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Killzone: Shadow Fall

Killzone: Shadow Fall

  • Platformos

    • PlayStation 4
  • Kūrėjas

    • Guerrilla Games
    • Fireproof Studios
    • Outsource Media (OMUK)
  • Leidėjas

    • Sony Interactive Entertainment America
  • Temos

    • Sci-Fi
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    Killzone comes to PlayStation 4.

Killzone: Shadow Fall

Apie žaidimą

Killzone comes to PlayStation 4.



Killzone: Shadow Fall is the follow-up to Killzone 3 and the first entry in the series on the PlayStation 4. It was released in North America on November 15, 2013 as a launch title for the platform.


Thirty years after the end of Killzone 3 and the destruction of the planet Helghan, the Vektans and the Helghast live side by side in a futuristic city divided by a wall. The player takes the role of Lucas Kellan, a Shadow Marshall, tasked with maintaining order between the Vektan and Helghast.

When a surprise attack levels a peaceful square on the Vektan side and Helghan stealth troops lay waste to the fallen, Lucas takes up arms and becomes caught up in a new conflict.


Shadow Fall brings back the Warzone multiplayer mode that cycles through a series of game types over the course of a single match. Multiplayer matches support up to twenty-four player and features three classes: Assault, Support, and Scout. The game runs at a native 1080p at 60 frames per second "most of the time" according to the developers. Among the new features in Shadow Fall's multiplayer is the inclusion of user created game modes akin to games like Halo 3.

There are twenty-two weapons in total, all of which are unlocked from the start. Attachment customizations can be unlocked during play by completing the game's 1500 challenges.


All map packs will be free to PlayStation Plus subscribers but a Season Pass has been also been announced. The Season Pass includes access to a new horde style co-op mode, three online co-op maps, and two multiplayer expansion packs. An exclusive OWL combat skin and unique multiplayer Spotlight move was made available to players that purchased the pass at launch.

Intercept Game Mode

Intercept is the new 4 player co-op horde mode expansion to Killzone: Shadow Fall where players must intercept details from the Helghast forces in various ways.



Panašūs žaidimai


Kūrėjas: Guerilla Games
Leidėjas: Sony Entertainment
Žaidimo variklis: -
Žanras: FPS
Režimai: Singleplayer/Multiplayer
Išleidimo data:TBA Fall 2013
Platformos: PS4


Thirty years after the events of Killzone 3, the world is a very different place with two rival factions, the Helghast and the Vektans, living side by side in a futuristic city divided by a vast wall. In the midst of all the tension stands a Shadow Marshal, the best of the best, tasked with one mandate above all else: preserve the peace, no matter the cost.

• Play as Shadow Marshal Lucas Kellan, equal parts elite soldier and master spy. Representing the VSA’s finest and entrusted with stabilizing an ever-deteriorating cold war, your choices will determine the world’s fate.
• The benchmark cinematic shooter of the next generation of gaming: With breathtaking environments, jaw-dropping futuristic setpieces and deviously smart enemy AI—Killzone Shadow Fall is a true showcase for the unbridled power of the PS4™ system.
• Utilize an expansive arsenal of futuristic weapons and gadgetry: As an elite operative of the ISA, you have a vast selection of multi-purpose weapons and tech at your disposal. The game-changer, however, is the OWL, a versatile, combat drone that functions as an extension of you, dramatically augmenting your abilities and offering a host of new tactical options.

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Online Play (Optional)

Software subject to license ( Online features require an account and are subject to terms of service and applicable privacy policy ( & One-time license fee for play on account’s designated primary PS4™ system and other PS4™ systems when signed in with that account.

©2013 Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Killzone is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment Europe. Killzone Shadow Fall is a trademark of Sony Computer Entertainment America LLC. Developed by Guerrilla.






Redagavo Magnitas

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ir kaip po viso to dabar ziuret i siu dienu zaidimus? :cry:






















pirma trumpa zaidimo info:


Killzone: Shadow Fall


- New world, new situation, new hero

- Takes place in a near future

- Set 30 years after Killzone 3

- World is now a different place

- Helghast and the Vektans live side by side in a futuristic city, divided by a vast wall

- The two are engaged in a cold war

- Play as a Shadow Marshal

- The most special of the special forces, tasked with maintaining the delicate balance

- From responding to bold attacks, to quiet infiltrations or all out combat, you will be required to adapt and think on your feet as you have to face a variety of escalating events that could destroy your home world

Redagavo scalman

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

naujas "senas" demo is Jimmy Fallon laidos. pala tai cia zaidimo demo jie turi pulteli ..kuris pajungtas aisku ne prie saldytuvo, prie PS4 juk. tai kur konsole ? :megusta: kur veda tas laidas nuo pultelio..can we see? :working: cia tai geimeriu emocijos.. :halone: jei tik moketu valdyt nors biski butu dar geriau :tear: gerai kad buvo god mode on.nes ten butu jie mire iskart . :spiderp:

Redagavo scalman

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naujas "senas" demo is Jimmy Fallon laidos. pala tai cia zaidimo demo jie turi pulteli ..kuris pajungtas aisku ne prie saldytuvo, prie PS4 juk. tai kur konsole ? :megusta: kur veda tas laidas nuo pultelio..can we see? :working:
 cia tai geimeriu emocijos.. :halone: jei tik moketu valdyt nors biski butu dar geriau :tear: gerai kad buvo god mode on.nes ten butu jie mire iskart . :spiderp:


Per event'a press'as negavo net paciupinet jo, o cia laidoj aktoriai sau linksmai zaide

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DualShock 4′s little speaker will be used for playing Killzone radio messages.


sitas buvo idomu kai pasake jie. na vis del to neveltui ten tas speakeris bus.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

zaidimo campaign jau baigtas kurt ir dabar tik testuojamas,taisomi bugai ir pan..



“Quiet Saturday morning in the office. Starting my [Killzone: Shadow Fall] campaign playthrough.”

“Has been [essentially finished] for a couple of months. Had [a] couple [of] playtests already. Getting better every time.”


“Just played through an awesome encounter. Game is really starting to come together. Can’t wait to show you more.”


- Game Director Steven ter Heide, via Twitter

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labai ilgas video kureju grynai tech kalba apie tai kaip viskas daroma buvo kad atrodytu viskas kuo graziau


cia trumpa versija kas tingi ziuret ir labiau klausyt pilna video

Redagavo scalman

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naujas Killzone atskleis daug apie Helghast puse..


Killzone Shadow Fall on PS4: The Helghast uncovered

“Everyone,” says ter Heide, referring to Killzone’s fanbase, “was always talking about what the Helghast are like, what the world is like, the cultural and social aspects.” They’re an enigmatic bunch alright. What do we really know of them, other than that they love breathing apparatus and advanced weaponry as much as they despise puny humans?


This game’s higher fidelity and increased character count is “a good opportunity” to finally explore that in detail, continues ter Heide.


“We were able to do more characters, to up the fidelity and all that, to really play with those elements and say what can we do? What can we take from that background to make an interesting setting. So that’s why we introduce a new conflict and a new situation.”

Redagavo scalman

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

zaidimo rodyta tech demo naudojo tik 3gb RAM is 8gb galimu galutinej PS4 versijoj kur bus. tai dar ten labai daug kas gali pageret.




Killzone Shadow Fall, one of Sony’s big titles during its PlayStation 4 reveal, used just 3 of the system’s 8GB of RAM for video. That’s according to a new 100 page technical breakdown published by the developer today and available online.


The presentation highlights a couple of key bullet-points, namely that Guerrilla are working on two games (one is an unannounced new IP), and that Killzone Shadow Fall will be a PS4 launch title.


It goes on to demonstrate some technical elements to the demo, highlighted in the YouTube clip above. The demo offered up 60 AI characters, 940 entities, 8,200 physics objects, 500 particle systems, 120 voices and 110 ray casts.


There’re a lot of slides about their own profiler, which Guerrilla say they had to produce because SCE’s tools weren’t quite there yet.


Characters are built from around 40,000 polygons, that’s four times as complex as those seen in Killzone 3. There’s also plenty of lighting discussion, if you’re that way inclined.


Guerrilla say the PS4 is “really easy to program for”, the GPU is “really fast” and the speedy RAM is “awesome”. Obvious words from a first party developer, but good to hear all the same – it does feel like Sony have completely changed their approach to hardware this generation.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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oh.. wou ..pradedi siust zaidima, atsisiunti tik meniu ir jau gali pasileist zaidimo meniu..atsisiunti pirma lygi ir jau gali zaist pirma lygi..kol suzaisi ji ,toliau siusis likes zaidimas .. :megusta:


zaidime pagaliau suzinosim daugiau apie situs biciukus


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  • Naujausios temos

  • Naujausi pranešimai

    • Sveiki, gl kas turit senų, neveikiančių VITA 1000 originalių USB/krovimo laidų neišmetę? Nupirkčiau. Ieškau gana didelio kiekio. Svarbu, kad pati jungtis nebūtų sulūžusi. Pernaudosiu jas gaminant USB-C pakrovimo stovus. Kinietiškos jungtys labai jau standžiai laiko. Nupirkčiau ir veikiančius, bet ne po 10eur. Prisegu gaminio foto.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - SAMSUNG Galaxy Buds 3PRO. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.  
    • Sveiki, parduodu naudotus, bet atrodo kaip nauji - Apple AirPods 4 ANC. Ausinukai originalūs, turiu tą įrodantį čekį bei ant pakuotės yra serijos numeris kurį patikrinus galėsite įsitikinti. Dėl kainos, nuotraukų ir pan. kreiptis asmeniškai į el. paštą - arba Discord - fureli420  Šio forumo žinučių, komentarų neseku.
    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
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      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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