
Call of Duty : Ghosts

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kurejai daug maz kaltina save del to kad x1 gavo mazesne reza.. :melvin: COD visada buvo toks kaip ir MS arkliukas..o dabar gavosi kad kurejai net bijo kazka blogo apie tai pasakyt


Though the average man on the street might not notice, among more discerning players that resolution difference has become an important indicator of PS4′s power over Xbox One. And it would have been easy for Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin to dodge the difficult questions surrounding the relative performance; but he’s is far from evasive on the subject when we speak this morning. He seems keen to set the record straight, though clearly cognisant of the need for diplomacy when speaking about the two platform holders’ consoles.


Can you personally see the difference between the PS4 and Xbox One versions running side by side?


If they’re running side by side, some people will, some people won’t. The 720 on Xbox One is upscaled to 1080p as far as resolution is concerned – some people have noticed and some people haven’t. I think it’s an individual call. Maybe it’s a close call and maybe it’s not for some people. It really depends on how hyper-aware you are of things like that.


So the big question is why the difference?


When it came down to optimizing for each system, in order to maintain 60 frames per second, which is something we absolutely positively did not want to encroach on, that happened, basically. It was over a period of time and it wasn’t some, like, event sort of thing. It was just happening.


So does that suggest that it’s easier to get that higher level of performance from PS4 than it is Xbox One.


It might. It also just might be the path we took, you know? This is the first game on the console and there’s a lot for us to learn with the new hardware so it’s a long-running process – you compare COD 2 to COD 4 it’s a massive leap forward in graphical fidelity. So I think we expect the same thing on both platforms.



A lot of people are taking this as confirmation that Xbox One is the weaker console and PS4 is more powerful. Is it that simple?


It’s a much more complex answer – there’s so much to it, it’s a balancing act when you get into optimisation – we need more time with it all, basically. It could be years from now until we get to the point where we feel like we’ve maxed out what we can do on both platforms.


And it’s not just hardware physically, the amount of resources that each system is allowing the game developers to use isn’t the same. So from our standpoint that’s something that could change, y’know? We might get more resources back at one point. And that could make things change dramatically for the Xbox One, for instance. It’s a long complicated road that will take years to develop, and I think at the end we’ll have games looking very similar, usually, on both systems.


So you see this being a continuing trend? Will PS4, being the easier console to work with, end up getting the better looking games in this launch window?


I don’t know but overall I do know that other companies have been saying that they’re also 720 on Xbox One – BF4 was 720, Titanfall has already said they’re going to be 720 on Xbox One so it seems to be the dominant direction at the moment, but so much can change.


By the way, it’s also not just us learning the systems better, it’s Microsoft developing more from the systems as well so if it improves the SDKs on their side we could see improvements, or if they could patch their software then all of a sudden we could get a performance boost out of that. It’s a very complex ecosystem.


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Vakar parėjau žaidimą, nežinau tiesiog SP labiau įtraukė nei koks BF4 SP. Nors ir pradėjau anksčiau žaisti BF4, bet visdėlto pabandęs COD nebenorėjau jo mesti. Dabar BF4 žaidžiu. call of Duty: Ghost puikus žaidimas turintis gerą SP

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dar neperejau SP bet kiek losiu tai vis kazkuo nustebina. ivairus lygiai tikrai. yra ir pasaudyt pagaudyt ir paselint, visko siaip sudeta po biski.pati story nieko labai isskirtinio bet pakankamai idomi. suo manau nemaza vaidmeni cia atlieka tame idomume bent jau man.

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Susidūriau su tokia problema , vaizdas atrodo kaip ant ultra low ir nustatymuose textūras pakėlus ant high ,persikrovus vėl būna medium. Nu ,kad ir ant medium su full hd rezolicija tikrai neturi būti toks vaizdas kaip 600x800 . Niekas neturėjo tokios problemos ?

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netas raso kad gal 4-5 val. man tai pakankamas..kaip tokie dalykai skaiciuojami neaisku. na as per 3 kartus prisedes jo neperejau dar tai uztenka.


Susidūriau su tokia problema , vaizdas atrodo kaip ant ultra low ir nustatymuose textūras pakėlus ant high ,persikrovus vėl būna medium. Nu ,kad ir ant medium su full hd rezolicija tikrai neturi būti toks vaizdas kaip 600x800 . Niekas neturėjo tokios problemos ?


zaidimas auto padaro optimizuoja pagal tavo gelezi tikriausia. gal draivai nelabai tinka. naujiem zaidimam taip buna. reikia laukt draivu updeito greiciausia.

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neaisku is kokiu saltiniu surinkta ir palyginta. ir vel eilini karta current gen pilka spalva o PS4 jau juoda. na nzn as losiau man visur juoda nes nekeliau sviesumo per daug. del teskturu ir taip viskas aisku kad turi skirtis. is tikro losiant x360 versija visada galvoji kad visur turetu but graziau ...tokia mintis visad buna is pirma misija kosmose tai va vienintele misija kur grafika tikrai gera ir galetu isvis visas geimas but tokio tipo sukurtas..


jo ta misija dangoraizi tai kazkas ispudingo buvo :rolleyes: bet labai tamsu irgi..velgi x360 tikrai ne pilkai rodo o juodai :stare:


“It’s a normal thing when new platforms come out that the first games are trying to find their feet. An analogy I use is that it’s like an awkward first date– you’re still trying to figure each other out. There’s enormous amounts of work ahead of us in perfecting our game engines on both platforms.”


“I don’t think it’s the case that the Xbox One definitely can’t do [native 1080p]– I just think that we need time to get there,”


- Call of Duty: Ghosts executive producer Mark Rubin


bent jau prisipazysta kas kaltas del X1 versijos. :melvin:

jei butu priesingai tai niekam nerupetu kad ant ps4 butu zemesne reza , bei jau kai ant X1 blogiau tai ne ..cia mes kalti lopai esam negalejom padaryt .. :read:


ispudingos misijos viena po kitos . naftos greziny tam ten jau galvojau kad ispudinga bet po vandeniu pasirodo kad isvis ten .. :megusta: o rykliai tai ne Fc3, cia ju negalima liesti isvis. ziauri hebra, viena pameginau nusaut tai kai soko ant manes .. :gasp:

bendrai paemus ispudinga. maziau begiot ir saudyt ,tikrai maziau nei ankstesniuose cod. ginklai geri tiek isvaizda tiek garsais ir saudymu.o geriausi tai loadingai cia ..nes juose tokie kieti intarpai rodomi :gusta:

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vis dar nemaciau sitos


gal ji ne SP .. :working:


maxintas pc ghostas


..kazkaip per mazai skirtumu be ir taip suprantamu high res texturu bei ten AA ir pan stuff. bet visa kita.. nz turiu omeni jei grindu tekstura crap tai crap plokscia ir ant PC nesvarbu ka nustatysi. va del to tai gaila. kodel negali zeme atrodyt tikrai graziai ant pc. kaip ir 2014 metai .. :npoker:

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BF4 MP lošiu ant High ir daugiausiai FPS nukrenta iki ~80, o šitas game net ant Low dažnai palagina. Prastai optimatizavo...

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kai kurie lygiai kur nera zemes nei akmenu nei pan dalyku kur pvz vaikstai grindim ir sienos metalines ar betonines ir lygios tai x360 atrodo netgi labai graziai..ten ugnis , karscio efektai ar dumai ..viskas buvo ir labai graziai atrode is tikro.


BF4 MP lošiu ant High ir daugiausiai FPS nukrenta iki ~80, o šitas game net ant Low dažnai palagina. Prastai optimatizavo...


konsolem uztai gerai viskas :melvin: nei draiveriu laukt nieko

siaip pazejau TU2 x360 jau yra ir toks nemazas virs 100mb uzima . kazi ka ten istaiso kad tiek daug uzima.


vienas is geriausiu zaidimo momentu..



siaip reiskia jei noretu tai galetu tokiu epiniu zaidimu sukurt kosmoso tematika ...nejau tikrai niekam tas neidomu? :npoker:

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netas raso kad gal 4-5 val. man tai pakankamas..kaip tokie dalykai skaiciuojami neaisku. na as per 3 kartus prisedes jo neperejau dar tai uztenka.



IGN'as sako, kad 10val.:


On the bright side, that padded out my play time to roughly 10 hours, making this campaign one of the longest CoD single-player experiences.

Gerai... o tai daug $$$ nueitų veltui, jei tik 4val. ;)

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nz ka done. na nustebino pabaiga tai tikrai :megusta:

ten tam traukini misija tai velgi ..wou ..

o dar plius dar karta i kosmoso varem ..thats amazing. kaip ir BF4 irgi teko tam lektuvnesi pakariaut ir pabegt..velgi paownino BF4 tuo dalyku. tanku misija gal nekokia del paciu tanku valdymo visa kita super..misijos labai ivairios ir ispudingos tikrai. :thumbup:

dar kai reikejo nesti Riley.. :spiderp: dont worry friend i'll take care of you .. :yea:

kas liecia emocijas ir velgi BF4 pati pirma misija toj skestancioj masinoj...tai ghosts turi tam alternatyva irgi ..


kur tie rorke files ? ..pereini ir ju vistiek nera .. :working:

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