
PlayStation 4 (bendra tema įvairiems klausimams)

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Nu tai čia aišku, kad iškart nesimatys to šuolio. Juk vis dar seni žaidimų varikliai naudojami. UE4 ko gero dar niekur nebuvo panaudotas. Nauja konsolė juk ne metus ir ne du gyvuos. Kalbėjau labiau apie aukso konsolės amžių. New generation, you know :)

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Report: PS4 Heavily Integrated With Gaikai, YouTube, Social Networks


Last week, we told you about a Wall Street Journal report that indicated PlayStation 4 will stream games, at least in the form of PlayStation 3 titles. Today, the Wall Street Journal has more to say about that, as well as PS4’s pronounced interactivity with social networks.


In terms of Gaikai, WSJ says this:


Since the acquisition [of Gaikai in July of 2012 for $380 million], Sony has been investing heavily to prepare Gaikai’s technology to enhance its new console, the people familiar with Sony’s plans said. Sony has been preparing the technology to be used to allow users to play current PlayStation 3 games on the device, making a broader array of titles available at the outset, these people said. The new device is also expected to play new games stored on optical discs.


This is in line with what we heard about a few days ago, except it basically confirms what we had already assumed: the major purchase of Gaikai was executed specifically to “enhance” the PlayStation 4 (or whatever Sony’s next PlayStation will be called).


But there’s more interesting news. Wall Street Journal’s sources indicate that PS4 will interact heavily with social services, and will allow direct video upload to YouTube, straight from the console. You may even be able to "compete" with players on other hardware, though what that specifically means remains to be seen.


The new PlayStation also will allow players to share achievements on social networks through smoother links to Facebook or Twitter, while also enabling aspects such as sharing footage of game play online through YouTube, people familiar with Sony’s plans said. Sony’s new console may also allow users to compete against others using different hardware, such as smartphones and other portable devices, those people said.


Interestingly, WSJ notes that Microsoft -- Sony’s competitor in the next-gen console gaming space -- is taking a different tact.


Microsoft, while it has tested cloud gaming, is putting greater emphasis on software that allows the Xbox to interact with mobile devices like Apple’s iPad. The company is also planning to create new interactive TV content to be played on its consoles, after opening up a new production studio in Southern California.


The expected reveal of PlayStation 4 will occur on Wednesday, February 20th in New York City. IGN will be in attendance, and you can watch our full PS4 reveal live stream to get in on the action before, during and after the event.

Nu ta mintis su Gaikai pirkimu viskas aisku jau, bet man biski neduoda ramybes ant kiek jie istikruju ta GAIKAI sies su tos PS4

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Su tuo gaikai tai jauciu gana stipriai. Imetie ps3 kompakta, per gaikai ji nuchekino ir paleidzia online servisa ir losi sau ps3 zaidima ant ps4 :) Tik kyla klausimas, koks is ps3 navaras belieka, nes sake kad laikys iki 2016-17 metu :chan:

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Na žmonės jau šiandien vėlai vakare, negaliu sulaukti


Tai kad snd 19d :whistling:

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Tai kad snd 19d :whistling:


Tiesiog galvojau jog bus nuo 19 einant į 20 bet dabar paaiškino jog nuo 20 į 21. Redagavo Ripstick

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Tiesiog galvojau, jog kai kurie žmonės sako kad šiandien vėlai vėlai vakare, o kiti kad ryt labai anksti ryte, tai pabuvau prie "liaudies"


Tai kad teoriškai pats renginys Lietuvos laiku bus tik poryt, naktį iš trečiadienio į ketvirtadienį. Nebent tikiesi, kad šianakt išleis penktą Evolution of PlayStation video su PS4

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Tai kad teoriškai pats renginys Lietuvos laiku bus tik poryt, naktį iš trečiadienio į ketvirtadienį. Nebent tikiesi, kad šianakt išleis penktą Evolution of PlayStation video su PS4


Atsiprašau, sumaišiau datas. Fail

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Gal kas žino, bus koks streamas skirtas androidui? Norėčiau žiūrėt per telefoną..

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Gal kas žino, bus koks streamas skirtas androidui? Norėčiau žiūrėt per telefoną..



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