
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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Gran Turismo 7 to release on PS4 in 2014 in “best case” scenario, says Yamauchi
Gran Turismo developer Polyphony Digital is aiming for a 2014 release for the next entry in the series, although the sixth game is just around the corner

Although this might seem ambitious, given how long the series has taken to spawn new entires in the past – four years between GT3 and GT4, five years between GT4 and GT5, and three years between GT5 and GT6 – but Yamauchi’s next comment suggests that hardware has had something to do with the lengthy development times to date.

“In GT6 we really had to tune the software 100% to maximise the PS3′s architecture,” he said.


“But of course the PS4′s hardware is much better, so I think the overall quality of the game across the board will be boosted when you come to play it.”

Gran Turismo 6 arrives exclusively on PlayStation 3 on December 6


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Brangoka.. Preorderinan iš amazon su visais siuntimo ir rezervavimo mokesčiais būtų išėję apie 1.5k..

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Tai va del tu isangstiniu uzsakymu is amazon, siandien uzsisakiau is germanijos, uzsakyma prieme, bet pinigeliu nepaeme, ar cia normalu, pirma karta is amazon uzsisakiau kazka tai nelabai zinau kaip ten vyksta, o kas parasyta ir nebaisiai suprantu, gal yra zmoniu kurie irgi uzsisake, ar jiem irgi pinigu nenuskaiciavo is saskaitos.

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kaip internetine kaina tai brangoka,gali tiek ir prekybos centruose kainuot

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Tai va del tu isangstiniu uzsakymu is amazon, siandien uzsisakiau is germanijos, uzsakyma prieme, bet pinigeliu nepaeme, ar cia normalu, pirma karta is amazon uzsisakiau kazka tai nelabai zinau kaip ten vyksta, o kas parasyta ir nebaisiai suprantu, gal yra zmoniu kurie irgi uzsisake, ar jiem irgi pinigu nenuskaiciavo is saskait

Nuskaičiuos kai liks iki PS starto 3 dienos 

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O norėčiau paklausti koks tikslas pirkti lietuvoje keliais simtais litu brangiau kai gali is (pigiausias siuntimas) atsisiusti uz 411.55eu kas yra 1420lt ?

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Vienas iš pliusų, tai kad garantija vietinė. Bet pritariu, labiau apsimoka iš užsienio siųstis.

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Nebesuprantu, sukuria konsolę naują gan galingą tai kokio velnio texturos veluoja ??

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Man Exposes Wife's Breast On PS4 Twitch Stream, Then Strips Her Completely
Nearly overnight, the PS4's easy linking with Twitch has made a few people stars of the internet. One married couple started up "The Spartan Show" and held a raffle for their PS3, and got so much attention that Sony's own Adam Boyes called in. Less successful and generally less awesome is Samurai400, pictured above, who did a variety of uninteresting... um... God knows what, for several hours.


And then there's Darckobra. He and his wife sat on a couch drinking, and drinking, and drinking. Eventually, the wife passed out. So the man did what any man deserving of divorce papers would do: he showed the internet some breast — and not his own. Yes, live on Twitch TV, via The Playroom on PS4, a man lifted up his unconscious wife's shirt and exposed her breast.  After 15 or 16 post-boob minutes, the channel went dark briefly; upon its return, the wife was completely naked, presumably stripped by the husband.




Twitch eventually banned Darckobra, but not before he — potentially — changed the whole landscape of this streaming situation. If things like this continue, and especially if they continue to be lumped in association with Sony, you better believe that features will be re-examined, modified, and possibly even removed. No company wants to be associated with this kind of thing, and measures will be taken to add distance.




:say:  :nth:

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Kaip tik šiandian tai vyko :DD Pats mačiau, pats prisidėjau prie to(netgi fotkėj pagauta situacija įvyko nes aš ir dar pora anglų privertėm ją tai padaryt )  :gusta:

Ir šeip  jau pilną vartotojų(daugiau negu zaidzianciu) kurie filmuoja save ir daro nesamones....

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nes lygtai kitu budu save filmuot ir skelbtis nera tik PS4 , genijai :kid:

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I don't want to live on this planet anymore... Ant kiek degradavusiu reikia būti, kad taip žeminti savo žmoną prieš tūkstančius žmonių? Tikiuos Sony nenuspręs panaikinti Livestreamo dėl vieno idioto.

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.