
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

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Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

  • Platformos

    • Xbox 360
    • PlayStation 3
    • PlayStation Network (PS3)
    • PC
  • Kūrėjas

    • IO Interactive
  • Leidėjas

    • Eidos Interactive
  • Temos

    • Crime
  • Išleidimo data

  • Apie žaidimą

    A squad-based shooter centering around the uneasy alliance between ex-military mercenary Adam 'Kane' Marcus and the psychopathic James Lynch.

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men

Apie žaidimą

A squad-based shooter centering around the uneasy alliance between ex-military mercenary Adam 'Kane' Marcus and the psychopathic James Lynch.



Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is a third-person shooter, released November 3, 2007. The game centers around two convicts, Adam "Kane" Marcus and James Seth Lynch, and their struggle against a mercenary group named The7. The game has a sixteen mission campaign which supports two-person local split-screen cooperative play, and online multiplayer for up to eight players.


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The game's story centers mainly around two convicts, Kane, a former mercenary, and Lynch, a man whose psychotic rages are held in check only by prescription drugs. On the way to their execution, Kane and Lynch are broken out of a prison van by The7, Kane's old mercenary group. There is a catch, however: The7, believing Kane betrayed them, want Kane to get them their money back, and threaten to kill his wife and daughter, Jenny, if he does not comply.

Kane embarks on the mission first with only Lynch, robbing a bank where the money was supposed to be held. Finding nothing, a seething Kane books flights to Tokyo to find a Mr. Retomoto who Kane believes has the money. During negotiations, Lynch, with no more medication, goes berserk, killing Retomoto's daughter. Retomoto is infuriated, and Kane and Lynch flee the country. Without Retomoto's share, the two only recover half of the money in the end, and The7 attempt to kill them when they attempt to explain.

After escaping, the two visit a maximum security prison to break out some old friends, Thapa, Shelly, and Rific. Kane and company then go after The7 for Jenny and revenge; but first, they head to Tokyo, killing Mr. Retomoto for his money. The men track The7 to Havana, Cuba, where the ring is involved in a civil war for profit. Joining the opposing side of the war, Kane and company fight to the center of the city, where they learn that The7 have already fled to a remote wilderness base.

Upon arrival, Kane finds Jenny, who is taken into a nearby town held by The7. After killing Jenny's captors, Kane and company attempt to secure the airstrip for their escape, but the planes are blown up and the group overwhelmed, and Kane is left with two choices: take the two-person helicopter with his wounded daughter and desert even Lynch, or flee to the nearby docks with both and leave the rest of the team behind.

Fragile Alliance

Bank robberies are a common scenario for Fragile Alliance.
Bank robberies are a common scenario for Fragile Alliance.

Kane & Lynch's multiplayer component is known as Fragile Alliance, a semi-competitive, semi-cooperative game mode. Up to eight players are tasked with stealing as much money as possible from a bank or other institution and getting to the extraction point, where they wait for a van or chopper.

The twist is that at any time, anyone can turn on the rest of the group in an attempt to take all of the money for themselves. Doing so will label the player as a traitor, and the one who takes him down will be rewarded. When a player is killed (by AI enemies or a traitor), they respawn as a police officer, who must now attempt to kill the remaining thieves.

Role In The Creation of Giant Bomb

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men is what some consider to be the whole reason why Giant Bomb exists. On November 28th, 2007, then-Editorial Director Jeff Gerstmann was let go from GameSpot due to reasons that could not be disclosed at the time. It was around when Kane & Lynch was near to its launch date and its publisher, Eidos Interactive, was heavily advertising the game on GameSpot. After its release, Gerstmann gave Kane & Lynch a 6.0 rating and criticized its flawed character design and poor dialogue. This created speculation from fans that Eidos was very unhappy with the review and that CNET (GameSpot's parent company) responded to the pressure by firing Gerstmann.

This created an uproar amongst the gaming community with gamers deliberately giving Kane & Lynch a very low score on GameSpot as a sign of protest. After Gerstmann's dismissal, Vinny Caravella, Ryan Davis, Brad Shoemaker and Alex Navarro left the company as well. Together, GiantBomb was created and the rest is history.

On March 15, 2012, the day GiantBomb was acquired by CBS Interactive - current owner of GameSpot. The term was that the acquisition can only be made if Gerstmann was allowed to reveal to the public for the first time the cause of the infamous dismissal in 2007, to which CBS agreed. An archive of the stream can be found here.


1."Kane's Family Portrait"
2."RetoMoto Death Squad"
3."Subway Fight"
4."Lynch Breaks Down"
5."Mall Fight"
6."Training Ambience"

System Requirements

Minimum configuration

  • (800x600, detail reduced)
  • OS: Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2Ghz or AMD Athlon XP 1800
  • RAM: 1GB
  • Video card: 128 MB NVIDIA 6600 or better/ATI X1300 or better
  • INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows 2000/XP compatible mouse and keyboard

Recommended configuration

  • (Up to 1280x960, all features on)
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.5Ghz or AMD Athlon XP 2400

Optimum configuration

  • (1600x1200, all features on)
  • Processor: Intel Pentium 4 3Ghz or AMD Athlon XP 3000
  • RAM: 2GB
  • Video card: 128 MB NVIDIA 8300 or better/ATI X1800 or better
  • INPUT DEVICES: 100% Windows 2000/XP compatible mouse and keyboard or Xbox 360-compatible controller



Kane and Lynch: Dead Men is the new action shooter franchise by Io-Interactive, creators of the multi-million selling Hitman series. Kane & Lynch: Dead Men follows the violent and chaotic journey of two men - a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath - and their brutal attitude towards right and wrong. This volatile partnership combined with innovative technologies allow for an unparalleled gaming experience.
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men immerses players in an emotionally intense crime drama with unflinching action. Io-Interactive's proprietary technology delivers fluid high definition graphics and lighting; highly destructible environments; massive crowd AI; single, co-op, and squad-based combat; a cinematic interface; and non-stop dialog between Kane and Lynch. The title also features innovative two-player co-op and groundbreaking online game play.

  • Tense and unpredictable experience - This is the violent and chaotic journey of two men: a flawed mercenary and a medicated psychopath. Each hates the other but must work together to save themselves and possibly the ones they love. Play Kane in single-player mode and either character in two-player co-op mode.
  • Violence erupts in meticulously created 'safe' worlds - Realistic and responsive environments and crowds react when events get of out control. Crowded nightclubs and calm bank offices become scenes of sudden terror. Manipulate the environments and crowds strategically to complete objectives.
  • Wide variety of intense 3rd person game play - Rappel from buildings; fire on the run or from moving vehicles; launch surprise attacks, lay down cover fire, and shoot blind from around corners; and hurl smoke, tear, and incendiary grenades.
  • Fast and intuitive combat - Lead a crew of criminal mercenaries to increase your chance of surviving and reaching your goals. You can also fight alone as your crew AI will automatically draw fire, throw grenades, lay down cover, and engage in close combat with their own signature moves.
  • Two-player co-operative game play - Team up and play the full story with a friend as either Kane or Lynch. On the big jobs, split the command of your crew. At any point in the game you can choose to play the next, or previous, levels in co-op.
  • Innovative multi-player levels based on the game's themes for up to eight players.





Tai ką, nejau nieks nelošėt? O jei lošėt ką manot? Trumpai.

Šaudyklė, Jūs esate Kane, o draugas Lynch. Jie pagrobė Jūsų dukrą ir žmoną. Kadangi Jūs susimovėt jie nužudė Jūsų žmoną, keršto valada :D Labai geras žaidimas iš Hitmano kūrėjų. Joystikas nudvėse pacioj idomaiusioj vietoj. DISKUTuOJAM.

Redagavo Magnitas

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

eilej stovi. ner kada dabar su juom :D biski bandziau- grafika lieva pasirode, nu bet tas dar ne kriterijus.

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Kotais pastrigau aš te vienoj misijoj kur reikia nukalt didžiulio sunkvežimio vairuotoją. Kaip po velnių tai atlikt, jei stiklas neperšaunamas, kopėtėlėm į tą sunkvežimį taipogi nenori lipt, ką daryti toje misijoje? :D Bo nelabai gerai gaunasi kai suvažinėja dukrą ..


Pačio geimo grafika kaip ir minėjo ZZ1, gan prastoka ir man pasirodė, tačiau pačios misijos parinktos ganėtinai įdomiai. Va kas link minusų, tai susišaudymas, kuris turėjo būti most fun part yra padarytas blogai, kadangi labai jau sudėtinga nusitaikyti.

Redagavo ZeaLot

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Ten pat užsitragau. Teoriškai kaip pereit žinau, praktiškai nepavyksta įgivendyt. Kai tas shudas apsisuka gali užbėgt po kaire prie kalno yra tokia toribikė. Tai va ten šauda ir eina pataikyt bet kad užknysa.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tikrai labai nuvyle,jai neklystu neveltui buvo isrinktas 2007 didziausiu nusivilimu.

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Tikrai labai nuvyle,jai neklystu neveltui buvo isrinktas 2007 didziausiu nusivilimu.

Manęs jis nė biškio nenuvylė. Nu gal truputį, bet 8/10 dupodu drąsiai.

Vakar perėjau. 11 chapterių. Storyline asmeniškai man - labai įdomus (na pabaiga galėjo būt kiek įdomesnė) + 2 pabaigos. Bet abi nėra laimingos. Va tik ta viena vieta kur užkniso tai tas traktorius :( Beje 16 chapterių. Įdomiausia buvo tai pas japonas kai Kane nusileida lynu ir padeda bombą ant lango ir japoniukus taško. :( Šeip manau šaudyklių mėgėjai turėtų pabandyt.

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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o siaip kas jum labiau patiko ar saugiai nuskrist su malunsparniu ar dar ejt pasaudyt blogiuku , as taj ejau pasisaudyt dar :D

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o siaip kas jum labiau patiko ar saugiai nuskrist su malunsparniu ar dar ejt pasaudyt blogiuku , as taj ejau pasisaudyt dar :D

Aš abi šmėginau :D Galėjo nors viena laiminga pabaiga būt :|

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tiems kas uzstrigo su sunkvezimiu:


pries prieidami prie dukros kuri tupi duobej ir pradedami misija pabegiokit ir susirinkit automatus is pries tai vaziavusuju dzipais jusu galabyt. Pradekit misija, bent jau as isokau i duobe kartu su dukra, palaukit kol sunkvezimis uzkils ant kalno ir apsisuks link jusu, pradekit pyskint i priekini langa (jis persaunamas, tik reikia pasistengt), kai tik isdausit stikla ir pirma kulka pataikys i, sunkvezimis iskart sustos.


Dabar apie bendra zaidimo ivertinima:


asmeniskai as siek tiek nusivyliau. Galbut todel, kad labai daug tikejausi ir laukiau. Taikymasis tikrai siek tiek sunkokas, grafikos toli grazu negalima pavadint super. Nuvyle ir tai, kad nera daug budu vykdyt misijas, o to tikrai laukiau is hitman kureju. Komandos draugai ganetinai buki, geriausias budas juos palikt uz nugaros ir pasikviest tik iszudzius dauguma priesu, nes kitaip paciam teks lyst i kryzmine ugni ir traukt is ten savo suzeista drauga.

Gal but multiplayer rezimas tai atperka, bet jo neturiu galimybiu pabandyt.


Bendras ivertinimas 6/10

Redagavo trepp

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

Kotais pastrigau aš te vienoj misijoj kur reikia nukalt didžiulio sunkvežimio vairuotoją. Kaip po velnių tai atlikt, jei stiklas neperšaunamas, kopėtėlėm į tą sunkvežimį taipogi nenori lipt, ką daryti toje misijoje? :D Bo nelabai gerai gaunasi kai suvažinėja dukrą ..


Pačio geimo grafika kaip ir minėjo ZZ1, gan prastoka ir man pasirodė, tačiau pačios misijos parinktos ganėtinai įdomiai. Va kas link minusų, tai susišaudymas, kuris turėjo būti most fun part yra padarytas blogai, kadangi labai jau sudėtinga nusitaikyti.



ishmok zhajst :DD wiskas ten nusishauna reik pataikyt.. nu seip geras geimas perejau ant visu triju lygiu sunkumu db online kalu :D#

o kazhkas sake grafika sh**das...tj ple pasidaryk normale nes grafika tikrai gera

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

grafika ner ispudinga, gameplayus man patiko, ir pats siuzetas idomus. as vienas jo niekad nezaidziau, abu kartus perejau co-op rezime su draugu. mano nuomone co-op'e daug smagiau zaisti. aisq reik tv didesnio :)

Dalintis šiuo pranešimu

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

kad ir kaip geda ir nemalonu prikelinet tokia sena tema( del ko labai atsiprasau, bet ne be reikalo), bet gal kasnors turit savegame sio zaidimo? maniskis susicorruptino ar tiesiog neissisaugojo, tai puse nueito kelio praradau. interneta isknisau nieko neradau, tai butu labai malonu jeigu kasnors galetu ikelti cia savo save game :)

Redagavo kiler01

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Galejei parasyt kurei konsolei :) Bet pagal tavo profili tai gautusis X360

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X360, bet kad nelengva ta seiva pasidaryt jog ant tavo konsoles veiktu, tau cia ne PC ar PS2

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Dalintis kituose puslapiuose

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