
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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PS4 eventu bus daugiau pasak sony . na reiskia daugiau nei tik E3. ir gal daugiau nei vienas. :megusta:


“After five years in the planning phase the most important starting point for us was to explain our vision for what next-gen gaming is and what PlayStation 4 should be. So it’s more important for us at that announce event – which is the first of what I’m sure you’ll understand will be a number of events this year explaining what PlayStation 4 is – to explain what’s inside the box rather than reveal the box itself.”

“It’s more important for us to talk about the controller at that event, because of course we wanted to talk about how we’d improved the DualShock 3 with tighter sticks, better triggers, cut-down latency and new features, with the touchpad, lightbar etcetera.”


- Sony Worldwide Studios’ vice president Michael Denny

jie nori visiem paaiskint kas viduj dezes, o ne tik pacia deze pristatyt. na ka padare su pirmu eventu.pristate dali to ka gales PS4 pultelis bei dali interfeiso.


del kainos dar neaisku ,bet Sony pasimoke is praeitu konsoliu leidimu ir stengsis kad kaina butu protinga


“I guess the first thing to say is that we listen and learn and take the judgement from every console launch we ever have and we have to be informed by what the strengths of our PlayStation 3 system have been, but also the challenges of that.”

“There’s plenty of time, we’ve got lots of information yet to give out on PlayStation 4. The initial announcement phase that we’re in now is just to explain the vision to everybody. Part of that vision is we have created a console absolutely focused on gamers–and we want that to be gamers in the broadest sense as well. I think to some extent I can ask you to draw your own conclusions.”


- Sony Worldwide Studios vice president Michael Denny


PS4 pazintis prasideda nuo ..


hello .. :megusta:

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Kiek skaitau apie ps4 taj jis turetu buti universali konsole su ja gales kaip ir su pc elgtis ar kazkas panasaus ane ?

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Kiek skaitau apie ps4 taj jis turetu buti universali konsole su ja gales kaip ir su pc elgtis ar kazkas panasaus ane ?


na jo viska daryt galima bus.daugiau nei su dabartinem. aisku isskyrus pc programas naudot. bet daug ko pc negali,neturi.

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Lords of the Fallen is the Next-Gen RPG from The Witcher 2 Producer, Thomasz Gop




Thomasz Gop, ex-The Witcher 2 producer, has shared some more details on his upcoming collaboration with German studio Deck 13 and Sniper: Ghost Warrior creators City Interactive. Formerly known as Project RPG, the title of the game is Lords of the Fallen.


Lords of the Fallen is an RPG for the next generation of consoles that takes its cues from Dark Souls and Borderlands, says Gop, who is exec producing the title.


"It's a challenging game, action RPG, which means a lot of advanced combat," he told Eurogamer at the Digital Dragons game festival. "When you walk through a location, and you have to fight 10 enemies, that takes around an hour."


The Dark Souls influence is clear then, in terms of head-butting-the-wall-until-your-head-bleeds difficulty levels. Lords of the Fallen borrows from Borderlands, meanwhile, in terms of your character’s abilities.


“For example, we have a skill tree,” said Gop. “I would call Borderlands here, because we're gonna have something like action skills in the game, so classes, stuff like this.”


Last year, when Lords of the Fallen was going by the codename Project RPG, Gop shared a few early details about the title. Apparently, it’s set 1,000 years after the death of a God. The God’s corpse separates the world into two and a tribes with unique belief systems live on each side.



Pakurciau atskira topic'a, bet per mazai info pakolkas:>

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tai ir pakurk geriau .nes cia zaidimo pristatymui ne vieta, kuris bus ant abieju next genu ir PC tuo labiau. zaidimu temos ir prasideda nuo bet kokios na tikros info apie zaidima. yra pavadinimas, kurejai ir platformos bei keli jau maciau seniau siaip daugiau jo screenu. tai temai pilnai uztenka.
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Sony says the PS4 will have the strongest launch lineup among all previous Playstations


“The launch lineup for PlayStation 4–though I unfortunately can’t give the title count–is going to be stronger than any prior PlayStation hardware. And that’s a result of that familiarity.”

- Lead system architect Mark Cerny

Inside the PlayStation 4 With Mark Cerny

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^ Su ps3 buvo 21 zaidimas. Jei daugiau nei 20 tikrai launch titles, tai jau neblogai.

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Sony: Our Biggest Focus Is on Games for PS4, Not Applications


“We know that people like these functions, such as Netflix, and use them a lot,” Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida told EDGE magazine. “So, it’s not like we are no longer going to do these functions, but especially for the announcement event, we wanted to show how the game experiences will change with the PS4, because that’s the biggest focus for us.”

Yoshida added that once Sony’s finished focusing on games, it will begin to communicate some of the other functions of its impending machine. With Microsoft rumoured to be going all in on multimedia capabilities, the PS4’s game-centric approach may prove a smart move – especially when you know that it’s going to be able to stream all of your favourite television shows anyway.

sounds like great idea :idea:

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Na tikrai gerai, nes tokie visi navarotai pas mus Lietuvoje nelabai ir reikalingi

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Ds4 leis sharint viska visur visada...nevisai. ta share knopke teoriskai gales but paspausta bet zaidimu kurejai jau patys gales kai kurias zaidimu vietas uzblokuot nuo sharinimo tiesiog .na kad nebutu per daug spoileriu paskui. pvz ant bosu kovu tikriausia neleis sharintis,arba kazkur kur tikrai spoileris daug ka sugadintu. tai tas gerai is tikro. na duot laisve bet kartu ir protingai apribot tai.nes zmones prisharint gali visko aisku.losi ,kazko nesupratai kaip pereit.share ir lauki pagalbos..pasirodo negalima tos vietos zaidimo sherint..teks pasukt galva paciam nors kazkiek .. :thumbsup4:

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Ds4 leis sharint viska visur visada...nevisai. ta share knopke teoriskai gales but paspausta bet zaidimu kurejai jau patys gales kai kurias zaidimu vietas uzblokuot nuo sharinimo tiesiog .na kad nebutu per daug spoileriu paskui. pvz ant bosu kovu tikriausia neleis sharintis,arba kazkur kur tikrai spoileris daug ka sugadintu. tai tas gerai is tikro. na duot laisve bet kartu ir protingai apribot tai.nes zmones prisharint gali visko aisku.losi ,kazko nesupratai kaip pereit.share ir lauki pagalbos..pasirodo negalima tos vietos zaidimo sherint..teks pasukt galva paciam nors kazkiek .. :thumbsup4:


O mano galvą, kam riboti reikia? kas nori tas dažniausiai susiranda per youtube full video stream, ar tiesiog žaisdami žmonės streamina pilna žaidimą ir nėra jokių užslėptų zonų. Kas nenorės tas nežiūrės, kad ir dabar gali įsijungti streamą ir žiūrėti, o kam tie ribojimai? :wacko:

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O mano galvą, kam riboti reikia? kas nori tas dažniausiai susiranda per youtube full video stream, ar tiesiog žaisdami žmonės streamina pilna žaidimą ir nėra jokių užslėptų zonų. Kas nenorės tas nežiūrės, kad ir dabar gali įsijungti streamą ir žiūrėti, o kam tie ribojimai? :wacko:


Tokiems kaip tau Redagavo narkata

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Tokiems kaip tau


Say WHAT? narkata kartais į lankas...esmės nesupranti? kam riboti TAI, ką gali pamatyti internete? (nebūtina žaisti ir daryti stream su share mygtuku, kiti naudos tuos pačius dvr produktus ir nepaliks savo išpopuliarintų kanalų, tai kam tada "nematomos zonos"?)

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