
Gran Turismo 6

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gal Sennos atminimui ..neatrodo tau ?  :kid:


atrodo pagaliau naujos masinos neturi "siurbliu" ar "zoliapjoviu" garsu ..taip ir toliau PD :close: 



tikras kosminis Mitsubishi conceptas 


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VW GTI Roadster ...


atrodo dauguma didziausiu masinu kureju prades conceptus det i GT6 tiesiai. na vienas is paprasciausiu budu pristatyt nauja concepta . nereikia laukt jokiu masinu parodu ir pan.

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kas nutinka kai pirma karta paleidi GT6 ..wou much game , much siek tiek veliau ..lets do updates..ok u got 7 updates..ok lets do it ..

pirmas update daresi 23 min ..galvojau ten jau visi prasidejo antras.. 105 min ..



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gali buti, kad PS3 naudojamas sata kontroleris yra labai prastas, arba ideti HDD yra labai, labai leti. 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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na tik ps3 turi tokiu updeitu kur ten per nakti jei paliksi gal pasidarys. gt6 issiskiria manau ypac masyviais updeitais. jie ten mazdaug po gb eina jei ne daugiau kiti. tai normaliai ten gb tures paupdeitint. tik galetu greiciau kazkaip. 

rodo 44% ir 108 min remaining... :kid: what have i done  :why:

lets play the game week maybe  :trl:

GT6 Version Update (1.09)  598mb 

An update for Gran Turismo 6 has been released. The following is a list of the main features introduced:

Vision Gran Turismo
The “Volkswagen GTI Roadster Vision Gran Turismo” has been released. Experience the dynamic all wheel drive supercar that inherits the DNA of the Volkswagen sports GTI philosophy.

After the update has been installed, the car can be purchased from the [Vision GT] option within the [CARS] section in "My Home". Alternatively, it is also possible to obtain the car by completing a lap (regardless of the lap time) in the new Seasonal Event, available only for a limited time.

The “Volkswagen Vision GT” racing suit has been added to the [special Outfits] page of the [Racing Gear] option within the [TUNING & SERVICING] section, accessible from "My Home". The suit can also be obtained from the corresponding Seasonal Events, available only for a limited time.

Red Bull Ring
The full and short track layouts of the "Red Bull Ring" have been added to the game. This is an ultra high speed circuit with long flat out sections and tricky tight corners in between. How you handle these tight turns will greatly affect your final lap time. In 2014, Formula 1 racing returned to this track after an 11 year hiatus; the circuit truly brings together the best of the old and the new.

New vehicles have been introduced
The following cars have been added to the [Dealerships] option within the [CARS] section of "My Home". You can also find those cars in the [Recommended Cars] option of the same section:

• GT-R NISMO GT3 Nissan GT Academy Team RJN ‘13
• Lexus IS F CCS-R ‘11
• Toyota TS030 Hybrid ‘12

Adjustments to the physics simulation model
The physics simulation model of “Gran Turismo 6” has been updated with the following changes:

(1) The dynamics of the car on surfaces with cornerstones and bumps have been improved;
(2) The effect of the tyre geometry has been changed (mainly for the "Camber Angle" option);
(3) The handling of some rear heavy cars has been improved;

The default settings of the tuning parts have also been adjusted to match the above changes.

Other cars adjustments
On the various Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution X models, it is now possible to enable the [Active Steering] under the [Driving Options] of the "Quick Menu".

Other offline improvements and adjustments
- [Data Logger] can now be opened from the "Quick Menu" of Time Trial events. Please note that only limited features will be available in this way. Please refer to the online manual for more details.
- A [Reset to Default] option that returns the car to its showroom condition has been added under [Car Settings].
- Signal Starts are now enabled on tracks with signals.

Other online improvements and adjustments
- A countdown is now displayed on the bottom right part of the Open Lobby screen, showing the time before an event starts and the time when the track voting ends.
- The uploading time for both Drift Trials and Time Trials (Section) have been changed.

*Please note that after the patch is installed, there may be up to a 30 minutes additional install time which may differ from what is displayed on screen. Thank you for your patience, and please enjoy the great new content!


normaliai cia jie updeitina ir nauju masinu ir fizika keicia, nauju trasu duoda su orais.  :grt:  

plius kita menesi ateis sitas kosminis aparatas 








Redagavo scalman

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Į gatves šis kosminis konceptas nepateks. Niekas neleis tokiai žmonių kapoklei važinėti keliais :D Perdaug aštrių kampų priekyje. Na bent žaidime pasimėgauti galės :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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kas nutinka kai pirma karta paleidi GT6 ..wou much game , much siek tiek veliau ..lets do updates..ok u got 7 updates..ok lets do it ..

pirmas update daresi 23 min ..galvojau ten jau visi prasidejo antras.. 105 min ..




Dėl update, tai jeigu PS3 su JB tai siūlau įrašyti sau į kompą Simple PS3Updates, tiesiog įvedi žaidimo ID ir siunti visus updates .pkg formate, įkeli į usb ir spaudi install all packages. nes vien siuntimas iš Sony servų tikrai užtrunka. atsimenu kiek GT5 2.10 updatei siuntėsi, gal 12val

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jau atsiunciau per nakti . po to dar siunte papildomai 1.09  ir po to dar instaliavo ten kazka.. na po poros dienu jau galima pradet lost  :yao:

bet buvo verta . jo geriau update atskirai aisku pasimt. turbut greiciau butu. vien tik jau atsiusta updeita tik instaliuoja tai belekiek laiko . ten pora gb atrodo rase tai  :chan:  . na beliko sulaukt eilinio update ir vel prasides viskas per nauja  :trl:  ne ne bet viska atperka zaidimas. masinos. valdymas. pojutis i posuki ilekiant ar is posukio ..tikrai padirbejo prie padangu fizikos ir valdymo pacio jauciasi.  :grt:  o nauji modeliai ir garsa turi padoru. tiesiog ji gerai butu pastiprint su kokiu amp . nes silpnas tiesiogei eina ganetinai. 

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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tokiems dalykams ps+ gerai, automatiškai update padaro, aišku jei žaidimą nuo pat pradžios turi kai tik prekyboje pasirodė, bet jei dabar tik įsigijai žaidimą tada jo nekas su tai update  

Dėl update, tai jeigu PS3 su JB tai siūlau įrašyti sau į kompą Simple PS3Updates

ne vieta čia diskutuoti su JB

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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tokiems dalykams ps+ gerai, automatiškai update padaro, aišku jei žaidimą nuo pat pradžios turi kai tik prekyboje pasirodė, bet jei dabar tik įsigijai žaidimą tada jo nekas su tai update  


ne vieta čia diskutuoti su JB


Ne į temą

čia diskusiją apie žaidimą ir PS3 ir kaip greičiau ir geriau atsiusti update, reiškia viskas savo vietoje ir jokio offtopiko ir juolabd ne į vietą parašytas atsakymas, nėra - tai tavo pastebėjimas yra visiškai be logikos.

čia tas pats rašyti temoje apie bananus, kad jie skanus, bet kažkas pasakys kad apelsinai dar skanesni, tai pagal tavo logiką reikės rašyti - ČIA NE VIETA DISKUTUOTI APIE APELSINUS

Redagavo KypuTeTpaBy

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zaidimu temose negalima apie jokius jb kalbet @KypuTeTpaBy . na bent jau taisykles taip sako. tai ir manau nereikia. 

na pora dienu updeitu praejo ir susitvarke viskas  :D  good guy kazz. ..duoda mum viska uz dyka. tikrai skustis negalima del nepasakyciau apie kitus racingus kaip is F raides pvz .


tik manau geresniam gazavimui ir stabdymui reikia trigerius uzsidet dar..kazkada turejau juos tai tikrai geriau


nauja trasa tai super. 2 varijacijos plius orai ...kaip tik si savaitgali ten vyks F1 lenktynes vel,o mes jau galima ja ismegint dabar. graziai padaryta, posukiai geri. masinai pratestuot gerai tinka.  :)


Redagavo Magnitas

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Ne į temą

čia diskusiją apie žaidimą ir PS3 ir kaip greičiau ir geriau atsiusti update, reiškia viskas savo vietoje ir jokio offtopiko ir juolabd ne į vietą parašytas atsakymas, nėra - tai tavo pastebėjimas yra visiškai be logikos.

čia tas pats rašyti temoje apie bananus, kad jie skanus, bet kažkas pasakys kad apelsinai dar skanesni, tai pagal tavo logiką reikės rašyti - ČIA NE VIETA DISKUTUOTI APIE APELSINUS


nenaujokas čia esi, jau turėtum žinoti 

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As confirmed in a major announcement from Polyphony Digital and the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA), Gran Turismo 6 has become the first-ever video game to feature FIA-certified content, with four of the game’s real-world tracks receiving approval from the governing body of world motorsport.

Certification was granted after FIA officials visited Polyphony’s Tokyo development studio to inspect the game’s 3D modeling standards. Other tracks featured in the game are also marked for inspection to receive FIA certification in the future.


Jacques Berger, Head of Safety for the FIA, spoke highly of the game’s quality standards: “It was not until we completed the tests between our track data and the game’s track data that we fully appreciated the level of work and attention to detail that goes into the development of Gran Turismo 6. It was not just the tracks that have been precisely mapped out, but also the surrounding landscapes such as the run-off areas, grandstands and buildings.”




tas kosminis nissan conceptas pasirodys realioj formoj dar sia savaite ivyksianciame Goodwood Festival of Speed . o kita menesi ir i GT6 pateks si masina





Aston Martin irgi prstatys naujausia concepta pirma karta tik per GT6 Vision GT skyriuj.






Like the Nissan Concept 2020 Vision GT that was more fully revealed yesterday, Aston’s effort – dubbed the DP-100 Vision Gran Turismo – will be revealed to the public at the Goodwood Festival of Speed this weekend, so any lucky winners of GTPlanet’s competition earlier this month or the in-game Aston Martin challenge will be amongst the first to lay eyes on both cars. GTPlanet will also be on hand at the Festival of Speed.


ir Fordas tam paciam rengini bei per GT6 pristatys savo nauja 2015 Focus ST




“Ford also is teaming up with Sony Computer Entertainment to stage the first-ever “virtual versus real” race on the hill. On its first run each day, the new Focus ST will compete in real time against the Focus ST featured in the Gran Turismo®6 game for PlayStation®3.

“A designated gamer at the Ford stand will match skills against Ben Collins – formerly The Stig of Top Gear – with the action displayed on big screens throughout the festival. Visitors to the Ford stand also have the chance to record their own times on the Gran Turismo 6 simulators.”


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Aston Martin DP-100

Nissan Concept 2020











na bet ir grazus sitas daiktas... :gusta:

With the revealing of the 2014 “Central Feature” at the Goodwood Festival of Speed today, the virtual course in Gran Turismo 6 was also updated to reflect the changes in real-time


trasa atnaujino pagal dabartine jos isvaizda

atrodo kad sitas zaidimas tiesiog nesustos , updeitai po updeitu, masinos, trasos, fizikos tobulinimai ir pan ... :notworthy: kol kas best racing 

Aston Martin Vision GT Car Full Reveal, Hits GT6 in July



Powered by twin-turbo V12 engine located midship, the machine boasts up to 800 BHP. The sound of the engine definitely exhibits Aston Martin’s legendary punchy and aggressive exhaust note. We expect this to be yet another enjoyable monster of a car for players to be challenged with taming in game soon.

Design Director Marek Reichman.

“DP-100 has been an exciting and intensive project for the team here at Gaydon. Features such as the car’s revolutionary ‘active aerodynamics’ are there not just as a way of enhancing form, but also to support the car’s function in-game. As with the CC100 Speedster Concept, many of the design cues visible in DP-100, such as the light blade rear lamps, could also feed through into future sports cars that we’ll launch in the offline world so the importance of this project should not be underestimated.”

Kazunori Yamauchi.

“When I first came face to face with this car at the Aston Martin Headquarters in Gaydon, UK, I was at a loss for words seeing the level of perfection in its design. I was surprised by the bold proposal of the car being the first midship layout model in Aston Martin history. And while it is clean and classy in design, it is also very emotional. Not only that, there was this future Aston Martin in front of me, that was so detailed it could be released on the market pretty much as is.”


ohh wow aston  :o







is priekio ta burna ir tos akys  :god:



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