
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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A reliable Kotaku source has informed us that the PlayStation 4, codenamed Orbis, will be out this November in the United States.


Our source—the same reliable source who back in early 2012 told us the codename for Sony's next console and the codename for Microsoft's next console—tells us that there are two models planned for the new machine, and that pricing won't be announced until later this year, possibly around E3. The current plan, our source says, is to release them at $429 and $529, but that could change.

Although nothing is confirmed just yet, as we get closer and closer to the release of Orbis, which Sony is expected to officially announce during an event in New York City tomorrow night, we continue to hear more details about what will ship with the new hardware. Back in January, we learned about the PS4's new controller, which has a small touchpad in the center, and the fancy new user account system that will allow multiple people to log into one console at the same time.


New information revealed by our source suggests that on top of all that, you'll also be able to control the PS4 remotely from your tablet or smartphone. You'll be able to use a mobile device to chat with your PS4 friends or buy games which are then automatically downloaded to your machine, our source says.


Orbis is also following the path first set by Xbox Live: our source says "most" of the PS4's online features will require a premium subscription to use. Sony's new online service will be called PlayStation World, our source says, replacing PlayStation Plus.


(No word on whether that's related to PlayStation Cloud, domains for which Sony registered on Friday. We couldn't find any domains or trademarks registered for PlayStation World.)


Some other tidbits: our source says that every PS4 will come with a PlayStation Eye; that a new spectating feature will let you watch other friends play games from your console's dashboard, even when you don't own the game they're playing; and that the console will support local network play via Vita.


Also via our source, some new photos of a PS4 prototype controller, which match up with other photos that we've seen and verified. One is above. The other:




Current photos of the PS4 controller are inconsistent with some of the information we've received. For example, we've seen Orbis documentation that details a "share" button, and Edge magazine corroborated that not long after we reported it, saying that the controller's share button will record gameplay and allow you to share it online.


This controller doesn't seem to have a share button at all, although it's possible that the functionality has been wrapped into the all-purpose PlayStation button, which is a carryover from the PS3's DualShock controller.


Pictures of the prototype controller also match up with what we've reported about the touch pad and LED light, which you can see on the controller's back in the photos we've received.


We've reached out to Sony for comment and will update should they get back to us. Sony is expected to announce their new console tomorrow night at an event in New York City. Kotaku will be there reporting news as it happens.

Playstation World :D dominated :D Siaip jeigu rimtai as galvoju, kad subscriptionas nera blogai.. nes tada ir kokybe pacio servico turetu pagereti, nes lyginant xbox360 su ps3 man x360 visas live servicas buvo geriau del tam tikru privalumu :)


Edit: TymbarkFM cia kaip ir atsakymas i tavo klausima(jei visaks yra tiesa)

Redagavo Sleepyfan

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na jau nedaug liko iki realiu ziniu ir na nauja porcija info jau girdetos ir dar ne. svarbiausia apie PSN plus pasikeis pavadinima i playstation world. ir dauguma online dalyku bus tik mokamam planui pasiekiami. kas ir gerai,tiesiog pats online zaidimas galetu visgi likt nemokamas. kaina $ 429 / 529. tipo du modeliai bus .aisku kaina skirsis tik del HDD matyt . na pries kelias dienas skelbe kad UK kaina bus apie 300 svaru.tai visai reali tada butu. naujos pultelio fotkes patvirtina kad jis na toks pat kaip jau rode.nebent cia vis dar dev kitinio pultelio fotkes ir ne galutinio.

valdyt PS4 bus galima per mobilius irenginius. kameros su visom konsolem. matyt ps move pulteliai nebus. arba su tuo brangesniu tik modeliu.




- Releasing in November

- Two models planned

- Pricing won’t be announced until later in the year, maybe at E3

- Kotaku reports that the plan is to release $429 and $529 models

- Control the PS4 remotely from your tablet or smartphone

- Can use a mobile device to chat with your PS4 friends or buy games which are then automatically downloaded to your machine

- Source says “most” of the PS4′s online features will require a premium subscription to use

- New online service: PlayStation World

- PlayStation World to replace PlayStation Plus

- Every PS4 will come with a PlayStation Eye

- New spectating feature will let you watch other friends play games from your console’s dashboard, even when you don’t own the game they’re playing

- Local network play through Vita

- Unclear if the controller will have a “share” button or not

- “Share” functionality may be accessible through the PlayStation button


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Čia vyks transliacija renginio -


Ir kiek liko iki renginio -


liko 06h 46 min. tai jis vyks lygiai 01 val nakties ? :thumbup:

tikiuosi ir zaidimu pristatys nauju padoriai, ne tik konsole,jei konsole pristatys aisku :spiderp: bet zaidimai svarbiausia.kad matytusi ko laukt. :cheers:

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tokia tragedija bus ir toks failas jei nebus ps4 :D visas internetas jau mazdaug - viskas PS4 siandien :D

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tai ka ,visi uzsikala vietas prie kompu sianakt 1 val. popcorno , colos. :megusta:

  • Patinka 1

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liko 06h 46 min. tai jis vyks lygiai 01 val nakties ? :thumbup:

tikiuosi ir zaidimu pristatys nauju padoriai, ne tik konsole,jei konsole pristatys aisku :spiderp: bet zaidimai svarbiausia.kad matytusi ko laukt. :cheers:


Man atrodo mes pamatysim tik tech demo.. E3 bus gaming showcasas.. nes realiai jei sonys visas kortas dbr ismes, jiem net neverta E3 pasirodyt :D

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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na jo cia ne E3, bet zinant kaip jie gali paruost pristatyma ir E3 paskutiniu keliu metu,tai laukiu gero gerais treileriais. ir nauju zaidimu uzuominim nors. aisku negali visko dbr parodyt ,tada ka rodys per E3, bet kazka galetu. :megusta: nes jau yra zaidimu kurie ilga laika neturejo nauju daliu ,tai na turi arba testis arba nutrukt, ir tie visi sony laikomi exclusivu kurejai lygtai dar gyvi. tikrai gerai paslaptis vienas naujas zaidimas nepaleakintas :notbad::notbad:

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

jo sony turi milziniskas pliusa dabar pries nauja xbox. nes tuos multiplatforminius zaidimus kuriuos tarkim prsitatytu jau dabar ant naujo PS4 ,tai jau viskas ,.jie butu parodyti ir pirma karta butent ant sony konsoles. na bet cia per daug manau tokiu dziaugsmu tiketis. juk ne E3. aisku visi nori kad pristatytu viska cia jie. nors kas ten zino. gal sony nuo siol pvz kiekvienais metais sia data kazka naujo pristatines ir tai taps tradicija. :idea:

P.S. kurie zaidimai pvz dabar iseina na siom dienom. koks fail jiem . :melvin: noone cares

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Nu ka 6:10 iki turbut Next Generation :whistling:

Kaip uzsienetiskose news tinklapiose - "When they'll show the PS4 I will scream like a little girl :dribble: "

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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- "When they'll show the PS4 I will scream like a little girl :dribble: "


visi vienu metu ... :lol2:

  • Patinka 3

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Neturiu popkornų :(


Gal dar nematėt:


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