
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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Say WHAT? narkata kartais į lankas...esmės nesupranti? kam riboti TAI, ką gali pamatyti internete? (nebūtina žaisti ir daryti stream su share mygtuku, kiti naudos tuos pačius dvr produktus ir nepaliks savo išpopuliarintų kanalų, tai kam tada "nematomos zonos"?)


bet ar reikes dvr produktu jei viska galesi tiesiai is koncoles sharinti?...

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Nereikes, ir taip realiai sony pats sau sauna i koja, nes per conferencija, kad you can share everything, o dbr tau developeris leis kazko sharint:D nu tai watafak

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Taigi dar neaišku kaip ta visa sharinimo sistema veiks. Jeigu įrašynės į failą, tada aišku nereikės jokių papildomų priemonių gameplay įrašymui, bet jeigu iškarto dės į youtube ar kt. tai visai kitas reikalas. Žmonės norės apkirpti, kažką pridėti, perdaryti ir t.t. tą gameplay gabaliuką.


Nereikes, ir taip realiai sony pats sau sauna i koja, nes per conferencija, kad you can share everything, o dbr tau developeris leis kazko sharint:D nu tai watafak

Jie pademonstravo galimybes. Užtenka žinoti, kad streaminti įmanoma viską. O kokius apribojimus uždės kūrėjai, čia jau ne jų reikalas, jie suteikia tik įrankius, visa kita priklauso nuo kūrybinės vizijos. Čia kaip ir PS Move - "you can" nereiškia "you will".

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Ant Vitos devai irgi gali dėt apribojimus, pavyzdžiui Uncharted treasure mape negalima screenshotų paimt, bandomosiose žaidimų versijose kur tik bandytojai gauna irgi dažniausiai būna išjungti screenshotai. Bet šiaip beveik niekur nėra tokių draudimų tai manau ir ant PS4 bus beveik viskas sharinama kas susiję su žaidimais.

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Ant Vitos devai irgi gali dėt apribojimus, pavyzdžiui Uncharted treasure mape negalima screenshotų paimt, bandomosiose žaidimų versijose kur tik bandytojai gauna irgi dažniausiai būna išjungti screenshotai. Bet šiaip beveik niekur nėra tokių draudimų tai manau ir ant PS4 bus beveik viskas sharinama kas susiję su žaidimais.


Arba kai kuriuose zaidimuose, kai darai screenshot'a - uzdedami watermark'ai. Dokuro taip padare :)

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jokio video redagavimo tikrai nebus. bet juk siaip rode ta interfeisa..duos toki meniu ..ten po kokia į min gameplay gabaliukai ir tu pasirinksi kuri nori sharint ta ir sharins. viskas paprasta ir aisku ten . aiskiau nebuna.spausi ir sony puses viskas teisingai "share everything" is kureju puses tai ju kurinys ir jie jau kaip ta kurini isleis taip ir bus. visur tik pliusai .daryk ka nori arba nedaryk , nesherink ,nieko isvis galesi nedaryt tik lost kaip seniau. :thumbsup4:


ir siaip bus galima pamirst youtubes ar perejimu aprasymus . na kai kur nors uzstringi ar kazko nerandi , tada ieskai nete info, o dabar iskart numetei foto tos vietos mazdaug ei padekit as esu cia ir nerandu ten kazkokio itemo arba kaip man pereit ta vieta. ir iskart live gausi komentarus pagalba kaip tai padaryt. tuo paciu padesi kitiem kai ko reikes. nereiks ten ieskot info nete..dabar visas netas bus po ranka.

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Nu tai su steamu tas pats, reikia ko nors, shift+tab ir viskas.

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Sony kuria kazka naujo free-to-play skirta PS4


Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida told Game Informer this month that the company is working on a “free-to-play type game” for the PlayStation 4. When it comes to other models such as subscription-based games, Sony is leaving the door open for every kind of possibility.


Yoshida said:


“We are developing a free-to-play type of game, but we haven’t announced it yet. We don’t have any subscription-based games in development, but we are not crossing out any type of game; if it makes sense for a particular project, we’ll look at adopting different models. We are open for any types of models. Overall, we are increasing investment in the digital side of development, either through digital titles like Journey that we’ve been doing, but also trying to add more service-based models to our games going forward, like DLCs or additional features post launch.”

Redagavo scalman

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Nutekintas PS4 dizainas (promo video). Kas nenori prisispoilint nežiūrėkit



Konsolės foto paimtos iš video:











Sony reklamos agentūra patvirtino, kad video ne jų. Tad Fake :)

Redagavo GYNGA

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Bet video tai geras.dizainas labai paprastas jei toks butu.


sony trumpai aiskiai pakomentavo


A Sony spokesperson tells Joystiq, "We don't comment on rumors or speculation."

atrodo kad tai nera tas PS4 kuri mes norejom pamatyt.. nes tai fake :working:



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Manau, kad toks dizainas tikrai gali būti, o jie nekomentuoja vien todėl, kad dar oficialiai nepaskelbė. Vien ta reklama, tai jomajo gėris O_O Ir man dizainas visai prie širdies

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The Last of Us trailer'io dalis. Hints? :)

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War Thunder Is Headed to the PlayStation 4


Today, Gaijin Entertainment announced that it was bringing its military MMO game War Thunder to the PS4. Dubbed War Thunder: Ground Forces, the game will be out holiday 2013.


War Thunder: Ground Forces will, the studio stated, offer "intelligent personalization, deeply integrated social capabilities, and innovative cloud options". What's more, Ground Forces will feature "improved" head-tracking, "easier" social abilities, as well as streaming and sharing options.


"We're convinced that our cooperation with Sony will not only make the War Thunder franchise better, but it will give our fans a new level of gaming experience that will figuratively blown their mind," said Gaijin Entertainment’s Creative Director Kirill Yudintsev in an official release.


"Partnering with Sony Computer Entertainment is the most natural progression for the War Thunder brand, from our hugely successful beginnings on PC with more than 1.5 million players, to our recent announcement that War Thunder is under development for mobile devices," he continued. "We are excited to bring War Thunder to the leading next-generation platform, the PS4."

Source w/ vid:


No PS4 delay for Europe, Sony insider claims


PlayStation firm expects improved Xbox EU strategy


Sony Computer Entertainment has determined Europe a high-priority territory in the next gen sales race and will ensure the PS4 launch is not delayed into 2014, CVG has learned.


A recent Edge article claimed that the console would be released in 2014 across the UK and other European countries. But an insider involved with PlayStation's business strategy now expects Microsoft will make more aggressive advances into Europe as it fights for market dominance.


The source told CVG that Sony, having learned hard lessons from the 360's first-mover advantage, will renew efforts to maintain its success in the region.


Despite the neck-and-neck global lifetime sales of the PS3 and Xbox 360 (both edging towards 80m units), the geo-breakdown of those numbers shows that Xbox's main business is in the US (40m) and UK (8m); two areas where it has been consistently dominant.


While PlayStation is hardly an insignificance in those two countries (about 25m sales in the US and 5m in the UK), it balances that with a healthy business across Japan and other parts of Europe. Although the chances of Xbox succeeding in Japan remain slim, its position across Europe could feasibly be strengthened.


In March 2012, the Xbox team revealed it had secured Phil Harrison's services as corporate vice president of the Interactive Entertainment Business.


At the time, Microsoft said Harrison "will not only lead the Microsoft Studios European organisation directly, but will also influence the broader performance of IEB's European business through strategic partnerships and by bringing culturally relevant entertainment experiences to Microsoft platforms, now and in the future."


Harrison's profile and knowledge of UK and European studios, along with his deep understanding of the commercial sensibilities of the region, could offer Microsoft a valuable perspective on how to succeed in the area.


Microsoft's new platform is to be revealed at the next Xbox event which takes place during work hours in the US, equating to prime-time evening hours across Europe, and unsociable hours in Japan.


With Sony expecting Microsoft to tackle Europe more aggressively, CVG has heard from a company insider that PlayStation is "prepared to do whatever it takes" to ensure there is no PS4 delay across Europe.


It remains unclear whether there will be a PS4 supply shortage that would affect its output across any of the main three markets, but CVG understands that, if the launch stock is tight, the US and Europe will be the priority over the perceivably "safe" region of Japan.


A Sony spokesperson has declined to comment.


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