
XBox One naujienos

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What has been done, can't be changed. M$ žiauriai apsikakino ir sunkiai dabar tą dėmę valys, nes dauguma tiesiog nebenorės tikėti jais :D Čia panašiai kaip su RROD erroru, dar ir šiandien atsiranda žmonių, kurie prikiša tą errorą, nors jau 20 metų, kaip jį ištaisė ant naujų modelių :D

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Update on June 19, 2013: As a result of feedback from the Xbox community, we have changed certain policies for Xbox One reflected in this blog. Some of this information is no longer accurate — please check here for the latest.




Oh jau įmetė...Nu jo pavarė ką žinau kas padaryta tas jau padaryta. Gražu kad jie taip, bet jau daug spėjo susigadint.. :)

Redagavo drake345

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Last week at E3, the excitement, creativity and future of our industry was on display for a global audience.


For us, the future comes in the form of Xbox One, a system designed to be the best place to play games this year and for many years to come. As is our heritage with Xbox, we designed a system that could take full advantage of advances in technology in order to deliver a breakthrough in game play and entertainment. We imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games. We believe in the benefits of a connected, digital future.


Since unveiling our plans for Xbox One, my team and I have heard directly from many of you, read your comments and listened to your feedback. I would like to take the opportunity today to thank you for your assistance in helping us to reshape the future of Xbox One.


You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world.


So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means:


An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.


Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.


In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console — there will be no regional restrictions.


These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One. The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray.


We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity. While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds.


Thank you again for your candid feedback. Our team remains committed to listening, taking feedback and delivering a great product for you later this year.

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Kaip gi nekeis, kai beveik visas pasaulis juokiasi iš jų? :D

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Pamatė, kad sony jau daro juos per visus galus tai dabar jau savo klaidas pradėjo taisyt.Aišku tai yra gerai, bet vistiek susimovė jie kaip reikalas.

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Na, geriau kažkada nei niekada. Koncole dar vis neišėjus tai nemanau, kad labai blogai viskas.


Ir kaip keista, bet manau Xbox one ir pirksiu, tik kaina galėtu buti mažesnė. Tiesiog esu pratęs labiau prie Xbox pultelio, o x1 kamera yra taip pat geresnė nei PS. Tik va kaina visu 100$ didesnė, o tai gan daug. Dabar x1=ps4, tik tiek, kad x1 reikės dabar košę skverbti kurios prisivyrė. Dar galėtų kainą nuleisti truputi.

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Juokinat mane lygindami playstation ir xbox pultelius :D Norit pasakysiu PASLAPTĮ??? Abiejų konsolių pulteliai beveik identiški, vienintėlis skirtumas, tai analogų išdėstymas ir pačių pultelių dydis, kuris iš esmės nieko nekeičia Nuotrauka čia jums nebe ps1, sega saturn ir n64 laikai, kai pulteliai tikrai buvo labai skirtingi ir tada pereinat nuo vieno prie kito pultelio tikrai buvo galima jausti diskomfortą :)

Redagavo LFXiksas

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Dydis turi itaka bent jau man.Pries savaite is lt parvaziavau ten su xbox 360 losiau dvi savaites tai parvaziaves paemiau ps3 pulteli ir tiesiog nebemokejau zaist nes ir mazesnis ir lengvesnis ir mygtukai maises

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Microsoft has confirmed “certain polices” pertaining to its DRM control with Xbox One have been changed, such as 24-hour check-ins, ” no limitations” to using and sharing disc-based games, and more. Full report below.Microsoft has released the following statement pertaining to the new policy changes with the console:


An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.


Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.


In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console — there will be no regional restrictions.


These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One. The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray.

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Ne į temą

Na, norėtųsi argumentų iš tikrųjų...


Redagavo LFXiksas

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Neaisku kas cia tai patvirtino,nes ms tiesiog taip nepakeistu visos savo politikos per karta.

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Neaisku kas cia tai patvirtino,nes ms tiesiog taip nepakeistu visos savo politikos per karta.


Bet pakeite :)


Your Feedback Matters – Update on Xbox One

By Don Mattrick, President, Interactive Entertainment Business posted June 19, 2013 at 2:00 PM


Last week at E3, the excitement, creativity and future of our industry was on display for a global audience.


For us, the future comes in the form of Xbox One, a system designed to be the best place to play games this year and for many years to come. As is our heritage with Xbox, we designed a system that could take full advantage of advances in technology in order to deliver a breakthrough in game play and entertainment. We imagined a new set of benefits such as easier roaming, family sharing, and new ways to try and buy games. We believe in the benefits of a connected, digital future.


Since unveiling our plans for Xbox One, my team and I have heard directly from many of you, read your comments and listened to your feedback. I would like to take the opportunity today to thank you for your assistance in helping us to reshape the future of Xbox One.


You told us how much you loved the flexibility you have today with games delivered on disc. The ability to lend, share, and resell these games at your discretion is of incredible importance to you. Also important to you is the freedom to play offline, for any length of time, anywhere in the world.


So, today I am announcing the following changes to Xbox One and how you can play, share, lend, and resell your games exactly as you do today on Xbox 360. Here is what that means:


An internet connection will not be required to play offline Xbox One games – After a one-time system set-up with a new Xbox One, you can play any disc based game without ever connecting online again. There is no 24 hour connection requirement and you can take your Xbox One anywhere you want and play your games, just like on Xbox 360.


  • Trade-in, lend, resell, gift, and rent disc based games just like you do today – There will be no limitations to using and sharing games, it will work just as it does today on Xbox 360.

  • In addition to buying a disc from a retailer, you can also download games from Xbox Live on day of release. If you choose to download your games, you will be able to play them offline just like you do today. Xbox One games will be playable on any Xbox One console -- there will be no regional restrictions.

These changes will impact some of the scenarios we previously announced for Xbox One. The sharing of games will work as it does today, you will simply share the disc. Downloaded titles cannot be shared or resold. Also, similar to today, playing disc based games will require that the disc be in the tray.


We appreciate your passion, support and willingness to challenge the assumptions of digital licensing and connectivity. While we believe that the majority of people will play games online and access the cloud for both games and entertainment, we will give consumers the choice of both physical and digital content. We have listened and we have heard loud and clear from your feedback that you want the best of both worlds.


Thank you again for your candid feedback. Our team remains committed to listening, taking feedback and delivering a great product for you later this year.



Vis del to galvoja su galvom dar kazkiek :D

Visgi man idomu keli dalykai:


  • Jeigu jie sita pakeicia dabar, tai ar tai nekeis ir dar labiau nesuletins gamybos?
  • Ar kurejai netures perdaryti zaidimu, nors ir minimaliai, negu juos kuria dabar?
  • Ar kurejai neuzprotestuos?

Tikrai yra ir daugiau klausimu, nes kurejai, siuo atveju, tikrai patenkinti labai negali likti, kai likus 6men iki isleidimo yra pakankamai drastiskai keiciama konsole, kuri buvo kuriama ne metus ir ne du.


Taip pat neabejoju, kad jie to 'always online' neatsikratys is sistemos architekturos ir kazkuriuo metu tikrai gali pradeti leisti zaidimus, kurie vistiek reikalaus always online. Ne hate'inu, bet tai neatrodo nelogiska, ziurint, kad jie tikrai bus investave pakankamai i tokia technologija.

Redagavo Tii

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Gerai, kad susivokė, bet faktas, kad norėjo MS per galvas lipt ir įgrūst tokią šlykštynę išliks kaip juoda dėmė. Just like RROD.


Tii, manau viskas yra softo lygmenyje ir atrodo logiška, jei pasaulis visas vieningai dėjo ant jų technologijų ir investicijų.


O ką kūrėjai, Sony gi iš pradžių jokių nesąmonių netaikė, o xbox one nėra exkliuzyvais apsikrovęs. tiesiog norėjo labai labai daug pinigų uždirbt, o dabar deja uždirbs tik labai daug :( poor MS.

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