
3k3y - PS3 Blu-ray ODD Emulator

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Oficialus puslapis: http://www.3k3y.com/

Facebook grupė: http://www.facebook.com/x360key

Išleidimo data: 2012-12-12


After seeing the discussion regarding this on various sites, we here at PS3Crunch reached out to some trusted long-time resellers to get more info.


"#1 - The team for now is only releasing one picture regarding 3K3Y, but are hoping for an 'end of the year' release.

#2 - It is full hardware interface, not a dongle, but currently you need CFW v3.55 to dump the BD drive key, after that you can update.

#3 - It will be complete ODD Blu-Ray emulator, allowing even the feature to rip your original PS3 game discs to your external HDD.

#4 - Due to the nature of design, you will be required to open your PS3 to install it, but I been told NO SOLDERING is needed.

#5 - More info will be release later, but for now any more pictures and videos are PRIVATE and been shown only to trusted long-time resellers."


In the meantime since this news has been posted, we have now confirmed 3KEY is infact REAL and coming soon, and have updated the news with a nice high-res picture of it, and also now thanks again to modrobert have posted some sad news from the 3K3Y Team regarding their device:


"In order to retrieve the needed BD drive key, Team 3k3y (aka xk3y) will release a PS3 util which requires CFW 3.55, after the key is dumped the PS3 can be upgraded to latest official system update (firmware/XMB) to get PSN etc. The team is exploring other options to dump the required key as well, more on that later."


A bit of sad news, but I am told it will not be 'too hard' to solve this problem, maybe a solution is just around the corner in time for their big actual release.

Šaltinis: http://www.ps3crunch.net/forum/threads/4969-CONFIRMED-3KEY-Arriving-soon-A-PS3-Blu-Ray-ODD-Emulator-device


General tech info about 3k3y which is true for xkey as well. The 3k3y hardware device is an advanced Optical Disc Drive (ODD) emulator, it does not rely on any software based hacks to operate (once the drive key is known). The device is connected on the SATA (PATA) bus in the PS3, like this; cable from PS3 goes into 3key, cable to BD drive goes out from 3k3y, in other words 3k3y physically sits between the drive and the PS3 mainboard and offers USB 2.0 port to connect hard drive(s). Games residing on the connected hard drive(s) can be selected using a small remote display with buttons (as seen in the photo linked a few posts up reading “PS3″ in white characters on the display). For the PS3 this device appears as a legit BD drive, and replies to any ATA protocol requests/commands the same way the original drive does. The BD drive key which is unique in each PS3 makes it possible for 3k3y to decrypt/encrypt data on the fly and redirect SATA traffic originally on disc media from the hard drive connected via USB 2.0 instead. No original Blu-ray disc needs to be inserted for operation, you can use this without any disc in the drive. Again, this makes it possible to use any official firmware (XMB) version you want after installation (and key retrieval). No need for software hacks like CFW or DEX to make this work at all. If the original game requires firmware (XMB) 4.25, then go ahead and update, just like you would if the system was completely original (virgin). I hope this clears up any misunderstandings what 3k3y does, or what it requires.




I’ve just got verified that 3k3y will use the old ISO backup format for games, not the decrypted PSJB format. So we finally get 1:1 game dumps again, great news for the release groups.


Using PS3 Linux the games can be dumped with the following command:


dd if=/dev/cdrom of=game.iso

As it was done years before PSJB (first USB dongle) was introduced.

Šaltinis: http://www.ps3hax.net/2012/10/ps3-blu-ray-odd-emulator-in-the-works/




Trumpai - yra kuriamas PS3 BD emuliatorius, kuris veiks panašiu principu kaip ir X360key. Tai leis žaisti visus parsisiųstus žaidimus nesvarbu kokią OFW turite. Jei žaidimas reikalaus 4.25 OFW, galima tiesiog updatinti ir žaisti nesirupinant apie nulaužimus. Vienintelis kolkas neaiškus dalykas yra tai, kad reikalaujamas BD romo raktas, kuris nesunkiai gaunamas iš 3.55CFW, tačiau apie naujesnes FW versijas dar nėra paskelbta. Aišku galima downgradint, tačiau kaip dėl tų konsolių, kurioms ši procedūra netaikoma? Toks daiktas tikrai būtų kažkas neįprasto PS3 hackinimo srityje ir, jeigu kaina siektų bent ne daugiau 1/3 naujos konsolės vertės - manau daug kas susidomėtų.




Info iš oficialaus puslapio:


3k3y is an optical disk drive emulator for the Playstation 3 video game console.


It is installed between the genuine Bluray drive and the PS3 motherboard.


Once 3k3y is successfully installed and configured it can be used to make backups of your original PS3 game disks to USB media, and play those backups from USB media without the need of the original game disk.


Several games can be backed up to a single USB media, making it ideal as a 'jukebox' for hardcore gamers as well as for families with children too young to handle bluray discs with appropriate care.


3k3y works with most PS3 models, however there are a few exceptions, most notably the new super slim model and all PS3s which comes with firmware 4.xx (after retrieving the drive key the PS3 can be upgraded to any firmware). We are working to add support for these PS3's but you are adviced to consult with your reseller if you are in doubt whether your PS3 is compatible with 3k3y or not.



  • Play your PS3, PS2 and PSX games from any USB media!
  • No custom firmware required for operation* - you can update to the latest official firmware for PSN access
  • Integrated game ripper
  • User friendly intuitive interface
  • no soldering required
  • Multi-language support
  • Compatible with both Fat and Slim models
  • Supports most file systems, including NTFS, EXT2/3/4, and Mac OS X Extended
  • High speed USB2 interface
  • Powerful embedded Linux system running from Micro SD card (included)
  • Linux firmware fully updatable from USB media
  • FPGA fully updatable from USB media via built-in, in-system JTAG programming
  • Recovery mode - it is always possible to recover from a bad flash Update your PS3 as normal, no CFW or game patching required
  • Pass-through mode. (Use your PS3 in "normal mode")
*Currently firmware 3.55 is required for exctracting the drive key. Once the key has been extracted the PS3 can be updated to any official or custom firmware. We are working on hardware methods for extracting keys from PS3's already on 4.x firmware.
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Taip, nes turėtų veikti su naujausiomis FW. Nebent Sony sugebės išleisti update, kuris panaikins šitą emuliavimą.

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Na kolkas veikia tik su cfw 3.55. Ateiti planuojama kad veiks su naujausiom ofw

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veiks su visom kol drive key turesi, tokios spekuliacijos ju. :)

TL;DR - su cfw 3.55 isitraukus drive key, galima updatint i, bet koki official update veliau.

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O jum neatrodo kad ce bus dar vienas pinigu pasipelnymo saltinis, ok nusiperki sita daigta, na tarkim uz 200 litu, ir tai klausimas ar jis bus legalus, ir toliau gausi kekviea karta moketi pinigus uz kazkoki tai rakta, suprantu viskas atrodo saunu, parsisiuntei zaidima, nepatiko meti lauk, bet Blu ray diskai taip nesimeto kaip verbatimai :) man atrodo kad geriau veliau, bet nusiperki org. zaidima ir turi :)

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Už jokius raktus nereikės mokėti. Tas raktas turėtų būti ištraukiamas automatiškai iš tavo BD romo ir tik vieną kartą. Vėliau gali updatinti į bet kokią FW versiją. Veikimo principas yra toks, kad šitas prietaisas bus pajungtas tarp BD romo ir PS3 plokštės, prie jo galima bus prijungti išorinę duomenų laikmeną (taip pat ir NTFS formato) ir žaisti. Kaip su Daemon tools :D Juk dabar x360key žmonės naudojasi ir atrodo niekas nieko papildomai nemoka. Jokie diskai nereikalingi, parsisiunti ISO atvaizdą ir žaidi. Šiaip aišku, originalai geriau, niekas dėl to nesiginčija, bet piratauti yra pigiau, su tuo irgi turėtum sutikti. O dėl skirtingų žmonių finansinių galimybių net nevarta ginčitis. Reikia laukti ir praktika parodys ar geras prietaisas čia bus. Jei nesugebės ištraukti rakto iš aukštesnių FW, tai aišku nieko gero.

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3k3y status update!


- Final hardware verification will start this week. All parts have been tested on development boards so no surprises are anticipated.


- While built-in disk ripping does work, it is too slow to be practical. There is another way which is much faster and can most likely be delivered in a future update, but we will not have time to verify this before launch. So we decided to remove built-in disk ripping from the feature list and put it on the WIP list.


- We have designed and completed software and a add-on board for connecting a PS3 drive to a PC via USB in order to dump games. This add-on board will be a part of the 3k3y kit.


A correction to the 3k3y status update: Built-in disk ripping will not be available on the release hardware. We took the hardware of 3k3y (where it was slow) and put it on an external board (where its blazing fast). This doesn't mean built-in disk ripping will never happen, it is still possible to do via the FPGA at high speeds.

Vis dar jokių naujienų dėl OFW 4.30. Galibūt teks laukti update'ų po išleidimo, o gal tai niekad neįvyks.

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Nors ir gruodžio 12 d. jau už nugaros, bet prietaisas iki šiol nepasirodė. Tai yra pateisinama tuo, kad platintojas nurodytas tik Kinijoje. Tuo siekiama išsiaiškinti koks bus Sony atsakymas į šį produktą. Nesulaukus jokių žinių iš jų, emuliatorius bus siunčiamas į kitas šalis. Išleidimas nukeltas į kitų metų sausį.


The 3k3y for PS3 should be out in January 2013. The team is hard at work trying to get key extaction up and running so that the device will be available for all users regardless of what software version they are on.


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Bet ar cia issigelbejimas? Vistiek, kaip suprantu, reiktu ardyti konsole ir kazkur prie kazko kazka prijungti?

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Ne tik ardyt reikia, bet ir turėt 3.55 versiją, kad ištrauktum raktus. Vėliau gali atsinaujint ją.

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Būsenos atnaujinimas Facebooke:

There seems to be a lot of confusion regarding which firmwares works with 3k3y, so we would like to clarify this point. Firmware 3.55 or lower is currently needed for obtaining your drive key. When you have your drive key you can upgrade to any OFW or CFW. CFW is NOT required for using 3k3y.


And yes, we are working on a way to extract drive keys on all firmware versions :)

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Kūrėjai labai arti tikslo, raktai beveik ištraukti iš naujo modelio konsolių, bet kolkas tai neskelbiama kaip oficialus feature, tačiau nuo sausio 21 d. iki vasario 20 d., kai pirmieji įrenginiai bus išsiųsti, sužinosime apie tai daugiau.


Emailas, platinamas 3k3y komandos


Dėl kainų tai radau tokią info:

Quantity   3k3y+Ripper  3k3y only  Ripper Only  Wifi dongle  Remote
1k up      USD63        USD52      USD13        USD10        USD20
500pcs     USD67        USD55      USD15        USD10	     USD22
250pcs     USD70        USD60      USD15        USD12	     USD25
100pcs     USD75        USD65      USD16        USD14        USD27

O čia beta testerio padaryta įrenginio nuotrauka:


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Pasirodė 3k3y keydumper, kurio pagalba galima ištraukti įrenginio veikimui būtiną diskasukio raktą. Tai kolkas aktualu tik senesnio modelio konsolėms. Laukiam žinių dėl 3k ir 4k modelių.



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