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Dragon Age: Inquisition

Dragon Age: Inquisition

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    Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third installment in the Dragon Age series of role-playing games developed by BioWare.

Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third installment in the Dragon Age series of role-playing games developed by BioWare.



Dragon Age: Inquisition is the third primary entry in BioWare's Dragon Age franchise, released in November 2014. In addition to the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, Inquisition marks the debut of Dragon Age on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. It is the first game in the franchise to be developed on DICE's Frostbite 3 engine.

Six downloadable expansions for the game (Jaws of Hakkon, The Descent, Trespasser, The Black Emporium, Spoils of the Avvar, and Spoils of the Qunari) were released between March and September 2015, along with a number of other DLCs. A Game of the Year edition was released for PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 6, 2015.


Like previous Dragon Age games, Dragon Age: Inquisition is a dark-fantasy, 3rd person action-RPG, baring similarities to its spiritual predecessor, the computer RPG Baldur's Gate II. Playable as one protagonist and three of nine interchangeable A.I. companions (which the player can also take control of at will). Both the protagonist and the companions are all either a warrior, a rogue or a mage class, with some personal abilities/spells distinguishing characters of the same class. Some abilities can be combined for increased effects.


Cassandra, Varric and Solas ready for battle
Cassandra, Varric and Solas ready for battle

Rather than decide between Dragon Age: Origins's strategical combat or Dragon Age II's action oriented combat, Inquisition allows for both. Players can issue commands and control companions in real-time in a traditional 3rd person action game viewpoint but can also pause the game in the top-down viewpoint, planning out actions and looking up information on enemies by highlighting them.

New to Dragon Age: Inquisition is Focus. The protagonist and all companions accumulate focus into a single pool by doing damage to enemies. When a certain amount has been accumulated the player can pick any character and use a powerful ability or spell, not unlike Limit Bursts in the Final Fantasy games or Super Combos in fighting games.


WarriorChampion, Reaver, Templar
RogueArtificer, Assassin, Tempest
MageKnight Enchanter, Necromancer, Rift Mage

Character stats

As with previous games, all classes have a health bar and a stamina bar or mana bar (stamina for warriors and rogues, mana for mages). Health does not automatically regenerate over time, stamina and mana does. Active abilities/magic spells cost a chunk of stamina/mana, upkeep abilities/spells locks a chunk away until the ability/spell is deactivated, draining abilities/spells sap away stamina/mana over time until there is none left.

  • Primary damage attribute for Warriors
  • Governs knock back resistance
  • Primary damage attribute for Rogues
  • Governs critical hit chance
  • Governs the size of stamina/mana pool
  • Governs stamina/mana regeneration speed
  • Primary damage attribute for Mages
  • Governs magic defence
  • Governs physical defence
  • Governs critical hit damage
  • Governs the size of health pool

When a character levels up, the player can spend ability points to unlock new abilities/spells from differing schools and specializations of warrior, rogue and mage disciplines, or passive abilities that make the character permanently stronger in one form or another.

Open World Setting

One of Dragon Age: Inquisitions large forests
One of Dragon Age: Inquisitions large forests

Similar in concept to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, BioWare has adopted an open world approach for Inquisition, encouraging exploration and undertaking side quests on behalf of local NPCs. Inquisition however is not one giant landscape but rather ten large, spacious locations, each one larger than all of the areas in Dragon Age: Origins or Dragon Age II.

Constants in each location include local wildlife, plant-life, bandits and the occasional high-dragon, as well as other enemies. Hunting and foraging a given species allows another to proliferate in its place.

High-dragons are battles unto themselves and are considered sub-bosses.

Protagonist creation


Human1 bonus ability point
Elf25% damage resistance to Ranged Attacks
Dwarf25% damage resistance to Magical Attacks
Qunari50 bonus to health


BioWare has cited Persona 4, The Darkness and The Last of Us as inspirations for more realistic relations in Inquisition. The end goal will not be sexual relations dependant on an approval rating in which you can buy endless gifts for to raise (as was the case in previous games), but to develop bonds over time based on choices made and interactions with a given character.

Characters are not pansexual in Inquisition. All potential romances have specific sexualities and cannot be romanced by anyone outside of those preferences. Four characters are heterosexual, three characters are bisexual and two characters are homosexual.


The Protagonist: The Inquisitor

Players will play as a new protagonist with customizable race, class, gender, and appearance. This protagonist, the Inquisitor, must save Thedas from itself by assuming control and building up an organization known as the Inquisition. The Inquisitor's quest will stretch across Thedas and into nations such as Ferelden and Orlais.

Unlike Dragon Age II, in which the player was restricted to playing as a human character named Hawke, Dragon Age: Inquisition brings back many of the customization options from the original game's protagonist, The Warden. The player may choose to play as a human, elf, dwarf, or a Qunari--which is a first for the series--with the player's chosen race bearing some level of impact on the game's story and interactions with specific characters and groups. As in previous games, the player can also choose whether to play as a male or female, and as a warrior, mage, or rogue.

Like Hawke The Inquisitor will be voiced, only this time players have a selection between two voices per gender; one being of an English accent, the other American.

Inquisitor Voices:

  • Alix Wilton Regan (English Female)
  • Sumalee Montano (American Female)
  • Harry Hadden-Paton (English Male)
  • Jon Curry (American Male)

While the game features four selectable voices, Alix Wilton Regan is the one that was at the forefront of most of the game's marketing regarding The Inquisitor character.



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Human - Male - Warrior

Romance: Female inquisitors only

A Grey Warden whose drive to protect the innocent continued long after The Warden ended the 5th Blight in DA: Origins.

Blackwall will prove crucial to conflicts between the Inquisition and the Grey Wardens, the latter of which have gone quiet and starting acting strangely as of late.

Cassandra Pentaghast

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Human - Female - Warrior

Romance: Male Inquisitors only

An NPC from Dragon Age II, Cassandra is a skilled sword and shield warrior loyal to The Chantry and will make her playable debut as a companion in DA:I.

Cassandra was formally a Seeker of Truth and more importantly the right hand of the Chantry's leader, the Divine, dealing with threats to the Divine in broad daylight as opposed to the left hand, Leliana, and her stealthy behind the scenes approach.

When the Seekers of Truth broke off from The Chantry to lead the templars into war with the mages Cassandra remained loyal and now joins the Inquisition to return order to Thedas.

  • Voiced by Miranda Raison.


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Human (Spirit/Demon abomination) - Male - Rogue

Romance: Not available

Formerly a human mage named Cole, possessed by a spirit (or demon), the being that continues to refer to itself as Cole has a natural blood magic ability that makes those who come into contact with him forget he was ever there.

Due to his child-like mental state and supernatural existence Cole cannot be romanced.

  • Voiced by James Norton.


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Human - Male - Mage

Romance: Male Inquisitors only

A human mage and magister of the Tevinter Imperium. Despite considerable magical talents and a clever mind Dorian is the black sheep of Tevinter because of his rejection of common Tevinter social norms.

He hopes to be the catalyst for positive change for all of the Tevinter Imperium and joins the Inquisition to prevent the Imperium joining in the mage/templar war.

Iron Bull

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Qunari - Male - Warrior

Romance: Male or Female Inquisitors

A one-eyed member of the Qunari race. Iron Bull is Tal-Vashoth, one who has abandoned the teachings of the Qun.

Warrior renown even among the Qunari, Iron Bull fought the most dangerous opponents on every front line of any recent battle the Qunari fought.

When he became burnt out and began suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder he was dispatched to Orlais to form a mercenary group not associated with the Qunari in order to spy on Orlais. Though he still remains loyal to the Qunari, unbeknownst to them in Orlais he has indulged in sleeping around, drinking and other practices that would've seen him executed in his homeland.

  • Voiced by Freddie Prinze Jr.


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Elf - Female - Rogue

Romance: Female Inquisitors only

An elven archer. Sera is a former member of an apparent group of rogues only mentioned in passing during one side-quest each in both DA:O and DAII known as the "Friends of Red Jenny".

Sera is an anti-establishment character who delights in defying and meddling with authority, something the Inquisition will be doing with great regularity.

  • Voiced by Robyn Addison.


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Elf - Male - Mage

Romance: Female Elf Inquisitors only

An elven apostate Mage. Solas understands the Fade and its inhabitants more than any currently living being, proving vital for the Inquisition.

Solas is a nomad beyond that of even the wandering Dalish elves. Living in utter solitude, Solas spends half his time in ancient places not seen by others for hundreds, sometimes thousands of years. The other half is spent in the Fade, discovering the past of these ancient places and those who lived during those times.

Solas can only be romanced by female elfs.

  • Voiced by Allen Leech.

Varric Tethras

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Dwarf - Male - Rogue

Romance: Not available

The first former companion confirmed to return as a companion in DA:I. Seeing first hand the chaos that was looming for the world in Dragon Age II, Varric joins the organisation he believes is looking out most for the common man, The Inquisition.

Varric is still ever ready to pop a joke and see the funny side of things, but his time with Hawke in Kirkwall during DAII has made him resentful of the danger innocents are always placed in when mages and templars clash, as well as distrusting of the Qunari after their attempted takeover.

As in Dragon Age II, Varric cannot be romanced, staying loyal to his lover Bianca, who's name Varric passed onto his trademark crossbow.

  • Voiced by Brian Bloom.


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Human - Female - Mage

Romance: Male or Female Inquisitors

A new playable companion who is a former Circle-mage from Orlais, she fights to help her fellow mages. Vivienne is an Orlais and Chantry loyalist, enjoying freedoms and nobility not commonly associated with the average mage. She believes the word of the Chantry and is ever disapproving of anything regarding blood magic as well as The Fade and those that dwell in it.

She participates in Orlais's "grand game" of deception and hierarchy manoeuvring and is known for her sharp tongue as much as her magical power.

Non-Player Characters


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Inquisition Advisor - Army Commander

Romance: Female human or female elf Inquisitors only

The proud templar of prior Dragon Age games also returns to be a part of the Inquisition as an adviser.

Having seen chaos in both supernatural form in Origins and through the minds of humans in DAII Cullen leaves the templars and joins the Inquisition in the name of peace.

Cullen is romance-able despite his previous feelings for a female circle-mage warden, due to not being able to act upon said feelings. Cullen is not attracted to Dwarfs.

  • Voiced by Greg Ellis.


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Inquisition Ally

Romance: Not available

Dragon Age II's protagonist returns to aid the Inquisition. Hawke's appearance and gender is customisable to represent how Hawke looked in any given play-through of DAII. Hawke visits the Inquisition at the request of his friend Varric to help with a situation involving the Grey Wardens. Due to events in DAII, Hawke has a strong hatred of blood magic.

When first unveiled, Hawke was a female mage (all versions of Hawke are human).

Hawke cannot be romanced, staying loyal to previous relationships from DAII.

  • Voiced by Nicholas Boulton (Male Hawke)


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Inquisition Advisor - Ambassador

Romance: Male or Female Inquisitors

Making her debut in DA:I, Lady Josephine Montilyet is a diplomat for the Inquisition hailing from Antiva. She is of nobility and an ally of Leliana, who joined the Inquisition at her request.

Josephine sees getting royal courts of Thedas on the side of the Inquisition as both a challenge to herself as well as the best hope to save Thedas.

  • Voiced by Allegra Clark


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Inquisition Advisor - Spymaster

Romance: Not Available

Returning once again for Inquisition, Leliana joins Cassandra from The Chantry to help The Inquisition as its spy-master.

After departing The Warden's company post-Dragon Age: Origins Leliana has been seen as a secret agent for the Chantry's Divine in both Dragon Age II and Dragon Age novels.

Leliana's role is to lead and govern secret operations for the Inquisition through stealth, information gathering and assassination.

Leliana is not romanceable regardless of any previous romance with The Warden.

  • Voiced by Corinne Kempa.


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Inquisition Ally - Orlais Liason/Ancient magic expert

Romance: Not available

Appearing to be providing assistance to the Inquisitor, Morrigan has been heavily involved in events of the Dragon Age world behind the scenes since her departure at the end of Dragon Age: Origins - Witch Hunt DLC.

Recently Morrigan has become chief magical advisor to the progressive Empress Celene of Orlais during the Empress's ongoing civil war with her traditionalist cousin, the Grand Duke Gaspard de Chalons.

Morrigan's Old God Child sired by The Warden in DA:O joins Morrigan in Dragon Age: Inquisition (only if the Warden also romanced Morrigan), having been named Kieran, if indeed the player chose to go through with the ritual in Origins. Morrigan's plans for Thedas is unknown as are her current relations with any members of the DA:O cast.

Morrigan is not romanceable regardless of any previous romance with The Warden, either choosing the stay loyal to The Warden or simply ignore any attempts made by an Inquisitor.

  • Voiced by Claudia Black.


  • The Elder One - The primary antagonist of Dragon Age: Inquisition, who debuted in the DLC of a previous Dragon Age game. The Venatori and Red Templars are under his command, he seeks to become the new god of Thedas.
  • Alexius - A Tevinter magister and former mentor of Dorian, Alexius refers to Dorian as his "final failure." He leads a band of Venatori in Inquisition.


Dragon Age Keep

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Potential love interests Cassandra and Blackwall as they appear in Dragon Age Keep

Due to the new console generation (PlayStation 4 and Xbox One) and Dragon Age: Inquisition's transfer over to the Frostbite 3 engine, BioWare have developed an alternative to transferring the varying Dragon Age worlds created by players from their playthroughs in previous games, over to DA:I, and onto future Dragon Age games. Dragon Age Keep is a web app that will launch prior to DA:I in 2014 and allow players to mould worlds as they see fit, defining their Wardens, Hawkes, companions and choices made in important moments in the Dragon Age world.

Prequel Novels

Dragon Age: Asunder (written by BioWare's David Gaider), Dragon Age: The Masked Empire (written by BioWare's Patrick Weekes) and Dragon Age: Last Flight (written by fantasy author Liane Merciel) detail events between Dragon Age II's ending and Inquisition's beginning. Asunder covers the war between the mages and templars, The Masked Empire covers the civil war in Orlais and Last Flight covers revelations of the Grey Wardens, who have been silent since the 5th blight was ended in Origins.


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The Inquisition

The continent of Thedas is in chaos. Orlais is deadlocked in civil war. The Circle of Magi have revolted and the Templar Order (led by the Seekers of Truth) have broken off from The Chantry to oppose the mages and anyone who would stand in their way. All is not well within the Grey Wardens and they have been mysteriously quiet.

Dragon Age: Inquisition begins with an explosion which tears the Veil apart, that which separates the world of Thedas from the dream-world called the Fade, home to spirits and demons. Only one person survives, marked with the power to close tears in the Veil.

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A great number of demons from The Fade, new and old, now roam Thedas freely.

This person becomes the Inquisitor, leader of the revived Inquisition group. As with the original version of the Inquisition which pre-dates The Chantry, this new Inquisition answers to no-one and tasks itself with fixing the Veil and solving the world's problems along the way.

Enemy Factions


Now feel to roam the land of men, demons are causing chaos. Powerful, never seen before demons are commonly found protecting Fade-rifts, the means by which they entered the world, recognisable as big green skyward-pointing beams of energy.


An armed faction fighting on behalf of The Elder One.

Red Templars

An extremist off-shoot of the Templar Order. The Red Templars uses powers not unlike Dragon Age II antagonist Knight-Commander Meredith Stannard and her corrupted red lyrium form. The Red Templars have subjected themselves to the corrupting and mutilating effects of red lyrium to utterly destroy their enemies.


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The Map of Thedas (Click for larger resolution)

Dragon Age: Inquisition takes place in the fictional continent of Thedas. Thedas contains several sovereign nations that are at the height of society.

These include Ferelden, the setting of Dragon Age: Origins, its on and off again enemy Orlais (who once ruled Ferelden for a century). There are also outlying mountain lands with older sets of peoples and traditions and ancient abandoned areas not seen for great amounts of time.


The headquarters of the Inquisition. It can be upgraded over time as the Inquisition gains more power.


Redcliffe Castle of Ferelden returns from Dragon Age: Origins. Redcliffe is the seat of the Guerrin family, namely the brothers Arl Eamon Guerrin and Bann Teagan Guerrin. Since their original appearance in Origins, Eamon has stepped down from his title and Teagan is now Arl of Redcliffle.

In Inquisition Redcliffe is once again under attack, this time by a band of Venatori lead by Alexius. The Inquisition will have the choice to save Redcliffe.

The Hinterlands

A large forest area between Redcliffe and Ostagar in Ferelden. The Hinterlands is home to many refugees and currently a war-zone between mages and the Templar Order. A primary location in the Inquisition's efforts to end the mage/templar conflict.

The Western Approach

A large desert wasteland area in south-western Orlais, home to the abandoned Adamant Fortress, built by Dwarves and used in the past by the Grey Wardens during the 2nd Blight. They couldn't afford its upkeep once the Grey Wardens presence in Thedas began to lower.

Cooperative Multiplayer

Like Mass Effect 3, Inquisition will feature 4-player co-op multi-player, unlike ME3 it will focus on dungeon crawling instead of horde mode.

Players will play missions as agents of the Inquisition with the one of the three Inquisition advisers (Cullen, Leliana or Josephine) introducing the mission. Parties can consist of any combination of twelve characters, four variations of warrior, rogue and mage each. The multi-player will not have an effect on the single player.

Loot is the primary prize for playing MP in the form of gold and items. Nothing you acquire in MP can be accessed in the single player mode.

Multiplayer Characters

The multiplayer characters are all agents of the Inquisition.


The Katari

  • "Katari" means "One who brings death" in Qunlat. The Katari is a Tal-Vashoth mercenary who left the Qun in order to forge his own path. However, choosing one's way after being forced to follow orders is difficult. For the moment, the Katari makes his living as a sellsword, paid to fight for the Inquisition. His name is a description of what he does - While he has left the Qun, certain habits are hard to break.

The Legionnaire

  • Korbin is a highly regarded warrior from Orzammar who volunteered for the Legion of the Dead. As a result of the alliance between the dwarven king and the Inquisition, Korbin now fights on the surface against Thedas's greatest threats.

The Reaver

  • Tamar is a fearsome warrior. She developed her abilities by consuming dragon blood. One of the cultists living in Haven, she escaped the Chantry by fleeing into the mountains. Tamar was later captured by agents of the Inquisition and was given a choice: to serve or die. Execution in captivity would have been shameful. She'd rather die in battle; the blood of her enemies on her sword and a warcry on her lips.

The Templar

  • Belinda is a noble from Starkhaven and a recent initiate into the Templars, taking her vows just months before the Order split from the Chantry. Horrified to see the order she loved turn against the Chantry she believed in, she left the templars in order to stay loyal to the Divine. When Justinia V was killed, Belinda remained with the newly formed Inquisition, hoping to make things right.


The Alchemist

  • Luka remembers the prison in the Vimmark Mountains: She was nobody, clearing out tunnels for the Carta, not important enough to know the truth about why they were there. She watched as the Carta descended into madness, never learning who was pulling the strings. When Hawke destroyed the prison, she was trapped, alone and forgotten. It took years, but she got out, using salvaged treasures to blast her own exit out to freedom. Then the Inquisition came calling, for they too remembered the prison, and what was kept there.

The Archer

  • Hall is a survivor from the Wilds. A Dalish hunter rescued him from a bandit raid when he was a child and taught him her skills. However, because he was human the Dalish sent him away when he could fend for himself. Hall wandered for years never quite finding his place. Seeing the beam of light tearing the sky he followed it and found purpose in the Inquisition.

The Assassin

  • Argent is named after the Orlesian word for quick silver. Trained from birth to be a weapon, she was often used as a bodyguard or an assassin by her various employers. Now the Inquisition is Argent's employer.

The Hunter

  • Thornton is a veteran Ranger. An experienced soldier, he has served different masters, lived through several wars, and always lived to tell the tale. What the Inquisition faces now, however, is altogether different and far more terrifying, and it will take everything he knows in order to get through it. But he will get through it, because Thornton always does.


The Arcane Warrior

  • Like Neria, Cillian was born to the Ralaferian Clan. In his youth, he lived apart from his people in order to resurrect a lost art, that of the Arcane Warrior. Originally driven by the need to seek glory for his people, Cillian's years of meditation and solitude gave him wisdom and respect for all life. When The Breach opened, he knew his duty was to stand against it, fighting to save all he knows and loves.

The Elementalist

  • Horrified by the abuses he saw in Kirkwall, Rion was one of the first mages of his Circle tower to take up the flag of rebellion. Seeing the amount of lives that the Mage Templar War had taken, he went to Heaven to await the Divine's outcome but when the temple was destroyed, his hope for resolution was lost. Rion signed up with the Inquisition; seeing it as the mages last chance for peace.

The Keeper

  • Neria was born into the Ralaferin clan, and was chosen as Keeper Elindra's apprentice. Trained from youth to defend and serve people, she takes great pride in her magic and her role as Elindra's First. Now within the Inquisition as a Dalish emissary, Neria does all she can to see that the interests of the Dalish are not forgotten amidst the chaos.

The Necromancer

  • Raised in secret in Nevarra by a Mortalitasi mage, Sidony was brought up to revel in her magical abilities. She feels no kinship with mages who do not share her pride, and she has little but disdain for most other people. Sidony's only goal is to uncover her true potential as a mage, so she hungers for magical knowledge. When news of The Breach reached her, she headed directly to see it for herself, hoping that whatever secrets it held would be the key to her advancement.

Downloadable Content

Inquisition will not be using BioWare Points from BioWare's website, all DLC will be purchasable and accessed through EA's Origin.


Dragon Age: Inquisition was confirmed to be in development following a post from executive producer Mark Darrah on September 17th, 2012, and has been in development since 2010.

Like its predecessors, Dragon Age: Inquisition will be set in Thedas and will feature a new protagonist. Whereas Dragon Age: Origins took place in Ferelden and Dragon Age II in Kirkwall (and the Free Marches), this time the adventure will span across all of Thedas. The game will be set after Dragon Age II and the novel Dragon Age: Asunder, in which both the magi of Thedas and the Seekers of Truth, leading the Templar Order, have broken off from the Chantry and prepare to go to war with each other.

On the BioWare panel at Edmonton Comic & Entertainment Expo 2012, creative director Mike Laidlaw stated that "customization is going to be bigger than Dragon Age: Origins", and also include "follower customization". On the same panel, lead writer David Gaider mentioned that "You will be human", and that "backgrounds will be in Dragon Age 3 even though you will be human, it's not playable but it does significant impact on the story". (Gaider's words were later contradicted when Bioware revealed in August of 2013 that the player will, in fact, be able to play as an elf or dwarf.) Cinematic designer John Perry also stated that "he's had a longer pre-production on DA3 than any other BioWare project he's worked on". Perry also mentioned that "just one level in DA3 is as big as all of DA2's levels combined".

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BioWare demonstrating DA:I at PAX East 2014

At E3 2013, the first Dragon Age: Inquisition trailer was released with Dragon Age: Origins character Morrigan (voiced again by Claudia Black) narrating over war-zones featuring unspoken appearances by Dragon Age II characters Varric Tethras and Cassandra Pentaghast. Having foreseen (along with her mother, Flemeth) the chaos that the Dragon Age universe would descend into, Morrigan asks the new protagonist if he/she will save Thedas or lead it to its destruction.

At E3 2014, BioWare demonstrated a relatively small area of Thedas called The Hinterlands, said to be bigger than all of Dragon Age: Origins (the larger of the 2 previous games) combined. Other locations announced included a return to Redcliffe in Ferelden from Origins and the second ancient Elven homeland, The Dales.

The closed beta for the Dragon Age Keep began in early 2014 and continues up until its release in time for Inquisition.

While initially planned for an October 7th US release, EA pushed its release to November 18th to allow more time for refinements.

PC System Requirements


  • OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit
  • CPU: AMD six core CPU @ 3.2 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 3.0 GHz
  • System RAM: 8 GB
  • Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 7870 or R9 270, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
  • Graphics Memory: 2 GB
  • Hard Drive: 26 GB
  • DirectX 11


  • OS: Windows 7 or 8.1 64-bit
  • CPU: AMD quad core CPU @ 2.5 GHz, Intel quad core CPU @ 2.0 GHz
  • System RAM: 4 GB
  • Graphics CARD: AMD Radeon HD 4870, NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
  • Graphics Memory: 512 MB
  • Hard Drive: 26 GB
  • DirectX 10



Kūrėjas: Bioware
Leidėjas: EA
Žaidimo variklis: Frostbite 3
Žanras: rpg
Išleidimo data: 2014 -- --




When the sky opens up and rains down chaos, the world needs heroes. Become the savior of Thedas in Dragon Age: Inquisition – Game of the Year Edition. You are the Inquisitor, tasked with saving the world from itself. But the road ahead is paved with difficult decisions. Thedas is a land of strife. Factions constantly war with each other even as a larger demonic invasion has begun. And you? You and your band of champions are the only ones who can hold it together. It’s your job to lead them...or fall.
  • Enthralling, choice-driven narrative — You’re not just deciding who to send into which battle in Inquisition, you’re making important decisions that shape the future of Thedas. Each choice carries weight, and your actions can lead to a variety of outcomes. Inquisition is a highly personalized journey, where one wrong move could set in motion a series of events that alter the physical aspects of the world itself, making your Thedas — and your heroes — feel truly unique.
  • A massive world to discover — The world of Thedas has never been bigger or more detailed; it’s wide open and ripe for exploration. Discover enemy keeps ripe for the taking. Unearth hidden caves filled with lurking creatures. Thedas is vast and dangerous, but uncovering its secrets can spell the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Intense, strategic combat — There’s no wrong way to play Dragon Age: Inquisition...except for the way that gets you killed. Fortunately, the optional strategic view gives you a god’s-eye vantage on battle. Time stops while you plan in this view, but if that’s not your style, you can just barrel ahead, crossbows blazing.

    The Game of the Year edition comes with:
  • Base game
  • Flames of the Inquisition Arsenal, Armor, and Armored Mount
  • Dragon Age multiplayer Deluxe Edition chests
  • Skyhold Throne, Red Hart Halla, and Bog Unicorn
  • Digital soundtrack
  • Jaws of Hakkon DLC Pack
  • The Descent DLC Pack
  • Trespasser DLC Pack
  • Spoils of the Avvar — 5 new mounts, 2 new sets of armor, and new options to personalize your base at Skyhold.
  • Spoils of the Qunari — an armored war mount, new armor sets — including one in the style of the Arishok — and Skyhold items.

    • Jaws of Hakkon DLC
    Discover the fate of the last Inquisitor and the powerful dragon he hunted.

    • The Descent DLC
    Go underground to reveal the source of mysterious earthquakes threatening Thedas.

    • Trespasser DLC
    Decide the Inquisition’s final fate as new threats emerge.






Pirma dalis pasirode 2009 m. Antroji 2011 m.


Redagavo Magnitas

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

Nuoroda į pranešimą
Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

pasak kureju,kai tik prades jie rodyt screenus zaidimo ,visi supras koks grozis tai bus visai tiketina iskaitant ant kokio engine suksis. bet grozis dar ne viskas. :working:


Dragon Age 3: Inquisition is looking “stunningly beautiful”, according to BioWare’s Neil Thompson. It’s all thanks to Frostbite 2, the developer says. He also teases that once screenshots start to drop people won’t be disappointed.


Speaking with OXM, Thompson said of Frostbite 2, “Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2 were both done using BioWare’s own Eclipse engine, and it was starting to creak a little bit when Dragon Age 2 came out. Inquisition is being done on the Frostbite 2 engine and it is an astonishingly powerful engine.


“The Dragon Age artists were always slightly disappointed at how their work was visualised in the final product with Eclipse, but with Frostbite, they’ve just done some amazing stuff. There was a pre-production period where almost on a weekly basis I’d be sitting in the environment reviews and being blown away by what was coming out – it looks stunningly beautiful. So I think when we do start releasing screenshots, people won’t be disappointed.”


Thompson concluded, “Can you make fantasy beautiful in a different way? We think we have something special for Dragon Age 3: Inquisition.”

keli concept artai







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YES! Pagaliau pamatėm kažką in action!

Redagavo Magnitas

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Grafika tikrai graži, reikia tikėtis, kad ištaisys antros dalies nuobodžias aplinkas ir visiškai neįsimintinus ir tragiškus veikėjus. Dedu viltis.

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dar buvo kalbama kad naujas Mass Effect perims kai kuriuos naujo DA zaidimo aspektus. nezinia cia dziaugtis del to ar verkt, nes ME buvo totaliai epine serija o DA buvo. ..umm... :npoker:

bet tikesimes kad engine pades viska padaryt graziu ir nieks nekreips demesio i pati zaidima.. :happy:

tik pajuokavau , aisku kad zaidimas svarbiausia ir ka jis mum duos , ka pasiulys..reikia gero AI ir open worldo ir dinamiskai besigaminanciu questu ... :gusta:

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dar buvo kalbama kad naujas Mass Effect perims kai kuriuos naujo DA zaidimo aspektus. nezinia cia dziaugtis del to ar verkt, nes ME buvo totaliai epine serija o DA buvo. ..umm... :npoker:

bet tikesimes kad engine pades viska padaryt graziu ir nieks nekreips demesio i pati zaidima.. :happy:

tik pajuokavau , aisku kad zaidimas svarbiausia ir ka jis mum duos , ka pasiulys..reikia gero AI ir open worldo ir dinamiskai besigaminanciu questu ... :gusta:


Scalman kas tau su Dragon Age: origins blogai buvo? man tai vienas is praejusios generacijos(jei jau taip galima sakyt) isimintinas RPG, nes gameplay buvo idomus ir pati istorija tikrai ne buvo bloga.

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nauja zaidimo info is gameinformer zurnalo. naujausias Frostbite engine 3. ir abi current gen consoles bei next gen su PC tai gaus kitamet.



Game Informer Details



Game Informer this month has extensive details about BioWare’s Dragon Age: Inquisition. Developed by BioWare Edmonton, the RPG will release next year on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.



The Story


Dragon Age: Inquisition tells of the land of Thedas. It’s a mess. The Chandry are warring with the mages, and the the Seekers of Truth and the Templers have broken away from the former.


“Every group with the power and authoritiy to confront evil is preoccupied – and then the sky opens up and demons start pouring out,” Game Informer writes.


A tear in the sky links to the Fade, a place of magic and demons. This allows demons, who would otherwise need a host to enter the human realm, to cross freely.



The World


Described as “more open world,” players are able to access “significant areas” of the world map. “You’ll be going from eastern Ferelden to western Orlais,” says the executive producer of the Dragon Age franchise, Mark Darrah. “Obviously, we’re not going to build a million square miles of space, so that means we’re not a truly open world in the way some people think.”


Each area is larger than anything they have built previously, he added. The repetitive level design is “no where to be found” in Inquisition. A bog, a desert, and a mountain range, all described as “enormous,” were of note in the demo, according to the magazine.


Gameplay “threads” are littered throughout these areas. “You might find a mysterious pile of corpses as your reach the top of a sand dune,” they write. “Or an arcade device that lets you pinpoint the location of magic items.”


Darrah explains that he’s been trying to drive exploration, an aspect he claims BioWare “hasn’t done in a while.” He compares the exploration of the upcoming Inquisition with that of the Baldur’s Gate series, which is also a BioWare creation.


He also wants to ensure that the game taps into spontaneous exploration and discovery, and says that there is an “absolute, elemental, and primal joy” in discovering something unknown and unexpected, and discovering something others might not. Player initiative is where an more open design shines, he says.


Locations in Inquisition are described as “contained open world,” with items and content to collect and engage with. Day and night are also mentioned. Mounts, which are said to be “more involved than simply riding a horse around,” will also be in the game. “Very little” of the content is scaled to the player’s level, meaning random encounters with enemies, such as dragons, can be far more powerful and incredibly dangerous.


Whilst player freedom is important to BioWare, the team doesn’t want to sacrifice narrative as its expense. “We definitely need to make sure that we can still tell the kind of story that we want to tell,” Darrah tells Game Informer.


Balancing player-driven exploration and “organic” environmental-narrative with a emotionally engaging, character-driven story has been one of their biggest challenges, according to the BioWare vet.





Dragon Age: Inquisition runs on the Frostbite 3 engine—technology now used for many of EA’s internal projects, such as Battlefield and the upcoming Mirror’s Edge 2, as opposed to BioWare’s Eclipse engine, which was used for Dragon Age II.


“Frostbite is a real paradigm shift for BioWare, and even more so for Dragon Age,” says Darrah.


He describes Eclipse as “a little long in the tooth,” and goes onto say that the transition to Frostbite allows them to investigate opportunities previously denied by their old technology. Namely, large areas with lots of interactivity. The large, open areas in Inquisition are said to be “a direct result” of using Frostbite.


Built by DICE, the developer responsible for the Battlefield series, the team expended great effort to adapt what was traditionally a first-person shooter engine into a role-playing engine, but are “very happy” with what the technology allows them to do.


Known for its environmental interaction, the technology will be used for limited destructibility, as well as construction. Destroying the support beam under an archer-filled platform is given as an example, or magically fixing a crumbling footbridge to get to a new area. Restoring a ruined desert outpost will allow the player to transform it into an Inquisition stronghold.


As Inquisition is set for release on both current and next-generation platforms, as well as PC, Darrah said that the team are “striving really hard” to not let the gameplay be affected by technical differences. They want the experience to be as similar to each other as possible across all platforms.


The PC version will also have a control scheme customized for mouse and keyboard.



The Inquisitor and the Inquisition


The player controls the Inquisitor, the head of the Inquisition. Race, class—with a choice between mage, warrior, and rogue—gender, and name are chosen by the player. The Inquisitor is also “fully voiced.” Racial considerations also impact interactions with others in certain areas, as some races may be persecuted in a particular area.


By interacting with the world—such as collecting things, helping others or completing quests—the Inquisition grows in both strength and reputation. “It’s fundamentally about giving an organization the same kind of progression you might expect out of a character.”


It’s also noted that BioWare will not yet reveal how this progression will be communication, and “how players experience that sense of improvement.”


Game progression is also determined by the Inquisition’s level of power, as “areas of interest” on the world map aren’t accessible without a the meeting such power requirements. This is achieved, as previously explained, by interacting with the world in various ways, leaving the player able to purse content more suited to their tastes.





Game Informer writes that Inquisition‘s combat pace “rests in a place between the two previous entries.”


“I look at strategy and tactics as a natural out-growth of something that Dragon Age has delivered in spades,” said Creative Director Mike Laidlaw. He also says that “pause-and-play” is part of BioWare’s legacy, and that he wants to maintain that alongside the speed and crispness of response, which he believes to be part of modern gaming.


Players can switch between characters or set behaviors for each ally. Instantly-executed commands are said to lend Inquisition “the feeling of a third-person action game.” The game’s combat speed and enemy design are intended to push the player toward a more deliberate approach, tactics-orientated approach.


Enemies have specialized roles and work in groups. Prowlers, for example, tend to hide and sneak, avoiding face-to-face confrontations.


“Imagine trying to immobilize and take out a disruptive prowler while you’re also being shot at by archers, evading swipes from a bruiser’s two-handed axe, and worrying about the enchanter in the back who is buffing all enemies on the field. ”


Enemies are to said to make tactical considerations based on the player’s location, cool down times and their own amount of health.


Class-based skills trees and specializations make a return in Inquisition. Class abilities can be used to compliment each other. This “insists that you can approach combat with an all-action philosophy, all-tactics, or anywhere in between.”



Other Characters


Beyond coordination and complimentary abilities in combat, dialogue and story are said to be the player’s “primary connection” with their allies.


BioWare have yet to reveal the identity of the main antagonist, although it’s reported that players “learn early on that a single mastermind is behind the breach and all of the chaos surrounding it.”





Equipment in Inquisition is adapted to each character to avoid tarnishing each character’s “signature style.” Through crafting, players can turns items collected from exploration and combat and transform them into new armor, or customize existing equipment.


With this focus on customization, crafting is designed to allow players to mix and match between substance and style. Players can apply the best stats to any piece of armor. In effect, it seems as though the player could have “end game” statistics on the appearance of “starting” gear.


“[Party members] will keep their iconic look,” claims Darrah. “If you take a character like Cassandra, for example: She has an inconic look with a trench-coat almost, with armor underneath that.” He then explains that, although new armor will make her look “very different.” she will retain her unique silhouette.





“Dragon Age has always been about hard decisions, where there’s no clear path,” says the series’ lead writer, David Gaider. “If we can successfully argue either side of an issue and not feel like a sociopath doing so, then that is a good avenue for us to explore.”


Inquisition wants players to consider the outcome of their decisions, as they will be forced to live with them for the continuation of the game. Not unlike its predecessor, Inquisition will use a dialogue wheel, although improved this time around. Clarity seems to be the focus, as some options in the previous game would apparently intrigue reactions that surprised players.


Consequences will “ripple” throughout the world, with some encounters and sections of the game determined by earlier decisions, according to Laidlaw.


BioWare wants a player’s actions to have an impact on the world. Levels can change and new content can be unlocked based on your actions. “It’s not just a couple of level changes; it’s something that permeates the whole game,” says Laidlaw. “You did this at one point in the game, and that’s going to come back and bite you in the ass.”


The development team doesn’t want players to worry about their platform of choice and bringing forward decisions made in previous Dragon Age titles. The team is “currently investigating ways to maintain consistency in choice”, according to the magazine. “But is not ready to reveal specifics. ”


Redagavo scalman

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Dabar kaip tik pirma dali perzaidineju tai tiek gameplay, tiek story, tiek sudetingumas zaidimo puikus (biski tik nervina, kad pagrindinis veikejas nebilys). Taid jeigu seks pirmos dalies pedomis viskas turetu buti super. O ir istorija kazkiek suintrigavo, nes pasirode, kad morrigan kaip blogiete gryzo :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

didelis open world pasaulis. bet nebus visiskai "open world" zaidimas.


Redagavo Magnitas

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na va dabar matosi kad BF4 engine tinka ir rpg. jei neklystu pirmas zaidimas be BF isvis kuris naudoja BF3\4 engine.neskaitant NFS. aisku dar laukia naujas Mass Effect irgi ant sito engine. :megusta:


pilnas live demo offscreen


geros kokybes gameplay be jokiu komentaru


bet aisku grafika dar ne viskas.

Redagavo Magnitas

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Ugnis tai awesome , turit pripazinti Frosbite 3-ispudingas varikliukas

Redagavo S1mmas

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tik purvus pamirso dar uzdet ant teksturu. tie "nuliovi" blizgantys sarvai ir ginklai tai nelabai tikroviska.

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Įdomu ar liks po kiekvienos kovos krauju aptaškyti personažai, nes tai kaip ir išskirtinis DA bruožas.

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    • @lukasamba, ačiū už pasidalinimą patirtimi. Pats save t. p. galėčiau priskirti prie "entuziastų", bet su amžiumi tas entuziazmas jau ne be toks "degantis"😄 Pinigai šioje vietoje man nėra didelė problemą, diskasukį jau turiu (pirkau iš anksto tokiam atvejui). Man esminis skirtumas ar tikrai verta vargti ir nelaukiant PS6 keisti į Pro (kuria po to vistiek teks keisti į tą pačią PS6). Iki šiol nesu apsisprendęs ar man to reikia, bet aišku čia galutinis sprendimas mano. Kiek teko žiūrėti visų palyginimų, tai kardinalaus skirtumo nėra (jo ir ne gali būti). Tavo pateiktas pavyzdįs labai geras, bet čia esminis skirtumas kad su Pro AC Shadows gauni Performance mode RTGI ir apie 60fps, o vaniline ne, bet tą pati RTGI gauni quality mode. Šiaip asmeniškai labiau linkstu prie to kad kol kas neverta. P. S. Tiesa kaip pati konsoles kokybė, triukšmo lygis, kokie pasaliniai garsai ? 
    • Pirkau išleidimo dieną, bet aš esu entuziastas ant tokių dalykų ir tiesiog labai mėgstu PlayStation konsoles, tai pasakysiu taip. Paprastam žmogui tikrai neverta jos pirkti. Yra žaidimų kur skirtumas didesnis ir yra, kur skirtumas nematomas, bet jau praėjus truputi laiko, tai vis atsiranda žaidimų, kur tas skirtumas yra vis didesnis ir didesnis. Pvz. aš labai daug Gran Turismo 7 žaidžiu, tai ten ant Pro konsolės rezoliucija beveik 4K gaunasi ir FPS šokinėja tarp 100 ir 120 kažkas tokio, čia yra kosmosas. Turint didelį "high-end" televizorių (turiu), tai tas skirtumas labiau pasijaučia. AC Shadows išėjo ir ten skirtumai drastiški, ne tik rezoliucija, bet įvairūs grafikos nustatymai, apšvietimas, šešėliai ir panašiai. Tačiau yra vienas bet, Pro konsolė kainuoja, jei perkant kartu su diskasukiu, +- dvigubai daugiau negu Slim konsolė, tačiau perkant gauni +- apie 30% performance boost. Kaip tas patampa realybe, tai kaip minėjau, pas vienus žaidimus labiau, pas kitus ne, tai jei negaila sumokėti 100% daugiau pinigų dėl 30% performance boost, tai pirmyn. O šeip rekomenduočiau pažiūrėti Digital Foundry video YT, labai daug įvarių palyginimų yra.
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