
Neikit i PSN kas su CFW

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Sony wants you dead that’s for sure. They will *shoot* any illegal alien trying to get INTO PSN, they already noticed that while ago (nothing new on that) but they saw the gap and now holding some kind of *Evidence* it’s payback time.


So if you are clever enough, i assume you will play by the rules (AKA = TOS) or you will face serious consequences, like getting banned? or worst! TERMINATED.

Jokes aside: Watch it and this is an official WARNING from them.



Today(Nov,13th) SCEJ posted an announcement regarding recent PSN access from CFW users, warning that consumers must immediately cease using and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PS3 or face the risk of having their access to PSN permanently terminated and their warranty voided.


A similar announcement also appears on US and other regional playstation websites.

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Na čia jau ne pirmas sony gąsdinimas ;) Pagyvensim- pamatysim kaip čia bus.

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Na čia jau ne pirmas sony gąsdinimas ;) Pagyvensim- pamatysim kaip čia bus.


Ir pries tai padare - uzbanino konsoles:)

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Sony don’t cease to amuse with official statements but Sony Japan (Big brother) went a little overboard classifying CFW as MALWARE. Yes and im not the one who is saying this. I think in all of this tornado of bloggers/journalists/etc with half of the information or some sort of propaganda started to spread some basics concepts and used the same bag to include even homebrew users just for fun?..i guess. Sadly the words *the console now is wide open to hackers* and many other BIG WORDS will keep on going until someone realizes that all this is not true but will scare the one who don’t knows the difference between Homebrew and piracy. Funny tough, they label CFW as MALWARE but DRM dongles are still on the concrete jungle and you can buy them on any site you want…that’s not malware?.




“Unauthorized software for the PlayStation 3 system was recently released by hackers. Use of such software violates the terms of the ‘System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation®3 System’ and the ‘Terms of Services and User Agreement’ for the PlayStation®Network/Sony Entertainment Network and its Community Code of Conduct provisions.”


“Violation of the System Software License Agreement for the PlayStation 3 system invalidates the consumer’s right to access that system. Consumers running unauthorized or pirated software may have their access to the PlayStation Network and access to Sony Entertainment Network services through PlayStation®3 system terminated permanently.”


The consumer alert goes on to state that, “To avoid permanent termination, consumers must immediately cease using and delete all unauthorized or pirated software from their PlayStation 3 systems.”


“In order to help provide a safe, fair, online environment, consumers who we believe violate ‘Terms of Services and User Agreement’ for the PlayStation Network/Sony Entertainment Network or the applicable laws or regulations of their country or region risk having access to the PlayStation Network and access to Sony Entertainment Network services terminated permanently.”

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cia ne siaip banas bus. cia bus ...


..bitch u just got terminated PERMANENTLY !!

..aikit aikit visi ..its safe now .. :melvin:

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Manau, kad cia nera del ko perdaug depresuoti. Pirataujam - tai turim kazka ir paaukoti (šiuo atveju online). O tie, kurie moka nemažus pinigus uz zaidimus ir turi pilna teise į viską ;) Kaip ir lygybe.

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Tai ar vis del to kas nors zaidziat online ar nebe?


Ir klausimas dar ar butu kazkoks skirtumas jeigu tarkim mano konsole neaktyvuota, nieko neperku ir nesilankau PSN, tiesiog zaisciau Online? Tokia pati gresme gauti bana konsolei?

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Tai ar vis del to kas nors zaidziat online ar nebe?


Ir klausimas dar ar butu kazkoks skirtumas jeigu tarkim mano konsole neaktyvuota, nieko neperku ir nesilankau PSN, tiesiog zaisciau Online? Tokia pati gresme gauti bana konsolei?


Neprisijunges i psn negalesi zaist online.

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As ir nerasiau kad nesijungiu i PSN, parasiau kad tiesiog nesilankau ten (cia aisku jokio skirtumo lankausi ar ne). Paskaitom pirmiausia.

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Kaip suprast nesilankai PSN? Kas tas PSN tavo manymų? Gal nesilankysi PS Store? Jei jau prisijungi į online režimą, laikyk, kad apsilankei PSNe. Neteko girdėti tokio išsireiškimo kaip "neaktyvuota konsolė".

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