
Ghost Recon Phantoms

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


Kūrėjas: Ubisoft
Žaidimo variklis:
Žanras: tactical shooter
Išleidimo data:
Metacritic įvertinimas:
Platformos: pc

idomu ,nes tai ne run&gun tipo zaidimas ..taktika ,cia visu Ghost Reacon zaidimu isskirtinumas buvo ir yra.
dar Ubisoftai kaip dideli nintendo draugeliukai, paskelbe kad jis iseis ir ant Wii U ... :thumbsup4:


Experience the next generation of PC multiplayer shooters with Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online. Step into the boots of an elite Ghost and deploy cutting-edge weapons and technology as you link up with your Ghost squad to dominate your enemies on tomorrow’s battlefield. Experience all this and more for Free.

Leading the attack, going stealthy or providing fire support to the squad, the choice is in your hands – pick from 3 different Classes of Ghosts to meet the tactical challenges of each battle. Develop, evolve and customize your persistent Ghost character as you advance through Ghost Recon Online.

With the most advanced technology at their fingertips, each Ghost is able to deploy hi-tech Abilities to enhance not only their own fighting capabilities, but more importantly, to complement and boost the battlefield effectiveness of their squad.

As a Free-to-Play game, you will be able to download and experience Ghost Recon Online’s core content without paying a single cent. Players can enhance their game experience by using either in-game points or real currency to purchase and equip their Ghosts with weapons, gear and other boosts.

Key Features

Become the Ultimate Ghost
With a persistent character system, you will be able develop and evolve your Ghost as you level up in Ghost Recon Online. Unlock new equipment and skills as you rise through to ranks.

Classes and Abilities
Pick from 3 Classes of Ghosts - Assault, Specialist or Recon to suit your play-style and battlefield strategies. Deploy Class-specific Abilities to gain the upper hand against your enemies.

Alone You Fight, Together You Dominate
Dominate your enemies as you complement the strengths of your squad mates with the unique skills and equipment of your Ghost. Intuitive squad systems make playing as a team easy and effective.

Deep and Engaging Multiplayer Modes
Engage in fierce and visceral 16 player online firefights with your friends and enemies. Test your skills in various games modes and maps. Track your performance via the game’s persistent ladder rankings and player statistics.

No Cost. No Mercy.
Ghost Recon Online delivers a premium quality PC shooter experience and you can download and enjoy the core game content for free. You decide if you want to further enhance the game experience by purchasing game items with either in-game points or real currency.

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Nu prazaidziau jau 30h, tai labai geras zaidimas. Svarbiausia, kad tikrai nemokamas, nera nieko ka galetu nusipirkti tiko mokantys pinigus zaidejai. O kiti itemai irgi yra iperkami, sunkiau, bet iperkami.

Pats zaidimas irgi patinka, nera ka lygint su css. Tik dar mazokai map'u ir mod'u. Bet su laiku manau atsiras.

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naujas zaidimo updeitas. naujas mapas ,naujas rezimas. velgi viskas uz dyka. ir tikrai labai superinis taktinis shooteris. ir tikrai taktinis o ne pasibegiojimas po mapa. mano manymu kokybiskiausias ir geriausias tokio tipo zaidimas is tu visu "nemokamu" online




Ghost Recon Online update 0.10.0 has been released for PC. The update contains the new Holdout game mode, the Balaklava Sub Pen map and the Clan Match feature, as well as several game service improvements and fixes.


The update was released alongside the Triton Pack featuring naval-themed avatars, weapons and armor.


Here’s the rundown of what’s included in the update, straight from Ubisoft:


Holdout Game Mode: The teamwork, tactics, and strategies of players will be tested in the newest game mode for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online®. In the Holdout game mode, both teams will contend over a single capture point set in the middle of the map. Take control of the point, and defend it until the round ends to emerge victorious. With shorter round timers, and both teams converging on a single capture point, players can expect fierce and frantic firefights in Holdout.


Balaklava Sub Pen Map: Designed specifically for the new Holdout mode, the Balaklava Sub Pen map is inspired by the formerly classified, underground submarine facility in Ukraine that was operational until 1993. Symmetrical and compact in design, with only one capture point, the map gives players of all skill levels plenty of opportunities to jump into the fight and start having fun right away. The map offers a lot of depth with multiple strategic areas and approaches to the capture point – whether it be the folding bridge that offers an elevated vantage point, or the tunnel entrances that provide flanking opportunities.


Triton Pack: Complementing the naval theme of the new map is the new Triton Pack. Players will be able to outfit their Ghosts in brand-new helmets and armor vests, equip them with upgraded weapons, and personalize their profile with custom avatars. The Triton Pack will only be available for a limited time throughout the month of January.


Clan Matches: Following up from the introduction of the Clan feature a few months ago (October 2012), which gave players the opportunity to create and join clans, players will now be able set up custom matches against other clans. Form a squad from your own clan mates, pick a map of your choice, and send out a challenge to your rival clans – it’s time for all the GRO clans to show off their skills and find out who is the best.

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reikia sito irgi ant PS4.


Ubisoft has released the 0.12.0 update for Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Online, adding a huge pile of Phantom-themed items (that’s the Ghost nemesis, not the comic book hero), the game’s biggest map to date, and the usual pile of fixes and tweaks.


Although Ubisoft has not provided full patch notes, it did hand out the trailer and bullet points below:


Enter the Phantoms

A faceless terror and new nemesis for the Ghosts of Ghost Recon Online, the Phantoms are mysterious and deadly. Witness the murderous rise of the Phantoms in the 0.12.0 Trailer – Enter the Phantoms. The Phantom Pack comes with sinister new armour, avatars and never-before-seen weapon variants in Phantom camouflage.

Biggest Map to Date

The latest and largest map in the GRO world: Xinyi District is set in Taiwan and is inspired by the famous tech corridor of the same name. The fans have spoken and the developers are listening. The new map incorporates a five-point capture system, where teams will need to capture and hold a linear series of five capture zones to dominate the match. Xinyi District is the first of a new generation of maps to use the new “Monster” lighting system. Now GRO can offer improved graphic quality, more realistic lighting for all resolutions, more balanced gameplay and high-res shadow effects without the high computing cost. Additional lighting improvements for all maps are in the works and on the way.

Improvements, Improvements Everywhere

Fine tuning, device enhancements and tactical movement changes are just a few of the latest gameplay improvements coming in 0.12.0. Players can also enjoy an array of cosmetic changes, from realistic shell ejection to the signature singe-eye AR displays.


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    • XIV a. Europa Kruvini konfliktai užgriūva kraštus, o išgyvenusiuosius užklumpa Juodoji mirtis. Po tūkstančius gyvybių nusinešusių nelaimių išnaikinta žmonių populiacija kovoja dėl išlikimo. Tai silpnumo akimirka - ir tai viskas, ko jiems reikėjo. Vampyrai naudojasi savo galimybe Jie išeina iš šešėlių ir reikalauja to, kas iš jų buvo atimta šimtmečius: laisvės ir su ja susijusios galios. Kitos nakties būtybės seka jų pavyzdžiu. Legendos virsta tikrove, o istorija, kokią ją pažįstame, niekada nebebus tokia pati. Jūs valdysite jaunuolį vardu Coen'as Jaunuolis, tapęs Aušros vaikinu ir amžinai besiblaškantis tarp dienos ir nakties pasaulio. Kovokite už savo žmogiškumą arba pasinaudokite prakeiktomis galiomis, kad išgelbėtumėte savo šeimą. Kad ir ką pasirinktumėte, klausimas lieka atviras: ar jūsų siela verta tų, kuriuos mylite, gyvybių? Suderinkite vampyrišką jėgą ir žmogišką ryžtą Susidurkite su savo priešais - žmonėmis ar pabaisomis. Tačiau nepamirškite - tikrasis blogis gali šildytis saulės šviesoje, o ištikimiausi sąjungininkai gali slėptis po nakties skraiste.  
    • Nice, man patinka daiktus isgrezti iki galo  Pirmus 2.5 metu laikiau ijungta krovimo limitavima nustatymuose, kur max iki 80-85proc krauna, bet dabar pumpinu iki 100proc ir nebeciedyju
    • Aišku darom Naudoju po šiai dienai, neseniai įsidėjau 1TB microSD kortelę (didesnio jau nebepalaiko), tai telpa visa muzika kokią, tik turiu ir dar vietos video visokiems sočiai liko. Tiek baterija tiek performance'as tebėra toks pats geras. Aš irgi vis pamėtau jį, tačiau turiu grūdintą stiklą visada uždėjęs, tai apsaugo. Jau trečias stiklas pradėjo byrėti.  
    • Nu tai darom update ir po treju metu, kodel ne Viskas same, baterija <15-20proc elgiasi taip pat, niekas nepasikeite. At this point,varysiu iki galo kol veiks. Teisybes delei jau yra nulekes nuo motociklo laikiklio lekiant misku apie 80kmh, bet nenutiko visiskai nieko
    • Taip, tačiau iš jo galėsi žaisti tik Xbox One, Xbox 360 ir originalaus Xbox žaidimus. XSX žaidimai nepalaikomi ir juos reikia žaisti iš vidinio SSD.
  • 32 Dizainas

    1. 1. Ar patinka naujasis dizainas?

      • Taip
      • Ne
    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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