
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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Geriausia tai, kad neturi realaus dugno. Bent ta apatinė dalis jei nelaikyti ant stovo net nepanaši į dugną ir atrodo gražiai :)


As tai tikiuosi, kad tas stovas nusiims ir konsole bus galima paguldyti, nes man daug maloniau ir saugiau atrodo kai konsole yra paguldyta horizontaliai :whistling:

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As tai tikiuosi, kad tas stovas nusiims ir konsole bus galima paguldyti, nes man daug maloniau ir saugiau atrodo kai konsole yra paguldyta horizontaliai :whistling:


Čia reklamose su juo rodo, nes pasirodyt turbūt nori, kad bus pridėtas :D

Ir per E3 atrodo be stovo parodė PS4.

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As tai tikiuosi, kad tas stovas nusiims ir konsole bus galima paguldyti, nes man daug maloniau ir saugiau atrodo kai konsole yra paguldyta horizontaliai :whistling:


Stovas nusiima

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keli sakiniai apie PSN+ ant PS4


SCEE UK & Ireland MD Fergal Gara shared a few comments on the PlayStation Plus’ integration with the PS4 while speaking with VideoGamer. There are a few details below, and commentary from Gara after the break.


- Catch-up TV and online movie services will continue to be free to all PS4 users

- May need to pay an additional fee to access back-catalog PS3 titles when Gaikai launches

- PS Plus account for multiplayer reconfirmed

- This will allow it to “invest significantly” in PlayStation Network to help lower downtimes and improve its performance

gali tekt damoket kai bus galima PS3 zaidimus zaist is gaikai. tie kas bijojo kad PS4 nepalaikys PS3 zaidimu..fiziniu kopiju ne. bet per gaikai ne tik ps3 palaikys bet ir visas likusias sony konsoles. jei kas leistu tai ir visas kitas konsoles galetu ten palaikyt :rolleyes:


PS4 had a good showing at E3 last week, but SCE UK chief Fergal Gara has stressed that while he feels Sony won the day,he has stressed that the winner of next-gen will be determined on a much longer time-scale.


Speaking with MCV, Gara said, “Winning is determined by a much longer timescale. We were very pleased with how our messages went down at E3. We aim to be the best for gamers, and this was a key step in that direction.


“E3 is important for early momentum and generating pre-orders. But it is only one step along. We feel we had a good day but there is loads more hard work to do, and we are focused on that.”


Gara added that the UK and Ireland is Sony’s hardest-fought territory in Europe, and that the company will need to keep the pressure on to win the day. He said, “My UK and Ireland team is under the most competitive pressure in Europe. So if we want to be more successful, we have to earn it. We are have to be more driven and focused.”

teisingai pagarbos reikia nusipelnyt . mano pagarbos PS3 nusipelne vien is to kai pirma karta ji issiardziau. va ten tai surinkimas. :gusta: geri teisingi treileriai siais laikais daug ka paperka. bet be zaidimu geru nieko nebutu vistiek.labai paprastas pavyzdys kai isejo pirmas PS1.niekas nezupranto kas cia ir kodel grafika 3d visur :gusta: , o kai suprato ....kitos konsoles isejo namo :troll:


del Gaikai dar nenuspresta ar PSN+ nariai gaus nemokama jo prisijungima ar reiks moket papildoma mokesti ir jiem. o siaip einas suprast kad jis nebus uz vien del to kas jame bus ..manau neturetu but uz dyka.

Looking at Gaikai though, which is scheduled to launch early 2014 in the United States, they “haven’t decided” whether PlayStation Plus members will get access to it for free, or if there will be an additional fee on top of the $50 annually:


The Gaikai developments are exciting. The Remote Play feature which we’re particularly excited about not just benefits PS4, but PS Vita – that uses some Gaikai technology.


But secondly, the full cloud gaming service comes a bit later – we announced that 2014 will start to see that introduced for PS3 titles in the US, and we’ll start to see a gradual increase in consoles, titles, devices and countries involved as we go forward, so there is a plan there to bring the PlayStation experience to more devices out of the cloud using the Gaikai that will broaden over time.


Will that be part of PlayStation Plus? I genuinely don’t know. Will that require some other, different charging mechanism? Perhaps. We just haven’t sat down to answer that question yet.

Xbone labai gyresi del savo cloud computing kaip jis taps galingesnis deka cloud.. na SOny irgi gales ta pati jei to nores kurejai tai gales naudot ka tik jie nori tai jau yra daroma velgi viskas tik nuo kureju priklauso...tiesiog kazkaip Sony to dalyko neakcentavo kaip svarbaus labai ar kazka.. :spiderp:

Well, according to Sony Computer Entertainment’s Shuhei Yoshida, the PlayStation 4 can use technology and offload processes that are usually handled locally to the cloud, telling Polygon that “of course” PS4 developers will be able to use cloud-based computing.


“Linking, matchmaking… there are already many computations being done on the cloud side,” Yoshida said, but added that there are limitations to what can be done on the cloud due to latency and bandwidth.


Of course, the Xbox One essentially forces its users to have broadband and a near constant internet connection meaning that developers know they can use cloud computing without segmenting the audience. When asked whether the lack of such restrictions would mean that the PS4′s cloud-based computing technology would face issues of adoption, Yoshida said: “No.”


We don’t believe every title needs that.m But if your title needs [an] online connection to provide some online features: Go for it.

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Na jau apsisprendziau jog imsiu ps4, tik gal dar reikia palaukti pries pre-order, galbut bus kokiu geru bundle.

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Na jau apsisprendziau jog imsiu ps4, tik gal dar reikia palaukti pries pre-order, galbut bus kokiu geru bundle.


Pasirodė keletas straipsnių, kad Sony nespės pagaminti tiek, kiek yra/bus padaryta pre order. Ir dalis vėliau užsisakiusių gaus tik po naujų metų.






Sent from my Galaxy Nexus

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Šaltini galėtum įmest kur taip parašyta

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Aišku kaina negalutinė, bet jau galima orientuotis kokia bus PS4 kaina Lietuvoje.

Redagavo Impaler

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rase rase kad dabar paklausa virsija sony numatyta paklausa tai gali nespet pagamint uztenkamai PS4 iki launch. :megusta: matyt pagal visus proerderius skaiciavo.

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o ar ps4 palaikys wifi direct?


tarp paskelbtu duomenu nera tokio wifi varianto paminet. tai tikriausia ne. o kam jam tai butu reikalinga neaisku. :npoker:


tas momentas ...


kai visi pradejo plot ir saukt tenai .. :megusta: ..the man ..


veidas pasake viska.. :isee:



best time to be a gamer :spiderp:

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Buvo idetas ta pacia diena, kaip ir E3 Sony Konferencija. Sita jie rode po konferencijos, keli (ar keliolika) puslapiu atgal bus sitas video tikrai :)

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.