
Project CARS

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24 val lenktynes , dienos-nakties ciklas.


According to the developers, 24 hour racing will be featured in it, as well as day-night cycle and mixed class racing. In addition, the team has added hands to the cockpit views and a new camera functionality to the latest build for screenshot purposes. As promised, Slightly Mad Studios is also working on replacing some of the game’s assets (like the trees) and on tweaking the tire physics.


Redagavo scalman

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164 buildo dienos / nakties ciklas :D dabar tik dinaminiu oru dar truktu


pats pasirenki kokiu greiciu eis paros stebi kaip saule kyla..

Redagavo scalman

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su nauju 174 buildu 1 nauja masina, 5 naujos trasos, ir nauji oru nustatymai.


cia Hazy oro salygos, 6pm Monzoj :)


ta pati Monza (Clear)


36 masinos trasoje

Redagavo scalman

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pCARS | Build 179 | TV | GUMPERT apollo S | California Highway | 16 Driver



pCARS | Build 179 | TV | GUMPERT apollo S | Azure Coast | 13 Driver


DX-11.....All Details MAX , Logitech G-27 on Playseat Evolution Black

Nauji buildai inesa tikrai daug naujienu ir patobulinimu ir su 179 build, 2 naujos uzmiescio trasos , 20km ilgio nuo tasko iki tasko tipo trasos, California Highway ir Azure Coast. kai matom abi trasas pravaziuot reikes apie 8 min.


cia naujausiu 178 ir 179 buildu naujienos:


Build 179 (23/3/12, Team Member+)

Updated UI with news ticker added

Test flag wavers added to Bologna

Improved ocean shader

Added metallic effects to Racer cars

New exports of California Highway and Azure Coast

New exports of Ariel Atoms

Added Sakitto track


Build 178 (22/3/12, Senior Manager)

Add GUI/profile options to set race date

JPM Audio updates. Experimental settings to combat possible physics/audio disconnect

Quick Solo screen has now had a lick of paint to fit the extra options in

Connecticut Hill Textures updates for new materials

JPM New liveries, livery names

Reset car only allowed below 10mph

Moon cycle textures added; moon dome added

Environment audio for country road tracks added

Derby GP updated to support 64 car grid

Wisconsin Raceway updated to support 38 car grids

Added the extra environment sounds needed by the California Highway track

add tunnel verbs – further tweaks required

WIP Moon Movement. Code written to generate following information for the moon based on date

Track rotation offset is now setup, this means the tracks now orientate correctly to world space. i.e the sun should rise and fall exactly like google maps

Fix for car reset not working in practice mode on tracks with no pits yet

New GUMPERT export

New Leonus F86 export

Azure Coast added


nauji picai..


















o cia vienam video parodomos visos zaidimo masinos kurios yra iki buildo 175


Redagavo scalman

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Nu jo tos uzmiescio trasos tikrai viliojanciai atrodo :dribble:

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Nu jo tos uzmiescio trasos tikrai viliojanciai atrodo :dribble:


tik vat atrodo kad uz keliu savaiciu uzsidarys visi sign up zaidimo bei dalyviu klasiu keist nebus galima kas jau isigije. tai kas dar spes per kelias ateinancias savaites prisijungt,tie spes. nes SMS kazka ten pertvarkys na del zaidimo kurimo ir siaip, zada kad tai bus tik i gera. o del konsoliu versijos tai zada but paciu realistiskiausiu racing simu ant konsoliu.

Project CARS: Sign Ups Closing, SMS Restructure


Company structure changes (enter publisher/investor) appear to be headed Slightly Mad Studio’s way. What does it mean for Project CARS and more importantly the role (and investment) of Project CARS members who have already dropped 1,983,400 € into the WMD kitty?


According to Ian Bell, Head of SMS:


First of all, I’m sorry i can’t go into details on specifics here as it’s all extremely NDA but it’s about 95% certain at this point that SMS will be changing company structure in the sense that we will become part of something bigger and better. This is generally ‘a very good thing’ and will most likely make it such that we will have all funding in place for pCARs and thus will most likely close off investment for members in the very near future.


The terms and conditions of pCARs will remain unchanged for everyone and you’ll get all of the agreed benefits.


What is does mean though is that if you are considering upgrading your tool pack/membership level in the future it might be good to do this within the next 2-3 weeks.


None of the above is 100% certain but as I say, it’s about 95%


Again, sorry I can’t go into specifics but it’s good for us, good for you and good for the project.


The short version appears to be that assuming SMS ink the deal signups for Project CARS toolpacks will close in the coming weeks. So now is the time to either sign up or upgrade your Project CARS membership, that is assuming you’re comfortable handing over $ without really knowing what the future holds for the title and what role members will play going forward.


If you’ve been wondering which direction Project CARS is heading when it is released on consoles, Ian Bell goes on to say:


This is going to be a high end sim. More realistic and more engaging and mass market than Forza and GT.

tai kas dar nori prisijungt reikia isigyt bent jau Junior su pradiniu $10 mokesciu.


To play the builds, Team Membership of Project CARS is required, membership starts at a one-time payment of 10€ for Junior access, including access to the busy WMD forum where members can talk to the development team and help shape Project CARS.

Redagavo scalman

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zada but paciu realistiskiausiu racing simu ant konsoliu


Gan stipriai pasakyta, turint omenį, kad turime GT5.

Įdomu, kaip bus su consolių + vairu valdymu. Tikiuosi taip smarkiai nesusivels kaip su Shift 2 skirtu consolėms....

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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zada but paciu realistiskiausiu racing simu ant konsoliu


Gan stipriai pasakyta, turint omenį, kad turime GT5.

Įdomu, kaip bus su consolių + vairu valdymu. Tikiuosi taip smarkiai nesusivels kaip su Shift 2 skirtu consolėms....


Ne į temą

GT5 tik tariamai sumuliatorius.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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As pries kelias dienas isigyjau sita uz 25 evrus ar kiek ten kainavo, tai su joystiku yra neiveikiamas valdymas, vira reiks kada isjundint bandyt. Na ir nakties ciklas yra pragariskas, nesimato ne velnio kas priekyj nors kai video ziuri normalu atrodytu :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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As pries kelias dienas isigyjau sita uz 25 evrus ar kiek ten kainavo, tai su joystiku yra neiveikiamas valdymas, vira reiks kada isjundint bandyt. Na ir nakties ciklas yra pragariskas, nesimato ne velnio kas priekyj nors kai video ziuri normalu atrodytu :)


tai nusistatyk vakara ar kokia nori paros valanda nu.tai ne zinok nori kad nakti butu pilka turbut. dar jeigu diena losi pries saule ar kaip.

beje koki cia pirkai uz tiek ? jau ne Junior arne? ka net nzn kaip vadinas.? tai uz ka mokejai bent zinai? ka uz tai gausi ir kokiu buildus galesi lost..

1. Junior - losia menesius buildus

2. Team member

3. Full member - siti abu losia savaitinius

Redagavo scalman

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Nepyk neturiu tiek atminties kad prisiminciau kaip vadinas, zinau kad yra pakai po 10, 25, 45 nu ir paskutinis 25000 :pirate2: tai pasiemiau uz 25 ieina savaitiniai buildai. tik uz 10 buna menesiniai. O del nakties turbut ir nesupratai ka pasakiau ir isveblenai bilenka. Nesu toks molio motiejus kad nemokeciau nusistatyt tos nakties. Esme noriu pasakyt kad apsvietimas, nakti turi trukumu, taipogi pernelyg tamsu vakare, dar nespejus nusileist saulei jau nebesimato kelio praktiskai, zinau yra tokie faktoriai kaip saules svietimas i akis kai ji zemai ir panasus veiksniai, kasdien vairuoju masina ir dazniausiai tenka tamsiuoju paros metu vaziuot tai zinau ka sakau. Letai vaziuot gali bet spustelejus tai viskas susiaureja, sakykime iki ruko realiam gyvenime ir greicio 100km/h. Nepeikiu zaidimo, tiesiog pasakiau tokius pastebejimus.

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Project CARS Build 184 ,tik team member+ nariam, nauja BAC Mono masina ir Laguna Seca trasa, bei daug kitu patobulinimu, bei jau esamu trasu atnaujintos versijos.

kas naujo Build 184 :


Build 184 (30/3/12, Team Member+)

Fresh profile is required

fix for RenderContext blendstate ‘over-optimisation’ bug

Update profile defaults (meaning new profile needed for this build).

fixed black shadows bug under sx11

change to the setup of the weather forecast so that we always go from the first condition to the second one and back..

[Weather] day and night time building setup. i.e self illuminated buildings; weather system clamping values between 0.01 and 0.99 for emissive control; setting default emissivetexturecontrol to be 0.01; changing the name of the default sky texture.

Experimental: modify camera behaviour when world movement setting is fully off.

Fixes for console compilation errors


Doppler setting changes for most cars (this heightens the effect).

Most cars have subtle filter effect for interior engine sets to emphasise higher rev ranges

Surface sounds received some balancing tweaks (wind effect is louder and jet stream enhanced for flybys)

Cosworth DFV cars have received some balancing changes and some pitch and crossfade tweaks

Reverb level settings adjusted.

Sakitto: Change main fence texture; brightnes tweaks

Monterey: new textures

AzureCoast: textures

Connecticut Hill: wtc and emissive control map tweaks so that windows come on at night; random factor added to CH lights coming on and off; rescaled nightcolor textures and reduced some of them in brightness; Textures update for fresnel road shader

Portaloos created and placed on Badenring variations

Fixed carbon shader not compiling with crumple damage and vinyls on (needed VS outputs to be packed into less items)

[Weather] day and night time building setup. i.e self illuminated buildings.

BAC Mono added to the game (placeholder physics)

New exports of Azure Coast; JPLM; Connecticut Hill; Monterey; Sakitto



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Project CARS Build 197 Caper Stock Car




Project CARS Build 197 Caper Stock Car


Slightly Mad Studios have released build 197 of their WMD-powered Project CARS title, available to Team members+. The latest build adds the 1990 Caper Stock Car to Project CARS, allowing members to experience some good old fashioned American stock car racing. Aside from the new stock car, Build 197 includes many other updates, fixes and new features such as:


New versions of various cars & tracks

Improved version of the new helmet cam that was introduced last week

New version of the TweakIt tool

Improved FSAA & SMAA support


na tas buvo visiem idomu jau senai. kas geriau Project Cars ar Shift 2


Project CARS Build 197 vs SHIFT 2 Unleashed



when u see this ..



Redagavo scalman

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O kokia esme lyginti dabar? jeigu cia pre-alpha buildas, o ten jau normalus game, beje ant shift 2 man trasa ir jos danga gyviau atrodo negu ant project cars

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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pirmos zaidimo Wii U versijos detales ir kaip naudosis tam Wii U pultelis. bet siaip aisku idomu kokia grafika bus ant Wii U.



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