
Infamous: Second Son

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Infamous: Second Son pre-orders higher than Last of Us


Sony has revealed that  Infamous: Second Son has more pre-orders than last year’s blockbuster The Last of Us had at the same point prior to launch.


The upcoming super hero title is Sony’s first big PlayStation 4 game of 2014, and the publisher is putting a lot of money behind promoting the game. Second Son will see a multi-million pound TV and video on demand campaign, as well as a month-long cinema push.


“We have high expectations for Infamous: Second Son and are excited by the level of pre-orders which are exceeding that of The Last of Us at this point in the run up to its launch,” said SCE UK product manager Josh Walker.


“We can already see it benefitting from the goodwill and of buzz surrounding the PlayStation 4 and expect Second Son to be the biggest game in the Infamous series to date.”



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Trophy list'as :)


Keli sudetingi lygtais gali b uti, bet kazkas panasaus kaip misinys tarp Infamous ir Infamous 2 :)


Taip pat, pagal troiphy lista galima nuspeti dar viena galia:



Panasu, kad bus 'Nuclear' salia 'Smoke' ir 'Neon', bent jau pagal sita trophy: 

Excessive Force

Use a Karmic Streak attack to defeat exactly one enemy



EDIT: Atsakydamas pats sau i klausima apie galias;

Yra isleistas Q&A kur labai daug klausimu atsakyta, galite pasiskaityti cia:


jeigu kabant grynai apie galias, tai jie ju neatskleidzia iki pat isleidimo, bet ka pasako, kad galbut ju nebus tiek daug, taciau kiekviena galia turi labai daug upgrade'u ir DAR galiu tose galiose (insert *yodawg.jpg*)


How many powers does Delsin Rowe have? (Frederik Strange Dybsø)


To avoid spoiling the game, we’ve really only talked about Smoke and Neon powers, and we’re keeping that stance until the game launches.


One of the things we haven’t talked about is how many powers are in each set, and how many upgrades are available. Without putting specific numbers on it, there’s a substantial number of individual powers in each set, and many — if not all of them — are upgradeable.


Taip pat apie DLC:


Would you consider another “what if” scenario like Festival of Blood for a spin-off, possibly on Vita even? 


Brian Fleming: We’re really happy that Second Son went gold and we’re certainly doing a lot to prepare for launch. Once we get through the launch, I’m sure we’ll have something to chew on regarding DLC, but we’ve nothing to announce right now.

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8min naujo gameplay, 7 dienos iki isleidimo :)


Jei teisingai pamenu, tai cia pirmas gameplay, kur is tikro rodomos blogosios galios. Taip patmatoma, kad galios jau yra upgraded irevil choices aiskiai paveike isvaizda (liemene su didesniaja dalimi  "evil" logotipo") bei neon fade'as yra raudonesnes spalvos  :)


Vienas dalykas, kuris man idomus, kuris dar nebuvo atsakytas, tai kaip su power bar issinaudojimu, nes pamenu su Cole's elektra issesdavo jis gan greitai (be upgrade'u visu bent) ir daznai reikedavo drain'int aplinkinius zibintus, masinu akumuliatorius ir t.t., o cia kiek besaudo visuose videos, tai labai minimaliai eikvojasi.

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With the release of inFAMOUS: Second Son in just six days, Sucker Punch is dropping some more information about the tech powering the game. Tech Art lead Jason Connell mentioned on Twitter that the game uses Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing T2x to remove the hated jaggies from the edges of the title’s gorgeous models:

If I’m not mistaken it’s SMAA T2x. Right 

Graphics Programmer Matthijs De Smedt added that the team has done a few modifications of its own to the tech. For the sake of comparison, Ryse: Son of Rome used the slightly less advanced SMAA 1x.

At the bottom of the post you can see a chart comparing performance of the various anti-aliasing method at different resolutions and a screenshot comparison between no anti-aliasing and SMAA T2x courtesy of NeoGAF user Wishmaster92.

We also learn that yesterday’s screenshots showcasing different times of day were captured directly on PS4 for a rather interesting reason:

Yes. Our tool chain for making time of days is very reliant on editing in-game ON the PS4.

Finally, Connell mentioned on Facebook that the “Orbital Drop” power uses a rather enormous amount of particles.

The rain alone was 25,000! I’m not sure exactly but it’s a LOT for that particular power!

For reference, the Orbital Drop power is smoke’s Karma bomb, that we have seen at the end of the E3 trailer.

It’s hard not to be impressed, and it’s quite interesting to see the effect SMAA T2X on the game. It definitely achieves great results in eliminating overly visible aliasing, but it grants much better performance than the more traditional MSAA (while it looks a lot better than the rather cheap FXAA). I can definitely see the technique being used more and more as the generation progresses, considering its balance between results and performance.





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jo penktadieni 2 geri žaidimai išeina
Infamous: SS ir MGS5:GZ
Keista kad dar neišsiuntė man kopijų, turbūt dėlto kad pasirinkau express delivery tai kaip sakoma per viena diena atkeliaus 

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Na va, jau perejau :)

Zaidziau ant Normal ir ejau Evil playthrough. Tikrai nenuvyle zaidimas, gal kai kuriose vietose ir kartojosi, bet geriau man trumpesnis ir daugiau kur ka veikti, negu kaip pirmame Infamous kur reikedavo daug lakstyti ir/ar ka nors sekti. Perejau per kazkur 6 valandas, gal greiciau. Dar kokias 6 valandas side-missions visokius dariau, liko nelabai daug iki viso miesto atrakinimo/visu shards/dead drops ir t.t.


Platina per 15-20val galima surinkti. Sunkumo dar nerasysiu, nes ant hard neperejau ;)

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15-20h sakyčiau vidurkis tokio tipo žaidimų tapo :)


O shards kai renki, vis dar gali matyti spausdamas analogą ar reikia žemėlapį spausdintis? Nes gera įdėja, nes vienu ar kitų atvėju pats neiškai, tai naher juos slėpti. O dažnu atvėju, kad jei ir matai juos, reikia pagalvoti dar kaip pasiekti. :)

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Second Son Update Incoming: Change Time of Day, HUD Off, 30FPS Option

Change Time-of-Day

Once you beat the game, a new entry will appear on the options menu to allow you to select the time of day! A very popular request indeed, and one we’re excited to enable for you all.

HUD On/Off

Especially for those amazingly talented screenshot taking folks, we’re including an option to let you turn the HUD on and off.

Cap at 30FPS

Internally we prefer the unlocked frame rate, but we recognize that some players find it distressing. So we’ll provide a way to ensure the game is not bumping up over 30FPS, if that’s how you prefer to play.


We’re all working hard to release these updates as soon as we can. Time-wise, the earliest we could have the patch and new features ready is about two weeks from now, so stay tuned for another update — we’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready to go live. Until then, keep fighting the D.U.P., keep sharing your awesome screenshots (#PS4shareon Twitter), and enjoy your powers!
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Aš kai dar tik perėjau apie 60% ir dar einu tik už Evil 
Paskui reiks dar praeiti už Gera, tai aš tikrai išbandisiu ji, aišku toks modas geriau butu buvęs iš karto, nes yra kurie tikrai jau perėjo ta žaidimą ir tikrai dėl šito modo tikrai nežais , aišku bus kurie pabandys bet dauguma tai ne

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