
Planšetiniai kompiuteriai (Tablet)

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kada Plansetinis kompiuteris yra per didelis ? i tai atsake Toshiba su savo naujausiu ka tik pristatytu 13' tabletu

ir specai nera labai jau ispudingi :

13.3' LED 1600x900

NVIDIA Tegra 3

1GB of RAM


Toshiba Excite 13












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Nu jofaidi tikrai nemenkas daikčiukas...."13,3" man jau kaip tabletei atrodo per didelis dydis...pats turiu 10.1 colio,tai pats tas,nes teko rankose palaikyti ir "7" ir "8". Bet dizainas tai geras, idomu kokios dar tikslesnes jo specifikacijos ir kaina bus...

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Nu jofaidi tikrai nemenkas daikčiukas...."13,3" man jau kaip tabletei atrodo per didelis dydis...pats turiu 10.1 colio,tai pats tas,nes teko rankose palaikyti ir "7" ir "8". Bet dizainas tai geras, idomu kokios dar tikslesnes jo specifikacijos ir kaina bus...


na jo cia jau i stova toki istacius ,jeigu netoli sedet ,galima padoriai filmus ziuret is nedidelio atstumo,nedaug mazesnis uz 15' laptopa jau. :)

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Gal ir kaina nebus kosmine lietuvoj


Juokauji turbūt :) Klausimas turėtų skambėti maždaug taip: kažin kiek jis bus brangesnis Lietuvoje? :) Redagavo FUZA

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Taigi pirmasis android tablet su 10.1 Display - HD (1920x1200) Acer Iconia A700

10.1 Display - HD (1920x1200)

NVIDIA Tegra 3 Quad-Core, 1.3GHz


32GB Storage


Android 4.0

9,800 mAh

micro USB and microHDMI



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Gandai del Microsoft Tablet: Xbox Tablet?




Microsoft’s got a “major announcement” coming out later today, and all the rumors have pointed to it being some sort of tablet-related news. At the end of last week, we talked about some of those, including the possibility that Microsoft could be announcing a tablet of its own, which might feature some connection to Barnes & Noble’s Nook line. We’re still several hours away from learning the truth, but in the meantime some new documents have leaked that make the case for what looks to be a gaming tablet, described as the Xbox Surface.


First off, that Nook rumor sounds dead in the water; Barnes & Noble has confirmed it will have no part in today’s event.


As for this Xbox Surface, the documents describe what appears to be a new Xbox system, running twelve cores at 3.1GHz and featuring 5GB of RAM. Alongside this “stationary computing device” there would be a seven-inch tablet, echoing the sort of strategy Nintendo is adopting for its next-gen Wii U. The spec sheets give it a 720p display, connectivity over WiFi and Bluetooth, and a battery capable of holding a seven-hour charge.






The tablet would be powered by IBM and TI chips, and may feature some sort of Kinect-like imaging system. Supposedly, the device would have a scant 288MB of RAM, but while that sounds like a pittance for a general-purpose tablet, it might be appropriate for a gaming-only focus, especially without multitasking.


If this is really what we’re going to learn about today, it’s not quite the sort of news we were hoping for, but it should be interesting to hear, all the same. Of course, these documents, even if they’re legitimate and up-to-date, just might not be what Microsoft’s planning to discuss at all; we’ll know soon enough.

- PocketNow

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Jeigu ten tikrai next - gen xbox duomenys..tai tikrai įspūdinga :)
Redagavo drake345

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naujas speliojamas MS tabletas jau parodytas. vadinsis Microsoft Surface. ir kaip matoma vaziuos ant Win 8 arba Win RT. tiesiog paprasti tabletai, kaip apple turi savo ,tai MS sugalvojo kad jiem reikia savo isskirtiniu irgi.








The Surface tablets will be available in two distinct versions. The Windows RT version -- which is effectively the "light" version of Windows 8 -- will launch with Windows 8 in the fall, and run on an ARM CPU. While it won't have the full desktop version of Windows 8 (it runs only the "Metro" apps available through the Windows app store), it will include a version of Microsoft Office at no additional charge.


Surface RT tablet key specs


Windows RT operating system

Nvidia ARM CPU

9.3mm thick

676 grams/23.85 ounces

10.6-inch ClearType HD Display

31.5 watt hour battery

Ports: microSD, USB 2.0, micro HD video, 2x2 MIMO antennae

Storage options: 32GB and 64GB for Windows RT

Front and rear-facing "HD" cameras


Approximately 90 days later, a "Surface Pro" version of the tablet will follow. The Pro will offer the full Windows 8 OS running on an Intel Ivy Bridge CPU (the same chips found in ultrabooks and other laptops). In addition to the beefier CPU and operating system, the Pro will be slightly thicker, offer a more robust battery, boast better peripheral support (USB 3.0 versus 2.0, DisplayPort, and SDXD expansion slot), and twice the storage capacity as the RT version. Expect it to cost more, of course.


Surface Pro tablet key specs


Windows 8 operating system

Intel third-generation Core i CPU

13.5mm thick

903 grams/31.85 ounces

10.6-inch ClearType "Full HD" Display

42 watt hour battery

Ports: microSDXC, USB 3.0, mini DisplayPort video

Storage options: 64GB and 128GB

Front and rear-facing "HD" cameras


The 10.6-inch touch screen will give the Surface a bigger display than the 10.1-inch Apple iPad and Samsung Galaxy Tab 2. Microsoft has not announced the specifics of the display resolution yet, but it did confirm a 16:9 aspect ratio.


The "Full HD display" Microsoft mentions in its spec sheet for the Windows Pro version suggests a 1,920x1,080 pixel resolution. That might also imply a 1,280x720 display (aka 720p) on the vanilla "HD" Windows RT Surface tablet.


For the CPUs, the Surface with Windows RT will use an Nvidia ARM CPU, which most likely means a quad core Tegra 3 chip, like you'll find in the Asus Transformer Pro TF300. On the Windows 8 Pro Surface, Microsoft confirm a full-fledged third generation "Ivy Bridge" Core i5 quad core chip like the chips in current Windows laptops.






















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  • 32 Dizainas

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    2. 2. Kurį dizainą nuo šiol naudosite?

      • 4.0
      • 3.5 Reboot
      • RetroManija
      • Laukiu 4.0 „dark mode“

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