
Cube World

Rekomenduojami pranešimai


Kūrėjas: Wolfram von Funck
Leidėjas: Wolfram von Funck
Žaidimo variklis: voxel-powered engine
Žanras: RPG/Adventure
Režimai: single , online co-op
Išleidimo data:
Metacritic įvertinimas:
Platformos: PC, Mac

taigi kam patiko Minecraft, bet pasirode kad nelabai tenai zaidimas, daugiau toks tai tik craftinimas be tikslo, tai sitas bus panasiai atrodantis, taciau jau tikras RPG su questais, su NPC, su lvl kelimu, su ginklu kurimu ir pan dalykais. ir siaip kam nepatiko gal MC ,tai sitas labiau kaip zelda nuo trecio asmens su padoriai garso efektais, ir grafika grazesne bendrai paemus. ai ir beto Mojanga pasamde sio zaidimo kurejo i savo teama jau , taciau sis zaidimias toliau priklauso tam paciam kurejui ir neuzilgo turetu pasirodut pirmos alpha zaidimo bandomos versijos.



Cube World, as it is tentatively titled, is a voxel based RPG/Adventure game that is being developed by Wolfram von Funck, who goes by the handle “wollay”. That’s right, the entire game is being developed by one single man from Germany. Just looking at the game, you can immediately tell it has been influenced by Minecraft. He openly cites Minecraft as an inspiration in his blog for the “randomly generated world made up of blocks.” Along with Minecraft he draws inspiration from Zelda, Monster Hunter and others for the “style, gameplay and overall feel.” It’s really easy to see these inspirations. From a distance, the game could easily be mistaken for Minecraft. Except for the fact that Minecraft is played in a first person view, while Cube World is played in third person. Watching some gameplay videos, I definitely get the Zelda vibe; particularly Link to the Past and Ocarina of Time.

Minecraft studio Mojang has bagged the services of Wolfram von Funck, an indie developer currently working on the voxel-powered, in-development title Cube World.

An FAQ on Wollay's blog reveals that he plans to make every part of Cube World himself, will release as an alpha and was inspired by Minecraft, Zelda and Diablo - but won't include mining or digging. It will also support online co-op adventuring.

Notch announced the hire, but added that Cube World is "unaffected, still his private game."





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zaidimo kurimo procese daug kas pasikeite ,nuo paciu kovu sistemos, animaciju, daugiau ataku, nebus auto target


The Combo system has been enhanced, meaning that subsequent attacks do more damage and can be performed faster. Different weapon types have different combo attacks and if an attack misses its target, the combo chain is ended.

Along those changes, Cube World now features a redesigned combat system, additional attacks, animations, special moves, ability bar, and stamina is now needed for dodging and some other abilities. Oh, and Wollay has removed the auto-targeting system of the game.

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