
Kompiuterinių žaidimų leidėjas THQ paskelbė apie bankrotą

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"Kaip oficialiai pranešė žaidimų leidėjas THQ, jis skelbia bankrotą. Visgi šios kompanijos leidžiamų žaidėjų mėgėjams labai nusiminti nereikėtų, nes leidėjo pirkėjas jau yra rastas, o kompanijos bankroto paskelbimas tėra įprastinė procedūra, kurią reikia atlikti.

Kaip nurodė THQ prezidentas Jasonas Rubinas, „Clearlake Capital Group“ nori nusipirkti praktiškai viską, kas priklauso THQ. Į tai įeina intelektualinė nuosavybė, darbuotojai bei kontaktai su žaidimų kūrėjais. „Clearlake“ netgi nusprendė finansuoti kompanijos veiklą per visą bankroto procedūrą.

Paskelbtas THQ bankrotas visgi nebūtinai reiškia, jog „Clearlake“ iš tiesų gaus kompaniją. Tai reiškia, jog ir kitos kompanijos gali siūlyti savo kainą, o laimės daugiausiai pasiūlęs pirkėjas, tačiau THQ bent jau vieną pasiūlymą tikrai turi. O pirkėjų per kitas 30 dienų atsirasti turėtų, nes kitais metais THQ planavo išleisti tokius žaidimus, kaip kad „Metro: Last Light“, „Company of Heroes 2” bei „Homefront 2”, kurių visų trijų kūrimas iš esmės jau yra paskutinėje stadijoje."



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tik neaišku ar tam, kad skolas nurašytų fyktyviai perduodant kitai savai įmonei, ir kaip tai atsilieps naujiems žaidimams...

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Viskas bus gerai su žaidimais visu kurios pradėjo kurti išleis tikrai išleis, o dėl ateities žiūrėsim.

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labiausia miglota WWE '14 ateitis, idomu kaip cia bebus kitais metais :), kad tik koks EA neperpirktu, butu ragas.

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labiausia miglota WWE '14 ateitis, idomu kaip cia bebus kitais metais :), kad tik koks EA neperpirktu, butu ragas.


Man tai atroda kad EA kaip tik inestu nauju veju nes as pvz palosiau wwe 13 kokia savaite ir man jis atsiboda nes jis beveik toks pat kaip wwe12 tik su keliais pribumbasais.Beto dabar kone visi EA sporta zaidimai lb geri(isskyrus nba).O kas del thq tai saunu kad jau yra kas nupirks sita kompanija

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O tu bent lošei WCW Mayhem ar WVW Backstage Assault ant PSX, kas buvo EA gamyba? Tikrai nevykę geimai buvo. Tikėčiau, 2kgames gal ir nepavestų, bet EA - nepasitikiu.

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Tik, kad ne EA nupirktų, nes jie jau pradeda sušikti tokias serijas kaip Battlefield, o MOH iš vis sugadino (nors Warfighter'is man vis vien labai patinka).

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Tik, kad ne EA nupirktų, nes jie jau pradeda sušikti tokias serijas kaip Battlefield, o MOH iš vis sugadino (nors Warfighter'is man vis vien labai patinka).


Gal galite argumentuoti, per kurią vietą sušiktas yra Battlefield? :)

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Gal galite argumentuoti, per kurią vietą sušiktas yra Battlefield? :)


Jei žaidei žaidimo MP nuo išleidimo, tai suprasi apie ką aš kalbu. Bugų belekiek buvo (nors ir dabar dar pilna), PS3 Voice (kaip ten besivadintų) per metus tik sutvarkė. Taip pat skaičiau, kad tokio dalyko kaip Premium net nebus, bet kur tau, EA vis per mažai pinigų, tai sako kaip nors išlupam iš tų žmonių dar po tiek pat, kiek žaidimas kainavo. Jau net pats žaidimas COD'iškėja, tad, jei taip ir toliau, tai nieko gero... Man vis dar patinka šis game, bet, kad tik toliau nesugalvotų per daug COD padaryt.

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na ka THQ jau issipardave . stai kas ka nusipirko:


Yesterday morning, we received a competing bid for the operating business,

along with Clearlake’s offer, and numerous offers for separate assets.

During an auction process that lasted over 22 hours, the final conclusion was

that the separate-asset bids would net more than a single buyer for the majority

of the company.

Shortly, we will, present the results to the U.S. Bankruptcy Court, which must

concur with our assessment.

The proposed sales of multiple assets is as follows :


Sega agreed to purchase Relic

Koch Media agreed to purchase Volition and Metro

Crytek agreed to purchase Homefront

Take 2 agreed purchase Evolve and

Ubisoft agreed to purchase Montreal and South Park

We expect these sales to close this week.

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Šiek tiek papildomos info su kainom:

Relic Entertainment

Makers of Company of Heroes

Winning bidder: Sega, $26.6 million.

Runner-up: Zenimax Media, $26.3 million.


THQ Montreal

Makers of 1666 and Underdog, titles under development.

Winning bidder: Ubisoft, $2.5 million. No runner-up.



(title in development at Turtle Rock Studios)

Winning bidder: Take-Two Interactive, $10.894 million.

Runner-up: Turtle Rock Studios, $250,000.


Volition, Inc.

Maker of Saints Row

Winning bidder: Koch Media, $22,312,925.

Runner-up: Ubisoft, $5.4 million.



Released 2011; due for a sequel.

Winning bidder: Crytek. $544,218.

No runner-up.



Series; due for the sequel Metro: Last Light.

Winning Bidder: Koch Media, $5,877,551

Runner-up: Ubisoft: $5.175 million.


South Park

License; South Park: The Stick of Truth is due for release March 5.

Winning bidder: Ubisoft, $3,265,306

No runner-up.

Kad 'Sega' nupirko 'Relic' tai čia puiku, pakliuvo tikrai į geras rankas..

Crytek ir Homefront čia kaip ir viskas aišku, jie jau kūrė tai ir pasiėmė..

Dėl kitų net než Volition čia įdomiai šiek tiek



Gaila tik, kad Vigil taip ir liko su Darksiders. Bet gal kas nors paims Darksiders bent kaip IP

O dėl WWE yra gandų, kad licenzija bus parduota Take Two


Vieno iš 'Vigil' games darbuotojų pasisakymas apie darbą kompanijoje ir ten praleistus metus, gražiai parašė žmogelis


My name is Ben Cureton, and I was the Lead Combat Designer at Vigil Games. I'm sitting at my desk among... what appears to be a warzone. The walls look bare. It's quiet.


The seats are empty.


We've all been on edge for the past couple months... and more so, the last couple weeks. I mean, I'm sure you can imagine what it's like to wonder if you will have a job tomorrow. Most of us here joked about it just to keep the mood light, but we all knew what could happen. Now I look around and I realize... it did happen.


Am I sad? Well yea. I've been in this industry for 20 years. Seriously. Two decades. I've been laid off more than once. It sucks every time. But am I sad I don't have a job? Not really... I'm sure I'll get another one eventually. I'm sad because it won't be THIS job. It won't be at Vigil. That's why I'm sad. The people I waged war with are no longer together. The people that I bled with, vented with, argued with (often times LOUDLY), and kicked back with... these people will never be together again in the same combination.


Not that it was perfect. But what is perfect? Did I like coming to work? Yes. Was I proud of the work that I did? Yes. More importantly, was I proud of the work that WE did? Absolutely. I knew, without a shadow of the doubt, that the project we were working on (Codenamed: Crawler) was going to blow people away. In fact, it DID blow people away. We did, in TWO months, what many companies haven't done in a year. The pride of knowing that no one was doing anything like us was so satisfying, it kept us coming to work and giving 100% every single day, even through the dark times.


... so maybe you can imagine what it feels like when you read the list of who bought what only to discover your name is not on the list. Why? Did we do something wrong? Were we not good enough? Were we not worth 'anything?' Imagine that.


Vigil was filled with people that I would put up against the best in the industry. People that made my work better, people that made me a better designer, and people that made me a better person. And now they are gone.


Their seats are empty.


It's OK, though. I guess this post makes it sound a bit melodramatic. Seriously... if you work in the video game industry you have to be resilient. Doing what you love often comes with a price - anyone who has been around for a while can tell you that. Today, that price has been paid. That being said, I'd still never dissuade anyone from following their dreams if their dream is to make video games. While it's not as romantic as it sounds, it's sure a hell of a lot of fun.


So don't cry for the people at Vigil. We made games for game players. I have no Horror stories from working here... only Honor stories. Through both praise and critiques alike, our goal was always to make a product as if we, ourselves, were the end-user. We may have gotten pushed and pulled in certain directions by forces out of our control, we were always in it to make games for game players. And that's what we did.


I can only hope that those spared from the other companies remain employed long into the future. There is not much worse than false hope, and these people deserve to continue making great games. You may not know their names, but they exist, and they bleed, sweat, and cry for your entertainment. I mean that honestly, with no negativity. They do it... no, WE do it... because we want you to have a good time.


In closing, I can only say thank you to the fans of Vigil games. Your support means more than you can imagine. Your feedback (both positive and negative) gave us long-lasting insight that we will all take with us, wherever we may go. You are the reason we made Darksiders 1 &2... and you are the reason we will continue to make games.


And with that... my seat is empty.



Ben Cureton

Lead Combat Designer

Vigil Games



P.S. This is no place for a horse.

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