
Forza 5

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Išleidimo data: XBOX One launch title
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treileris deja parodo tik "svarias" lenktynes su svariu vazinejimu trasom.

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ne kazka graziau uz Drive Club demonstracija, aisku turetu but graziau us GT6 bet..velgi svarus vazinejimas .. sorry bet jau ne tie laikai kai racingui uzteko tik priklijuotos saules nupiestam danguj ...tuo paciu x360 su racingais jau amen ..idomu kaip cia taip isejo..tikrai laukiau sito ant x360 dar


stai kur tas naujas MClaren










Redagavo scalman

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ne kazka graziau uz Drive Club demonstracija, aisku turetu but graziau us GT6 bet..velgi svarus vazinejimas .. sorry bet jau ne tie laikai kai racingui uzteko tik priklijuotos saules nupiestam danguj ...tuo paciu x360 su racingais jau amen ..idomu kaip cia taip isejo..tikrai laukiau sito ant x360 dar


stai kur tas naujas MClaren











Tikrai gerai atordo!

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nafik reikejo visa jo posta su visom nuotraukom quotint?..

asmeniskai tai man vien tas faktas, kad daugeli modeliu turn10 skanavo lazeriais, irodo, kad grafisku tikslumu forza yra superior pries betkoki kita racinga. vien kiek modu yra pridaryta kitiems zaidimams naudojant uber detalius forza3/4 modelius.. :gusta: bet kolkas tai teisybe sako zmogus dviem postais auksciau, tiek drive club tiek forza 5 atrodo panasiai, del ko mes galim tik pasidziaugt :super:

Redagavo MidnightDUB

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Forza 5 ..60fps..


Forza Motorsport 5 will run at 60 frames per second, Microsoft Studios corporate vice president Phil Spencer has told Edge magazine.


Confirmation of the smooth frame rate will come as a great relief to series fans who have been left wondering since the game's announcement last month.


Official word came as the Microsoft Studios chief revealed there will be no minimum performance requirements (such as resolution or frame rate) set for games released on Xbox One.


"There were games that shipped on 360 that were less than 720p," said Spencer. "It's important we give creators the best tools to create the best experience possible and I don't think that platform holders can dictate what the internal frame buffer size should be.


"Forza 5 runs at 60 frames per second, but other people will make different trade-offs. I think it's important - maybe because I'm a studio guy - that you give freedom to the creator because today, through lighting techniques and post effects, resolution is not the thing that maximises beauty."


Spencer concluded: "Some of the most beautiful games of this generation are not dictated by how many pixels they're pushing to the screen. Motion blur, antialiasing, lighting: all of these things come into play. We just give developers the tools and let them make the right creative decisions."

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Driveataras lenktyniausa lenktynes kol musu nebus prie konsoles Cloude .. :npoker: ir kita karta kai noresi palenktyniaut jis jau bus profas idomu kaip ten veiks tas stuff..nereikia kad jis ten ismoktu vairuot pagal tave ar pagal kitus ..


Forza Motorsport 5 will include a "Drivatar" cloud-based feature, as announced at Microsoft's E3 press briefing today. A player's Drivatar is a personal profile that races while players are away, accruing points for players that aren't actually playing the game at the time.

o jei isjungsi konsole tai jis nieko neismoks bus noobas :troll:



racing when u not racing AI .. :nsure:

Redagavo scalman

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obana..It’s the end of single player...kaip sako kurejai kagi jokio offline Forza 5 ..nes driveatar nieko tada neismoks ..kazkokia pieva supjove cia jie..gali baigtis visa tai big fail..nes online only single player racing ..kazkaip na nelabai viskas susiveda i viena..kaip sake kad driveataras vazines lenktynes pats kol mes nebusim prie konsoles arba kai losim kazka kita..svarbu kad but online..tai kodel jis negali ismokt kazko ir toliau jau leist mum lost paprastai kazkaip tokiu nesamoniu nepripazystu.. :kid:


Speaking with OXM, Mathis said of the mechanic, “With a system like this, we can race together, even when we’re not together.


“And we don’t have to do all the same things, like [Turn 10 boss Dan Greenawalt] pointed out, because we learn about your tendencies across different tracks – we understand how certain spots on one track relate to a spot on another track.


“We can build a profile of you that can go anywhere. So I can race him on the tracks I like even though he hasn’t been there, and I get to see the cars he’s using. So if he goes and gets a cool new livery, we can talk about it next time we touch base, see each other face to face.”


So even when you’re not online, your Drivatar will be pitted against other players online, mimicking your play style like some kind of digital doppelgänger.


Mathis concluded, “It’s the end of single player. This is something totally new because it adds such a level of social play, and that’s what we want to engender – that water cooler talk, or its over the phone with your friends, or its over Skype, or its however you want to do it.”

negana kad ankstesnius forza galejo ir 6 meciai lost ..tai dabar zaidimas pats losis uz tave ant autopiloto..taves ten isvis nereikia ..driveataras viska los ka reikia jam ..tu tik padesi jam tobulet ..


vietoj to kad sukurt tikrai gera , idomu AI , tai jie isvis jokio nesukure..jis dar turi ismokt visko pirma.. :tear:

Shift 2 va buvo superiniai nesveiki , pavaziave nuo katuskiu tokiu reikia arba kazko panasaus real life learning shit .. Forza 5 fcked up a lot ..jeigu nepakeis jie tos nesamones.


nors amerikieciam su burgeriais rankoj cia bus pats tas matyt .. :idea:



vaziuoja vienas nes driveataras offline :troll:



my racing AI lives in cloud ..hello .. :why:

rodomam gameplay ..ten priesininku tie AI kai ten mamos driveataras vaziavo .. :working:

atrodo kad AI pasiruose pasitraukt tau is kelio kai tik juos ten pasiveji..

driveatar go home ..u drunk ..


have fun ..see the friends and familys driveatars.. bet gal as to nenoriu .. :gasp: nereikia konsoliu zaidimuose minet dx11..cia ne PC :chan: tai nieko nesako isvis tas dx11..look bitchezz my game is hardcore :herp:

Redagavo scalman

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Gal ir achievementus rinks už mus. Vieną kart įsijungi, o kitą dieną įsijungęs matai, kad jau žaidimą perėjai :D O jei rimtai, tai gan originalus sprendimas ir visai neblogas mano manymu. Bet vėlgi tas always online nekaip skamba. Bet gal tai panaikins tą nelemtą dalyką, kurio nekenčiu lenktynėse, kai kuo greičiau ir geriau važiuoji, tuo greičiau važiuoja tavo oponentai. Tokiu būdu niekada nepavyksta atsiplėšt nuo jų. Toks dirbtinis sunkumas gaunasi, kurio aš asmeniškai nekenčiu.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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cia kazkoks nevisai toks kad pagal tave taikosi ..jis ten su tavo namiskiai ir draugais los online kol taves nebus ju driveatarais ..tai tipo isjungta konsole per diena naudos tavo netu .. :stare: kazkoks driveataras ten taskysis po forza 5 be tavo zinios. cia ne adaptive AI , deja , butu gal ir nieko jei toks butu ..cia tavo mamos AI trasoje..look its my mom ..hello .. :devil:

sake kurejas tavo seimos ir tavo draugu driveatarai..ka jie ten isdarines vieni tai velniai zino .. :npoker:


dar gameplay, meniu

niekas pasaulyje nedaro tokiu dalyku su padangom ka mes darom .. :okay:

tai zaidimas ir simo fanam ir vaikam seimai draugam .. :read:

Redagavo scalman

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Labai jau tu priešiškai nusistatęs :D Man patiko tai ką papasakojo, ką daro. Nepatinka man M$ politika, bet prieš žaidimą ir jo pristatytas naujoves nieko prieš neturiu :) Labai sudomino tas besimokantis AI, norėčiau ir pats prieš savo "virtualujį aš" palenktyniauti :thumbsup4: bei domina tai ką jie ten su padangom atlieka kokius bandymus. Sveikintina iš tikro.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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na grazu... tada po keliu sekundziu vaziavimo ..use Y to rewind race .. :npoker: nustatymuose atrodo bus ir kuras naudosis ir padangos ..daugiau nieko smulkesniu nustatymu nematyt.

po lenktyniu ..vel tie dazu braizymai ..nors tikrai nbuvo ten kur juos taip susibraizyt.. :spiderp: ir damage buvo lyg jau max ..tai yra simulation .

bet butu idomu pralekt. vien del to kad next gen ..lemme see this .. :spiderp:

Redagavo scalman

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Forza 5 bus past geriausias racingas zemeja del Cloud. nes interneto anksciau nebuvo... :melvin:


Forza 5 will be so good that it should be forgiven if it doesn't feature "every feature under the sun", Turn 10 creative director Dan Greenawalt has said.


Quizzed by ifcaracing about the lack of features such as simulated pit stops, tire wear, fuel consumption and more, Greenawalt said: "We feel that the true source of Forza entertainment comes from its overall execution and the emotional connection derived from its unparalleled immersive content.


"I feel that any details that are allegedly missing are far outweighed by our cutting edge graphics and physics. But it's not just these critical aspects; it's also (in the case of FM5) the new power of the Cloud that places us on an entirely new plateau beyond anything anyone has out there. So, I think we can be forgiven if we don't have every feature under the sun."


Greenawalt also made what appears to be a reference to Polyphony Digital's extended development periods for its Gran Turismo games, stating: "We'd like to have every good idea there is, but we have to draw lines too, otherwise we might take 5 years to produce the next version."


And in further defence of Forza and his team at Turn 10, Greenawalt added: "Seriously, we could make a hardcore race sim, but that's not what got us here. We can't take the path that others with less success take; we have to forge our own path.


"And as much as we try to be everything to everyone whether they are a car guy or not, we can only go so deep with any single feature if you know what I mean."

"Seriously, we could make a hardcore race sim..." mes galetume mes tokio nekursim ..nes ..nes tiesiog neklauskit kodel .. :rofl:

Redagavo scalman

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