

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


Kūrėjas: Google
Leidėjas: Google
Žaidimo variklis:
Žanras: Augmented Reality game
Režimai: real life
Išleidimo data:
Metacritic įvertinimas:
Platformos: Android

Taigi na to kazkaip as laukiau jau kuri laika. AR zaidimas tiesiog realiam pasauli.iseini i gatve ,normali gatve, o paziuri i ja per savo smarta ar tableta ir matai visai ka kita.



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kiek as supratau tai jis veiks visur. tiesiog naudos tavo vietoves google maps ir isdelios jame portalus , i kuriuos tu turesi nuvykt it juos nulauzt ir pan stuff.


The game’s premise, according to its official Google Play page, is that “a mysterious energy has been unearthed by a team of scientists in Europe” who “believe it is influencing the way we think.” Players can choose to either embrace this energy as a powerful new tool or to resist it and become part of a rebellion.


“The concept is something like World of Warcraft, where everyone in world is playing the same game,” John Hanke, who heads up Google’s Niantic Labs group, told AllThingsD. Hanke went on to say that playing the game feels like being “a rat in a maze on the phone” and added that his team was heavily inspired by Lost creator J.J. Abrams. But don’t worry — unlike with Lost, Hanke promises that Ingress will have a satisfying payoff at the end.


“We don’t want to leave people in [a] ‘Lost’ situation where they get into fiction of world but then it never ends,” he told AllThingsD.

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