
Star Wars Battlefront

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Gražūs tai gražūs spėk ar taip bus žaidime, beje ir palaikys 40 žaidjų tik. BF4 Smagu  kai duodas 60...

kai pamatai pati zaidima savo akimis tai jo tenka kartais nusivilt,man labiau noretusi pati istorija gamplay  butu itraukianti,nei online be tikslo

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EA ir Dice gamina zaidima,ko jus tikejotes? svarbiausia litai o ne zaidimo kokybe.apie SP net nesnekesiu,loseriai jibani 

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tikimes daugiau , nes tai buve Danger Close devai ,o ne BF. nesvarbu kad Dice padalinys. .

-Has two player splitscreen
-It sounds like there isn't a traditional campaign and something more akin to spec-ops from CoD
-Modes vary from 8 players to 40 players
-You can toggle between first and third person
-There's flyable vehicles but no space battles
-The 7 minute demo was on PS4, but there's no mention of the forthcoming trailer platform





graziausi vaizdai SW tematika ever !!!! 





"Battlefront" will focus on frenzied shoot-outs between up to 40 players portraying Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire forces. In a demonstration of the game's multiplayer mode, a team of jetpack-equipped rebels were shown carving their way through the woodsy Endor while Stormtroopers charged at them on foot, on speeders and within walkers, including a hulking AT-AT war machine.

Other locales teased in game footage included the snowy Hoth, sandy Tatooine and gooey Sullust, a lava-spewing planet referenced in 1983's "Return of the Jedi," as well as many "Star Wars" games and novels, but rarely ever seen. "Battlefront" won't solely be centered on expendable ground troops. The game will reward sharpshooters with the ability to embody such iconic characters as bounty hunter Boba Fett and Sith baddie Darth Vader on the battlefield.

"You can storm in as the Dark Lord himself," said "Battlefront" design director Niklas Fegraeus. "You can wield a lightsaber. You can Force choke the rebel scum, which is fun. Basically, you are the boss of the battle. This means that you, as Vader, can lead your team to victory — if you play well."

The action will also take to the skies with players engaging in dogfights with TIE Fighters, X-wings and the Millennium Falcon, though the developers were coy about how battles would alternate between ground and air combat.

"We wanted it to feel authentic to this universe," said "Battlefront" executive producer Patrick Bach. "You can get into these vehicles, from speeder bikes to X-wings, TIE fighters, AT-STs, AT-ATs. There's a wide range of vehicles that we wanted to realize. The difficulty with a game is that they need to be balanced with the troops on the ground."

"Battlefront" will also include a free downloadable level available two weeks before "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" opens in theaters Dec. 18. It's set on Jakku, the battle-scarred desert planet glimpsed in "Force Awakens" teasers. The expansion, dubbed "Battle of Jakku," will explore the moment following "Return of the Jedi" when the New Republic confronted Imperial holdouts on the previously unseen Outer Rim enclave.

"You never get to see it in the new movie, so it was this brilliant opportunity to recreate the Battle of Jakku, which you only see the remnants of in the movie," said Bach. "In the game, you actually get to play the Battle of Jakku. It's the same place from the new movie but 30 years earlier."


Star Wars: Battlefront Does Not Have a Single-Player Campaign



na ka jau viskas ... ist not the game i was looking for  :okay:  no story , tik pavienes misijos ... :poker:   ..EA  :chan: 


Redagavo scalman

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na vizualai ir garsai tai tikriausia bus auksciausio klases. bet tada be jokio story sitiek vargt del kazkokiu mp pasisaudymu  :genius:





kad toki geri butu padare open world SW pasauli  :god:



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Man tai logiška, kad tokio žaidimo pagrindas yra MP. Visgi ir filme aliansas prieš aliansą kariavo, o ne vienas prieš visus.

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Man tai logiška, kad tokio žaidimo pagrindas yra MP. Visgi ir filme aliansas prieš aliansą kariavo, o ne vienas prieš visus.

Aš net džiaugiuos, kad nėra SP. Visi žinom, kokie "geri" Dice SP, tad smagu girdėt, kad jie negaiš dėl jo laiko, o skirs resursus MP kūrimui.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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tiesiog noretusi kad toki zaidima lostu SW fanai o ne BF fanai . plius visi tie vizualai ir grafikos MP nera svarbiausias dalykas. tiesiog gaila , galejo but geriau nei filmas. o bus BF ivilktas i SW rubus.

Redagavo scalman

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tiesiog noretusi kad toki zaidima lostu SW fanai o ne BF fanai . plius visi tie vizualai ir grafikos MP nera svarbiausias dalykas. tiesiog gaila , galejo but geriau nei filmas. o bus BF ivilktas i SW rubus.

Tai jei būtų ne tik MP, bet ir SP, tai jau skaitytųsi nebe BF SW rūbose? Be to, kad būtų geriau už filmą, tai ir istorija turi būti gera. Tačiau, Dice kažkaip nemoka sukurti gerų Story...


Taip pat, mes dar nežinom, ar čia tikrai BF SW rūbuose. Nei matėm real gameplay, nei ką.

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@scalman visada apsiverkes kas susije su MP,gauna matyt pastoviai i kaulus kad nevertina smagiu pasisaudymu su kitais zaidejais, o ne kvailu AI.

Arba kitas varijantas, kad piratinių žaidimų versijos MP neveikia.

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kad tie mp be tikslo,gan nobodzios misijos,kelies levelius ir viskas,geriau butu istorija su draugais vikdai istorijos misijas,kaskas panasaus kaip resident evil 5,tai nereiskia kad vienas losi

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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kad tie mp be tikslo,gan nobodzios misijos,kelies levelius ir viskas,geriau butu istorija su draugais vikdai istorijos misijas,kaskas panasaus kaip resident evil 5,tai nereiskia kad vienas losi

Na tau taip tik atrodo kad co-op story geriau nei MP. Na bent tau geriau, o daugumai nusispjaut ant to SP kad ir su co-op'u.

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