
XBox One naujienos

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The Xbox One has been outselling the PS4 in the NPD rankings for a few months, and Microsoft came out with a quite aggressive commercial titled “Xbox One: The best-selling console in America.”

The commercial, that you can see below, boasts the new features of the Xbox One S, and mentions that it’s the “only console where you can play nearly a thousand games and over a hundred exclusives… on the fastest more reliable gaming network.”

Interestingly, the version of the trailer for the UK (which you can see at the bottom of the post) is a bit different. The title doesn’t make mention of sales, it’s narrated by a pleasant female voice, skips “only console,” and talks of “nearly a thousand console and PC exclusives” instead of just “exclusives.” That’s possibly because UK Laws are a lot stricter on what you can and can’t say in advertisement.

The videos also call the console “ultimate games and 4K entertainment system.” Looks like Microsoft is definitely entering the Holiday season with confidence.

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NPD Group has released September sales statistics for the video games industry. NBA 2K17 leads the chart in software sales while Xbox One’s sales momentum kept it on top of hardware sales. The overall September sales of video games software, hardware and accessories reduced 23% from last year due to the fact that less titles have been shipped this year in comparison to last year which had several big releases.




Video Games Software

The release of the PS4 Slim and the second month of the Xbox One S was not sufficient to stimulate total hardware spending and this month’s latest software releases, NBA 2K17, FIFA 17, NHL 17 and Forza Horizon 3 could not compete with last year’s substantially better slate of new games which included NBA 2K16, FIFA 16, NHL 16, Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, Destiny: The Taken King, Mad Max, Disney Infinity 3.0 and Super Mario Maker for the Wii U.

Video Games Hardware

September 2016 saw the release of the PS4 Slim. Only one SKU came out, PS4 Slim 500GB Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End, and for the month it was the third best-selling hardware SKU.

The 3DS experienced its fourth consecutive month of increased hardware unit sales as compared to 2015. Since the release of Pokémon Go, back in July 2016, the 3DS has experienced a surprise increase in hardware spending.

The Xbox One brand was the highest-selling hardware for the month and made up for 37 percent of all hardware units sold. This was not sufficient enough to countermeasure a revenue fall in total hardware. Due to average retail price declines for consoles and a reduction in hardware units sold for the PS4 and the Wii U, total hardware dollar spending reduced by 25 percent since last year.

Video Games Accessories

Amount spend on accessories excluding Point Card sales, fell by 30 percent as compared to last year. Consumers this month spent $47M less than they did last year, with interactive gaming toys responsible for 82% of the decline.

Interactive gaming toy (IGT) accessory spending accumulated to $13M, which is 75 percent less than last year. Last year, Lego Dimensions and  Skylanders: SuperCharges were released. Moreover there were 13 new amiibos. This year the new Skylanders accessory, Skylanders: Imaginators, is set to be released this month, and no new amiibos are to be launched.

Xbox One controller spending also rose as compared to last year. The increase was mostly due to the Xbox One Elite controller and the new Xbox One S controller. Unfortunately the increase in spending on Xbox One controllers was not enough to offset decrease in gamepad spending from other systems and the category, as a whole, reduced by 10% in spending.



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Aš tikrai primokėčiau ir pasiimčiau su didesne talpa. Pats nesenai pirkau ps4 ir ėmiau brangesnį variantą, tačiau su 1TB.

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Sveiki, renkuosi Xbox One S. Ar verta mokėti +€60 ir imt 1TB, ar užtenka 500GB versijos?

Papildomas isorinis 500gb HDD tikrai nekainuos 60 pinigu... tai spresk pats.

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Papildomas isorinis 500gb HDD tikrai nekainuos 60 pinigu... tai spresk pats.


Išorinis HDD prijungtas prie konsolės veiks taip pat gerai, kaip ir vidinis konsolės HDD?


EDIT: Radau atsakymą.

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Išorinis HDD prijungtas prie konsolės veiks taip pat gerai, kaip ir vidinis konsolės HDD?


EDIT: Radau atsakymą.

Dar ir geriau :)

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Aaron Greenberg, head of marketing of Xbox, has offered interesting statements during the FanFest brand held in Mexico. Among them, he commented that Xbox Scorpio, the new console from Microsoft, will offer “really true 4K” in games.


During the Xbox FanFest in Mexico City, Aaron Greenberg reiterated that Project Scorpio will bring the “true 4K” in the world of gaming console.


“This will really bring the most powerful console you’ve ever seen,” commented Greenberg during the festival held in Mexico. “It will bring these really true 4K, really incredible visual games that we’ve never seen before on the console,” he said.

“People who have spent thousands of dollars on a high-end PC are getting that experience. How do we bring that to scale in a console in your living room? That’s a big part of what Project Scorpio is about,” he added. Finally, Greenberg confirmed that all first-party games from Microsoft, will run at native 4K in Scorpio.

“Any games we’re making that we’re launching in the Scorpio time frame, we’re making sure they can natively render at 4K,” he said. We remind you, finally, Xbox engineering lead Mike Ybarra who recently also confirmed its backwards compatibility with Xbox 360.

Microsoft has been clear about Project Scorpio, the new version of Xbox, which will arrive next year (2017) just for the Christmas period.

As indicated in numerous rumors, Xbox Scorpio will be the most powerful console ever created by having 6 teraflops of capacity, and 8-core CPU with more than 320+ GB/s memory width, something that will allow the 4K game run without visual sacrifices and the high-fidelity of virtual reality. It will also be backwards compatible with the titles of Xbox One, as discussed in the past.



Laukiam, laukiam, laukiam, bus proga 4k TV nusipirkti :D

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Scorpio zaidimu versijos palyginus su X1 atrodys taip gerai , kad X1 atrodys kaip seno laptopo grafika. zodziu X1 mirs tada. neilgai patemps jau.


Dev: Games built for Scorpio first will look like they're on an old laptop on OG XB1


GamingBolt had a chance to speak to Bogdan Iliesiu of Angry Mob Games, currently working on Brawlout, as to whether Scorpio’s power can be put to any meaningful use in the long run. He noted that, “Sure, it’s usually easy to pump up the graphics, to take advantage of the extra processing power. If the games are designed for the Xbox One, they’ll look great on Scorpio.”

However, Iliesiu also said that, “If it’ll be the other way around, and the games will be pushed to the limits, to look amazing on the Scorpio first, it’ll probably feel like playing on an old laptop, when playing that game on the Xbox One.” This seems to indicate that Scorpio far out-classes the Xbox One in terms of hardware performance.

cia nieko nuostabaus jei bus galingesnis uz PS4 Pro tai laisvai palaikys 4k ir tures ivairius grafikos pagerinimus , pasirinkimus. bet ir kainuos turbut ne PRo kaina.

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Scorpio zaidimu versijos palyginus su X1 atrodys taip gerai , kad X1 atrodys kaip seno laptopo grafika. zodziu X1 mirs tada. neilgai patemps jau.


cia nieko nuostabaus jei bus galingesnis uz PS4 Pro tai laisvai palaikys 4k ir tures ivairius grafikos pagerinimus , pasirinkimus. bet ir kainuos turbut ne PRo kaina.


Realiai tai bus tas pats kas su PS4, kas turi 4k telikus tai žaidžia su PS Pro, kas neturi su paprastu PS, tai čia irgi tas pats, kas neturės 4k teliko, tam nebus labai verta pirkt Scorpio

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Geimeriu save laikantis zmogus og xbox one jau nebepirks nuo vasaros vidurio turbut. O vaikam ir pan jiem tikrai ne grafikoj esme,nes manau og liks tokiai auditorijai.Didelis procentas zmoniu tel atsinaujina kekvienais metais,tai kodel geimeris negali atsinaujint konsoles karta i tris ar keturis metus?

Tik as labiau norejau naujo generation,kad senas nestabdytu ir nesivilktu is paskos...

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kad x1 neturi vaikam zaidimu per daugiausia. beveik aplamai ne vaiku audotorijai konsole tai kalba tikrai neina apie vaikus ir ne vaikus. matosi kad konsoles naujinimas pas daugeli niekuo nesusijes su zaidimais. tel keist kas metus  :yao:

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kad x1 neturi vaikam zaidimu per daugiausia. beveik aplamai ne vaiku audotorijai konsole tai kalba tikrai neina apie vaikus ir ne vaikus. matosi kad konsoles naujinimas pas daugeli niekuo nesusijes su zaidimais. tel keist kas metus :yao:

Cia vel tik tavo nuomone,zmogaus kuris neturi nei vienos is dabartiniu konsoliu ir primeta baisu analitika... Redagavo guslikas

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tavo nuomone xbox one yra konsole vaikam nes ji turi prastesne grafika ? todel ji vaikam ?  :genius:

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Cia vel tik tavo nuomone,zmogaus kuris neturi nei vienos is dabartiniu konsoliu ir primeta baisu analitika...

:chan:   microsoft dundukai nesugebejo vaikam zaidimu imest ant konsoliu, kur tas pasaulis ritasi... :yao:

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    • Be abejo. Taip, čia buvo labiau emocijos su tuo Intergalactic, bet vistiek nekeičia kad nepatiko. O "nepatiko" ir yra emocijos😄 P. S. TLOU III 
    • todel, kad is witcherio tu jau zinai ko tiketis, o cia visiskai naujas IP. ir dar tikrai niekas neaisku apie ka. labiausiai uzkliuva, kad boba negrazi ir veiksmas kazkur kosmose. pirmas ispudis nekoks, bet palaukim. niekas gi nevercia preorderio daryt. pamatysim kazka daugiau tada gal jau aiskiau bus ar labiau hatint ar po truputi didinti smalsuma. vistiek cia gi naughty dog. kokybes standartai pas juos auksciausi
    • na filmas visada visas bus diske ir jam nereiks jokio patcho ar dlc  cia visai kitas reikalas. as irgi buciau pilnai uz tai, kad tureti patinkanti zaidima savo kolekcijoj, bet deja pilno zaidimo diske nera turbut jau nuo ps3/xbox360 laiku (butrent tada atsirado zaidimu patchai konsolese). butu labai gerai jei po kazkiek laiko kai zaidimas pilnai supatchintas ir su visai dlc butu isleidziamas fiziniu pavidalu, bet deja tas neapsimoka. gamepass  tai nuoma. labai gerai jei nezinai kas per zaidimas bet gal ir noretum ji pabandyt. o jei nepatinka tv su xbox gamepassu tai tam yra konsoles. xbox tampa servisu ir kuris butu pasiekiamas visur visiems ir ant bet ko... tuoj bus taip, kad pasileidinesi ant ps5 zaidima ir pirma ka pamatysi bus "Xbox Gamestudio" va kaip dabar su naughty dog naujausiu pristatytu zaidimu... daug hate'o, bet jei butu ps+ galima butu isbandyt nemokamai ir tada jau nusprest ar verta isigyti i savo kolekcija ar ne.. o kas del licenzijos tai ji ne visai tavo... gali but, kad zaidima turi nusipirkes, o jis jau isimtas is eshopo butent del kazkokios pasibaigusios licenzijos (panasiai kaip su senais gta. isimti is paduotuviu nes baigesi licenzija muzikai) o naujose zaidimo versijose tu muzikos ganalu paprasciausiai nera. ir siaip diskai dabar labiau kaip budas pigiau pazaisti zaidima. nupirkai, perejei, pardavei.. tai kuom ne prenumerata?
    • Suprantu tavo ironija, bet tikrai galiu pasakyti pasižiūrėjus ar man patinka ką matau ar ne. Palygink su Witcher IV anons treileriu ir viskas bus aišku.
    • @WirmiS, mintys išsakytos neblogos. Gal būt tai bus ateitis, į kurią mus visus taip stumia, bet tai tikrai tinka nevisiems. Taip man patinka Netflix ir aš turiu ne tik jo, bet ir beveik visų stremingų prenumerata, bet neturiu Gamepass (PS+ turiu dėl onlaino). Žiūrėti filmą ir žaisti yra pramoga, bet visgi nėra tapatus dalykai. Aš žaidžiu tik tuos žaidimus, kurie man TIKRAI patinka, nes tai reikalauja laisvo laiko, kurio su amžiumi (iki tam tikros ribos) darosi vis mažiau. Todėl aš labai smarkiai pasirenku kam man skirti tą laisvalaikio laiką. Nepatikėsi, bet dar per kelis metus nesu paleidęs ne vieno PS+ gaunamų žaidimų, nes ko man reikia praktiškai viską nusiperku. T. p. turiu ir gan nemenka fizinių movie diskų kolekcija tais pačiais sumetimais. Nežinau gal tai amžius, gal old school, bet aš nenoriu tik įjungti TV su įmontuotu Gamepasu ir kažką tai streamingu pažaist. Noriu turėti fizinę konsole, nupirkta žaidimą (nebūtinai fizinį diską), bet mano asmenynę licenciją. Kažakaip taip.
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