
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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pirmus PS4 zaidimu demo jau pamatysim per sekancia savaite vykstancia San Diego Comic-Con. kartu su naujais PS3 ir PSV zaidimais. GT6 :rolleyes:



As is the case with most major game publishers, Sony will be attending San Diego Comic-Con next week. And they’ll be bringing along a much-anticipated commodity: the PlayStation 4.


Gamers will be able to go hands-on with the new console for the first time in just a few days. DriveClub, Knack, and Octodad will be playable on the system. Several PS3 and PS Vita titles will be playable as well.


Head past the break for the full lineup of playable games, panels, and signings.



PlayStation Booth (#301)

PlayStation 4 Games






PlayStation Vita Games


Killzone Mercenary


The Walking Dead

Dragon’s Crown

Batman: Arkham Origins Blackgate



PlayStation 3 Games


BEYOND: Two Souls

Gran Turismo 6


Diablo III

Batman: Arkham Origins

PS4 neperkais...kazkaip net nekyla per labai abejoniu ..AMD APU per daug tikrai nekaista


As part of a longer GRTV interview, we asked Cerny how the PlayStation 4 would cope with the intense summer heat that Spain's currently sweltering under.


"I think it will be fine," he replied. "They know how to design the console so it doesn't overheat. If you notice that PlayStation 4 is smaller, it's because power consumption is less; simple as that."

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Na PS4 tai mažokai žaidimų pačiupinėjimui, bet va jau PS3 tai ogo, visi tokie liuxiniai, išskyrus Batmana in my perspective :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na jo mazai bet jau bus pati ps4 konsole su zaidimais tais keliais o ne ten dev kitai. na driveclub bus idomu paziuret jei ka nors parodytu ne tik camera filmuota. na ps3 GT6 jau gal tikra GT6 parodys o ne academy.

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Man čia toks klausimas iškilo bevartant

Užsisakiau iš ten Battlefield 4 ir Watch Dogs, bet prie Watch Dogs rašo, kad tekstas vokiečiu kalba. Ar bus įmanoma pasikeisti žaidimo kalbą į anglų ar geriau užsisakinėti iš UK žaidimus?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

na kurie zaidimai buna daugiakalbiai tai toj sali kur parduoda ta kalba ir buna siaip.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tada tikriausiai atsakysiu žaidimus iš amazon ir užsisakysiu iš shopto. Po to jei veikėjai kalbės vokiškai, tai ne kažką bus :D

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sako kad su PS4 kurejai gales daugiau customint nei su PC. na placios galimybes jiem bus


“We wanted the focus to be on the games that the creative directors wanted to make,” he explained, “rather than the minutiae of the hardware. That’s universal. That’s true whether you’re talking Destiny with their 700-strong team or you’re talking one guy doing everything. They want to focus on the creative vision.


“At the same time we have to balance that out with a rich feature set that they can use in the later years of the hardware. The hardware has to grow over time. That’s why I refer to it as a super-charged PC architecture – there’s more in it than what you find in a PC.


“There are all these customisations, such as what we did to the GPU and other parts of the system to ensure that they would really be these systems that programmers could dig into in year three or four of the console life-cycle.”


Such customisation will allow the PS4 to expand with new capabilities moving forward across the next cycle, both meeting the demands of developers and reacting to new trends within the industry. As the base PS4 architecture will remain largely the same for years, developers will have a long time to get to grips with it, and slowly learn any new facets as they emerge.


Cerny continued, “The developers really have a chance to study that architecture because it doesn’t change for many years. They can learn its secrets and get progressively better performance out of it. Consoles also provide a stable platform.


“This is really important because some developers need five years to create a game. The fact that during that five year period the target hardware doesn’t change really allows them to bring titles to the world that couldn’t exist otherwise.”


Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

seniau jau keliose foto matyta sita deze pasirodo tikrai yra dev kitas. aisku su papildomais portais bei 2,75 ghz max greiciu. ir tikrai maza temp.






stai kas buvo seniau parodyta


Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

seniau jau keliose foto matyta sita deze pasirodo tikrai yra dev kitas. aisku su papildomais portais bei 2,75 ghz max greiciu. ir tikrai maza temp.


Ne nu ką tu sakai... arba aš tavęs nesuprantu



Čia gi temperatūra kurioj įrenginys efektyviausiai veikia, o ne CPU temp.

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Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose




Čia gi temperatūra kurioj įrenginys efektyviausiai veikia, o ne CPU temp.


Nuotrauka galvojau cia pultelio temp..


pirmas public hands on is nesenai prasidejusio Comic Con 2013. pirma karta viesai tikri PS4 kuriuos galima ismegint realiai .. :megusta:


..Octodad :spit:

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PS4 leis megautis paskutinem 15 min irasyto gameplay kuriuo galesim dalintis, ji redaguot kaip norim ,daryt snapshotus .


PS4 continually records the last 15 minutes of gameplay, Sony clarifies


PlayStation 4 will continually record 15 minutes of gameplay data in the background for users to capture and publish online, a spokesperson for the company has confirmed to CVG.


Recorded PS4 data can be brought up using the DualShock 4's Share Button, allowing player to edit and crop footage and share it across various social networks via Ustream.


Microsoft has revealed that the Xbox One will automatically record five minutes of gameplay and allow users to share that data across Xbox Live and social networks.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

po kiek laiko kaina krist turetu bent 100litu ? ir kada visi preorderiai is lietuvos tures savo rankose sita geri?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Negi lauksi kokius min 3 mėnesius, kad sutaupytum 100Lt?

O preorderius gausim priklausomai nuo to kaip greit dirbs kurjeriai. Iš Vokietijos siuntinys turi ateit maždaug per savaitę, panašiai ir iš UK.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Turiu spėjimą, kad bent pusmečiui trūks konsolių, o apie kainos kritimą metam pamiršt

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose
Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.