
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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Killzone Shadow Fall will be 30 FPS at 1080p resolution according to an interview after the presentation. German gaming site reports:






- Developers can choose which resources they want to use

- GG chose to have 30FPS at 1080p

- They still like 3D, wont confirm if Killzone Shadow Fall will support it


Vis dar 30 FPS, na bet launch žaidimas, tai nieko tokio. Na iš next gen ir aš tikiuos, kad dauguma žaidimų suksis 60 FPS.

Redagavo drake345

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Vis dar 30 FPS, na bet launch žaidimas, tai nieko tokio. Na iš next gen ir aš tikiuos, kad dauguma žaidimų suksis 60 FPS.


30FPS :mellow::genius:

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kas idomesnio is interviu su Shuhei Yoshida


You showed us how you could use the Vita as a second screen in your living room. Is that local only, or is there any ambition with Gaikai to use that as a server and get further away in the living room?


Technically speaking, it works from anywhere, as far as you have a wi-fi connection from your Vita to the PlayStation 4. It needs to be wi-fi. However, for some games, when you play or connect from far away, it accumulates latency. Some games may not be playable, like fighting games or shooting games. But some other slower paced games will be playable. As long as you have home routers anywhere in your home, you can play every PlayStation 4 game. We ask developers when they finish the PlayStation 4 product and submit a master to make sure that they have the appropriate controller mapping to work on PS Vita. All games will work – unless it is a dance game [laughs].


You talked about the new streaming technologies and being able to start playing downloads and demos immediately. There was no mention of physical media. Is that still planned for PlayStation 4?


Oh yeah. It’s going to be Blu-ray based. The same as PlayStation 3.


As far as the games you are working on, we didn’t get a Gran Turismo, which is kind of a classic reveal for Sony. Is that still as series you are looking forward to releasing?


Working toward this event has been so much fun. I’ve never had this amount of speculation. Everyone has a list of 20 things they want to see at this event. This is just day one. We have more days ahead.

You showed the camera and how it works with the controller. Are you packing in the camera with every PlayStation 4?


We are not talking about the final compilation or pricing or the release date right as of yet.


You announced a new Killzone game. Is the development team bigger or is the same size as the Killzone teams for PlayStation 3?


We’ve been supporting some of the studios to grow. Many of you already know that studios like Naughty Dog moved from one team in a studio to a multi-team studio. Our studios are growing. As far as individual titles are concerned, because of the production values you can put into PlayStation 4, games can be larger. Comparing Killzone: Shadow Fall to Killzone 3, I think the number of people working on it is slightly larger, but it depends on the title.


Is your plan that the Vita is kind of a PlayStation 4, where it supports similar titles much like Sound Shapes? Cross-play has worked well. Can you push it further using streaming?


What we’ve been doing on PlayStation 3 has been experimentation. We like the idea of cross-platform play and the ability to continue from Vita to your home and play against each other. We will continue that. It was difficult to get PlayStation 3 to do more things because the system was made eight years ago. We’ve been working closely with the PlayStation 4 system software and hardware games to make it easy for developers to do this.


Media Molecule’s demo was amazing. Can you tell us a little about that game?


They totally approached what PS Move does. It is a robust 3D input system. We’re not talking about motion gaming at all. They used the Move’s 3D input capability with their new, groundbreaking way to render images. You can just go in and create like you are playing with Play-Doh. So when they are talking about sculpting, they are not talking about professional 3D graphics, they are talking about artists molding or children playing.


Is that the same Move controller you can buy now?


Yes. That works with the new camera. It’s going to be better because the new camera has higher resolution and has two fields. The two cameras are good for augmented reality games. On PS3, the vision was a bit blurry, right? Now, it’s in HD. One camera is dedicated to getting the best picture of you on the screen, and the other camera can work with PS Move. That’s how we use different cameras. More to come. [laughs]

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Koks bundzulis Sushi pasidarė ;o

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DS3 neveiks su PS4, bet Move veiks


According to Yoshida:


“No, [the PlayStation 4] doesn’t support DualShock 3 but it does support PS Move.”

bei kodel neveiks turimas PSN content

Last night Sony said that you will be unable to play your PS3 games in your PS4 should you purchase one, and now the news has expanded to include PSN games and save files as well. This news comes directly from Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida, who says that they are unable to make PS3 games, save files, and PSN games work with the more complex architecture of the PS4.

Redagavo scalman

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hmm, o tai kaip su acountais bus kurie tarkim pliusa turi, ydomei ce gausis biski, nusipirksi konsole, o ka turejai pliuse uzgyvenes to nebeliks

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hmm, o tai kaip su acountais bus kurie tarkim pliusa turi, ydomei ce gausis biski, nusipirksi konsole, o ka turejai pliuse uzgyvenes to nebeliks


Liks ant PS3. Juk PS4 neturi BC tai kas iš tų last-gen Plius žaidimai ant PS4? Jei Plius turinį į Gaikai bus galima persikelt tai labai gerai, jei ne tai turėsi juos ant PS3.


Accountai tai ko gero liks tie patys

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Geriau tegul padaro visa reikala per GAIKAI tada nebus jokiu problemu, ir uzteks vienos konsoles

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose galima preorder playstation 4 padaryti už 400 svarų (be nuo preorder nuolaidos 450 svarų), reik tikėtis jog čia tik spėjama kainą ir retail bus mažesnė.

Ps. Jokio informacijos dar ką už tuo 400 svarų gautume, tai blogiausiu atvėju galėtu net už basic modelį tiek plešti.

Redagavo Fisherman

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose galima preorder playstation 4 padaryti už 400 svarų (be nuo preorder nuolaidos 450 svarų), reik tikėtis jog čia tik spėjama kainą ir retail bus mažesnė.

Ps. Jokio informacijos dar ką už tuo 400 svarų gautume, tai blogiausiu atvėju galėtu net už basic modelį tiek plešti.


Shopto lempine kaina ir ipiskino, realiai manau kokiu 350svaru neperzengs, bet aisku laikas parodys, jeigu ms pristatymo metu saus kaina ir ji bus mazesne negu spejama ps4, tai tektu sony arba mazint, kad pardavimus geresnius turet arba pasilikt ta pacia ir melstis kad pardvimai butu tie patys.

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Shopto lempine kaina ir ipiskino, realiai manau kokiu 350svaru neperzengs, bet aisku laikas parodys, jeigu ms pristatymo metu saus kaina ir ji bus mazesne negu spejama ps4, tai tektu sony arba mazint, kad pardavimus geresnius turet arba pasilikt ta pacia ir melstis kad pardvimai butu tie patys.


Aš irgi tikiosi, kad jie čia tik savo spekuliacijas daro, o retail bus iki 350 svarų (nors vistiek nervina, jog palyginus su USA kainomis Europos žaidėjai kriaudžiami).

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Aš irgi tikiosi, kad jie čia tik savo spekuliacijas daro, o retail bus iki 350 svarų (nors vistiek nervina, jog palyginus su USA kainomis Europos žaidėjai kriaudžiami).


Tai kad dar patys Sony nežino kainos. Spec'ai (pvz. HDD talpa) ir dizainas dar nėra iki galo nuspręsti, tai kokia kalba gali būti apie kainas.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tai kad dar patys Sony nežino kainos. Spec'ai (pvz. HDD talpa) ir dizainas dar nėra iki galo nuspręsti, tai kokia kalba gali būti apie kainas.


Kaip minėjau spekuliacijos čia. Beto sony tikrai žino kainas, bet tik neskelbia, nes būtų kvaila nežinoti už kiek jiems reiks pardavinėti konsolę.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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O kaip del zaidimu kainu? Pokolkas Shopto uzsimete apie 10gbp+ palyginus su sio gen game'u kainomis. Greiciausiai vel spekuliacija, bet visgi kokiu kainu galima tiketis?

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

O kaip del zaidimu kainu? Pokolkas Shopto uzsimete apie 10gbp+ palyginus su sio gen game'u kainomis. Greiciausiai vel spekuliacija, bet visgi kokiu kainu galima tiketis?


Žaidimu kainos bus tokio pat kaip dabartiniu, nes jau senai yra nustovėjusi kainą kuria retail pardavinėja.

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Ši tema yra užrakinta ir joje nebegalima rašyti naujų pranešimų.