starting point, and acts as an anchor from which it builds a real-world RPG.

“Tom Clancy is what keeps us sane,” says Cortes. “It’s like a compass for us. Designing the skills, the enemies and the technology – it’s all based on the concept of realism. The concept of the virus and the collapse of society, but relevant to this generation. So before it was about terrorism or war but the new fear now is how easily society can collapse when there is no electricity, of the fear of something like SARS or ebola. That’s what we take from Clancy.”

“We also went back to the roots of the Tom Clancy brand,” he adds. “Most of the Clancy games we’ve done have been focused on the military, but our characters are all from civilian backgrounds. They get technology and training, but they have been normal citizens who have been expecting something like this to happen.

“We wanted a new relatable hero and it’s hard to relate to super-soldiers. With our heroes you can create them exactly how you want – gender, race, etcetera – and they have all the same problems you or I would have, except they’re put in a very extreme situation.”

Gameplay is split into PvE story missions for between 1 and 4 players, and then the usual PvP for more competitive experiences. While the game is always online (remember when that phrase caused a stink?), it can be played through solo.

“You are never forced to do any grouping or any PvP,” offers Cortes. “You can complete the whole game yourself. You will see other players in the social areas but you don’t have to engage with any of them. You can play almost as a single-player game but it’s always online.”

And co-op is limited to four players in order to maintain the atmosphere in the story-driven campaign, said Cortes. “It’s not a technical decision it’s a gameplay decision.

“In many online RPG games there are people disturbing your experience. We took the decision early on to create the experience to compliment 1-4 players. We don’t want an emotional experience ruined by a guy with a weird name dancing in front of you.”

That’s an admiral decision. So The Division is an RPG that can be played co-operatively, with multiple people in player vs player, or just as a single-player experience. And on top of those options, Massive hopes players will find plenty of content. If they exhaust that, there are plans to continue to keep the game pumping post-release.

“The whole game is built around progression,” says Cortes. “There’s story progression and then progressions of gear, skills and challenges for the completionists.

“We’re not talking about post-launch plans yet, but we are planning on doing a lot. It’s a challenge because it’s a game where we want to keep the players engaged without it feeling like a repeat or a grind. We’re very conscious about it, we’re working very actively to make an experience that feels fresh for a long period of time.”

Yep, that sounds like an MMORPG to me.


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Tom Clancy's The Division beta will arrive on Xbox One in March 2015.


dar tik beta ir dar toli. ir pirma ant x1 . nes.. MS 

2015 is big window  :herp:

Redagavo Magnitas

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O ant ps4 betos nebus? Iš šito žaidimo daug tikiuosi, tad norėčiau išbandyti beta žinant, kad kuria ubisoft - žaidimas gali suprastėti daug kartų nuo to ką jie žada  :unhappy:

Redagavo masatasLT

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O ant ps4 betos nebus? Iš šito žaidimo daug tikiuosi, tad norėčiau išbandyti beta žinant, kad kuria ubisoft - žaidimas gali suprastėti daug kartų nuo to ką jie žada  :unhappy:

va ka tik pastebejau sita division tema,ir pagalvojau apie ta pati,zaidimo laukiu is tiesu,bet kazkodel kazkas kuzda viduje kad nebus kaip parodyta,kol matai kaip kazkas zaidzia atrodo idomiai,kai pats pradedi valdyti,viskas kitaip nes ubisoft=)

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o kas nors negerai su Ubisoft? kad geriausi galo metu zaidimai isejo. nelabai yra ka palygint su jais. visokie ten fps dropai ar bugai ar pan dalykai nekeicia gero zaidimo. bent jau maziau verkt reiktu daugumai.

vienas laukiamiausiu zaidimu...ankstyvi buildai jau losiami bandomi ir atrodo puikiai.. kas dar kur gali suprastet? nei AC nei FC nesuprastejo

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o kas nors negerai su Ubisoft? kad geriausi galo metu zaidimai isejo. nelabai yra ka palygint su jais. visokie ten fps dropai ar bugai ar pan dalykai nekeicia gero zaidimo. bent jau maziau verkt reiktu daugumai.

vienas laukiamiausiu zaidimu...ankstyvi buildai jau losiami bandomi ir atrodo puikiai.. kas dar kur gali suprastet? nei AC nei FC nesuprastejo

Daug kas su ja negerai. Blogai dirba pr zmones, vis nesamoniu prisneka (su moterim tos nesamones, zaidimu uzlockinimas). Pazada ir neistesi pazadu (watch dogs). Blogai nuportina zaidimus. Isleidzia nebaigta zaidima, o bugai tikrai gadina zaidima ir roks poziuris, kad uzpachinsim veliau nera geras. Tau gal ir viskas gerai, bet tokie bajeriai kenkia imonei ir nebent tu visiskai zaidimu puslapiu ir komentaru neskaitai, kad nematai jog sauguma praranda pasitikejima, kas atsilieps pardavimams.

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tik nereikia, tiek melo, kliedesiu, atvirai demonstruojamo lindimo i siknas m$ su $ony ir dirbtinio PC zaidimu kokybes prastinimo mes dar nemateme is nieko. 

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   Kas yra FPS dropas? Jei kūrėjai sukūrė geime vietas, kurių neištempia net į 4 sudėtos vaizdos plokštės? Tai ir bus FPS dropas. Būna vietų kai reikia prikurti daugiau detalių ir tiek. O dabartinės cpu/gpu technologijos tiesiog nesusidoroja...

   Aš pvz. lošiau AC:Unity ir buvo viena misija, kai pilyje reikėjo vieną ponią "zaversti". Pilis buvo tokia didelė, per 4 ar 5 aukštus su didele aikšte, tokiais pat dideliais priestatais. Buvo toks dropas, kaip koks slow motion kartais. CPU su GPU tiesiog nesusitvarkė su tokiu vaizdu, kadangi retas geimas turi vienoje vietoje tiek daug detalių sudėtų. Kur bepasisuki pilyje - visur daugybė tekstūrų (ar kaip ten), detalių, dėl kurių ir atsiranda dropas.

   O čia dabar šaukti, kad ten kažkas lagina, dropina, tai žinai...

   Patys šaukiat rėkiat, kad nusibodo linijiniai žaidimai, vaikščioti po kambarius ir pan. Visi norit atviro pasaulio. Tai ir įsikalkit sau į galvas, kad atvirame pasaulyje yra DAUGYBĖ DETALIŲ (ką jau bekalbėt apie daugiaukščius pastatus ir t.t...), kurių neapdoroja dabartinės technologijos. Varikliukai irgi pasenę. Nebent norit žaidimų ant WoW varikliuko.

   Jūs pasigilinkit į pačias technologijas, kaip kas daroma, kaip dirbama, pabandykit susirasti video, kaip kuriamas koks rimtesnis geimas, kiek laiko praleidžia dizaineris kurdamas ką nors, kiek ten visokių detalių ir kiek žmonių sėdi, kad ir prie vienos vietos.

   Kalbat lyg norit kažkokios eilinės štampofkės ir visi kartojat tą patį be jokių argumentų, kaip zombiai kokie...

   Ubisoft bent jau yra išskirtiniai, turi kažką savito, žaidimai turi istorijas kaip reta.

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Tu gal nebesvaik, ne 4 kortos neisnesa, o programeriai laiko/leidimo neturejo visko suoptimizuoti. Tos 4 kortos zaidimus po 3metu ant max dar temps ir ne taip dar atrodancius, kurie bus gerai suoptimizuoti.

Matosi, kad nelabai supranti pats apie ka kalbi, "visur daug teksturu" :D


Aiskina jis dabar cia apie dizaina ir kiek zmones dirba :D zmones ir prie cod sedi ir dirba po kelis metus na ir ka? Kalba eina ne apie dizaina ar ideta darba, o i nepabaigta galutini produkta is technines puses kuris yra blogai padarytas. Ar kai po patchu isnyks dropu problemos cia automatiskai technologijos pegeres kurios tik ka nesusitvarke? :D


Apie stampofkes, aic irgi yra stampofke kur pagrindine mechanika beveik ta pati jau 8metus, nieko revoliucinio ar labai naujo si dalis neinese. Gavo nauja grafika, nauja laika sandboxinti, bet esme kaip ta darai yra ta pati.

Redagavo Thetruth

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