
Žaidimų įrašymas į DVD-R DL (minus)

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Netycia nusipirkau minusiniu Verbatim DL disku.

Po to kai viena sugadinau, susiradau info, kad Xbox360 zaidimams jie netinka.

Po dar gilesniu paiesku, pasirido, kad tai imanoma!

Taigi, stai ka radau viename forume:


I realized that almost everyone states that DVD-R won't work for X360 backups, period...




I actually burnt and played sucessfully a DVD-R DL.

Yes I know DVD-R DL don't have the feature to set layer breaks, and that layer breaks are required, blah, blah... Actually in DVD-R DL you don't need to set any layer break nor you need the .DVD file.


Here's how and what you need:


Check list:


- 1 XBOX360 Gaming station with Samsung or Benq drive flashed (i used the latest iXtreme 1.61, so I'm not sure about previous releases, unsure to work on LiteON(if someone could test it would be great!! post results here please!) and it WON'T WORK on Hitachi, sorry...)


- 1 .iso x360 game backup properly patched


- 1 DVD-R DL media ( I used Verbatim, but you can try cheap media if you want)


- 1 DL suitable burner (mine's a SONY NEC Optiarc ad-5590a, at sony it doesn't say if +R are supported, that's why I chose -R)


- mRDL v1.1 software (google is your best friend!!But u can PM me, I think..)




-First backup the game, search the afterdawn if u don't know how,


-Then patch it or check if already patched with abgx360 Click here if you don't know how


-Then after downloading mRDL, open the rar file and drag&drop the application onto the desktop or wherever u want it, no installation required


-Start mRDL and click the icon with the -R, hit "File" and select the .iso (change the .000 to .iso if backed up in mRDL)


-Now it should appear as "Xbox2" below.


-Select your burner from the list and just hit "Start"


-Now the game is being burn on the DVD-R DL.

In the end it pops up a SUCESSFUL window click and go play the damned thing on ur xbox!


See! The burn process on a -R is so difficult and complicated, I almost broke a nail!! Nahh! Almost broke a nail writting this! :P


Last notes:


-I think it is only burnt at 4x because of the time it takes. I was surprised but these DVDs actually work better than the DVD+R, they're, more silent and faster (at least in my Samsung th-s943 ms25).


-You can also backup your games with mRDL clicking on the +R button.


-After burn, if u check the dvd with abgx360 it will give an error saying it can't verify the layerbreak because it's not a DVD+R DL but FW 1.6 boots with no problems...


Please excuse any of my kicks on english grammar cause i'm not english.. :/


Have FUN!!! :D


Man si info padejo, zaidimai veikia.


Gal dar kam pravers! :D


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