
Mirė kompanijos „Apple“ įkūrėjas Steve'as Jobsas

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Steve Jobs’ Last Big Project Wasn’t The iPhone 4S, It Was The Redesigned iPhone 5 [REPORT]


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zinai gali buti ir reklaminis triukas, kad visi galvotu kad tai jobso darbas.

o gal ir tiesa, cia jau nieks nepasakys.

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zinai gali buti ir reklaminis triukas, kad visi galvotu kad tai jobso darbas.

o gal ir tiesa, cia jau nieks nepasakys.


Tai kad dauguma taip suskubo 4S pirkti, nes galvojo, kad tai yra jo paskutinis darbas. Nera tolko dabar Apple'ui toki bajeri daryt... O jeigu kitas geras/geresnis bus tai ji ir pirks, neziurint ar SJ kure ar ne.

Dauguma iPhone turetoju tik po SJ mirties suzinojo, kas jis toks buvo.




Softbank CEO: Steve Jobs Working on Next Apple Product The Day Before His Death



In the weeks the preceded his passing, we all heard reports that Jobs worked full days right up until his August resignation as CEO of the tech giant he co-founded a quarter-century ago. But according to a new revelation from the CEO of Japanese carrier Softbank, Jobs was working tirelessly until practically the moment of his unfortunate passing.


"I visited Apple for the announcement of the iPhone 4S at Apple headquarters in Cupertino, California," Son reveals in new comments that have come to light Wednesday in PC Magazine. "When I was having a meeting with Tim Cook, he said, 'Oh Masa, sorry I have to quit our meeting.' I said, 'Where are you going?' He said, 'My boss is calling me.' That was the day of the announcement of the iPhone 4S. He said that Steve is calling me because he wants to talk about their next product. And the next day, he died."


Naturally, there was no elaboration on the nature of the "next product" that Steve Jobs was working on. But in recent days, we've heard more and more about the extent to which Steve Jobs was involved with planning future generation Apple products, including next year's iPhone release. In the wake of these insightful comments from the CEO of Softbank, it now appears even more credible that Steve Jobs' hands-on work will be present in the next iPhone model that reaches consumers.

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Tai kad dauguma taip suskubo 4S pirkti, nes galvojo, kad tai yra jo paskutinis darbas. Nera tolko dabar Apple'ui toki bajeri daryt... O jeigu kitas geras/geresnis bus tai ji ir pirks, neziurint ar SJ kure ar ne.

Dauguma iPhone turetoju tik po SJ mirties suzinojo, kas jis toks buvo.




Softbank CEO: Steve Jobs Working on Next Apple Product The Day Before His Death

But in recent days, we've heard more and more about the extent to which Steve Jobs was involved with planning future generation Apple products, including next year's iPhone release. In the wake of these insightful comments from the CEO of Softbank, it now appears even more credible that Steve Jobs' hands-on work will be present in the next iPhone model that reaches consumers.

pries part mirti kure iphone 5, reiks pirkti dabar tikrai

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Beabejo kure. :troll: Visalaika taip budavo. Kai iPad buvo isleistas - iPad 2 jau buvo prototipai testuojami.

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Budapest Getting Steve Jobs Statue

The unfortunate death of Steve Jobs back in October of this year was not only a very tragic event for those close to him, but left a gaping void in the world of modern technology that’ll undoubtedly be near-impossible to fill.


His unique charisma, trademark casual attire, entertaining keynotes and dogmatic approach to business left fellow tech gurus in awe, many of which tripped over themselves to pay homage to Mr. Apple. The self-titled biography, although pieced together by Walter Isaacson, pretty much wrote itself, and its release date was brought forward to accommodate the huge amount of public interest.

In keeping with the ongoing tributes, a Hungarian software firm by the name of Graphisoft has planned to erect a bronze statue of Jobs in the surrounding area of its campus. It will go up on December 21st, and will be a pillar of vision and leadership – two of Jobs’ most celebrated qualities. Indeed, Graphisoft founder Gabor Bojar met Steve Jobs back in 1984 when Graphisoft first demoed the ArchiCAD 3D design software for the Apple Lisa. Jobs is said to have offered Bojar some form marketing and financial support, so the statue is a fitting tribute to a man without which the company may never have gotten off the ground.




Erno Toth is the sculptor currently in charge of the statue’s design and creation, which will present a bespectacled Jobs in the famed turtleneck, jeans, and sneakers along with that layer of stubble. As you’d expect, the statued version of Apple’s co-founder and longest-serving CEO will be holding an iDevice – reported to be an iPhone – which he giddily first revealed back in 2007.

Not everyone is a fan of Apple products, and the degree of Apple’s innovation is forever under scrutiny. But one thing is for sure; Steve Jobs was a great visionary, marketer, and executed his sales pitches to perfection.

iPod wasn’t the first MP3 player, but the term ‘iPod’ is used synonymously with a portable music device. iPhone wasn’t the first smartphone, but has become one of the most popular, gripping fans many months before release dates. iPad has created a new market and continues to thrive, fending off fierce competition from the likes of Motorola, Samsung and Amazon.

Nelabai panasus... :lol: Redagavo Moo

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Budapest Getting Steve Jobs Statue



Nelabai panasus... :lol:


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Viskas veikia man. :lol:
Redagavo Moo

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Steve Jobs Wins Grammy Award

Traditional pop, rock, alternative, electronica, rap, comedy – a small list of the categories contained within the Grammy Awards, each of which is intended to isolate a specific contribution to music. As far as I can remember Steve Jobs didn’t release a rap song and I certainly can’t picture him writing traditional pop. So the news that he has posthumously been awarded a Grammy Award, as reported by Mercury News, has come as a bit of a shock.


As with most award accolades, a huge list of categories exist in the Grammies, ranging from the mainstream and extending to the far reaches of obscurity to cater for the most alternative of tastes. One of the categories is the trustee award which is a special merit Award presented to individuals who, during their careers in music, have made significant contributions outside of being an actual performer (although some performance recognition was given up until 1983).

This niche category has been awarded as part of the ceremony since 1967 and is often confused with the Lifetime Achievement Award which is actually intended to honor musical performers rather than individuals who have made external contributions to the industry. The recording academy has announced that Steve Jobs will be posthumously honored due to his significant impact on the music industry through his work with Apple.

Steve Jobs is perhaps not the first name to spring to mind when thinking of individuals who should be given this award, but when casting your mind over his history the choice starts to make a little more sense. The release of the Apple iPod and the iTunes Music Store completely changed the face of the music industry in a relatively short space of time. By taking the onus away from physical media, Jobs and Apple significantly reduced the footprint of peoples music collections and made digital downloads the accepted standard going forward.

Steve Jobs was a music lover, he had made reference to this on numerous occasions during presentations and speeches. The musical revolution brought forward by his company in the last ten years extended from his love of the art and this has been evident in the quality of the products and services which has been released.

Jobs has been given the accolade in the Trustees Award category along with Dave Bartholomew and Rudy Van Gelder. Neil Portnow, President and CEO of the Recording Academy had this to say:

This years honourees offer a variety of brilliance, contributions and lasting impressions on our culture. It is an honour to recognise such a diverse group of individuals whose talents and achievements have had an indelible impact on our industry.

Steve Jobs may have passed away at an early age, but his impact on the music industry and the world will never be forgotten. The posthumous recognition he has received ensures that he will be deservedly be remember for the excellence he so often achieved.

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Jungtinių Valstijų Federalinis tyrimų biuras (FTB) paskelbė slaptus dokumentus, susijusius su kompanijos „Apple“ įkūrėju Steve`u Jobsu. Surinkti informaciją apie būsimą „iPhone“, „iPad“ ir „Mac“ kūrėją FTB nurodė George`as Bushas vyresnysis, turėjęs ketinimų pakviesti talentingą verslininką tapti savo patarėju – S.Jobso kandidatūra buvo svarstoma formuojant Eksporto tarybą.

FTB ataskaitoje aprašomas jo gyvenimas nuo jaunystės iki 1991 metų. Beveik 20 metų apie šią bylą nieko nebuvo žinoma ir tik ketvirtadienį, vasario 9 dieną, ji buvo paskelbta FTB tinklalapyje, skelbia

Ruošdama šią biografiją FTB apklausė keliasdešimt S. Jobso kolegų, draugų ir pažįstamų. Dauguma jų S. Jobsą apibūdino kaip talentingą, kūrybingą, darbštų ir charizmatišką žmogų bei tvirtino, kad jis yra tinkamas valstybinei tarnybai. Tiesa, su viena išlyga, pažymi tinklalapis

„(Vardas neskelbiamas) mano, kad objektas itin tinka darbui vyriausybėje, nes (vardas neskelbiamas) manymu, sąžiningumas ir padorumas nėra pagrindiniai prioritetai, užimant valstybines pareigas“, - rašoma FTB byloje.

Kai kurie apklaustieji abejojo S. Jobso sąžiningumu, teigdami, jog jis yra linkęs iškraipyti faktus, kad turėtų asmeninės naudos. Vienas buvęs „Apple“ įkūrėjo kolega apibūdino jį kaip „patikimą partnerį“, tačiau tuo pat metu pažymėjo, kad „jo moralinės savybės yra abejotinos“. Kiti asmenys prisipažino, kad dirbti su S. Jobsu yra sunku ir dėl to kaltino ūmų jo charakterį.

Vienas respondentas tvirtino jaučiantis nuoskaudą dėl S. Jobso ir pareiškė, kad jo profesionalumas bei techninis išsilavinimas yra su dideliu klaustuku.

Tačiau beveik niekas neabejojo aukščiausia S. Jobso reputacija Silicio slėnyje. Kolegos tvirtino, kad S.Jobsas „nėra išradėjas tradiciniu supratimu, tačiau jis yra technologinio proceso varomoji jėga“.

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    • Kaip tik šiai diskusijai ^^    
    • Kad šiek tiek pagyvinti forumą, norėčiau padiskutuoti su forumečiais ką manote apie XBox apskritai kaip gaming platformos ir pačių konsolių kaip tokių ateitį. Asmeniškai manau kad tą ateitis yra gan niūri ir kad ji tokia būtu nenuilstamai visos šios konsolių kartos laiką padirbėjo XBox vadovybė. Kodėl taip galvoju. Jeigu dar net XBox One (PS4) laiku, Boxas labai didėliai daliai žmonių (XBox nuo 360 laiku tikrai turėjo visą stiprią fan auditoriją) buvo geidžiama konsole, ne ką mažiau negu Playstation, tai dabar laikai pasikeitė kardinaliai. Xbox praktiškai neleidžia exclusive žaidimų, nemaža dalis žaidimų atsiduria GamePase Day1, GamePass yra tiek stumiamas per visus galus ir nori būti visur, kad žmonės realai neperka Microsoft žaidimu išvis - jų nereikia. Kam pvz. pirkti STALKER 2 , jeigu gali atrasti pati pigiausią GamePass  1 mėn.  (ar net gauti nemokamai) pereiti ir pamiršt. Žmonės visiškai nėra prisirišę prie XBox ekosistemos, nes ji sugriauta pačios XBox vadovybės dėka. Jie neturi nupirktų žaidimų bibliotekos, neturi sėkmingai bėga į Sony stovyklą. Aišku jus argumentuosit kad panašiau daro ir Sony. Taip, bet ne visai. Sony pradėjo leisti tam tikrus savo žaidimus Windows platformoje, bet ne XBox, nes iki šiol nori ir norės, kad žmonės būtu jų fanai, pirktų jų konsoles, jų geležį, įskaitant ir PS5 Pro už ~ 1000e ir liktu su Sony. Bet ne Microsoft. Manau net jeigu Microsoft ir išleis kitą konsolių kartą, jų niekam nereikės. Pats GamePass kažkaip tai gyvos, bet jau dabar kaip servisas yra pasikęs piką ir nesiplės. O reziumė būtu paprastas. Manau kad Microsoft tikrąją tą žodžio prasmę išdavė ir metė savo žaidėjus.           
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