
Oculus Rift /Go /Quest

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siaip nelabaiisivaizduoju kaip susije facebook ir VR nes ten tikrai nera ka veikt per VR su tuo. tiesiog tai hebrai kuri pirko pinigais pakvipo matyt. is kitos puses pasakyk zaidimu kurejam kad padarykit palaikyma facebook riftui ...yeah sure visi tikrai puls ta daryt  :yao: na respectas aplamai dingo jau biski sitai hebrai. buvo zadeta kai kas kita. ir nebuvo zadeta kad tiek laiko reiks laukt. dabar dev kitas v2 jau geresni, ir tai dar ne galutinis. dar iseis ir geresne versija ir brangesne aisku. juk neatpigs jis . o buvo zadama basic dalykas ir visiem iperkamas. apetitas auga matyt bevalgant...

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Butent taip ir bus lol

hebra kurie reme kickstarter no like it 




The Oculus Rift Kickstarter page is flooded with negative comments about the sale.

"What a disappointing decision to cash out even before getting first consumer version out," one backer wrote. Another said, "A sell out is a sell out, and it means the end of VR Gaming. Welcome your Social VR overlords."

"Too late for a refund? Unbelievable what happened. I was extremely optimistic for the future of this product and the company behind it, and this is how I'm repaid for my investment? Incredibly disappointing," said another Oculus Rift backer.

21-year-old Oculus Rift creator Palmer Luckey yesterday wrote a detailed blog post about why selling Oculus VR to Facebook makes sense. He said that though he was initially skeptical about partnering with Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook, he said the deal is beneficial to virtual reality supporters because it "accelerates our vision, allows us to execute on some of our most creative ideas, and take risks that were otherwise impossible."


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Nesuprantu ko visi taip verkia dėl to kaf FB nupirko Rift'ą. Tai tik į gerą pusę, bus daugiau pinigų, galės samdyt ką nori, galės patys gamint hardware, o ne naudot kitų dalis, taip sutaupys daug pinigų (gal tai net leis sumažint kainą). Facebook'as ne Yahoo, kad nuperka įmonę ir ją suvalgo. Instagram juk irgi FB priklauso, po nupirkimo kaip tik pradėjo tobulėt Instagram, atsirado daugiau funkcijų.

O lygint su PS4 VR tai juokinga. Vienas skirtas PS4, o kitas yra open source, su kuriuo bet kuris indie devas galės žaist.

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bet kuris indie devas kuris prie sony irgi gales su ps4 vr zaist. tai tik su juo ir lygint nes kitu kol kas nera. man tai su situ problema yra ta ..kad zaidimas eitu reikia jam spec draivu dar. ir jis veiks tik zaidime. tai yra windousuose tai neveikia nei filmu ziuret negali. cia problema kazkodel as matau. na aplamai isijungei pc siuo atveju ir viskas nuo isijungimo as jau noriu sedet su VR ir valdyt viska o ne deliotis ji ir nusiminet kai zaidima nucrashins i windousus pvz  :trl:

bet cia dar nebaisu aisku tas. jau pilna indziu prikurta siaubiaku jam. na tik visi beveik vienodi fps su prastoka grafika.po to ka kuria vienam dev kitui tai neturetu veikt su kitu pvz senas vs. naujas dabartinis skirtingi dalykai skirtingi specai . dar iseis naujas dev kitas veliau vel bus kazkas kito.

problema kad juos nupirko ta kad kickstarter remejai juos pastate ant koju ir leido jiem aplamai duona valgyt ..tam kad isleistu galutini produkta..tai iki galutinio produkto dar toli grazu o jie jau parsidave.  :kid:

nzn bet pameginam isivaizduot save pvz to kaili..kazka idedu i kickstarter nu hebra reikia pinigu cia man va ta [padarysiu visiem duosiu isdalinsiu remejam visi dziaugsis ..hebra surenka p* parsiduodu facebook nes ten geresnes bapkes.. bye .aciu kad sumete bapkes ten pirmai man bet jau jus nereikalingi  :megusta:




vienas dalykas kai facebook isigija ten koki app. ir kitas kai VR . tai tegu dar konsole kokia nusiperka. pvz X1 

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jo apie sita skaiciau , kotik nesugalvoja jie. cia uzdejo ant Oculus Rasperry Pi, a webcam and noise canceling headphones. 

cia dar is pirmo asmens vaizdelis, kam nepatinka supimas geriau neziuret .. :trl:

ziaurus  lagas ..0,33 arba 3 sekundziu net  :flip:

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Zenimax sako kad Carmakas issinese ju tech kai perejo i Oculus..   :trl:


ZeniMax Media, which owns id Software and Bethesda Game Studios, sent formal notice to Oculus claiming key technology the virtual reality headset relies on were developed by John Carmack while he was still employed by at ZeniMax. ZeniMax claims that only with its help, Oculus founder Palmer Luckey “was able to transform his garage-based pipe dream into a working reality," and now it wants compensation.


ZeniMax goes on to say that the technology Carmack developed while he was at the company and that is being used by Oculus is owned by ZeniMax. Furthermore, it claims that Luckey  acknowledged in writing ZeniMax’s legal ownership of this intellectual property. Since Oculus allegedly used this technology to its financial gain in the form of Facebook’s $2 billion acquisition, ZeniMax believes it should be compensated.

"It's unfortunate, but when there's this type of transaction, people come out of the woodwork with ridiculous and absurd claims,” an Oculus representative told Gamasutra. “We intend to vigorously defend Oculus and its investors to the fullest extent."



zenimax tylejo , bet kai facebook isigijo ir dabar hebra turi bapkiu, kodel gi nepaprasius kompensacijos menkos .. :yao:


Carmakas i tai atsake:





atrodo zenimax raunasi ne ant to bico. 

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jo isejimas ar neisejimas nieko su zenimax neispres cia zenimax nieko nepatentavo tai nieko ir negali reikalaut greiciausia. o sakyt kad karmakas jiem ten dirbo kuri laika ir tipo tuo metu visi karmako isradimai priklause jiem tai .....cia amzinos problemos ir didziausios nesamones pastoviai. speju jei jie nebutu gave tu miljonu is fb butu tie zenimax tyleja ramiai sau  :trl:  cia buvo perfect timing toks.

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The interview talks at length about first-party software and the involvement of companies such as Playful Corp., much of which has been discussed on VRFocus in the past. The more important revelation is that Holtman was employed due to his previous experience at Steam.

“There’s a lot of engineering around that… Jason’s background comes from Valve, running Steam and evangelizing Steam to third-party developers over eight years or so. It’s great to get the person who built Steam to help build our platform [sic].”


Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus VR and the inventor of the Oculus Rift, recently hinted toVRFocus that this would be the most obvious path for the company to take. However, the confirmation that the company has been employing staff specifically for this purpose could well shine light on the direction that the virtual reality headset will take to reach a consumer audience.VRFocus will keep you updated as further information regarding Oculus VR’s digital storefront and other platform assets are revealed.



taigi atskira platforma. gan ambicingai skamba. nenori jie but tiesiog priedelis prie pc matyt. is kitos puses tuos paciu ir nebus suderinamas tada su tuo kas nebus specialiai jam kurta. o tai nelabai gerai. pamenu to bicelio ten pirmas kalbas kaip jis ten norejo pc geimeriam duoti geriausia VR ir pigu ir paprasta..

dabar tegu i vidu ideda koki android ir stai jum nauja platforma.  :poker:

gal tai nauja facebook platforma  :yao:

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Carmakas megsta iiiiilgai kalbet ..reikia pasimt atostogu kad paziuret jo kalba  :trl:  ai ir jis nekalba normalia kalba ,tai reikia suprast dar visus terminus ka jis sako  :yao:


bet carmakas yra legenda kurio reiktu paklausyt  :sir:

idomu. jis bando ikalbet samsunga kelt ne rezoliucija nauju ekranu o didinant Hz. nes dabartinis oculus naudoja note 4 ekrana. nieko ipatingo. jiem reiktu spec sukurto VR ekrano , kas aisku kainuotu labai daug.

per pirmas 20 min suzinai daugiau info apie HZ ir stuff nei per paskutinius metus girdejai  :bugeyes:

naujas Oculus prototipas Crescent Bay









Crescent Bay Prototype

We’re really excited to introduce a new feature prototype, Crescent Bay.

Crescent Bay is the latest prototype headset on the path to the consumer version of the Rift. Crescent Bay features new display technology, 360° head tracking, expanded positional tracking volume, dramatically improved weight and ergonomics, and high-quality integrated audio.

These enhancements allow for a level of presence that’s impossible to achieve with DK2. If you’re here at Oculus Connect, you’ll be able to try Crescent Bay today.

Along with the new hardware, we’ve created original demo content, which we’re calling the “Crescent Bay Experiences,” developed in-house by our content team specifically for Oculus Connect.

The demo is designed to demonstrate the power of presence and give you a glimpse into the level of VR experience you can expect to see come to life in gaming, film, and beyond.

This is still incredibly early hardware. There are plenty of technical challenges left to solve for the consumer Rift, but Crescent Bay is truly the best virtual reality headsets we’ve ever built.

More on Oculus VR Blog




vieni prototipai po kitu ..atrodo kokio nors galutinio produkto teks laukt ilgai ir jei jie kasmetai gaudami naujus ekranus ji gerins ir keis tai neisleis niekada istikro.

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